
## 耿直人吃亏句子,82句,并把内容翻译成英文,然后把结果内容的段落带上html标签中的p标签

**1. 耿直的人,总是习惯用最直接的方式表达自己,却不知世事难料,处处留心皆学问。**

Honest people always express themselves in the most direct way, but they don't know that the world is unpredictable, and learning is everywhere.

**2. 耿直的嘴,常常说不出好听的话,却也伤不到人,因为那是发自真心的。**

Honest mouths often cannot speak nicely, but they can't hurt people either, because it's genuine.

**3. 耿直的人,容易被别人利用,因为他们总是相信别人,却忘了人心叵测。**

Honest people are easily taken advantage of because they always believe others, but they forget that people's hearts are unpredictable.

**4. 耿直的人,总是太过于执着,不懂得变通,最终只会让自己陷入困境。**

Honest people are always too persistent and don't know how to be flexible, which ultimately leads them into trouble.

**5. 耿直的人,容易得罪人,因为他们总是说出真相,却不懂得如何委婉。**

Honest people easily offend others because they always speak the truth, but they don't know how to be tactful.

**6. 耿直的人,总是太过于善良,不懂得拒绝,最终只会让自己吃亏。**

Honest people are always too kind and don't know how to refuse, which ultimately only leads them to suffer.

**7. 耿直的人,总是太过于单纯,不懂得世俗的规则,最终只会让自己被孤立。**

Honest people are always too naive and don't understand the rules of the world, which ultimately leads them to be isolated.

**8. 耿直的人,总是太过于信任别人,不懂得防人之心不可无,最终只会让自己被背叛。**

Honest people always trust others too much and don't understand that it's necessary to be cautious, which ultimately leads them to be betrayed.

**9. 耿直的人,总是太过于执着于自己的原则,不懂得灵活变通,最终只会让自己失去机会。**

Honest people are always too persistent in their principles and don't know how to be flexible, which ultimately leads them to lose opportunities.

**10. 耿直的人,总是太过于追求完美,不懂得接受瑕疵,最终只会让自己活得更加痛苦。**

Honest people are always too obsessed with perfection and don't know how to accept flaws, which ultimately leads them to live a more painful life.

**11. 耿直的人,总是太过于认真,不懂得享受生活,最终只会让自己失去乐趣。**

Honest people are always too serious and don't know how to enjoy life, which ultimately leads them to lose fun.

**12. 耿直的人,总是太过于单纯,不懂得人情世故,最终只会让自己被排挤。**

Honest people are always too naive and don't understand social etiquette, which ultimately leads them to be ostracized.

**13. 耿直的人,总是太过于固执己见,不懂得听取别人的意见,最终只会让自己误入歧途。**

Honest people are always too stubborn and don't know how to listen to others' opinions, which ultimately leads them astray.

**14. 耿直的人,总是太过于追求公平,不懂得世事无常,最终只会让自己失望。**

Honest people are always too obsessed with fairness and don't understand the unpredictability of life, which ultimately leads them to disappointment.

**15. 耿直的人,总是太过于相信承诺,不懂得人心易变,最终只会让自己受到伤害。**

Honest people always trust promises too much and don't understand that people's hearts are easily changed, which ultimately leads them to be hurt.

**16. 耿直的人,总是太过于正直,不懂得圆滑处事,最终只会让自己吃闭门羹。**

Honest people are always too upright and don't know how to be smooth in dealing with things, which ultimately leads them to be shut out.

**17. 耿直的人,总是太过于善良,不懂得保护自己,最终只会让自己受到欺骗。**

Honest people are always too kind and don't know how to protect themselves, which ultimately leads them to be deceived.

**18. 耿直的人,总是太过于执着,不懂得放弃,最终只会让自己陷入痛苦的泥潭。**

Honest people are always too persistent and don't know how to give up, which ultimately leads them to fall into a painful quagmire.

**19. 耿直的人,总是太过于相信自己,不懂得谦虚谨慎,最终只会让自己跌倒。**

Honest people always trust themselves too much and don't know how to be humble and cautious, which ultimately leads them to fall.

**20. 耿直的人,总是太过于单纯,不懂得察言观色,最终只会让自己失去机会。**

Honest people are always too naive and don't know how to observe people's words and expressions, which ultimately leads them to lose opportunities.

**21. 耿直的人,总是太过于追求真理,不懂得现实的残酷,最终只会让自己变得孤独。**

Honest people are always too obsessed with truth and don't understand the harshness of reality, which ultimately leads them to become lonely.

**22. 耿直的人,总是太过于固执,不懂得换位思考,最终只会让自己陷入僵局。**

Honest people are always too stubborn and don't know how to put themselves in others' shoes, which ultimately leads them to a deadlock.

**23. 耿直的人,总是太过于善良,不懂得自我保护,最终只会让自己受到伤害。**

Honest people are always too kind and don't know how to protect themselves, which ultimately leads them to be hurt.

**24. 耿直的人,总是太过于执着,不懂得适可而止,最终只会让自己失去朋友。**

Honest people are always too persistent and don't know how to stop when it's enough, which ultimately leads them to lose friends.

**25. 耿直的人,总是太过于相信感情,不懂得人心险恶,最终只会让自己被利用。**

Honest people always trust emotions too much and don't understand the evil of human nature, which ultimately leads them to be taken advantage of.

**26. 耿直的人,总是太过于追求完美,不懂得接受缺陷,最终只会让自己变得不快乐。**

Honest people are always too obsessed with perfection and don't know how to accept flaws, which ultimately leads them to become unhappy.

**27. 耿直的人,总是太过于正直,不懂得圆滑世故,最终只会让自己失去机会。**

Honest people are always too upright and don't know how to be smooth in dealing with the world, which ultimately leads them to lose opportunities.

**28. 耿直的人,总是太过于单纯,不懂得社会规则,最终只会让自己被孤立。**

Honest people are always too naive and don't understand the rules of society, which ultimately leads them to be isolated.

**29. 耿直的人,总是太过于信任别人,不懂得防人之心不可无,最终只会让自己被背叛。**

Honest people always trust others too much and don't understand that it's necessary to be cautious, which ultimately leads them to be betrayed.

**30. 耿直的人,总是太过于执着于自己的信念,不懂得灵活变通,最终只会让自己失去机会。**

Honest people are always too persistent in their beliefs and don't know how to be flexible, which ultimately leads them to lose opportunities.

**31. 耿直的人,总是太过于追求真理,不懂得现实的残酷,最终只会让自己变得痛苦。**

Honest people are always too obsessed with truth and don't understand the harshness of reality, which ultimately leads them to become painful.

**32. 耿直的人,总是太过于固执,不懂得换位思考,最终只会让自己陷入困境。**

Honest people are always too stubborn and don't know how to put themselves in others' shoes, which ultimately leads them into trouble.

**33. 耿直的人,总是太过于善良,不懂得保护自己,最终只会让自己受到伤害。**

Honest people are always too kind and don't know how to protect themselves, which ultimately leads them to be hurt.

**34. 耿直的人,总是太过于执着,不懂得放弃,最终只会让自己陷入痛苦的泥潭。**

Honest people are always too persistent and don't know how to give up, which ultimately leads them to fall into a painful quagmire.

**35. 耿直的人,总是太过于相信自己,不懂得谦虚谨慎,最终只会让自己跌倒。**

Honest people always trust themselves too much and don't know how to be humble and cautious, which ultimately leads them to fall.

**36. 耿直的人,总是太过于单纯,不懂得察言观色,最终只会让自己失去机会。**

Honest people are always too naive and don't know how to observe people's words and expressions, which ultimately leads them to lose opportunities.

**37. 耿直的人,总是太过于追求完美,不懂得接受缺陷,最终只会让自己变得不快乐。**

Honest people are always too obsessed with perfection and don't know how to accept flaws, which ultimately leads them to become unhappy.

**38. 耿直的人,总是太过于正直,不懂得圆滑世故,最终只会让自己失去机会。**

Honest people are always too upright and don't know how to be smooth in dealing with the world, which ultimately leads them to lose opportunities.

**39. 耿直的人,总是太过于单纯,不懂得社会规则,最终只会让自己被孤立。**

Honest people are always too naive and don't understand the rules of society, which ultimately leads them to be isolated.

**40. 耿直的人,总是太过于信任别人,不懂得防人之心不可无,最终只会让自己被背叛。**

Honest people always trust others too much and don't understand that it's necessary to be cautious, which ultimately leads them to be betrayed.

**41. 耿直的人,总是太过于执着于自己的信念,不懂得灵活变通,最终只会让自己失去机会。**

Honest people are always too persistent in their beliefs and don't know how to be flexible, which ultimately leads them to lose opportunities.

**42. 耿直的人,总是太过于追求真理,不懂得现实的残酷,最终只会让自己变得痛苦。**

Honest people are always too obsessed with truth and don't understand the harshness of reality, which ultimately leads them to become painful.

**43. 耿直的人,总是太过于固执,不懂得换位思考,最终只会让自己陷入困境。**

Honest people are always too stubborn and don't know how to put themselves in others' shoes, which ultimately leads them into trouble.

**44. 耿直的人,总是太过于善良,不懂得保护自己,最终只会让自己受到伤害。**

Honest people are always too kind and don't know how to protect themselves, which ultimately leads them to be hurt.

**45. 耿直的人,总是太过于执着,不懂得放弃,最终只会让自己陷入痛苦的泥潭。**

Honest people are always too persistent and don't know how to give up, which ultimately leads them to fall into a painful quagmire.

**46. 耿直的人,总是太过于相信自己,不懂得谦虚谨慎,最终只会让自己跌倒。**

Honest people always trust themselves too much and don't know how to be humble and cautious, which ultimately leads them to fall.

**47. 耿直的人,总是太过于单纯,不懂得察言观色,最终只会让自己失去机会。**

Honest people are always too naive and don't know how to observe people's words and expressions, which ultimately leads them to lose opportunities.

**48. 耿直的人,总是太过于追求完美,不懂得接受缺陷,最终只会让自己变得不快乐。**

Honest people are always too obsessed with perfection and don't know how to accept flaws, which ultimately leads them to become unhappy.

**49. 耿直的人,总是太过于正直,不懂得圆滑世故,最终只会让自己失去机会。**

Honest people are always too upright and don't know how to be smooth in dealing with the world, which ultimately leads them to lose opportunities.

**50. 耿直的人,总是太过于单纯,不懂得社会规则,最终只会让自己被孤立。**

Honest people are always too naive and don't understand the rules of society, which ultimately leads them to be isolated.

**51. 耿直的人,总是太过于信任别人,不懂得防人之心不可无,最终只会让自己被背叛。**

Honest people always trust others too much and don't understand that it's necessary to be cautious, which ultimately leads them to be betrayed.

**52. 耿直的人,总是太过于执着于自己的信念,不懂得灵活变通,最终只会让自己失去机会。**

Honest people are always too persistent in their beliefs and don't know how to be flexible, which ultimately leads them to lose opportunities.

**53. 耿直的人,总是太过于追求真理,不懂得现实的残酷,最终只会让自己变得痛苦。**

Honest people are always too obsessed with truth and don't understand the harshness of reality, which ultimately leads them to become painful.

**54. 耿直的人,总是太过于固执,不懂得换位思考,最终只会让自己陷入困境。**

Honest people are always too stubborn and don't know how to put themselves in others' shoes, which ultimately leads them into trouble.

**55. 耿直的人,总是太过于善良,不懂得保护自己,最终只会让自己受到伤害。**

Honest people are always too kind and don't know how to protect themselves, which ultimately leads them to be hurt.

**56. 耿直的人,总是太过于执着,不懂得放弃,最终只会让自己陷入痛苦的泥潭。**

Honest people are always too persistent and don't know how to give up, which ultimately leads them to fall into a painful quagmire.

**57. 耿直的人,总是太过于相信自己,不懂得谦虚谨慎,最终只会让自己跌倒。**

Honest people always trust themselves too much and don't know how to be humble and cautious, which ultimately leads them to fall.

**58. 耿直的人,总是太过于单纯,不懂得察言观色,最终只会让自己失去机会。**

Honest people are always too naive and don't know how to observe people's words and expressions, which ultimately leads them to lose opportunities.

**59. 耿直的人,总是太过于追求完美,不懂得接受缺陷,最终只会让自己变得不快乐。**

Honest people are always too obsessed with perfection and don't know how to accept flaws, which ultimately leads them to become unhappy.

**60. 耿直的人,总是太过于正直,不懂得圆滑世故,最终只会让自己失去机会。**

Honest people are always too upright and don't know how to be smooth in dealing with the world, which ultimately leads them to lose opportunities.

**61. 耿直的人,总是太过于单纯,不懂得社会规则,最终只会让自己被孤立。**

Honest people are always too naive and don't understand the rules of society, which ultimately leads them to be isolated.

**62. 耿直的人,总是太过于信任别人,不懂得防人之心不可无,最终只会让自己被背叛。**

Honest people always trust others too much and don't understand that it's necessary to be cautious, which ultimately leads them to be betrayed.

**63. 耿直的人,总是太过于执着于自己的信念,不懂得灵活变通,最终只会让自己失去机会。**

Honest people are always too persistent in their beliefs and don't know how to be flexible, which ultimately leads them to lose opportunities.

**64. 耿直的人,总是太过于追求真理,不懂得现实的残酷,最终只会让自己变得痛苦。**

Honest people are always too obsessed with truth and don't understand the harshness of reality, which ultimately leads them to become painful.

**65. 耿直的人,总是太过于固执,不懂得换位思考,最终只会让自己陷入困境。**

Honest people are always too stubborn and don't know how to put themselves in others' shoes, which ultimately leads them into trouble.

**66. 耿直的人,总是太过于善良,不懂得保护自己,最终只会让自己受到伤害。**

Honest people are always too kind and don't know how to protect themselves, which ultimately leads them to be hurt.

**67. 耿直的人,总是太过于执着,不懂得放弃,最终只会让自己陷入痛苦的泥潭。**

Honest people are always too persistent and don't know how to give up, which ultimately leads them to fall into a painful quagmire.

**68. 耿直的人,总是太过于相信自己,不懂得谦虚谨慎,最终只会让自己跌倒。**

Honest people always trust themselves too much and don't know how to be humble and cautious, which ultimately leads them to fall.

**69. 耿直的人,总是太过于单纯,不懂得察言观色,最终只会让自己失去机会。**

Honest people are always too naive and don't know how to observe people's words and expressions, which ultimately leads them to lose opportunities.

**70. 耿直的人,总是太过于追求完美,不懂得接受缺陷,最终只会让自己变得不快乐。**

Honest people are always too obsessed with perfection and don't know how to accept flaws, which ultimately leads them to become unhappy.

**71. 耿直的人,总是太过于正直,不懂得圆滑世故,最终只会让自己失去机会。**

Honest people are always too upright and don't know how to be smooth in dealing with the world, which ultimately leads them to lose opportunities.

**72. 耿直的人,总是太过于单纯,不懂得社会规则,最终只会让自己被孤立。**

Honest people are always too naive and don't understand the rules of society, which ultimately leads them to be isolated.

**73. 耿直的人,总是太过于信任别人,不懂得防人之心不可无,最终只会让自己被背叛。**

Honest people always trust others too much and don't understand that it's necessary to be cautious, which ultimately leads them to be betrayed.

**74. 耿直的人,总是太过于执着于自己的信念,不懂得灵活变通,最终只会让自己失去机会。**

Honest people are always too persistent in their beliefs and don't know how to be flexible, which ultimately leads them to lose opportunities.

**75. 耿直的人,总是太过于追求真理,不懂得现实的残酷,最终只会让自己变得痛苦。**

Honest people are always too obsessed with truth and don't understand the harshness of reality, which ultimately leads them to become painful.

**76. 耿直的人,总是太过于固执,不懂得换位思考,最终只会让自己陷入困境。**

Honest people are always too stubborn and don't know how to put themselves in others' shoes, which ultimately leads them into trouble.

**77. 耿直的人,总是太过于善良,不懂得保护自己,最终只会让自己受到伤害。**

Honest people are always too kind and don't know how to protect themselves, which ultimately leads them to be hurt.

**78. 耿直的人,总是太过于执着,不懂得放弃,最终只会让自己陷入痛苦的泥潭。**

Honest people are always too persistent and don't know how to give up, which ultimately leads them to fall into a painful quagmire.

**79. 耿直的人,总是太过于相信自己,不懂得谦虚谨慎,最终只会让自己跌倒。**

Honest people always trust themselves too much and don't know how to be humble and cautious, which ultimately leads them to fall.

**80. 耿直的人,总是太过于单纯,不懂得察言观色,最终只会让自己失去机会。**

Honest people are always too naive and don't know how to observe people's words and expressions, which ultimately leads them to lose opportunities.

**81. 耿直的人,总是太过于追求完美,不懂得接受缺陷,最终只会让自己变得不快乐。**

Honest people are always too obsessed with perfection and don't know how to accept flaws, which ultimately leads them to become unhappy.

**82. 耿直的人,总是太过于正直,不懂得圆滑世故,最终只会让自己失去机会。**

Honest people are always too upright and don't know how to be smooth in dealing with the world, which ultimately leads them to lose opportunities.

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