
## 喝醉了醒后道歉句子 (82句)


1. 昨晚喝多了,说了一些不该说的话,做了些不该做的事,真的很抱歉!

I'm so sorry for what I said and did last night. I was drunk and acted out of line.

2. 昨晚喝醉了,酒后失态,对你造成了困扰,真的很抱歉!

I'm really sorry for the trouble I caused last night. I got drunk and acted inappropriately.

3. 昨晚喝醉了,对你说了些过分的话,请你原谅!

I said some hurtful things to you last night while I was drunk. Please forgive me.

4. 昨晚喝多了,有些行为失控,真的很抱歉!

I'm so sorry for my uncontrolled behavior last night. I was drunk.

5. 昨晚喝醉了,让你担心了,真的对不起!

I'm really sorry for worrying you last night. I was drunk.

6. 昨晚喝多了,做了一些不理智的事,真的很抱歉!

I'm so sorry for my irrational actions last night. I was drunk.

7. 昨晚喝多了,对你造成了伤害,真的对不起!

I'm so sorry for hurting you last night. I was drunk.

8. 昨晚喝多了,说了很多胡话,请不要放在心上!

Please don't take anything I said last night seriously. I was drunk and talking nonsense.

9. 昨晚喝醉了,对你的态度不好,真的很抱歉!

I'm so sorry for my bad attitude towards you last night. I was drunk.

10. 昨晚喝多了,对你的行为很失礼,真的对不起!

I'm so sorry for being disrespectful towards you last night. I was drunk.


11. 昨晚喝多了,记忆有点模糊,你要是有什么意见,请直接告诉我,我一定虚心接受!

My memory is a little fuzzy from last night. If you have any complaints, please tell me directly. I'll take them all to heart.

12. 昨晚喝多了,说的话可能有点过分,就当我没说!

I probably said some things last night that were a bit over the top. Just pretend I didn't say anything!

13. 昨晚喝多了,真的不知道自己说了什么做了什么,你要是生气就打我吧!

I was so drunk last night, I have no idea what I said or did. If you're angry, just hit me!

14. 昨晚喝多了,脑子有点不清醒,你要是有什么想不通的,请告诉我!

My head was a little foggy last night. If you have any questions or concerns, please ask.

15. 昨晚喝多了,做了一些奇怪的事情,你要是好奇就问吧!

I did some strange things last night. If you're curious, just ask!

16. 昨晚喝多了,可能表现得很奇怪,请你多包涵!

I probably acted very strangely last night. Please forgive me.

17. 昨晚喝多了,什么都不记得了,你要是有什么事,请告诉我,我会好好反省!

I don't remember anything from last night. If you have any issues, please tell me. I will reflect on it seriously.

18. 昨晚喝多了,说了一些搞笑的事情,你要是还记得就跟我分享一下吧!

I said some funny things last night. If you remember any of them, please share them with me!

19. 昨晚喝多了,感觉自己像个傻子,你要是觉得我丢脸,就请你告诉我!

I felt like a fool last night. If you think I embarrassed myself, please tell me.

20. 昨晚喝多了,真的后悔死了,下次再也不敢了!

I was so drunk last night, I really regret it. I will never do it again!


21. 昨晚喝多了,没有控制好自己,对你造成了困扰,真的很抱歉!

I'm really sorry for the trouble I caused last night. I got drunk and couldn't control myself.

22. 昨晚喝多了,情绪很激动,说了很多不应该说的话,真的很抱歉!

I'm so sorry for the things I said last night. I was drunk and very emotional.

23. 昨晚喝多了,有些行为不检点,真的对不起!

I'm so sorry for my inappropriate behavior last night. I was drunk.

24. 昨晚喝多了,没有注意到你的感受,真的对不起!

I'm so sorry for not paying attention to your feelings last night. I was drunk.

25. 昨晚喝多了,让你感到尴尬,真的很抱歉!

I'm so sorry for embarrassing you last night. I was drunk.

26. 昨晚喝多了,没有考虑你的感受,说了很多过分的话,真的很抱歉!

I'm so sorry for the hurtful things I said last night. I was drunk and didn't consider your feelings.

27. 昨晚喝多了,对你的态度很差,真的很抱歉!

I'm so sorry for my bad attitude towards you last night. I was drunk.

28. 昨晚喝多了,做了很多错事,真的很抱歉!

I'm so sorry for all the wrong things I did last night. I was drunk.

29. 昨晚喝多了,让你伤心了,真的对不起!

I'm so sorry for upsetting you last night. I was drunk.

30. 昨晚喝多了,让你失望了,真的对不起!

I'm so sorry for disappointing you last night. I was drunk.


31. 以后我会注意自己的酒量,不会再喝醉了!

I will be more aware of my limits and won't get drunk again.

32. 下次我会控制好自己的情绪,不会再失态了!

I'll control my emotions better next time and won't act out again.

33. 下次我会注意自己的言行举止,不会再让你感到尴尬了!

I'll be more mindful of my words and actions next time and won't embarrass you again.

34. 下次我会认真考虑你的感受,不会再让你感到伤心了!

I'll be more considerate of your feelings next time and won't upset you again.

35. 下次我会更加成熟稳重,不会再让你失望了!

I'll be more mature and responsible next time and won't disappoint you again.

36. 下次我会更加注意自己的行为,不会再让你担心了!

I'll be more careful with my actions next time and won't worry you again.

37. 下次我会更加自律,不会再做出让自己后悔的事情了!

I'll be more disciplined next time and won't do anything I'll regret again.

38. 下次我会更加谨慎,不会再让你感到不舒服了!

I'll be more cautious next time and won't make you uncomfortable again.

39. 下次我会更加注意自己的言行,不会再让你感到生气了!

I'll be more mindful of my words and actions next time and won't make you angry again.

40. 下次我会更加成熟,不会再做出幼稚的行为!

I'll be more mature next time and won't act childishly again.


41. 你没事吧?昨晚喝多了,有没有不舒服?

Are you okay? I was drunk last night. Are you feeling unwell?

42. 昨晚喝多了,让你担心了,真的对不起!以后我会注意的!

I'm so sorry for worrying you last night. I was drunk. I'll be more careful in the future.

43. 你真是我的好朋友,谢谢你一直包容我!

You're such a good friend. Thank you for always being understanding.

44. 我真的很珍惜你,请你原谅我的过失!

I truly cherish you. Please forgive me for my mistakes.

45. 我真的很爱你,希望你能够理解我!

I love you so much. I hope you can understand me.

46. 你是我生命中最重要的一个人,我不能失去你!

You are the most important person in my life. I can't lose you.

47. 我真的很后悔昨晚的所作所为,希望你能够给我一个机会!

I really regret what I did last night. I hope you can give me a chance.

48. 我真的很爱你,希望你能原谅我!

I love you very much. I hope you can forgive me.

49. 我真的很抱歉,希望你能够明白我的心意!

I'm so sorry. I hope you can understand my feelings.

50. 你是我生命中最重要的,请你相信我!

You're the most important person in my life. Please believe me.


51. 我真的太不应该了,喝醉了就失去理智,真的很抱歉!

I was so wrong. I lost my mind when I got drunk. I'm so sorry!

52. 我真的太丢脸了,喝醉了就做出一些傻事,真的很抱歉!

I'm so ashamed of myself. I did some foolish things when I was drunk. I'm so sorry.

53. 我真的太后悔了,喝醉了就说了很多过分的话,真的很抱歉!

I really regret it. I said a lot of hurtful things when I was drunk. I'm so sorry.

54. 我真的太自责了,喝醉了就做了很多错事,真的很抱歉!

I'm so guilty. I did a lot of wrong things when I was drunk. I'm so sorry.

55. 我真的太不应该了,喝醉了就伤害了你,真的对不起!

I was so wrong. I hurt you when I was drunk. I'm so sorry!

56. 我真的太自私了,喝醉了就只顾着自己,真的很抱歉!

I was so selfish. I only cared about myself when I was drunk. I'm so sorry.

57. 我真的太不应该了,喝醉了就让你担心了,真的对不起!

I was so wrong. I worried you when I was drunk. I'm so sorry.

58. 我真的太后悔了,喝醉了就让你失望了,真的对不起!

I really regret it. I disappointed you when I was drunk. I'm so sorry.

59. 我真的太不应该了,喝醉了就让你生气了,真的对不起!

I was so wrong. I made you angry when I was drunk. I'm so sorry.

60. 我真的太自责了,喝醉了就让你感到难堪了,真的对不起!

I'm so guilty. I embarrassed you when I was drunk. I'm so sorry.


61. 请你原谅我,我以后再也不会喝醉了!

Please forgive me. I will never get drunk again.

62. 请你原谅我,我以后会更加注意自己的行为!

Please forgive me. I'll be more mindful of my actions in the future.

63. 请你原谅我,我以后会更加成熟稳重!

Please forgive me. I'll be more mature and responsible in the future.

64. 请你原谅我,我以后会更加珍惜你!

Please forgive me. I'll cherish you more in the future.

65. 请你原谅我,我以后会更加爱你!

Please forgive me. I'll love you more in the future.

66. 请你原谅我,我以后会更加尊重你!

Please forgive me. I'll respect you more in the future.

67. 请你原谅我,我以后会更加理解你!

Please forgive me. I'll understand you more in the future.

68. 请你原谅我,我以后会更加用心对待你!

Please forgive me. I'll treat you with more care in the future.

69. 请你原谅我,我以后会更加珍惜我们的感情!

Please forgive me. I'll cherish our relationship more in the future.

70. 请你原谅我,我以后会更加努力成为一个更好的人!

Please forgive me. I'll work harder to become a better person.


71. 谢谢你对我的包容和理解!

Thank you for your understanding and tolerance.

72. 希望你能够原谅我,我真的很珍惜我们的友谊!

I hope you can forgive me. I truly cherish our friendship.

73. 希望你能够原谅我,我真的很爱你!

I hope you can forgive me. I love you so much.

74. 希望你能够再给我一次机会,我不会再让你失望了!

I hope you can give me another chance. I won't disappoint you again.

75. 希望你能够相信我,我以后会更加注意自己的言行举止!

I hope you can believe me. I'll be more mindful of my words and actions in the future.

76. 希望你能够理解我,我真的很后悔昨晚的所作所为!

I hope you can understand me. I really regret what I did last night.

77. 希望你能够接受我的道歉,我真的很珍惜你!

I hope you can accept my apology. I truly cherish you.

78. 希望你能够给我一个机会,我一定会证明自己!

I hope you can give me a chance. I will prove myself.

79. 希望你能够原谅我,我以后会更加珍惜你,更加爱你!

I hope you can forgive me. I will cherish you and love you more in the future.

80. 希望你能够相信我,我不会再做出让你伤心的事情了!

I hope you can believe me. I won't do anything to upset you again.

81. 希望你能够看到我的真心,我真的真的很抱歉!

I hope you can see my sincerity. I am truly sorry.

82. 希望你能够原谅我,我一定会改过自新,成为一个更好的人!

I hope you can forgive me. I will change my ways and become a better person.

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