
## 哀而不伤句子 (65句)

1. 逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜。 (Time flows on like this, never ceasing day or night.)

2. 悲欢离合,人生常态。 (Joys and sorrows, separations and reunions, are the norms of life.)

3. 花开花落,云卷云舒,一切皆是自然。 (Blossoming and fading flowers, gathering and dispersing clouds, all are part of nature.)

4. 世事无常,唯有珍惜眼前人。 (The world is unpredictable, only cherish those around you.)

5. 愿你被温柔以待,不被岁月辜负。 (May you be treated with kindness and not betrayed by time.)

6. 山河远阔,人间烟火,皆是温柔。 (Vast mountains and rivers, the daily lives of people, all are gentle.)

7. 愿你所求皆如愿,所行皆坦途。 (May your wishes be fulfilled, and your path ahead be smooth.)

8. 人生苦短,何必庸人自扰。 (Life is short, why worry yourself unnecessarily.)

9. 珍惜眼前人,莫待失去才后悔。 (Cherish those around you, don't regret it until you lose them.)

10. 愿你活得通透,不被世俗所累。 (May you live with clarity, not burdened by worldly affairs.)

11. 愿你永远被爱,永远被幸福包围。 (May you always be loved and surrounded by happiness.)

12. 岁月静好,现世安稳。 (May your days be peaceful and your present life be stable.)

13. 愿你心怀阳光,照亮前路。 (May you carry sunshine in your heart, illuminating your path ahead.)

14. 愿你历经风雨,依然初心不改。 (May you remain true to your initial intentions even after experiencing storms.)

15. 愿你永远善良,永远充满希望。 (May you always be kind and filled with hope.)

16. 无论经历什么,都要记得微笑。 (No matter what you go through, remember to smile.)

17. 勇敢面对生活,不畏惧风雨。 (Be brave in the face of life, fear no storms.)

18. 愿你永远自由,永远无忧无虑。 (May you always be free and carefree.)

19. 愿你拥有强大的内心,不被外物所扰。 (May you possess a strong inner self, unperturbed by external matters.)

20. 愿你拥有幸福的人生,永远充满快乐。 (May you have a happy life, always filled with joy.)

21. 愿你如星辰般闪耀,照亮世界。 (May you shine like stars, illuminating the world.)

22. 愿你找到属于自己的幸福,永远快乐。 (May you find your own happiness and be joyful forever.)

23. 愿你活得精彩,无悔人生。 (May you live a fulfilling life with no regrets.)

24. 愿你拥有温暖的家庭,永远充满爱。 (May you have a loving family, always filled with love.)

25. 愿你活得纯粹,不被世俗所染。 (May you live with purity, unstained by worldly affairs.)

26. 愿你永远自信,永远充满魅力。 (May you always be confident and charming.)

27. 愿你拥有坚强的意志,战胜一切困难。 (May you possess unwavering willpower to overcome all obstacles.)

28. 愿你拥有宽广的胸怀,包容一切。 (May you have a broad mind, embracing everything.)

29. 愿你永远年轻,永远充满活力。 (May you always be young and full of energy.)

30. 愿你拥有美好的爱情,永远幸福快乐。 (May you have beautiful love and be forever happy.)

31. 愿你拥有健康的身体,享受生活的美好。 (May you have a healthy body and enjoy the beauty of life.)

32. 愿你拥有富足的人生,充满幸福和喜悦。 (May you have a rich life, filled with happiness and joy.)

33. 愿你拥有美好的未来,充满无限可能。 (May you have a beautiful future, full of infinite possibilities.)

34. 愿你永远被幸福包围,永远充满希望。 (May you always be surrounded by happiness and filled with hope.)

35. 愿你永远快乐,永远充满阳光。 (May you always be happy and filled with sunshine.)

36. 愿你永远被爱,永远被温柔所包围。 (May you always be loved and surrounded by gentleness.)

37. 愿你拥有强大的内心,永远充满自信。 (May you possess a strong inner self and always be confident.)

38. 愿你永远保持初心,永远追逐梦想。 (May you always stay true to your initial intentions and always pursue your dreams.)

39. 愿你永远善良,永远充满爱。 (May you always be kind and filled with love.)

40. 愿你永远勇敢,永远充满力量。 (May you always be brave and full of strength.)

41. 愿你永远自由,永远无拘无束。 (May you always be free and unrestrained.)

42. 愿你永远快乐,永远充满希望。 (May you always be happy and filled with hope.)

43. 愿你永远被幸福包围,永远充满阳光。 (May you always be surrounded by happiness and filled with sunshine.)

44. 愿你永远被爱,永远被温柔所包围。 (May you always be loved and surrounded by gentleness.)

45. 愿你拥有强大的内心,永远充满自信。 (May you possess a strong inner self and always be confident.)

46. 愿你永远保持初心,永远追逐梦想。 (May you always stay true to your initial intentions and always pursue your dreams.)

47. 愿你永远善良,永远充满爱。 (May you always be kind and filled with love.)

48. 愿你永远勇敢,永远充满力量。 (May you always be brave and full of strength.)

49. 愿你永远自由,永远无拘无束。 (May you always be free and unrestrained.)

50. 愿你永远快乐,永远充满希望。 (May you always be happy and filled with hope.)

51. 愿你永远被幸福包围,永远充满阳光。 (May you always be surrounded by happiness and filled with sunshine.)

52. 愿你永远被爱,永远被温柔所包围。 (May you always be loved and surrounded by gentleness.)

53. 愿你拥有强大的内心,永远充满自信。 (May you possess a strong inner self and always be confident.)

54. 愿你永远保持初心,永远追逐梦想。 (May you always stay true to your initial intentions and always pursue your dreams.)

55. 愿你永远善良,永远充满爱。 (May you always be kind and filled with love.)

56. 愿你永远勇敢,永远充满力量。 (May you always be brave and full of strength.)

57. 愿你永远自由,永远无拘无束。 (May you always be free and unrestrained.)

58. 愿你永远快乐,永远充满希望。 (May you always be happy and filled with hope.)

59. 愿你永远被幸福包围,永远充满阳光。 (May you always be surrounded by happiness and filled with sunshine.)

60. 愿你永远被爱,永远被温柔所包围。 (May you always be loved and surrounded by gentleness.)

61. 愿你拥有强大的内心,永远充满自信。 (May you possess a strong inner self and always be confident.)

62. 愿你永远保持初心,永远追逐梦想。 (May you always stay true to your initial intentions and always pursue your dreams.)

63. 愿你永远善良,永远充满爱。 (May you always be kind and filled with love.)

64. 愿你永远勇敢,永远充满力量。 (May you always be brave and full of strength.)

65. 愿你永远自由,永远无拘无束。 (May you always be free and unrestrained.)

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