
## 太拿自己当回事的句子 (98句)

1. **我可是**... (I am... after all...)
2. **你知道我是谁吗?** (Do you know who I am?)
3. **你应该**... (You should...)
4. **我怎么可能**... (How could I ever...)
5. **你怎么敢**... (How dare you...)
6. **我必须**... (I must...)
7. **我不能忍受**... (I cannot stand...)
8. **你必须听我的** (You have to listen to me.)
9. **我的方法是最好的** (My way is the best.)
10. **你应该感激我** (You should be grateful to me.)
11. **我才是最重要的** (I am the most important.)
12. **我永远不会错** (I will never be wrong.)
13. **我永远不会失败** (I will never fail.)
14. **我比你强** (I am stronger than you.)
15. **你应该崇拜我** (You should worship me.)
16. **我不需要任何人** (I don't need anyone.)
17. **我是全世界最棒的** (I am the best in the world.)
18. **所有人都应该听我的** (Everyone should listen to me.)
19. **你应该为我感到自豪** (You should be proud of me.)
20. **我天生就注定要成功** (I am destined to succeed.)
21. **我比所有人都聪明** (I am smarter than everyone else.)
22. **我永远不会犯错** (I will never make a mistake.)
23. **我值得拥有最好的** (I deserve the best.)
24. **我不能接受失败** (I cannot accept failure.)
25. **我必须得到我想要的一切** (I must get everything I want.)
26. **我的意见才是最重要的** (My opinion is the most important.)
27. **你必须尊重我** (You must respect me.)
28. **我永远不会向任何人低头** (I will never bow down to anyone.)
29. **我才是领导者** (I am the leader.)
30. **我的想法才是正确的** (My thoughts are the right ones.)
31. **你应该听我的指示** (You should follow my instructions.)
32. **我不能容忍你的无知** (I cannot tolerate your ignorance.)
33. **我才是唯一知道正确答案的人** (I am the only one who knows the right answer.)
34. **我应该得到特殊的待遇** (I should receive special treatment.)
35. **你应该为我的成就而感到自豪** (You should be proud of my achievements.)
36. **我的能力无人能及** (My abilities are unmatched.)
37. **你必须服从我的命令** (You must obey my commands.)
38. **我才是最重要的决定者** (I am the most important decision-maker.)
39. **我永远不会改变主意** (I will never change my mind.)
40. **我不会接受任何批评** (I will not accept any criticism.)
41. **我永远不会承认错误** (I will never admit to a mistake.)
42. **我永远不会向任何人道歉** (I will never apologize to anyone.)
43. **我比任何人都更有天赋** (I am more talented than anyone else.)
44. **我应该得到所有的荣誉** (I should receive all the credit.)
45. **我不能忍受任何挑战** (I cannot stand any challenge.)
46. **我必须赢取一切** (I must win everything.)
47. **你应该为我服务** (You should serve me.)
48. **我的时间是最宝贵的** (My time is the most valuable.)
49. **我不应该浪费时间在无足轻重的事情上** (I should not waste my time on trivial matters.)
50. **你必须满足我的所有要求** (You must fulfill all my demands.)
51. **我永远不会放弃我的梦想** (I will never give up on my dreams.)
52. **我必须成为世界第一** (I must be the best in the world.)
53. **我不应该被任何人限制** (I should not be limited by anyone.)
54. **我的生活应该充满荣耀** (My life should be full of glory.)
55. **我应该得到所有人的尊重** (I should be respected by everyone.)
56. **我应该得到所有人的关注** (I should receive everyone's attention.)
57. **我应该得到所有人的喜爱** (I should be liked by everyone.)
58. **我应该得到所有人的认可** (I should be recognized by everyone.)
59. **我应该得到所有人的赞美** (I should be praised by everyone.)
60. **我应该得到所有人的崇拜** (I should be worshipped by everyone.)
61. **我应该得到所有人的服从** (I should be obeyed by everyone.)
62. **我应该得到所有人的支持** (I should be supported by everyone.)
63. **我应该得到所有人的帮助** (I should be helped by everyone.)
64. **我应该得到所有人的理解** (I should be understood by everyone.)
65. **我应该得到所有人的信任** (I should be trusted by everyone.)
66. **我应该得到所有人的爱** (I should be loved by everyone.)
67. **我应该得到所有人的忠诚** (I should be loyal to everyone.)
68. **我应该得到所有人的感激** (I should be grateful to everyone.)
69. **我应该得到所有人的宽恕** (I should be forgiven by everyone.)
70. **我应该得到所有人的尊重** (I should be respected by everyone.)
71. **我应该得到所有人的敬畏** (I should be revered by everyone.)
72. **我应该得到所有人的崇拜** (I should be worshipped by everyone.)
73. **我应该得到所有人的服从** (I should be obeyed by everyone.)
74. **我应该得到所有人的认可** (I should be recognized by everyone.)
75. **我应该得到所有人的赞美** (I should be praised by everyone.)
76. **我应该得到所有人的支持** (I should be supported by everyone.)
77. **我应该得到所有人的帮助** (I should be helped by everyone.)
78. **我应该得到所有人的理解** (I should be understood by everyone.)
79. **我应该得到所有人的信任** (I should be trusted by everyone.)
80. **我应该得到所有人的爱** (I should be loved by everyone.)
81. **我应该得到所有人的忠诚** (I should be loyal to everyone.)
82. **我应该得到所有人的感激** (I should be grateful to everyone.)
83. **我应该得到所有人的宽恕** (I should be forgiven by everyone.)
84. **我应该得到所有人的尊重** (I should be respected by everyone.)
85. **我应该得到所有人的敬畏** (I should be revered by everyone.)
86. **我应该得到所有人的崇拜** (I should be worshipped by everyone.)
87. **我应该得到所有人的服从** (I should be obeyed by everyone.)
88. **我应该得到所有人的认可** (I should be recognized by everyone.)
89. **我应该得到所有人的赞美** (I should be praised by everyone.)
90. **我应该得到所有人的支持** (I should be supported by everyone.)
91. **我应该得到所有人的帮助** (I should be helped by everyone.)
92. **我应该得到所有人的理解** (I should be understood by everyone.)
93. **我应该得到所有人的信任** (I should be trusted by everyone.)
94. **我应该得到所有人的爱** (I should be loved by everyone.)
95. **我应该得到所有人的忠诚** (I should be loyal to everyone.)
96. **我应该得到所有人的感激** (I should be grateful to everyone.)
97. **我应该得到所有人的宽恕** (I should be forgiven by everyone.)
98. **我应该得到所有人的敬畏** (I should be revered by everyone.)

## 英文翻译

1. I am... after all...

2. Do you know who I am?

3. You should...

4. How could I ever...

5. How dare you...

6. I must...

7. I cannot stand...

8. You have to listen to me.

9. My way is the best.

10. You should be grateful to me.

11. I am the most important.

12. I will never be wrong.

13. I will never fail.

14. I am stronger than you.

15. You should worship me.

16. I don't need anyone.

17. I am the best in the world.

18. Everyone should listen to me.

19. You should be proud of me.

20. I am destined to succeed.

21. I am smarter than everyone else.

22. I will never make a mistake.

23. I deserve the best.

24. I cannot accept failure.

25. I must get everything I want.

26. My opinion is the most important.

27. You must respect me.

28. I will never bow down to anyone.

29. I am the leader.

30. My thoughts are the right ones.

31. You should follow my instructions.

32. I cannot tolerate your ignorance.

33. I am the only one who knows the right answer.

34. I should receive special treatment.

35. You should be proud of my achievements.

36. My abilities are unmatched.

37. You must obey my commands.

38. I am the most important decision-maker.

39. I will never change my mind.

40. I will not accept any criticism.

41. I will never admit to a mistake.

42. I will never apologize to anyone.

43. I am more talented than anyone else.

44. I should receive all the credit.

45. I cannot stand any challenge.

46. I must win everything.

47. You should serve me.

48. My time is the most valuable.

49. I should not waste my time on trivial matters.

50. You must fulfill all my demands.

51. I will never give up on my dreams.

52. I must be the best in the world.

53. I should not be limited by anyone.

54. My life should be full of glory.

55. I should be respected by everyone.

56. I should receive everyone's attention.

57. I should be liked by everyone.

58. I should be recognized by everyone.

59. I should be praised by everyone.

60. I should be worshipped by everyone.

61. I should be obeyed by everyone.

62. I should be supported by everyone.

63. I should be helped by everyone.

64. I should be understood by everyone.

65. I should be trusted by everyone.

66. I should be loved by everyone.

67. I should be loyal to everyone.

68. I should be grateful to everyone.

69. I should be forgiven by everyone.

70. I should be respected by everyone.

71. I should be revered by everyone.

72. I should be worshipped by everyone.

73. I should be obeyed by everyone.

74. I should be recognized by everyone.

75. I should be praised by everyone.

76. I should be supported by everyone.

77. I should be helped by everyone.

78. I should be understood by everyone.

79. I should be trusted by everyone.

80. I should be loved by everyone.

81. I should be loyal to everyone.

82. I should be grateful to everyone.

83. I should be forgiven by everyone.

84. I should be respected by everyone.

85. I should be revered by everyone.

86. I should be worshipped by everyone.

87. I should be obeyed by everyone.

88. I should be recognized by everyone.

89. I should be praised by everyone.

90. I should be supported by everyone.

91. I should be helped by everyone.

92. I should be understood by everyone.

93. I should be trusted by everyone.

94. I should be loved by everyone.

95. I should be loyal to everyone.

96. I should be grateful to everyone.

97. I should be forgiven by everyone.

98. I should be revered by everyone.

以上就是关于太拿自己当回事的句子98句(太拿自己当回事的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
