
## 80句童谣及英文翻译

**1. 小兔子乖乖,把门开开。**

Little bunny, little bunny, open the door.

**2. 不开不开,我要睡觉觉。**

No, no, I'm going to sleep.

**3. 谁在敲门,快来开门。**

Who's knocking, come and open the door.

**4. 是妈妈来了,快来开门。**

It's mommy, come and open the door.

**5. 两只老虎,两只老虎,跑得快,跑得快。**

Two tigers, two tigers, run fast, run fast.

**6. 一只没有,一只没有,真奇怪,真奇怪。**

One is gone, one is gone, so strange, so strange.

**7. 两只眼睛,黑宝石,咕噜咕噜,转不停。**

Two eyes, black gems, rolling, rolling, never stopping.

**8. 两只耳朵,听声音,沙沙沙沙,响不停。**

Two ears, listening to sounds, rustling, rustling, never stopping.

**9. 小猫钓鱼,喵喵喵,鱼儿游来,喵喵喵。**

Little cat fishing, meow, meow, the fish are swimming, meow, meow.

**10. 鱼儿跑了,喵喵喵,小猫生气,喵喵喵。**

The fish escaped, meow, meow, the little cat is angry, meow, meow.

**11. 小燕子,穿花衣,年年春天来这里。**

Little swallow, wearing a flowery dress, coming here every spring.

**12. 小燕子,衔泥巢,年年春天住这里。**

Little swallow, carrying mud to build a nest, living here every spring.

**13. 小蜜蜂,嗡嗡嗡,飞到花丛采蜜甜。**

Little bee, buzzing, buzzing, flying to the flower bushes to collect sweet honey.

**14. 小蜜蜂,采蜜忙,酿造香甜的花蜜糖。**

Little bee, busy collecting honey, making sweet honey.

**15. 小雨点,滴答滴,从云层里掉下来。**

Little raindrops, pitter, patter, falling from the clouds.

**16. 小雨点,滋润田,让庄稼长得快。**

Little raindrops, moistening the fields, making the crops grow fast.

**17. 小星星,眨眼睛,夜空中闪闪亮。**

Little stars, twinkling, shining brightly in the night sky.

**18. 小星星,数不清,像珍珠一样闪亮。**

Little stars, countless, shining like pearls.

**19. 小雪花,飘呀飘,落在屋顶和树梢。**

Little snowflakes, floating, floating, landing on rooftops and treetops.

**20. 小雪花,白茫茫,冬天景色真漂亮。**

Little snowflakes, white and vast, the winter scenery is beautiful.

**21. 小猴子,爬树高,摘果子,吃得饱。**

Little monkey, climbing high up the tree, picking fruits, eating until full.

**22. 小猴子,爱玩耍,在树林里荡秋千。**

Little monkey, loves to play, swinging on the swing in the forest.

**23. 小乌龟,背着壳,慢慢爬,不着急。**

Little turtle, carrying its shell, crawling slowly, not in a hurry.

**24. 小乌龟,不怕冷,冬眠睡,直到春。**

Little turtle, not afraid of the cold, sleeping in hibernation, until spring.

**25. 小青蛙,呱呱叫,在池塘里捉害虫。**

Little frog, croaking, catching pests in the pond.

**26. 小青蛙,捉害虫,保护庄稼长得好。**

Little frog, catching pests, protecting the crops to grow well.

**27. 小鸭子,嘎嘎叫,跟着妈妈去游泳。**

Little duck, quack, quack, following mommy to swim.

**28. 小鸭子,学游泳,摇摇摆摆真有趣。**

Little duck, learning to swim, swaying back and forth, so funny.

**29. 小鸡仔,叽叽叫,找妈妈,要吃饱。**

Little chick, chirping, looking for mommy, wanting to eat until full.

**30. 小鸡仔,爱捉虫,捉到虫子就吃掉。**

Little chick, loves to catch bugs, eating them when caught.

**31. 小狗汪汪,摇尾巴,见到主人很高兴。**

Little dog, barking, wagging its tail, happy to see its owner.

**32. 小狗汪汪,守门户,保护家园不许进。**

Little dog, barking, guarding the door, protecting the home, not allowing anyone to enter.

**33. 小羊咩咩,吃青草,毛茸茸,真可爱。**

Little lamb, bleating, eating grass, furry, so cute.

**34. 小羊咩咩,跟着妈妈,一起回家过夜。**

Little lamb, following mommy, going home together to spend the night.

**35. 小牛哞哞,吃嫩草,身体壮,力气大。**

Little cow, mooing, eating tender grass, strong body, great strength.

**36. 小牛哞哞,拉车耕田,帮助农民种庄稼。**

Little cow, mooing, pulling carts and plowing fields, helping farmers plant crops.

**37. 小猪哼哼,爱睡觉,吃了就睡,睡了就吃。**

Little pig, snorting, loves to sleep, eating and sleeping, sleeping and eating.

**38. 小猪哼哼,滚泥巴,玩得开心,真快乐。**

Little pig, snorting, rolling in mud, playing happily, so joyful.

**39. 小马驹,哒哒哒,跑得快,真潇洒。**

Little colt, clip-clop, running fast, so dashing.

**40. 小马驹,爱跳跃,在草原上奔跑玩耍。**

Little colt, loves to jump, running and playing on the grassland.

**41. 小鱼儿,游来游,在水里快乐地玩耍。**

Little fish, swimming, playing happily in the water.

**42. 小鱼儿,躲猫猫,在水草丛中玩捉迷藏。**

Little fish, playing hide and seek, hiding in the grass.

**43. 小鸟儿,叽叽喳,飞到树枝上唱歌。**

Little bird, chirping, flying to the branches to sing.

**44. 小鸟儿,飞来飞,在蓝天白云中飞翔。**

Little bird, flying, flying in the blue sky and white clouds.

**45. 小蝴蝶,翩翩飞,在花丛中采蜜。**

Little butterfly, fluttering, collecting nectar in the flowers.

**46. 小蝴蝶,颜色美,像一朵花儿在空中飞。**

Little butterfly, beautiful colors, like a flower flying in the air.

**47. 小蜻蜓,飞来飞,在池塘边捉蚊子。**

Little dragonfly, flying, flying, catching mosquitoes by the pond.

**48. 小蜻蜓,翅膀薄,像一颗颗宝石在闪耀。**

Little dragonfly, thin wings, like shiny gems.

**49. 小蚂蚁,搬粮食,团结合作真厉害。**

Little ants, carrying food, united and cooperative, amazing.

**50. 小蚂蚁,不怕累,辛勤工作为家园。**

Little ants, not afraid of tiredness, working hard for their home.

**51. 小蜗牛,背着壳,慢慢爬,不着急。**

Little snail, carrying its shell, crawling slowly, not in a hurry.

**52. 小蜗牛,爬呀爬,留下闪闪的银色线。**

Little snail, crawling, crawling, leaving shiny silver lines.

**53. 小蜘蛛,织网忙,等待猎物来上当。**

Little spider, busy weaving a web, waiting for prey to fall into the trap.

**54. 小蜘蛛,八只脚,织网捕虫真奇妙。**

Little spider, eight legs, catching insects with its web, amazing.

**55. 小草绿,绿油油,春风吹过,摇摇摆摆。**

Little grass, green, green, swaying in the spring breeze.

**56. 小草绿,绿满地,大地一片生机勃勃。**

Little grass, green everywhere, the earth is full of life.

**57. 小花红,红艳艳,在阳光下灿烂开放。**

Little flower, red, bright red, blooming brightly in the sun.

**58. 小花红,香气浓,引来蜜蜂采花粉。**

Little flower, strong fragrance, attracting bees to collect pollen.

**59. 小树高,高耸入云,枝繁叶茂遮蔽阳光。**

Little tree, tall, towering into the clouds, lush branches and leaves blocking the sunlight.

**60. 小树高,茁壮成长,守护家园绿荫一片。**

Little tree, tall, growing strong, guarding the home with a green canopy.

**61. 小河清,清澈见底,鱼儿在河水中嬉戏。**

Little river, clear, clear to the bottom, fish playing in the river.

**62. 小河清,流淌不息,滋润万物生长繁荣。**

Little river, flowing continuously, nourishing the growth and prosperity of all things.

**63. 小桥弯,弯弯曲曲,连接两岸风景秀丽。**

Little bridge, curved, winding, connecting the beautiful scenery on both sides.

**64. 小桥弯,承载希望,通往美好未来之路。**

Little bridge, carrying hope, leading to the path of a bright future.

**65. 小房子,白白的,窗户明亮,屋顶尖尖。**

Little house, white, bright windows, pointed roof.

**66. 小房子,暖暖的,住着幸福的一家人。**

Little house, warm, with a happy family living in it.

**67. 小汽车,嘀嘀嘀,载着人们去旅行。**

Little car, beep, beep, taking people on a trip.

**68. 小汽车,快快跑,安全行驶真重要。**

Little car, running fast, safe driving is important.

**69. 小飞机,飞呀飞,在蓝天白云中自由翱翔。**

Little airplane, flying, flying, soaring freely in the blue sky and white clouds.

**70. 小飞机,带我们去旅行,看世界真奇妙。**

Little airplane, taking us on a trip, the world is amazing.

**71. 小太阳,暖暖的,照耀大地万物生长。**

Little sun, warm, shining on the earth, allowing all things to grow.

**72. 小太阳,光芒万丈,驱散黑暗照亮世界。**

Little sun, with radiant光芒, dispelling darkness and illuminating the world.

**73. 月亮圆,圆圆的,夜空中发出银色的光芒。**

Full moon, round, emitting silver light in the night sky.

**74. 月亮圆,照亮夜,陪伴人们度过夜晚。**

Full moon, illuminating the night, accompanying people through the night.

**75. 云朵白,白白的,像棉花糖一样飘在天空。**

White clouds, white, like cotton candy floating in the sky.

**76. 云朵白,变化多,有时像小兔子,有时像小鸟。**

White clouds, many changes, sometimes like a little rabbit, sometimes like a little bird.

**77. 风儿吹,轻轻吹,吹动树叶沙沙响。**

Wind blowing, gently blowing, rustling the leaves.

**78. 风儿吹,凉爽的风,带来阵阵清香。**

Wind blowing, cool wind, bringing a refreshing fragrance.

**79. 雨儿下,哗啦啦,滋润大地万物生长。**

Rain falling, pitter-patter, nourishing the growth of all things on earth.

**80. 雨儿下,停下来,彩虹出现,真美丽。**

Rain falling, stopping, the rainbow appears, so beautiful.

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