
## 喝酒第二天后悔的句子,85句:

1. 早知道昨晚少喝点,今天就不会这么难受了。

2. 一觉醒来,头疼欲裂,真是自作孽不可活啊。

3. 肠胃翻滚,头昏脑涨,这简直是宿醉的“礼物”。

4. 昨天晚上明明喝得很开心,现在却后悔不已。

5. 喝酒误事,以后再也不敢放纵自己了。

6. 看着镜子里憔悴的自己,真是恨不得时光倒流。

7. 感觉身体被掏空,只想躺在床上休息。

8. 喝酒带来的快乐只是一时的,代价却要付出很久。

9. 昨晚的酒还没醒,今天就又要面对生活中的压力。

10. 喝酒之后,智商下降,各种糗事都做出来了。

11. 真是后悔昨晚没有早点回家,现在难受死了。

12. 喝酒带来的快乐,远远比不上宿醉带来的痛苦。

13. 真是应了那句话:喝酒伤身,伤身伤心。

14. 喝酒之后,什么都做不了,只能躺在床上等死。

15. 感觉自己就像个废人,一点力气都没有。

16. 喝酒真是个无底洞,越喝越想喝,最后就喝多了。

17. 昨晚喝醉了,现在连自己都认不出来了。

18. 喝酒之后,脑袋里一片空白,什么都想不起来。

19. 喝酒误事,真的应该少喝点,或者不喝。

20. 喝酒第二天,感觉身体里充满了酒精的味道。

21. 昨晚喝的太猛了,现在肠胃都受不了了。

22. 喝酒之后,感觉自己就像个傻子,什么话都敢说。

23. 昨晚喝的太嗨了,现在却要为自己的行为付出代价。

24. 喝酒真是件伤身又伤神的事情。

25. 真是应了那句话:酒后吐真言,酒醒后悔晚。

26. 喝酒之后,感觉自己就像个疯子,什么都敢做。

27. 昨晚喝醉了,现在连自己都害怕了。

28. 喝酒误事,真的应该控制一下自己的酒量。

29. 喝酒之后,感觉自己就像个木偶,被人操控着。

30. 昨晚喝的太多了,现在连饭都吃不下去了。

31. 喝酒之后,感觉自己就像个超人,什么都敢尝试。

32. 昨晚喝的太嗨了,现在却要为自己的行为负责。

33. 喝酒之后,感觉自己就像个天使,什么都无所谓。

34. 昨晚喝的太猛了,现在连路都走不了了。

35. 喝酒之后,感觉自己就像个恶魔,什么都敢说。

36. 昨晚喝的太多了,现在连水都喝不下去了。

37. 喝酒之后,感觉自己就像个傻瓜,什么都听不懂。

38. 昨晚喝的太嗨了,现在却要为自己的行为付出代价。

39. 喝酒之后,感觉自己就像个机器人,没有感情。

40. 昨晚喝的太猛了,现在连话都说不出来了。

41. 喝酒之后,感觉自己就像个小丑,被人嘲笑。

42. 昨晚喝的太多了,现在连眼睛都睁不开了。

43. 喝酒之后,感觉自己就像个乞丐,一无所有。

44. 昨晚喝的太嗨了,现在却要为自己的行为负责。

45. 喝酒之后,感觉自己就像个罪犯,愧疚不已。

46. 昨晚喝的太猛了,现在连头都抬不起来了。

47. 喝酒之后,感觉自己就像个失败者,一无是处。

48. 昨晚喝的太多了,现在连心跳都加速了。

49. 喝酒之后,感觉自己就像个疯子,什么都敢做。

50. 昨晚喝的太嗨了,现在却要为自己的行为付出代价。

51. 喝酒之后,感觉自己就像个小孩,什么都不懂。

52. 昨晚喝的太猛了,现在连路都走不了了。

53. 喝酒之后,感觉自己就像个怪物,丑陋不堪。

54. 昨晚喝的太多了,现在连胃都难受了。

55. 喝酒之后,感觉自己就像个骗子,虚伪无比。

56. 昨晚喝的太嗨了,现在却要为自己的行为负责。

57. 喝酒之后,感觉自己就像个奴隶,被酒精控制。

58. 昨晚喝的太猛了,现在连床都爬不起来了。

59. 喝酒之后,感觉自己就像个垃圾,一无是处。

60. 昨晚喝的太多了,现在连呼吸都困难了。

61. 喝酒之后,感觉自己就像个疯子,什么都敢做。

62. 昨晚喝的太嗨了,现在却要为自己的行为付出代价。

63. 喝酒之后,感觉自己就像个傻瓜,什么都不明白。

64. 昨晚喝的太猛了,现在连眼睛都睁不开。

65. 喝酒之后,感觉自己就像个罪人,愧疚不已。

66. 昨晚喝的太多了,现在连头都抬不起来了。

67. 喝酒之后,感觉自己就像个失败者,一无是处。

68. 昨晚喝的太嗨了,现在却要为自己的行为负责。

69. 喝酒之后,感觉自己就像个小孩,什么都不懂。

70. 昨晚喝的太猛了,现在连路都走不了了。

71. 喝酒之后,感觉自己就像个怪物,丑陋不堪。

72. 昨晚喝的太多了,现在连胃都难受了。

73. 喝酒之后,感觉自己就像个骗子,虚伪无比。

74. 昨晚喝的太嗨了,现在却要为自己的行为负责。

75. 喝酒之后,感觉自己就像个奴隶,被酒精控制。

76. 昨晚喝的太猛了,现在连床都爬不起来了。

77. 喝酒之后,感觉自己就像个垃圾,一无是处。

78. 昨晚喝的太多了,现在连呼吸都困难了。

79. 喝酒之后,感觉自己就像个疯子,什么都敢做。

80. 昨晚喝的太嗨了,现在却要为自己的行为付出代价。

81. 喝酒之后,感觉自己就像个傻瓜,什么都不明白。

82. 昨晚喝的太猛了,现在连眼睛都睁不开。

83. 喝酒之后,感觉自己就像个罪人,愧疚不已。

84. 昨晚喝的太多了,现在连头都抬不起来了。

85. 喝酒之后,感觉自己就像个失败者,一无是处。

## 英文翻译:

1. I wish I had drunk less last night, I wouldn't feel so bad today.

2. I woke up with a splitting headache, it's really my own fault.

3. My stomach is churning, my head is spinning, this is a real"gift" from a hangover.

4. I was having so much fun last night, but now I'm regretting it.

5. Drinking is a waste of time, I'll never indulge myself again.

6. Looking at myself in the mirror, I wish I could turn back time.

7. I feel like I'm drained, I just want to lie in bed and rest.

8. The happiness brought by drinking is only temporary, but the price you have to pay for it takes a long time.

9. The alcohol from last night hasn't worn off, and I have to face the pressure of life today.

10. After drinking, my IQ dropped, and I did all sorts of embarrassing things.

11. I regret not going home earlier last night, I feel terrible now.

12. The joy brought by drinking is far less than the pain brought by a hangover.

13. It's true what they say: drinking harms the body and the heart.

14. After drinking, I can't do anything, I can only lie in bed and wait to die.

15. I feel like a cripple, I have no strength.

16. Drinking is a bottomless pit, the more you drink, the more you want to drink, and eventually you drink too much.

17. I was so drunk last night, I don't even recognize myself now.

18. After drinking, my mind is blank, I can't think of anything.

19. Drinking is a waste of time, I should really drink less, or not at all.

20. The day after drinking, I feel like my body is filled with the smell of alcohol.

21. I drank too much last night, now my stomach can't take it.

22. After drinking, I feel like an idiot, I dare to say anything.

23. I was having so much fun last night, but now I have to pay for my actions.

24. Drinking is a painful thing, both physically and mentally.

25. It's true what they say: what you say when you're drunk is true, but you regret it when you sober up.

26. After drinking, I feel like a madman, I dare to do anything.

27. I was so drunk last night, now I'm even scared of myself.

28. Drinking is a waste of time, I really should control my drinking capacity.

29. After drinking, I feel like a puppet, being controlled by others.

30. I drank too much last night, I can't even eat now.

31. After drinking, I feel like a superhero, I dare to try anything.

32. I was having so much fun last night, but now I have to take responsibility for my actions.

33. After drinking, I feel like an angel, I don't care about anything.

34. I drank too much last night, I can't even walk now.

35. After drinking, I feel like a devil, I dare to say anything.

36. I drank too much last night, I can't even drink water now.

37. After drinking, I feel like a fool, I can't understand anything.

38. I was having so much fun last night, but now I have to pay for my actions.

39. After drinking, I feel like a robot, without feelings.

40. I drank too much last night, I can't even speak now.

41. After drinking, I feel like a clown, being laughed at.

42. I drank too much last night, I can't even open my eyes now.

43. After drinking, I feel like a beggar, having nothing.

44. I was having so much fun last night, but now I have to take responsibility for my actions.

45. After drinking, I feel like a criminal, filled with guilt.

46. I drank too much last night, I can't even lift my head now.

47. After drinking, I feel like a loser, worthless.

48. I drank too much last night, my heart is racing now.

49. After drinking, I feel like a madman, I dare to do anything.

50. I was having so much fun last night, but now I have to pay for my actions.

51. After drinking, I feel like a child, I don't understand anything.

52. I drank too much last night, I can't even walk now.

53. After drinking, I feel like a monster, ugly and disgusting.

54. I drank too much last night, my stomach is hurting now.

55. After drinking, I feel like a liar, hypocritical.

56. I was having so much fun last night, but now I have to take responsibility for my actions.

57. After drinking, I feel like a slave, controlled by alcohol.

58. I drank too much last night, I can't even get out of bed now.

59. After drinking, I feel like garbage, worthless.

60. I drank too much last night, I'm having trouble breathing now.

61. After drinking, I feel like a madman, I dare to do anything.

62. I was having so much fun last night, but now I have to pay for my actions.

63. After drinking, I feel like a fool, I don't understand anything.

64. I drank too much last night, I can't even open my eyes now.

65. After drinking, I feel like a criminal, filled with guilt.

66. I drank too much last night, I can't even lift my head now.

67. After drinking, I feel like a loser, worthless.

68. I was having so much fun last night, but now I have to take responsibility for my actions.

69. After drinking, I feel like a child, I don't understand anything.

70. I drank too much last night, I can't even walk now.

71. After drinking, I feel like a monster, ugly and disgusting.

72. I drank too much last night, my stomach is hurting now.

73. After drinking, I feel like a liar, hypocritical.

74. I was having so much fun last night, but now I have to take responsibility for my actions.

75. After drinking, I feel like a slave, controlled by alcohol.

76. I drank too much last night, I can't even get out of bed now.

77. After drinking, I feel like garbage, worthless.

78. I drank too much last night, I'm having trouble breathing now.

79. After drinking, I feel like a madman, I dare to do anything.

80. I was having so much fun last night, but now I have to pay for my actions.

81. After drinking, I feel like a fool, I don't understand anything.

82. I drank too much last night, I can't even open my eyes now.

83. After drinking, I feel like a criminal, filled with guilt.

84. I drank too much last night, I can't even lift my head now.

85. After drinking, I feel like a loser, worthless.

以上就是关于喝酒第二天后悔的句子85句(喝酒第二天后悔的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
