
## 国庆节朋友圈句子(55句)


1. 祖国万岁!

Long live our motherland!

2. 国庆节快乐!

Happy National Day!

3. 祝祖国繁荣昌盛!

May our motherland flourish and prosper!

4. 向伟大祖国致敬!

Salute to our great motherland!

5. 愿祖国永远强大!

May our motherland forever be strong!


6. 我爱我的祖国!

I love my motherland!

7. 祖国,我为你自豪!

Motherland, I am proud of you!

8. 祖国,我的根!

Motherland, my roots!

9. 祖国,我的梦!

Motherland, my dream!

10. 祖国,我永远爱你!

Motherland, I love you forever!


11. 国庆节,举国同庆!

National Day, a celebration for the whole nation!

12. 欢度国庆,共庆盛世!

Celebrate National Day, celebrate the glorious times!

13. 祖国生日快乐!

Happy birthday, motherland!

14. 热烈庆祝中华人民共和国成立74周年!

Warmly celebrate the 74th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China!

15. 祖国生日,愿你一切安好!

On your birthday, motherland, may all be well with you!


16. 回忆峥嵘岁月,致敬革命先烈!

Remembering the glorious years, paying tribute to the revolutionary martyrs!

17. 历史的脚步,祖国的前进!

The pace of history, the progress of our motherland!

18. 祖国,一路走来,披荆斩棘!

Motherland, all the way, through thorns and brambles!

19. 铭记历史,开创未来!

Remember history, create the future!

20. 历史的荣光,照耀未来!

The glory of history, illuminating the future!


21. 祖国未来,无限美好!

The future of our motherland is infinitely bright!

22. 祖国,我们一起加油!

Motherland, let's work together!

23. 愿祖国越来越强大!

May our motherland become increasingly powerful!

24. 祖国,我们共同创造未来!

Motherland, together we create the future!

25. 祖国,我们共同见证奇迹!

Motherland, together we witness miracles!


26. 国庆节,幸福满满!

National Day, full of happiness!

27. 国庆节,与家人团聚!

National Day, reunite with family!

28. 国庆节,到处洋溢着喜庆!

National Day, everywhere is filled with festivity!

29. 国庆节,感受祖国的发展!

National Day, feel the development of our motherland!

30. 国庆节,让我们一起为祖国祝福!

National Day, let us all bless our motherland together!


31. 国庆节,吃吃喝喝,玩玩乐乐!

National Day, eat, drink, and have fun!

32. 国庆节,放假休息,睡到自然醒!

National Day, take a break, sleep in!

33. 国庆节,朋友圈晒幸福,你呢?

National Day, everyone is showing off their happiness on their social media, what about you?

34. 国庆节,你抢到红包了吗?

National Day, did you grab any red envelopes?

35. 国庆节,祖国妈妈生日,送你一个大红包!

National Day, our motherland's birthday, here's a big red envelope for you!


36. 五星红旗迎风飘扬,祖国昌盛,人民安康。

The five-star red flag flutters in the wind, the motherland prospers, the people are healthy and happy.

37. 山河壮丽,国泰民安,祖国永远在我心中。

The mountains and rivers are magnificent, the country is peaceful and the people are safe, the motherland will always be in my heart.

38. 祖国,我的爱,像滔滔江水,绵延不绝。

Motherland, my love, like the surging river, never-ending.

39. 祖国,我的梦,像璀璨星辰,照耀未来。

Motherland, my dream, like the twinkling stars, illuminating the future.

40. 祖国,我的根,深深扎在故土,永不分离。

Motherland, my roots, deeply rooted in the homeland, never separated.


41. 国庆节,出去走走,领略祖国的大好河山!

National Day, go out and experience the beautiful scenery of our motherland!

42. 国庆节,去哪里旅行呢?

National Day, where are you going to travel?

43. 国庆节,祖国各地美景,等你来打卡!

National Day, beautiful scenery all over the country, waiting for you to check in!

44. 国庆节,带着家人,一起感受祖国的魅力!

National Day, bring your family and experience the charm of our motherland together!

45. 国庆节,让我们一起探索祖国的大好河山!

National Day, let's explore the beautiful mountains and rivers of our motherland together!


46. 国庆节,祝大家节日快乐,阖家幸福!

National Day, wishing everyone a happy holiday and happiness to the whole family!

47. 国庆节,让我们一起为祖国加油!

National Day, let's all cheer for our motherland together!

48. 国庆节,祝祖国繁荣昌盛!

National Day, wish our motherland prosperity and flourishing!

49. 国庆节,祝祖国越来越强大!

National Day, wish our motherland become increasingly powerful!

50. 国庆节,让我们一起为祖国喝彩!

National Day, let's all cheer for our motherland together!

51. 国庆节,祝愿祖国永远繁荣昌盛!

National Day, wish our motherland forever flourish and prosper!

52. 国庆节,祝祖国永远繁荣昌盛!

National Day, wish our motherland forever flourish and prosper!

53. 国庆节,祝祖国永远繁荣昌盛!

National Day, wish our motherland forever flourish and prosper!

54. 国庆节,祝祖国永远繁荣昌盛!

National Day, wish our motherland forever flourish and prosper!

55. 国庆节,祝祖国永远繁荣昌盛!

National Day, wish our motherland forever flourish and prosper!

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