
## 奉劝别人积口德的句子,69句

1. 口是心非,言行不一,最终只会害人害己。

2. 积口德,就是积福德,福报无边,善果自来。

3. 说话要谨慎,三思而后行,不要口无遮拦。

4. 善良的语言,如春风化雨,温暖人心,积德行善。

5. 口德好,福报深,说话留三分,处世皆平安。

6. 积口德,从心开始,心存善念,言行自然美。

7. 勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为,积德行善,功德无量。

8. 说话要真诚,要真心实意,不要虚伪做作。

9. 说话要谦虚,不要自吹自擂,要懂得尊重他人。

10. 说话要友善,不要刻薄尖酸,要懂得宽容待人。

11. 说话要文明,不要粗俗不堪,要懂得礼貌待人。

12. 说话要诚信,不要欺骗他人,要懂得信守承诺。

13. 说话要负责任,不要信口开河,要懂得承担后果。

14. 说话要理智,不要感情用事,要懂得控制情绪。

15. 说话要得体,不要随意妄为,要懂得分寸。

16. 说话要低调,不要张扬炫耀,要懂得谦虚谨慎。

17. 说话要真诚,不要虚情假意,要懂得真心实意。

18. 说话要宽容,不要斤斤计较,要懂得原谅他人。

19. 说话要善良,不要冷酷无情,要懂得体恤他人。

20. 说话要乐观,不要悲观消极,要懂得积极向上。

21. 说话要积极,不要消极怠慢,要懂得主动热情。

22. 说话要幽默,不要死气沉沉,要懂得活跃气氛。

23. 说话要简洁,不要啰嗦繁琐,要懂得言简意赅。

24. 说话要生动,不要枯燥乏味,要懂得吸引注意。

25. 说话要清晰,不要含糊不清,要懂得表达准确。

26. 说话要自信,不要犹豫不决,要懂得坚定信念。

27. 说话要真诚,不要虚假造作,要懂得真心实意。

28. 说话要文明,不要粗俗不堪,要懂得礼貌待人。

29. 说话要谦虚,不要自吹自擂,要懂得尊重他人。

30. 说话要友善,不要刻薄尖酸,要懂得宽容待人。

31. 说话要善良,不要恶语伤人,要懂得温柔体贴。

32. 说话要谨慎,不要信口开河,要懂得三思而后行。

33. 说话要诚信,不要欺骗他人,要懂得信守承诺。

34. 说话要负责任,不要推卸责任,要懂得承担后果。

35. 说话要理智,不要感情用事,要懂得控制情绪。

36. 说话要得体,不要随意妄为,要懂得分寸。

37. 说话要低调,不要张扬炫耀,要懂得谦虚谨慎。

38. 说话要乐观,不要悲观消极,要懂得积极向上。

39. 说话要积极,不要消极怠慢,要懂得主动热情。

40. 说话要幽默,不要死气沉沉,要懂得活跃气氛。

41. 说话要简洁,不要啰嗦繁琐,要懂得言简意赅。

42. 说话要生动,不要枯燥乏味,要懂得吸引注意。

43. 说话要清晰,不要含糊不清,要懂得表达准确。

44. 说话要自信,不要犹豫不决,要懂得坚定信念。

45. 说话要真诚,不要虚假造作,要懂得真心实意。

46. 说话要文明,不要粗俗不堪,要懂得礼貌待人。

47. 说话要谦虚,不要自吹自擂,要懂得尊重他人。

48. 说话要友善,不要刻薄尖酸,要懂得宽容待人。

49. 说话要善良,不要恶语伤人,要懂得温柔体贴。

50. 说话要谨慎,不要信口开河,要懂得三思而后行。

51. 说话要诚信,不要欺骗他人,要懂得信守承诺。

52. 说话要负责任,不要推卸责任,要懂得承担后果。

53. 说话要理智,不要感情用事,要懂得控制情绪。

54. 说话要得体,不要随意妄为,要懂得分寸。

55. 说话要低调,不要张扬炫耀,要懂得谦虚谨慎。

56. 说话要乐观,不要悲观消极,要懂得积极向上。

57. 说话要积极,不要消极怠慢,要懂得主动热情。

58. 说话要幽默,不要死气沉沉,要懂得活跃气氛。

59. 说话要简洁,不要啰嗦繁琐,要懂得言简意赅。

60. 说话要生动,不要枯燥乏味,要懂得吸引注意。

61. 说话要清晰,不要含糊不清,要懂得表达准确。

62. 说话要自信,不要犹豫不决,要懂得坚定信念。

63. 说话要真诚,不要虚假造作,要懂得真心实意。

64. 说话要文明,不要粗俗不堪,要懂得礼貌待人。

65. 说话要谦虚,不要自吹自擂,要懂得尊重他人。

66. 说话要友善,不要刻薄尖酸,要懂得宽容待人。

67. 说话要善良,不要恶语伤人,要懂得温柔体贴。

68. 说话要谨慎,不要信口开河,要懂得三思而后行。

69. 说话要诚信,不要欺骗他人,要懂得信守承诺。

## 英文翻译

1. Saying one thing and meaning another, actions inconsistent with words, will ultimately harm oneself and others.

2. Cultivating good speech is accumulating good fortune, boundless blessings will come naturally with good deeds.

3. Speak cautiously, think before you speak, don't talk recklessly.

4. Kind words are like a gentle rain, warming hearts and accumulating good deeds.

5. Good speech brings deep blessings, leave three points in your words, life will be peaceful.

6. Cultivating good speech starts with the heart, with good intentions, words and actions will naturally be beautiful.

7. Don't do evil even if it's small, don't neglect good deeds even if they're small, accumulating good deeds and virtue brings immeasurable merits.

8. Speak sincerely, with genuine feelings, don't be hypocritical.

9. Speak humbly, don't brag, learn to respect others.

10. Speak kindly, don't be sarcastic, learn to be tolerant towards others.

11. Speak civilly, don't be vulgar, learn to be polite towards others.

12. Speak truthfully, don't deceive others, learn to keep your promises.

13. Speak responsibly, don't talk nonsense, learn to take responsibility for the consequences.

14. Speak rationally, don't let emotions rule you, learn to control your emotions.

15. Speak appropriately, don't act recklessly, learn to know your limits.

16. Speak modestly, don't boast, learn to be humble and cautious.

17. Speak sincerely, don't be hypocritical, learn to be genuine.

18. Speak forgivingly, don't be petty, learn to forgive others.

19. Speak kindly, don't be ruthless, learn to be considerate of others.

20. Speak optimistically, don't be pessimistic, learn to be positive.

21. Speak actively, don't be passive, learn to be proactive and enthusiastic.

22. Speak humorously, don't be dull, learn to liven up the atmosphere.

23. Speak concisely, don't be verbose, learn to be brief.

24. Speak vividly, don't be boring, learn to be engaging.

25. Speak clearly, don't be ambiguous, learn to express yourself accurately.

26. Speak confidently, don't be hesitant, learn to be resolute in your beliefs.

27. Speak sincerely, don't be fake, learn to be genuine.

28. Speak civilly, don't be vulgar, learn to be polite towards others.

29. Speak humbly, don't brag, learn to respect others.

30. Speak kindly, don't be sarcastic, learn to be tolerant towards others.

31. Speak kindly, don't hurt others with harsh words, learn to be gentle and considerate.

32. Speak cautiously, don't talk nonsense, learn to think before you speak.

33. Speak truthfully, don't deceive others, learn to keep your promises.

34. Speak responsibly, don't shirk responsibility, learn to take responsibility for the consequences.

35. Speak rationally, don't let emotions rule you, learn to control your emotions.

36. Speak appropriately, don't act recklessly, learn to know your limits.

37. Speak modestly, don't boast, learn to be humble and cautious.

38. Speak optimistically, don't be pessimistic, learn to be positive.

39. Speak actively, don't be passive, learn to be proactive and enthusiastic.

40. Speak humorously, don't be dull, learn to liven up the atmosphere.

41. Speak concisely, don't be verbose, learn to be brief.

42. Speak vividly, don't be boring, learn to be engaging.

43. Speak clearly, don't be ambiguous, learn to express yourself accurately.

44. Speak confidently, don't be hesitant, learn to be resolute in your beliefs.

45. Speak sincerely, don't be fake, learn to be genuine.

46. Speak civilly, don't be vulgar, learn to be polite towards others.

47. Speak humbly, don't brag, learn to respect others.

48. Speak kindly, don't be sarcastic, learn to be tolerant towards others.

49. Speak kindly, don't hurt others with harsh words, learn to be gentle and considerate.

50. Speak cautiously, don't talk nonsense, learn to think before you speak.

51. Speak truthfully, don't deceive others, learn to keep your promises.

52. Speak responsibly, don't shirk responsibility, learn to take responsibility for the consequences.

53. Speak rationally, don't let emotions rule you, learn to control your emotions.

54. Speak appropriately, don't act recklessly, learn to know your limits.

55. Speak modestly, don't boast, learn to be humble and cautious.

56. Speak optimistically, don't be pessimistic, learn to be positive.

57. Speak actively, don't be passive, learn to be proactive and enthusiastic.

58. Speak humorously, don't be dull, learn to liven up the atmosphere.

59. Speak concisely, don't be verbose, learn to be brief.

60. Speak vividly, don't be boring, learn to be engaging.

61. Speak clearly, don't be ambiguous, learn to express yourself accurately.

62. Speak confidently, don't be hesitant, learn to be resolute in your beliefs.

63. Speak sincerely, don't be fake, learn to be genuine.

64. Speak civilly, don't be vulgar, learn to be polite towards others.

65. Speak humbly, don't brag, learn to respect others.

66. Speak kindly, don't be sarcastic, learn to be tolerant towards others.

67. Speak kindly, don't hurt others with harsh words, learn to be gentle and considerate.

68. Speak cautiously, don't talk nonsense, learn to think before you speak.

69. Speak truthfully, don't deceive others, learn to keep your promises.

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