
## 没对比就没伤害句子,94句

**1. 你以为你很努力了,直到你看到别人比你更努力。**

You think you're working hard, until you see someone else working harder than you.

**2. 你以为你很优秀了,直到你看到别人比你更优秀。**

You think you're great, until you see someone else who's even better than you.

**3. 你以为你很幸福了,直到你看到别人比你更幸福。**

You think you're happy, until you see someone else who's even happier than you.

**4. 你以为你很自由了,直到你看到别人比你更自由。**

You think you're free, until you see someone else who's even freer than you.

**5. 你以为你很健康了,直到你看到别人比你更健康。**

You think you're healthy, until you see someone else who's even healthier than you.

**6. 你以为你很聪明了,直到你看到别人比你更聪明。**

You think you're smart, until you see someone else who's even smarter than you.

**7. 你以为你很勇敢了,直到你看到别人比你更勇敢。**

You think you're brave, until you see someone else who's even braver than you.

**8. 你以为你很善良了,直到你看到别人比你更善良。**

You think you're kind, until you see someone else who's even kinder than you.

**9. 你以为你很独立了,直到你看到别人比你更独立。**

You think you're independent, until you see someone else who's even more independent than you.

**10. 你以为你很乐观了,直到你看到别人比你更乐观。**

You think you're optimistic, until you see someone else who's even more optimistic than you.

**11. 你以为你很自信了,直到你看到别人比你更自信。**

You think you're confident, until you see someone else who's even more confident than you.

**12. 你以为你很强大,直到你看到别人比你更强大。**

You think you're strong, until you see someone else who's even stronger than you.

**13. 你以为你很温柔了,直到你看到别人比你更温柔。**

You think you're gentle, until you see someone else who's even gentler than you.

**14. 你以为你很浪漫了,直到你看到别人比你更浪漫。**

You think you're romantic, until you see someone else who's even more romantic than you.

**15. 你以为你很幽默了,直到你看到别人比你更幽默。**

You think you're funny, until you see someone else who's even funnier than you.

**16. 你以为你很细心了,直到你看到别人比你更细心。**

You think you're attentive, until you see someone else who's even more attentive than you.

**17. 你以为你很体贴了,直到你看到别人比你更体贴。**

You think you're considerate, until you see someone else who's even more considerate than you.

**18. 你以为你很可靠了,直到你看到别人比你更可靠。**

You think you're reliable, until you see someone else who's even more reliable than you.

**19. 你以为你很真诚了,直到你看到别人比你更真诚。**

You think you're sincere, until you see someone else who's even more sincere than you.

**20. 你以为你很宽容了,直到你看到别人比你更宽容。**

You think you're tolerant, until you see someone else who's even more tolerant than you.

**21. 你以为你很冷静了,直到你看到别人比你更冷静。**

You think you're calm, until you see someone else who's even calmer than you.

**22. 你以为你很耐心了,直到你看到别人比你更耐心。**

You think you're patient, until you see someone else who's even more patient than you.

**23. 你以为你很理性了,直到你看到别人比你更理性。**

You think you're rational, until you see someone else who's even more rational than you.

**24. 你以为你很理智了,直到你看到别人比你更理智。**

You think you're sensible, until you see someone else who's even more sensible than you.

**25. 你以为你很成熟了,直到你看到别人比你更成熟。**

You think you're mature, until you see someone else who's even more mature than you.

**26. 你以为你很稳重了,直到你看到别人比你更稳重。**

You think you're steady, until you see someone else who's even steadier than you.

**27. 你以为你很沉稳了,直到你看到别人比你更沉稳。**

You think you're composed, until you see someone else who's even more composed than you.

**28. 你以为你很会说话了,直到你看到别人比你更会说话。**

You think you're articulate, until you see someone else who's even more articulate than you.

**29. 你以为你很会写了,直到你看到别人比你更会写。**

You think you're a good writer, until you see someone else who's an even better writer than you.

**30. 你以为你很会画了,直到你看到别人比你更会画。**

You think you're a good artist, until you see someone else who's an even better artist than you.

**31. 你以为你很会唱歌了,直到你看到别人比你更会唱歌。**

You think you're a good singer, until you see someone else who's an even better singer than you.

**32. 你以为你很会跳舞了,直到你看到别人比你更会跳舞。**

You think you're a good dancer, until you see someone else who's an even better dancer than you.

**33. 你以为你很会做饭了,直到你看到别人比你更会做饭。**

You think you're a good cook, until you see someone else who's an even better cook than you.

**34. 你以为你很会赚钱了,直到你看到别人比你更会赚钱。**

You think you're good at making money, until you see someone else who's even better at making money than you.

**35. 你以为你很会理财了,直到你看到别人比你更会理财。**

You think you're good at managing money, until you see someone else who's even better at managing money than you.

**36. 你以为你很会交朋友了,直到你看到别人比你更会交朋友。**

You think you're good at making friends, until you see someone else who's even better at making friends than you.

**37. 你以为你很会谈恋爱了,直到你看到别人比你更会谈恋爱。**

You think you're good at dating, until you see someone else who's even better at dating than you.

**38. 你以为你很会照顾人了,直到你看到别人比你更会照顾人。**

You think you're good at taking care of people, until you see someone else who's even better at taking care of people than you.

**39. 你以为你很会学习了,直到你看到别人比你更会学习。**

You think you're good at learning, until you see someone else who's even better at learning than you.

**40. 你以为你很会工作了,直到你看到别人比你更会工作。**

You think you're good at your job, until you see someone else who's even better at their job than you.

**41. 你以为你很会生活了,直到你看到别人比你更会生活。**

You think you're good at living your life, until you see someone else who's even better at living their life than you.

**42. 你以为你很懂事了,直到你看到别人比你更懂事。**

You think you're mature, until you see someone else who's even more mature than you.

**43. 你以为你很孝顺了,直到你看到别人比你更孝顺。**

You think you're filial, until you see someone else who's even more filial than you.

**44. 你以为你很爱家人了,直到你看到别人比你更爱家人。**

You think you love your family, until you see someone else who loves their family even more than you do.

**45. 你以为你很懂爱情了,直到你看到别人比你更懂爱情。**

You think you understand love, until you see someone else who understands love even more than you do.

**46. 你以为你很会爱人了,直到你看到别人比你更会爱人。**

You think you know how to love, until you see someone else who knows how to love even better than you do.

**47. 你以为你很会珍惜了,直到你看到别人比你更会珍惜。**

You think you're good at cherishing things, until you see someone else who's even better at cherishing things than you.

**48. 你以为你很会感恩了,直到你看到别人比你更会感恩。**

You think you're good at being grateful, until you see someone else who's even better at being grateful than you.

**49. 你以为你很会原谅了,直到你看到别人比你更会原谅。**

You think you're good at forgiving, until you see someone else who's even better at forgiving than you.

**50. 你以为你很会忘记了,直到你看到别人比你更会忘记。**

You think you're good at forgetting, until you see someone else who's even better at forgetting than you.

**51. 你以为你很会接受了,直到你看到别人比你更会接受。**

You think you're good at accepting things, until you see someone else who's even better at accepting things than you.

**52. 你以为你很会坚持了,直到你看到别人比你更会坚持。**

You think you're good at persevering, until you see someone else who's even better at persevering than you.

**53. 你以为你很会付出,直到你看到别人比你更会付出。**

You think you're good at giving, until you see someone else who's even better at giving than you.

**54. 你以为你很会得到,直到你看到别人比你更会得到。**

You think you're good at receiving, until you see someone else who's even better at receiving than you.

**55. 你以为你很会享受了,直到你看到别人比你更会享受。**

You think you're good at enjoying life, until you see someone else who's even better at enjoying life than you.

**56. 你以为你很会冒险了,直到你看到别人比你更会冒险。**

You think you're good at taking risks, until you see someone else who's even better at taking risks than you.

**57. 你以为你很会创造了,直到你看到别人比你更会创造。**

You think you're good at being creative, until you see someone else who's even better at being creative than you.

**58. 你以为你很会改变了,直到你看到别人比你更会改变。**

You think you're good at changing, until you see someone else who's even better at changing than you.

**59. 你以为你很会成长了,直到你看到别人比你更会成长。**

You think you're good at growing, until you see someone else who's even better at growing than you.

**60. 你以为你很会突破了,直到你看到别人比你更会突破。**

You think you're good at breaking through, until you see someone else who's even better at breaking through than you.

**61. 你以为你很会超越了,直到你看到别人比你更会超越。**

You think you're good at surpassing others, until you see someone else who's even better at surpassing others than you.

**62. 你以为你很会成功了,直到你看到别人比你更会成功。**

You think you're good at succeeding, until you see someone else who's even better at succeeding than you.

**63. 你以为你很会失败了,直到你看到别人比你更会失败。**

You think you're good at failing, until you see someone else who's even better at failing than you.

**64. 你以为你很会总结了,直到你看到别人比你更会总结。**

You think you're good at summarizing, until you see someone else who's even better at summarizing than you.

**65. 你以为你很会反思了,直到你看到别人比你更会反思。**

You think you're good at reflecting, until you see someone else who's even better at reflecting than you.

**66. 你以为你很会学习了,直到你看到别人比你更会学习。**

You think you're good at learning, until you see someone else who's even better at learning than you.

**67. 你以为你很会进步了,直到你看到别人比你更会进步。**

You think you're good at making progress, until you see someone else who's even better at making progress than you.

**68. 你以为你很会奋斗了,直到你看到别人比你更会奋斗。**

You think you're good at striving, until you see someone else who's even better at striving than you.

**69. 你以为你很会努力了,直到你看到别人比你更会努力。**

You think you're good at working hard, until you see someone else who's even better at working hard than you.

**70. 你以为你很会坚持了,直到你看到别人比你更会坚持。**

You think you're good at persevering, until you see someone else who's even better at persevering than you.

**71. 你以为你很会放弃了,直到你看到别人比你更会放弃。**

You think you're good at giving up, until you see someone else who's even better at giving up than you.

**72. 你以为你很会选择,直到你看到别人比你更会选择。**

You think you're good at making choices, until you see someone else who's even better at making choices than you.

**73. 你以为你很会拒绝了,直到你看到别人比你更会拒绝。**

You think you're good at saying no, until you see someone else who's even better at saying no than you.

**74. 你以为你很会沟通了,直到你看到别人比你更会沟通。**

You think you're good at communicating, until you see someone else who's even better at communicating than you.

**75. 你以为你很会表达了,直到你看到别人比你更会表达。**

You think you're good at expressing yourself, until you see someone else who's even better at expressing themselves than you.

**76. 你以为你很会理解了,直到你看到别人比你更会理解。**

You think you're good at understanding, until you see someone else who's even better at understanding than you.

**77. 你以为你很会包容了,直到你看到别人比你更会包容。**

You think you're good at being tolerant, until you see someone else who's even better at being tolerant than you.

**78. 你以为你很会忍耐了,直到你看到别人比你更会忍耐。**

You think you're good at enduring, until you see someone else who's even better at enduring than you.

**79. 你以为你很会控制了,直到你看到别人比你更会控制。**

You think you're good at controlling things, until you see someone else who's even better at controlling things than you.

**80. 你以为你很会适应了,直到你看到别人比你更会适应。**

You think you're good at adapting, until you see someone else who's even better at adapting than you.

**81. 你以为你很会平衡了,直到你看到别人比你更会平衡。**

You think you're good at balancing things, until you see someone else who's even better at balancing things than you.

**82. 你以为你很会规划了,直到你看到别人比你更会规划。**

You think you're good at planning, until you see someone else who's even better at planning than you.

**83. 你以为你很会执行了,直到你看到别人比你更会执行。**

You think you're good at executing plans, until you see someone else who's even better at executing plans than you.

**84. 你以为你很会管理了,直到你看到别人比你更会管理。**

You think you're good at managing things, until you see someone else who's even better at managing things than you.

**85. 你以为你很会领导了,直到你看到别人比你更会领导。**

You think you're good at leading, until you see someone else who's even better at leading than you.

**86. 你以为你很会合作了,直到你看到别人比你更会合作。**

You think you're good at collaborating, until you see someone else who's even better at collaborating than you.

**87. 你以为你很会竞争了,直到你看到别人比你更会竞争。**

You think you're good at competing, until you see someone else who's even better at competing than you.

**88. 你以为你很会享受生活了,直到你看到别人比你更会享受生活。**

You think you're good at enjoying life, until you see someone else who's even better at enjoying life than you.

**89. 你以为你很会快乐了,直到你看到别人比你更会快乐。**

You think you're good at being happy, until you see someone else who's even better at being happy than you.

**90. 你以为你很会悲伤了,直到你看到别人比你更会悲伤。**

You think you're good at being sad, until you see someone else who's even better at being sad than you.

**91. 你以为你很会愤怒了,直到你看到别人比你更会愤怒。**

You think you're good at being angry, until you see someone else who's even better at being angry than you.

**92. 你以为你很会平静了,直到你看到别人比你更会平静。**

You think you're good at being calm, until you see someone else who's even better at being calm than you.

**93. 你以为你很会思考了,直到你看到别人比你更会思考。**

You think you're good at thinking, until you see someone else who's even better at thinking than you.

**94. 你以为你很会觉醒了,直到你看到别人比你更会觉醒了。**

You think you're good at being aware, until you see someone else who's even better at being aware than you.

以上就是关于没对比就没伤害句子94句(没对比就没伤害句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
