
## 去英国必备句子 66句


Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to [地点]? - 请问,你能告诉我怎么去[地点]吗?

Is this the way to [地点]? - 这是去[地点]的路吗?

Could you point me in the direction of [地点]? - 你能指引我去[地点]的方向吗?

How far is it to [地点]? - 去[地点]有多远?

Which bus/tube goes to [地点]? - 哪路公交车/地铁去[地点]?


Can I get a ticket to [地点]? - 我可以买一张去[地点]的车票吗?

Where can I buy a travel card? - 我在哪里可以买一张旅行卡?

Where is the nearest train station/bus stop? - 最近的车站/公交站台在哪里?

What time is the next train/bus to [地点]? - 下一趟去[地点]的火车/公交车是什么时间?

How much does it cost to travel to [地点]? - 去[地点]需要多少钱?


Do you have any vacancies? - 你们还有空房间吗?

What is the price for a single/double room? - 单人间/双人间多少钱?

Is breakfast included? - 早餐包含在内吗?

Can I see the room? - 我可以看看房间吗?

Do you have Wi-Fi? - 你们有无线网络吗?


Do you have a menu? - 你们有菜单吗?

What are your specialities? - 你们有什么特色菜?

Can I have [菜名]? - 我想要[菜名]。

Could you bring me the bill, please? - 请把账单给我。

Can I pay with [付款方式]? - 我可以用[付款方式]支付吗?


Where can I find [物品]? - 我在哪里可以找到[物品]?

How much does this cost? - 这个多少钱?

Can I try this on? - 我可以试穿一下吗?

Can you wrap this for me, please? - 请帮我包起来。

Where is the changing room? - 试衣间在哪里?


Excuse me. - 请原谅。

Thank you. - 谢谢。

You’re welcome. - 不客气。

Please. - 请。

Sorry. - 对不起。


I don’t understand. - 我不明白。

Can you speak slower, please? - 请您说慢一点好吗?

Could you repeat that, please? - 请您再说一遍好吗?

I’m looking for [物品]. - 我正在寻找[物品]。

Where is the toilet/bathroom? - 卫生间在哪里?


What is your name? - 你叫什么名字?

Where are you from? - 你来自哪里?

What do you do? - 你做什么工作?

How old are you? - 你多大了?

Do you have any children? - 你有孩子吗?


I agree/disagree. - 我同意/不同意。

I think so/I don't think so. - 我认为如此/我认为不如此。

It’s interesting/boring/beautiful. - 它很有趣/无聊/漂亮。

I like/dislike it. - 我喜欢/不喜欢它。

I’m happy/sad/angry. - 我高兴/悲伤/生气。


Have a nice day. - 祝您度过美好的一天。

See you later. - 待会儿见。

Goodbye. - 再见。

Good morning/afternoon/evening. - 早安/下午好/晚上好。

How are you? - 你好吗?


Help! - 救命!

I’m lost. - 我迷路了。

I need a doctor. - 我需要医生。

I’m feeling sick. - 我感觉不舒服。

I’m allergic to [物品]. - 我对[物品]过敏。

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