
## 喜雨重点句子 (71句) 及英文翻译

1. 远山含黛,近树披烟。

The distant mountains are tinged with blue, and the nearby trees are shrouded in mist.

2. 清风送爽,暑气全消。

The cool breeze brings refreshment, dispelling the summer heat.

3. 天色渐暗,雨丝飘落。

The sky gradually darkens, and raindrops begin to fall.

4. 细雨如丝,润物无声。

The fine rain falls like threads, silently nourishing all things.

5. 雨声沙沙,奏响天籁。

The sound of the rain, soft and rustling, creates a natural symphony.

6. 浓云密布,遮天蔽日。

Thick clouds gather, obscuring the sun.

7. 闪电交加,雷声轰鸣。

Lightning flashes, and thunder roars.

8. 雨势渐猛,倾盆而下。

The rain intensifies, pouring down in torrents.

9. 屋檐滴水,清脆悦耳。

The dripping water from the eaves makes a clear and pleasant sound.

10. 路面湿滑,行人匆匆。

The roads are slick, and pedestrians hurry along.

11. 雨水汇聚,形成溪流。

The rainwater gathers, forming streams.

12. 雨后初晴,彩虹高挂。

After the rain, the sky clears, and a rainbow arches across the heavens.

13. 花草树木,洗尽铅华。

Flowers, grass, and trees are cleansed and refreshed by the rain.

14. 泥土芬芳,空气清新。

The soil is fragrant, and the air is fresh.

15. 雨过天晴,万物复苏。

After the rain, the sun shines again, and everything comes back to life.

16. 雨水滋润,万物生长。

Rain nourishes all things, allowing them to grow and thrive.

17. 滴滴雨水,孕育希望。

Each drop of rain carries the promise of hope.

18. 雨声如歌,洗涤心灵。

The sound of the rain is like music, cleansing the soul.

19. 雨中漫步,别有一番滋味。

Walking in the rain has a unique charm.

20. 雨后彩虹,绚丽多彩。

The rainbow after the rain is beautiful and colorful.

21. 雨水洗刷,万物焕然一新。

The rain washes away everything, leaving the world fresh and renewed.

22. 雨声敲窗,思绪万千。

The sound of the rain against the window stirs countless thoughts.

23. 雨夜静谧,心绪沉静。

The rainy night is tranquil, and the mind is calm.

24. 雨水滋润,万物蓬勃生长。

Rainwater nourishes all things, allowing them to grow vigorously.

25. 雨水降落,大地欢欣。

Rain falls upon the earth, bringing joy and rejuvenation.

26. 雨水丰沛,五谷丰登。

Abundant rain leads to a plentiful harvest.

27. 雨水滋养,万物生机盎然。

Rain nourishes all things, bringing them to life.

28. 雨水洗涤,空气清新宜人。

Rain cleanses the air, making it fresh and pleasant.

29. 雨水汇聚,河流奔涌。

Rainwater gathers, causing rivers to surge and flow.

30. 雨水灌溉,田野一片生机。

Rainwater irrigates the fields, bringing them to life.

31. 雨水冲刷,道路泥泞不堪。

Rain washes the roads, leaving them muddy and difficult to navigate.

32. 雨水浸泡,房屋漏水。

Rain soaks the houses, causing leaks.

33. 雨水肆虐,山洪暴发。

Torrential rain leads to flash floods.

34. 雨水连绵,积水成灾。

Continuous rain causes widespread flooding.

35. 雨水无情,吞噬生命。

Rain can be merciless, taking lives.

36. 雨水消退,留下满目疮痍。

When the rain subsides, it leaves behind a scene of devastation.

37. 雨水过后,天空一片晴朗。

After the rain, the sky is clear and bright.

38. 雨水洗刷,万物焕然一新。

The rain washes away everything, leaving the world fresh and renewed.

39. 雨水滋润,万物生机勃勃。

Rain nourishes all things, bringing them to life.

40. 雨水降落,大地欢欣。

Rain falls upon the earth, bringing joy and rejuvenation.

41. 雨水丰沛,五谷丰登。

Abundant rain leads to a plentiful harvest.

42. 雨水滋养,万物生机盎然。

Rain nourishes all things, bringing them to life.

43. 雨水洗涤,空气清新宜人。

Rain cleanses the air, making it fresh and pleasant.

44. 雨水汇聚,河流奔涌。

Rainwater gathers, causing rivers to surge and flow.

45. 雨水灌溉,田野一片生机。

Rainwater irrigates the fields, bringing them to life.

46. 雨水冲刷,道路泥泞不堪。

Rain washes the roads, leaving them muddy and difficult to navigate.

47. 雨水浸泡,房屋漏水。

Rain soaks the houses, causing leaks.

48. 雨水肆虐,山洪暴发。

Torrential rain leads to flash floods.

49. 雨水连绵,积水成灾。

Continuous rain causes widespread flooding.

50. 雨水无情,吞噬生命。

Rain can be merciless, taking lives.

51. 雨水消退,留下满目疮痍。

When the rain subsides, it leaves behind a scene of devastation.

52. 雨水过后,天空一片晴朗。

After the rain, the sky is clear and bright.

53. 雨水洗刷,万物焕然一新。

The rain washes away everything, leaving the world fresh and renewed.

54. 雨水滋润,万物生机勃勃。

Rain nourishes all things, bringing them to life.

55. 雨水降落,大地欢欣。

Rain falls upon the earth, bringing joy and rejuvenation.

56. 雨水丰沛,五谷丰登。

Abundant rain leads to a plentiful harvest.

57. 雨水滋养,万物生机盎然。

Rain nourishes all things, bringing them to life.

58. 雨水洗涤,空气清新宜人。

Rain cleanses the air, making it fresh and pleasant.

59. 雨水汇聚,河流奔涌。

Rainwater gathers, causing rivers to surge and flow.

60. 雨水灌溉,田野一片生机。

Rainwater irrigates the fields, bringing them to life.

61. 雨水冲刷,道路泥泞不堪。

Rain washes the roads, leaving them muddy and difficult to navigate.

62. 雨水浸泡,房屋漏水。

Rain soaks the houses, causing leaks.

63. 雨水肆虐,山洪暴发。

Torrential rain leads to flash floods.

64. 雨水连绵,积水成灾。

Continuous rain causes widespread flooding.

65. 雨水无情,吞噬生命。

Rain can be merciless, taking lives.

66. 雨水消退,留下满目疮痍。

When the rain subsides, it leaves behind a scene of devastation.

67. 雨水过后,天空一片晴朗。

After the rain, the sky is clear and bright.

68. 雨水洗刷,万物焕然一新。

The rain washes away everything, leaving the world fresh and renewed.

69. 雨水滋润,万物生机勃勃。

Rain nourishes all things, bringing them to life.

70. 雨水降落,大地欢欣。

Rain falls upon the earth, bringing joy and rejuvenation.

71. 雨水丰沛,五谷丰登。

Abundant rain leads to a plentiful harvest.

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