
## 天线宝宝句子 (67句)

1. 肚子饿了,要吃东西! - I'm hungry, I want to eat!

2. 太阳出来了,天气真好! - The sun is up, it's a beautiful day!

3. 我们要去玩了,真开心! - We're going to play, how exciting!

4. 看看,小鸟在唱歌! - Look, the bird is singing!

5. 今天我们玩什么游戏呢? - What game shall we play today?

6. 我们一起跳舞吧! - Let's dance together!

7. 你好,我是迪西! - Hello, I'm Dipsy!

8. 你好,我是拉拉! - Hello, I'm Laa-Laa!

9. 你好,我是波! - Hello, I'm Po!

10. 你好,我是丁丁! - Hello, I'm Tinky Winky!

11. 我们一起玩捉迷藏吧! - Let's play hide and seek!

12. 我找到你了! - I found you!

13. 好高啊! - So high!

14. 好漂亮啊! - So beautiful!

15. 好软啊! - So soft!

16. 好香啊! - So fragrant!

17. 好有趣啊! - So fun!

18. 好开心啊! - So happy!

19. 我要去爬山! - I'm going to climb the mountain!

20. 我要去游泳! - I'm going to swim!

21. 我要去玩滑梯! - I'm going to play on the slide!

22. 我要去荡秋千! - I'm going to swing on the swing!

23. 我要去骑小马! - I'm going to ride a pony!

24. 我要去吃冰淇淋! - I'm going to eat ice cream!

25. 我要去喝果汁! - I'm going to drink juice!

26. 我要去吹泡泡! - I'm going to blow bubbles!

27. 我要去玩球! - I'm going to play with a ball!

28. 我要去画画! - I'm going to draw!

29. 我要去唱歌! - I'm going to sing!

30. 我要去跳舞! - I'm going to dance!

31. 我们要一起做蛋糕! - We're going to make a cake together!

32. 我们一起做饭! - We're going to cook together!

33. 我们一起洗碗! - We're going to wash the dishes together!

34. 我们一起整理房间! - We're going to tidy up the room together!

35. 我们一起种花! - We're going to plant flowers together!

36. 我们一起浇花! - We're going to water the flowers together!

37. 我们一起照顾小动物! - We're going to take care of the animals together!

38. 我们一起玩游戏! - We're going to play games together!

39. 我们一起看星星! - We're going to look at the stars together!

40. 我们一起听音乐! - We're going to listen to music together!

41. 我们一起聊天! - We're going to chat together!

42. 我们一起做手工! - We're going to make crafts together!

43. 我们一起看电视! - We're going to watch TV together!

44. 我们一起看书! - We're going to read books together!

45. 我们一起学习! - We're going to learn together!

46. 我们一起帮助别人! - We're going to help others together!

47. 我们一起分享! - We're going to share together!

48. 我们一起快乐! - We're going to be happy together!

49. 我们一起做梦! - We're going to dream together!

50. 我们一起长大! - We're going to grow up together!

51. 你好,朋友! - Hello, friend!

52. 再见,朋友! - Goodbye, friend!

53. 你今天过得怎么样? - How was your day?

54. 我很开心! - I'm happy!

55. 我爱你! - I love you!

56. 让我们一起玩! - Let's play together!

57. 我喜欢你! - I like you!

58. 你真棒! - You are amazing!

59. 你很漂亮! - You are beautiful!

60. 你很帅气! - You are handsome!

61. 你很聪明! - You are clever!

62. 你很勇敢! - You are brave!

63. 你很善良! - You are kind!

64. 你很友善! - You are friendly!

65. 你很特别! - You are special!

66. 你很值得被爱! - You are worthy of love!

67. 你是我最好的朋友! - You are my best friend!

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