
## 天热注意防暑的句子 (93句)

**1. 天气炎热,注意防暑降温,多喝水,少出门,避免中暑。**

It's scorching hot, pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling down. Drink plenty of water, go out less, and avoid heatstroke.

**2. 炎炎夏日,酷暑难耐,防暑降温刻不容缓!**

The scorching summer heat is unbearable. Heatstroke prevention and cooling down are urgent!

**3. 烈日当头,酷暑难耐,出门在外,注意防暑!**

The sun is blazing, the summer heat is unbearable. When you are out, pay attention to heatstroke prevention!

**4. 暑气逼人,注意防暑,多喝水,多吃水果,保持清凉!**

The heat is overwhelming. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention, drink plenty of water, eat more fruits, and stay cool!

**5. 夏季高温,防暑降温刻不容缓,注意休息,避免过度劳累。**

Summer temperatures are high, heatstroke prevention and cooling down are urgent. Pay attention to rest and avoid overworking.

**6. 阳光强烈,注意防晒,戴帽子,涂防晒霜,保护肌肤。**

The sun is strong, pay attention to sun protection. Wear a hat, apply sunscreen, and protect your skin.

**7. 闷热难耐,注意通风,保持室内凉爽,避免中暑。**

The heat is stifling. Pay attention to ventilation, keep the interior cool, and avoid heatstroke.

**8. 暑天高温,注意饮食,少吃辛辣油腻,多吃清淡的食物。**

High temperatures in summer. Pay attention to your diet. Eat less spicy and greasy foods, and eat more bland foods.

**9. 烈日炎炎,注意防晒,避免长时间暴晒,以免晒伤皮肤。**

The sun is scorching. Pay attention to sun protection. Avoid prolonged sun exposure to prevent sunburn.

**10. 夏日炎炎,注意防暑,多喝绿豆汤、西瓜汁等清凉饮料。**

The summer is hot. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Drink plenty of mung bean soup, watermelon juice, and other refreshing beverages.

**11. 避暑降温,从我做起,注意防暑,安全度夏!**

Heatstroke prevention and cooling down start with me. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention, and stay safe throughout the summer!

**12. 烈日炎炎,注意防暑,避免剧烈运动,以免中暑。**

The sun is blazing. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Avoid strenuous exercise to avoid heatstroke.

**13. 高温天气,注意防暑,多喝水,补充盐分,避免脱水。**

High-temperature weather. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Drink plenty of water, replenish salt, and avoid dehydration.

**14. 炎炎夏日,酷暑难耐,注意防暑降温,保持身心健康!**

The scorching summer heat is unbearable. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling down, and maintain your physical and mental health!

**15. 暑热难挡,注意防暑,保持良好的睡眠,保证充足的休息。**

The summer heat is overwhelming. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention, maintain good sleep, and ensure adequate rest.

**16. 炎炎烈日,注意防暑,及时补充水分,避免中暑。**

The scorching sun is blazing. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention, replenish fluids promptly, and avoid heatstroke.

**17. 夏季高温,注意防暑,多吃蔬菜水果,补充维生素。**

High temperatures in summer. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Eat more vegetables and fruits to replenish vitamins.

**18. 酷暑难耐,注意防暑,避免长时间在室外活动,防止中暑。**

The summer heat is unbearable. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Avoid prolonged outdoor activities to prevent heatstroke.

**19. 夏天炎热,注意防暑,保持心情舒畅,避免情绪激动。**

The summer is hot. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention, maintain a cheerful mood, and avoid emotional excitement.

**20. 高温天气,注意防暑,选择合适的衣物,穿浅色、透气的衣服。**

High-temperature weather. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Choose suitable clothing, wear light-colored and breathable clothes.

**21. 阳光暴晒,注意防暑,戴太阳镜,保护眼睛。**

Sun exposure. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes.

**22. 夏天酷暑,注意防暑,多喝清凉的饮料,补充体液。**

The summer heat is unbearable. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Drink plenty of refreshing beverages to replenish fluids.

**23. 暑气逼人,注意防暑,选择阴凉的地方休息,避免长时间在阳光下暴晒。**

The heat is overwhelming. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Choose a shady place to rest and avoid prolonged sun exposure.

**24. 高温天气,注意防暑,避免食用过量的冰冷食物,防止肠胃不适。**

High-temperature weather. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Avoid excessive consumption of cold foods to prevent stomach discomfort.

**25. 夏季高温,注意防暑,出门携带防暑用品,如遮阳伞、冰袋等。**

High temperatures in summer. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Carry heatstroke prevention items when you go out, such as parasols, ice packs, etc.

**26. 炎炎夏日,注意防暑,保持室内通风,避免使用过多的电器。**

The scorching summer heat is unbearable. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Keep the interior ventilated and avoid using too many appliances.

**27. 烈日当头,注意防暑,避免在中午时段进行户外活动。**

The sun is blazing. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Avoid outdoor activities during midday.

**28. 夏天高温,注意防暑,选择清凉的食材烹饪,清热解暑。**

High temperatures in summer. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Choose refreshing ingredients for cooking, clearing heat and relieving summer heat.

**29. 暑气逼人,注意防暑,多吃西瓜、黄瓜等解暑的食物。**

The heat is overwhelming. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Eat more watermelon, cucumber, and other heat-clearing foods.

**30. 炎炎夏日,注意防暑,保持良好的心态,不要焦虑烦躁。**

The scorching summer heat is unbearable. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Maintain a good mentality, do not be anxious or irritable.

**31. 高温天气,注意防暑,避免长时间泡在冷水中,防止感冒。**

High-temperature weather. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Avoid soaking in cold water for prolonged periods to prevent colds.

**32. 酷暑难耐,注意防暑,保持充足的睡眠,保证精力充沛。**

The summer heat is unbearable. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Maintain adequate sleep and ensure sufficient energy.

**33. 夏天高温,注意防暑,不要长时间待在空调房,避免冷热交替。**

High temperatures in summer. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Do not stay in an air-conditioned room for prolonged periods, avoid alternating between hot and cold.

**34. 烈日炎炎,注意防暑,及时补充水分,避免脱水。**

The sun is scorching. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Replenish fluids promptly and avoid dehydration.

**35. 暑气逼人,注意防暑,多吃清淡的食物,少吃油腻的食物。**

The heat is overwhelming. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Eat more bland foods and less greasy foods.

**36. 炎炎夏日,注意防暑,多喝绿豆汤、西瓜汁等清凉饮料。**

The scorching summer heat is unbearable. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Drink plenty of mung bean soup, watermelon juice, and other refreshing beverages.

**37. 酷暑难耐,注意防暑,避免过度劳累,保持体力充足。**

The summer heat is unbearable. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Avoid overworking and maintain sufficient physical strength.

**38. 夏天高温,注意防暑,选择清凉的颜色搭配,避免穿深色衣服。**

High temperatures in summer. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Choose refreshing color combinations, avoid wearing dark clothes.

**39. 烈日炎炎,注意防暑,出门前做好防晒准备,涂防晒霜、戴帽子、打伞。**

The sun is scorching. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Prepare for sun protection before going out, apply sunscreen, wear a hat, and carry an umbrella.

**40. 暑气逼人,注意防暑,不要在烈日下长时间行走,选择阴凉的地方行走。**

The heat is overwhelming. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Do not walk in the scorching sun for prolonged periods, choose shady places to walk.

**41. 炎炎夏日,注意防暑,保持室内通风,避免使用过多的电器,节约用电。**

The scorching summer heat is unbearable. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Keep the interior ventilated, avoid using too many appliances, and save electricity.

**42. 酷暑难耐,注意防暑,避免长时间在空调房里,适当到户外活动。**

The summer heat is unbearable. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Avoid staying in an air-conditioned room for prolonged periods, and engage in appropriate outdoor activities.

**43. 夏天高温,注意防暑,保持心情愉悦,避免情绪波动。**

High temperatures in summer. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Maintain a cheerful mood, avoid emotional fluctuations.

**44. 烈日炎炎,注意防暑,避免在高温环境下进行剧烈运动。**

The sun is scorching. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Avoid strenuous exercise in high-temperature environments.

**45. 暑气逼人,注意防暑,多吃富含维生素的食物,增强抵抗力。**

The heat is overwhelming. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Eat more foods rich in vitamins to enhance immunity.

**46. 炎炎夏日,注意防暑,保持良好的作息习惯,保证充足的睡眠时间。**

The scorching summer heat is unbearable. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Maintain good work and rest habits and ensure adequate sleep time.

**47. 酷暑难耐,注意防暑,避免长时间在阳光下暴晒,防止皮肤晒伤。**

The summer heat is unbearable. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Avoid prolonged sun exposure to prevent sunburn.

**48. 夏天高温,注意防暑,不要长时间使用手机,避免过度用眼。**

High temperatures in summer. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Do not use your phone for prolonged periods, avoid excessive eye strain.

**49. 烈日炎炎,注意防暑,保持室内凉爽,避免长时间在高温环境下工作。**

The sun is scorching. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Keep the interior cool, avoid working in high-temperature environments for prolonged periods.

**50. 暑气逼人,注意防暑,多喝水,多吃水果,保持充足的睡眠,增强抵抗力。**

The heat is overwhelming. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Drink plenty of water, eat more fruits, maintain adequate sleep, and enhance immunity.

**51. 炎炎夏日,注意防暑,出门前做好防晒准备,戴帽子、涂防晒霜、打伞。**

The scorching summer heat is unbearable. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Prepare for sun protection before going out, wear a hat, apply sunscreen, and carry an umbrella.

**52. 酷暑难耐,注意防暑,避免在高温环境下进行剧烈运动,防止中暑。**

The summer heat is unbearable. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Avoid strenuous exercise in high-temperature environments to prevent heatstroke.

**53. 夏天高温,注意防暑,选择清凉的饮料,如绿豆汤、西瓜汁、凉茶等。**

High temperatures in summer. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Choose refreshing beverages such as mung bean soup, watermelon juice, and herbal tea.

**54. 烈日炎炎,注意防暑,保持室内通风,避免使用过多的电器,节约用电,保护环境。**

The sun is scorching. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Keep the interior ventilated, avoid using too many appliances, save electricity, and protect the environment.

**55. 暑气逼人,注意防暑,多吃富含水分的食物,如黄瓜、西瓜、番茄等。**

The heat is overwhelming. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Eat more foods rich in moisture, such as cucumbers, watermelon, and tomatoes.

**56. 炎炎夏日,注意防暑,避免长时间在阳光下暴晒,防止皮肤晒伤。**

The scorching summer heat is unbearable. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Avoid prolonged sun exposure to prevent sunburn.

**57. 酷暑难耐,注意防暑,保持充足的睡眠,避免过度劳累,保证精力充沛。**

The summer heat is unbearable. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Maintain adequate sleep, avoid overworking, and ensure sufficient energy.

**58. 夏天高温,注意防暑,选择清凉的衣服,如棉麻质地的衣服,透气舒适。**

High temperatures in summer. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Choose refreshing clothes, such as cotton and linen fabrics, breathable and comfortable.

**59. 烈日炎炎,注意防暑,避免在高温环境下进行剧烈运动,防止中暑。**

The sun is scorching. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Avoid strenuous exercise in high-temperature environments to prevent heatstroke.

**60. 暑气逼人,注意防暑,保持良好的心态,避免情绪激动,防止中暑。**

The heat is overwhelming. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Maintain a good mentality, avoid emotional excitement, and prevent heatstroke.

**61. 炎炎夏日,注意防暑,多吃清淡的食物,少吃辛辣油腻的食物,保持肠胃健康。**

The scorching summer heat is unbearable. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Eat more bland foods and less spicy and greasy foods to maintain intestinal health.

**62. 酷暑难耐,注意防暑,保持室内通风,避免使用过多的电器,节约用电,保护环境。**

The summer heat is unbearable. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Keep the interior ventilated, avoid using too many appliances, save electricity, and protect the environment.

**63. 夏天高温,注意防暑,选择清凉的饮料,如绿豆汤、西瓜汁、凉茶等,解暑降温。**

High temperatures in summer. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Choose refreshing beverages such as mung bean soup, watermelon juice, and herbal tea, to relieve summer heat and cool down.

**64. 烈日炎炎,注意防暑,出门前做好防晒准备,涂防晒霜、戴帽子、打伞,保护皮肤。**

The sun is scorching. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Prepare for sun protection before going out, apply sunscreen, wear a hat, and carry an umbrella, to protect your skin.

**65. 暑气逼人,注意防暑,多吃富含水分的食物,如黄瓜、西瓜、番茄等,补充水分。**

The heat is overwhelming. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Eat more foods rich in moisture, such as cucumbers, watermelon, and tomatoes, to replenish fluids.

**66. 炎炎夏日,注意防暑,保持良好的作息习惯,保证充足的睡眠时间,恢复体力。**

The scorching summer heat is unbearable. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Maintain good work and rest habits and ensure adequate sleep time to recover your physical strength.

**67. 酷暑难耐,注意防暑,选择清凉的衣服,如棉麻质地的衣服,透气舒适,避免闷热。**

The summer heat is unbearable. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Choose refreshing clothes, such as cotton and linen fabrics, breathable and comfortable, to avoid being stuffy.

**68. 夏天高温,注意防暑,避免长时间在阳光下暴晒,防止皮肤晒伤,保护皮肤健康。**

High temperatures in summer. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Avoid prolonged sun exposure to prevent sunburn and protect skin health.

**69. 烈日炎炎,注意防暑,保持室内凉爽,避免长时间在高温环境下工作,防止中暑。**

The sun is scorching. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Keep the interior cool, avoid working in high-temperature environments for prolonged periods, and prevent heatstroke.

**70. 暑气逼人,注意防暑,多吃富含维生素的食物,增强抵抗力,预防疾病。**

The heat is overwhelming. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Eat more foods rich in vitamins, enhance immunity, and prevent diseases.

**71. 炎炎夏日,注意防暑,保持心情愉悦,避免情绪波动,防止中暑。**

The scorching summer heat is unbearable. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Maintain a cheerful mood, avoid emotional fluctuations, and prevent heatstroke.

**72. 酷暑难耐,注意防暑,保持良好的心态,避免焦虑烦躁,保持身心健康。**

The summer heat is unbearable. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Maintain a good mentality, avoid anxiety and irritability, and maintain physical and mental health.

**73. 夏天高温,注意防暑,避免长时间在空调房里,适当到户外活动,享受阳光。**

High temperatures in summer. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Avoid staying in an air-conditioned room for prolonged periods, and engage in appropriate outdoor activities to enjoy the sunshine.

**74. 烈日炎炎,注意防暑,选择清凉的食材烹饪,清热解暑,补充营养。**

The sun is scorching. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Choose refreshing ingredients for cooking, clearing heat and relieving summer heat, and supplementing nutrition.

**75. 暑气逼人,注意防暑,多吃西瓜、黄瓜等解暑的食物,补充水分,保持身体清爽。**

The heat is overwhelming. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Eat more watermelon, cucumber, and other heat-clearing foods to replenish fluids and keep the body refreshed.

**76. 炎炎夏日,注意防暑,保持良好的作息习惯,保证充足的睡眠时间,恢复精力。**

The scorching summer heat is unbearable. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Maintain good work and rest habits and ensure adequate sleep time to recover your energy.

**77. 酷暑难耐,注意防暑,避免过度劳累,保持体力充足,防止中暑。**

The summer heat is unbearable. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Avoid overworking and maintain sufficient physical strength to prevent heatstroke.

**78. 夏天高温,注意防暑,选择清凉的颜色搭配,避免穿深色衣服,防止闷热。**

High temperatures in summer. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Choose refreshing color combinations, avoid wearing dark clothes, and prevent stuffiness.

**79. 烈日炎炎,注意防暑,出门前做好防晒准备,涂防晒霜、戴帽子、打伞,保护皮肤。**

The sun is scorching. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Prepare for sun protection before going out, apply sunscreen, wear a hat, and carry an umbrella, to protect your skin.

**80. 暑气逼人,注意防暑,不要在烈日下长时间行走,选择阴凉的地方行走,防止中暑。**

The heat is overwhelming. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Do not walk in the scorching sun for prolonged periods, choose shady places to walk, and prevent heatstroke.

**81. 炎炎夏日,注意防暑,保持室内通风,避免使用过多的电器,节约用电,保护环境。**

The scorching summer heat is unbearable. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Keep the interior ventilated, avoid using too many appliances, save electricity, and protect the environment.

**82. 酷暑难耐,注意防暑,避免长时间在空调房里,适当到户外活动,享受阳光。**

The summer heat is unbearable. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Avoid staying in an air-conditioned room for prolonged periods, and engage in appropriate outdoor activities to enjoy the sunshine.

**83. 夏天高温,注意防暑,保持心情愉悦,避免情绪波动,防止中暑。**

High temperatures in summer. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Maintain a cheerful mood, avoid emotional fluctuations, and prevent heatstroke.

**84. 烈日炎炎,注意防暑,避免在高温环境下进行剧烈运动,防止中暑。**

The sun is scorching. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Avoid strenuous exercise in high-temperature environments to prevent heatstroke.

**85. 暑气逼人,注意防暑,多吃富含维生素的食物,增强抵抗力,预防疾病。**

The heat is overwhelming. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Eat more foods rich in vitamins, enhance immunity, and prevent diseases.

**86. 炎炎夏日,注意防暑,保持良好的心态,避免焦虑烦躁,保持身心健康。**

The scorching summer heat is unbearable. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Maintain a good mentality, avoid anxiety and irritability, and maintain physical and mental health.

**87. 酷暑难耐,注意防暑,选择清凉的食材烹饪,清热解暑,补充营养。**

The summer heat is unbearable. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Choose refreshing ingredients for cooking, clearing heat and relieving summer heat, and supplementing nutrition.

**88. 夏天高温,注意防暑,多吃西瓜、黄瓜等解暑的食物,补充水分,保持身体清爽。**

High temperatures in summer. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Eat more watermelon, cucumber, and other heat-clearing foods to replenish fluids and keep the body refreshed.

**89. 烈日炎炎,注意防暑,保持良好的作息习惯,保证充足的睡眠时间,恢复精力。**

The sun is scorching. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Maintain good work and rest habits and ensure adequate sleep time to recover your energy.

**90. 暑气逼人,注意防暑,避免过度劳累,保持体力充足,防止中暑。**

The heat is overwhelming. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Avoid overworking and maintain sufficient physical strength to prevent heatstroke.

**91. 炎炎夏日,注意防暑,选择清凉的颜色搭配,避免穿深色衣服,防止闷热。**

The scorching summer heat is unbearable. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Choose refreshing color combinations, avoid wearing dark clothes, and prevent stuffiness.

**92. 酷暑难耐,注意防暑,出门前做好防晒准备,涂防晒霜、戴帽子、打伞,保护皮肤。**

The summer heat is unbearable. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Prepare for sun protection before going out, apply sunscreen, wear a hat, and carry an umbrella, to protect your skin.

**93. 夏天高温,注意防暑,不要在烈日下长时间行走,选择阴凉的地方行走,防止中暑。**

High temperatures in summer. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention. Do not walk in the scorching sun for prolonged periods, choose shady places to walk, and prevent heatstroke.

以上就是关于天热注意防暑的句子93句(天热注意防暑的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
