
## 天真可爱的句子,96句

**1. 今天的天气真好啊,阳光像棉花糖一样软绵绵的。**

The weather is so nice today, the sunshine is as soft as cotton candy.

**2. 我想变成一只小兔子,在草地上跳来跳去,自由自在。**

I want to be a little bunny, hopping around in the grass, free and easy.

**3. 妈妈说吃水果可以变漂亮,我要多吃水果,变得像公主一样漂亮!**

Mom said eating fruit can make you beautiful. I'll eat lots of fruit and become as beautiful as a princess!

**4. 我想画一幅画,把所有我喜欢的东西都画在上面,这样我的画就永远不会无聊了。**

I want to draw a picture and paint all the things I like on it, so my drawing will never be boring.

**5. 星星眨着眼睛,好像在跟我说话,它说:“晚安,小宝贝。”**

The stars are twinkling, as if talking to me. They say,"Good night, little baby."

**6. 我想把所有的云朵都收集起来,做成一个大大的棉花糖,然后一口吃掉。**

I want to collect all the clouds and make a big cotton candy, then eat it in one bite.

**7. 我很喜欢下雨天,因为下雨天就可以玩水,还可以和雨滴一起唱歌。**

I love rainy days because I can play in the water and sing with the raindrops.

**8. 我喜欢和爸爸妈妈一起玩游戏,因为我们可以一起开心,一起笑。**

I like playing games with my parents because we can have fun and laugh together.

**9. 我希望世界上所有人都可以像我一样快乐,没有人会伤心难过。**

I wish everyone in the world could be as happy as me, no one would be sad or upset.

**10. 我觉得我的玩具都很有生命,它们会跟我说话,跟我玩耍。**

I think my toys are all alive, they talk to me and play with me.

**11. 我想和所有的动物交朋友,我会轻轻地摸摸它们,跟它们说悄悄话。**

I want to make friends with all the animals. I'll gently touch them and whisper to them.

**12. 我最喜欢吃糖果了,因为糖果很甜,吃起来很开心。**

I love candy the most because it's sweet and makes me happy to eat it.

**13. 我想变成一只小鸟,飞到天空上,看看世界有多大。**

I want to be a little bird and fly into the sky to see how big the world is.

**14. 我觉得花朵都是仙女,它们穿着美丽的裙子,在风中跳舞。**

I think flowers are all fairies, they wear beautiful dresses and dance in the wind.

**15. 我喜欢看动画片,因为动画片里有很多有趣的人物和故事。**

I love watching cartoons because they have many interesting characters and stories.

**16. 我喜欢听故事,因为故事可以带我到不同的世界去冒险。**

I like listening to stories because they can take me on adventures to different worlds.

**17. 我希望我的房间里有一棵小树,这样我就可以在树下玩耍,也可以在树上做梦。**

I wish there was a small tree in my room, so I could play under it and dream in it.

**18. 我喜欢下雨后的彩虹,因为彩虹很漂亮,它像一座桥,连接着天空和大地。**

I love the rainbow after rain, because it's beautiful, it's like a bridge connecting the sky and the earth.

**19. 我觉得太阳公公很温暖,它像爸爸一样,用温暖的光芒照耀着我。**

I feel that the sun is very warm, it's like my dad, warming me with its warm light.

**20. 我喜欢和朋友们一起玩,因为我们可以分享快乐,也可以互相帮助。**

I like playing with my friends because we can share happiness and help each other.

**21. 我想学着做很多事情,比如做饭、唱歌、跳舞,这样我就变得更厉害了!**

I want to learn how to do many things, like cooking, singing, dancing, so I can become even more awesome!

**22. 我觉得世界上最美好的事情就是和家人在一起,因为家人会永远爱我。**

I think the best thing in the world is to be with my family, because they will love me forever.

**23. 我希望我的梦想都能够实现,这样我就变得更加开心快乐。**

I hope all my dreams come true, so I can be even happier and more joyful.

**24. 我喜欢吃冰淇淋,因为冰淇淋很凉爽,吃起来很舒服。**

I like eating ice cream, because it's cool and comfortable to eat.

**25. 我觉得小动物都非常可爱,它们的眼睛很漂亮,它们的毛发很柔软。**

I think all small animals are very cute, their eyes are beautiful, and their fur is soft.

**26. 我想和爸爸妈妈一起去看海,因为大海很广阔,海水很清澈。**

I want to go to the sea with my parents, because the sea is vast and the water is clear.

**27. 我希望我能拥有一个魔法棒,这样我就可以实现所有愿望。**

I hope I can have a magic wand, so I can fulfill all my wishes.

**28. 我喜欢闻花香,因为花香很香,闻起来很舒服。**

I like smelling flowers, because they smell so good and it's comfortable to smell.

**29. 我觉得睡觉是一件很舒服的事情,因为我可以做很多美梦。**

I think sleeping is a very comfortable thing, because I can have many beautiful dreams.

**30. 我喜欢听爸爸妈妈讲故事,因为他们的故事很有趣,可以让我学到很多知识。**

I like listening to my parents tell stories, because their stories are interesting and I can learn a lot from them.

**31. 我想长大以后当一名老师,因为老师可以教小朋友们很多知识,也可以和小朋友们一起玩游戏。**

I want to be a teacher when I grow up, because teachers can teach children a lot of knowledge and can also play games with them.

**32. 我觉得世界上最美好的事情就是拥有很多朋友,因为朋友可以陪我玩耍,也可以互相帮助。**

I think the best thing in the world is to have many friends, because they can play with me and help each other.

**33. 我希望我的生活就像童话故事一样美好,充满了快乐和幸福。**

I hope my life is as beautiful as a fairy tale, filled with joy and happiness.

**34. 我喜欢吃巧克力,因为巧克力很香甜,吃起来很幸福。**

I like eating chocolate, because it's sweet and delicious, and it makes me happy to eat it.

**35. 我觉得小猫和小狗都非常可爱,它们毛茸茸的,摸起来很舒服。**

I think kittens and puppies are very cute, they're fluffy and comfortable to touch.

**36. 我想和我的朋友们一起玩捉迷藏,因为捉迷藏很好玩,可以让我们一起欢笑。**

I want to play hide and seek with my friends, because hide and seek is fun and it makes us all laugh.

**37. 我希望我的家人都健健康康,永远幸福快乐。**

I hope my family are all healthy and happy forever.

**38. 我喜欢看星星,因为星星很闪亮,它们像小眼睛一样眨呀眨的。**

I like looking at the stars, because they're sparkly and they blink like little eyes.

**39. 我觉得月亮很漂亮,它像一个大大的玉盘,挂在夜空中。**

I think the moon is beautiful, it's like a big jade plate hanging in the night sky.

**40. 我想和爸爸妈妈一起去旅行,去看看外面的世界有多大。**

I want to travel with my parents and see how big the world is.

**41. 我希望我的玩具都能够说话,这样我们就可以聊天,也可以一起玩游戏。**

I hope all my toys could talk, so we can chat and play games together.

**42. 我喜欢吃蛋糕,因为蛋糕很香甜,吃起来很幸福。**

I like eating cake, because it's sweet and delicious, and it makes me happy to eat it.

**43. 我觉得小鸟的歌声很美妙,它们的声音很清脆,让人听了很舒服。**

I think birdsong is beautiful, their voices are clear and it makes people feel comfortable to listen to.

**44. 我想和朋友们一起分享我的玩具,因为分享快乐会让我们的友情更加牢固。**

I want to share my toys with my friends, because sharing happiness will make our friendship stronger.

**45. 我希望我的家人都平安健康,永远幸福快乐。**

I hope my family are all safe and healthy, and happy forever.

**46. 我喜欢看动画片,因为动画片里的人物都很可爱,故事都很有趣。**

I love watching cartoons, because the characters are all cute and the stories are interesting.

**47. 我觉得下雨天很浪漫,因为雨滴会打在窗台上,发出“滴答滴答”的声音,让人感到很平静。**

I think rainy days are romantic, because raindrops hit the windowsill, making a"tick-tock" sound, which makes people feel calm.

**48. 我想和爸爸妈妈一起做手工,因为做手工很有趣,可以让我们一起创造美好的事物。**

I want to make crafts with my parents, because it's fun and we can create beautiful things together.

**49. 我希望我的梦想都能够实现,这样我的生活会变得更加精彩。**

I hope all my dreams come true, so my life will become more exciting.

**50. 我喜欢吃糖葫芦,因为糖葫芦很甜,外面裹着一层红色的糖衣,看起来很漂亮。**

I like eating candied hawthorn, because it's sweet, coated with a red sugar shell, and looks beautiful.

**51. 我觉得小兔子很可爱,它们的眼睛红红的,耳朵长长的,跑起来很灵活。**

I think little rabbits are cute, they have red eyes, long ears, and run very nimbly.

**52. 我想和朋友们一起玩游戏,因为玩游戏可以让我们一起开心,一起笑。**

I want to play games with my friends, because playing games makes us happy and we can laugh together.

**53. 我希望我的家人都能幸福快乐,永远健康平安。**

I hope my family can all be happy, healthy, and safe forever.

**54. 我喜欢看小鱼在水里游来游去,因为它们很自由自在,看起来很开心。**

I like watching small fish swimming in the water, because they're free and easy and look happy.

**55. 我觉得小猫很可爱,它们毛茸茸的,摸起来很舒服,还喜欢用头蹭你的手。**

I think kittens are cute, they're fluffy, comfortable to touch, and like to rub their heads on your hands.

**56. 我想和爸爸妈妈一起去看电影,因为电影院里很黑,可以让我们一起看电影,一起感受电影的魅力。**

I want to go to the movies with my parents, because the cinema is dark, and we can watch movies together and feel the charm of the movies.

**57. 我希望我的梦想都能够实现,这样我的人生会变得更加精彩。**

I hope all my dreams come true, so my life will become more exciting.

**58. 我喜欢吃棉花糖,因为棉花糖很甜,而且很柔软,吃起来很舒服。**

I like eating cotton candy, because it's sweet and very soft, and it's comfortable to eat.

**59. 我觉得小狗很可爱,它们喜欢摇尾巴,还喜欢用舌头舔你的手,让人觉得很温暖。**

I think puppies are cute, they like to wag their tails and lick your hand with their tongues, which makes people feel warm.

**60. 我想和朋友们一起玩捉迷藏,因为捉迷藏很好玩,可以让我们一起欢笑,一起感受游戏的快乐。**

I want to play hide and seek with my friends, because hide and seek is fun, we can laugh together, and feel the joy of the game.

**61. 我希望我的家人永远健康平安,永远幸福快乐。**

I hope my family are always healthy and safe, and always happy.

**62. 我喜欢看天空中的云朵,因为云朵很白,很漂亮,它们像棉花糖一样,让人觉得很柔软。**

I like looking at the clouds in the sky, because they're white and beautiful, they're like cotton candy, which makes people feel soft.

**63. 我觉得小鸟很可爱,它们喜欢在树枝上跳来跳去,还喜欢唱歌,让人觉得很开心。**

I think little birds are cute, they like to hop around on branches and sing, which makes people feel happy.

**64. 我想和爸爸妈妈一起去郊外野餐,因为郊外空气清新,风景优美,我们可以一起吃美食,一起享受大自然的美丽。**

I want to go on a picnic with my parents in the countryside, because the air is fresh, the scenery is beautiful, we can eat delicious food together, and enjoy the beauty of nature.

**65. 我希望我的梦想都能够实现,这样我的人生会变得更加有意义。**

I hope all my dreams come true, so my life will become more meaningful.

**66. 我喜欢吃水果,因为水果很甜,而且很健康,可以让我身体更加强壮。**

I like eating fruit, because it's sweet and healthy, and it makes my body stronger.

**67. 我觉得小猫很可爱,它们的眼睛圆圆的,毛发很柔软,还喜欢用头蹭你的手,让人觉得很幸福。**

I think kittens are cute, they have round eyes, soft fur, and like to rub their heads on your hands, which makes people feel happy.

**68. 我想和朋友们一起玩过家家,因为过家家很好玩,可以让我们一起扮演不同的角色,一起感受生活的乐趣。**

I want to play pretend with my friends, because playing pretend is fun, we can play different roles together, and feel the fun of life.

**69. 我希望我的家人永远健康平安,永远幸福快乐,永远在一起。**

I hope my family are always healthy and safe, always happy, and always together.

**70. 我喜欢看星星,因为星星很闪亮,它们像小眼睛一样,眨呀眨的,让人觉得很梦幻。**

I like looking at the stars, because they're sparkly, they're like little eyes, blinking, which makes people feel dreamy.

**71. 我觉得小狗很可爱,它们喜欢摇尾巴,还喜欢用舌头舔你的手,让人觉得很温暖,很幸福。**

I think puppies are cute, they like to wag their tails and lick your hand with their tongues, which makes people feel warm and happy.

**72. 我想和朋友们一起玩捉迷藏,因为捉迷藏很好玩,可以让我们一起欢笑,一起感受游戏的乐趣,一起增进友谊。**

I want to play hide and seek with my friends, because hide and seek is fun, we can laugh together, feel the joy of the game, and strengthen our friendship.

**73. 我希望我的家人永远健康平安,永远幸福快乐,永远爱我。**

I hope my family are always healthy and safe, always happy, and always love me.

**74. 我喜欢看天空中的云朵,因为云朵很白,很漂亮,它们像棉花糖一样,让人觉得很柔软,很舒适。**

I like looking at the clouds in the sky, because they're white and beautiful, they're like cotton candy, which makes people feel soft and comfortable.

**75. 我觉得小鸟很可爱,它们喜欢在树枝上跳来跳去,还喜欢唱歌,让人觉得很开心,很治愈。**

I think little birds are cute, they like to hop around on branches and sing, which makes people feel happy and healed.

**76. 我想和爸爸妈妈一起郊外野餐,因为郊外空气清新,风景优美,我们可以一起吃美食,一起享受大自然的美丽,一起增进感情。**

I want to go on a picnic with my parents in the countryside, because the air is fresh, the scenery is beautiful, we can eat delicious food together, enjoy the beauty of nature, and strengthen our relationship.

**77. 我希望我的梦想都能够实现,这样我的人生会变得更加有意义,更加精彩。**

I hope all my dreams come true, so my life will become more meaningful and exciting.

**78. 我喜欢吃水果,因为水果很甜,而且很健康,可以让我身体更加强壮,更加健康。**

I like eating fruit, because it's sweet and healthy, and it makes my body stronger and healthier.

**79. 我觉得小猫很可爱,它们的眼睛圆圆的,毛发很柔软,还喜欢用头蹭你的手,让人觉得很幸福,很温馨。**

I think kittens are cute, they have round eyes, soft fur, and like to rub their heads on your hands, which makes people feel happy and warm.

**80. 我想和朋友们一起玩过家家,因为过家家很好玩,可以让我们一起扮演不同的角色,一起感受生活的乐趣,一起增进友谊。**

I want to play pretend with my friends, because playing pretend is fun, we can play different roles together, feel the fun of life, and strengthen our friendship.

**81. 我希望我的家人永远健康平安,永远幸福快乐,永远爱我,永远在一起。**

I hope my family are always healthy and safe, always happy, always love me, and always together.

**82. 我喜欢看星星,因为星星很闪亮,它们像小眼睛一样,眨呀眨的,让人觉得很梦幻,很浪漫。**

I like looking at the stars, because they're sparkly, they're like little eyes, blinking, which makes people feel dreamy and romantic.

**83. 我觉得小狗很可爱,它们喜欢摇尾巴,还喜欢用舌头舔你的手,让人觉得很温暖,很幸福,很治愈。**

I think puppies are cute, they like to wag their tails and lick your hand with their tongues, which makes people feel warm, happy, and healed.

**84. 我想和朋友们一起玩捉迷藏,因为捉迷藏很好玩,可以让我们一起欢笑,一起感受游戏的乐趣,一起增进友谊,一起创造美好的回忆。**

I want to play hide and seek with my friends, because hide and seek is fun, we can laugh together, feel the joy of the game, strengthen our friendship, and create beautiful memories together.

**85. 我希望我的家人永远健康平安,永远幸福快乐,永远爱我,永远在一起,永远是我的家人。**

I hope my family are always healthy and safe, always happy, always love me, always together, and always my family.

**86. 我喜欢看天空中的云朵,因为云朵很白,很漂亮,它们像棉花糖一样,让人觉得很柔软,很舒适,很梦幻。**

I like looking at the clouds in the sky, because they're white and beautiful, they're like cotton candy, which makes people feel soft, comfortable, and dreamy.

**87. 我觉得小鸟很可爱,它们喜欢在树枝上跳来跳去,还喜欢唱歌,让人觉得很开心,很治愈,很美好。**

I think little birds are cute, they like to hop around on branches and sing, which makes people feel happy, healed, and beautiful.

**88. 我想和爸爸妈妈一起郊外野餐,因为郊外空气清新,风景优美,我们可以一起吃美食,一起享受大自然的美丽,一起增进感情,一起创造美好的回忆。**

I want to go on a picnic with my parents in the countryside, because the air is fresh, the scenery is beautiful, we can eat delicious food together, enjoy the beauty of nature, strengthen our relationship, and create beautiful memories together.

**89. 我希望我的梦想都能够实现,这样我的人生会变得更加有意义,更加精彩,更加美好。**

I hope all my dreams come true, so my life will become more meaningful, exciting, and beautiful.

**90. 我喜欢吃水果,因为水果很甜,而且很健康,可以让我身体更加强壮,更加健康,更加充满活力。**

I like eating fruit, because it's sweet and healthy, and it makes my body stronger, healthier, and more energetic.

**91. 我觉得小猫很可爱,它们的眼睛圆圆的,毛发很柔软,还喜欢用头蹭你的手,让人觉得很幸福,很温馨,很治愈。**

I think kittens are cute, they have round eyes, soft fur, and like to rub their heads on your hands, which makes people feel happy, warm, and healed.

**92. 我想和朋友们一起玩过家家,因为过家家很好玩,可以让我们一起扮演不同的角色,一起感受生活的乐趣,一起增进友谊,一起创造美好的回忆。**

I want to play pretend with my friends, because playing pretend is fun, we can play different roles together, feel the fun of life, strengthen our friendship, and create beautiful memories together.

**93. 我希望我的家人永远健康平安,永远幸福快乐,永远爱我,永远在一起,永远是我的家人,永远是我的爱。**

I hope my family are always healthy and safe, always happy, always love me, always together, always my family, and always my love.

**94. 我喜欢看天空中的云朵,因为云朵很白,很漂亮,它们像棉花糖一样,让人觉得很柔软,很舒适,很梦幻,很浪漫。**

I like looking at the clouds in the sky, because they're white and beautiful, they're like cotton candy, which makes people feel soft, comfortable, dreamy, and romantic.

**95. 我觉得小鸟很可爱,它们喜欢在树枝上跳来跳去,还喜欢唱歌,让人觉得很开心,很治愈,很美好,很浪漫。**

I think little birds are cute, they like to hop around on branches and sing, which makes people feel happy, healed, beautiful, and romantic.

**96. 我想和爸爸妈妈一起郊外野餐,因为郊外空气清新,风景优美,我们可以一起吃美食,一起享受大自然的美丽,一起增进感情,一起创造美好的回忆,一起感受生活的快乐。**

I want to go on a picnic with my parents in the countryside, because the air is fresh, the scenery is beautiful, we can eat delicious food together, enjoy the beauty of nature, strengthen our relationship, create beautiful memories together, and feel the joy of life.

以上就是关于天真可爱的句子96句(天真可爱的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
