
## 卢沟桥开头的句子,68句,并翻译成英文

**1. 卢沟桥,一座承载着历史厚重与沧桑的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, a bridge laden with history, weight and vicissitude.

**2. 卢沟桥,连接着古今,见证着历史的变迁。**

The Lugou Bridge, connecting the past and the present, witnessing the changes of history.

**3. 卢沟桥,宛如一条巨龙,横卧在永定河上。**

The Lugou Bridge, like a giant dragon, lies across the Yongding River.

**4. 卢沟桥,以其雄伟的姿态,屹立在历史的长河中。**

The Lugou Bridge, with its majestic posture, stands tall in the river of history.

**5. 卢沟桥,承载着中华民族的伟大精神,也铭刻着抗战的壮烈史诗。**

The Lugou Bridge, carrying the great spirit of the Chinese nation, also inscribes the epic of the War of Resistance.

**6. 卢沟桥,见证了中华民族的坚韧与不屈,也见证了中华民族的伟大复兴。**

The Lugou Bridge, witnessing the tenacity and unyielding spirit of the Chinese nation, also witnessing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

**7. 卢沟桥,是一座历史的丰碑,也是一座精神的象征。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a monument of history, and a symbol of spirit.

**8. 走进卢沟桥,仿佛走进了历史的画卷,感受着历史的厚重。**

Walking into the Lugou Bridge, it's like stepping into a historical scroll, feeling the weight of history.

**9. 卢沟桥上的石狮,威武雄壮,守护着这座历史的桥梁。**

The stone lions on the Lugou Bridge, majestic and powerful, guarding this historical bridge.

**10. 卢沟桥上的石板路,饱经风霜,诉说着岁月的沧桑。**

The stone road on the Lugou Bridge, weathered and worn, telling the vicissitudes of time.

**11. 卢沟桥上的每一块砖石,都记载着历史的印记。**

Every brick and stone on the Lugou Bridge records the mark of history.

**12. 卢沟桥上的每一座桥墩,都见证了历史的变迁。**

Each pier on the Lugou Bridge has witnessed the changes of history.

**13. 卢沟桥上的每一座桥拱,都承载着历史的厚重。**

Every arch on the Lugou Bridge carries the weight of history.

**14. 卢沟桥上的每一座桥栏,都诉说着历史的沧桑。**

Every bridge railing on the Lugou Bridge tells the vicissitudes of history.

**15. 卢沟桥,是中华民族的骄傲,也是中华民族的精神象征。**

The Lugou Bridge is the pride of the Chinese nation, and a symbol of the spirit of the Chinese nation.

**16. 卢沟桥,是一座永不褪色的历史丰碑。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a timeless historical monument.

**17. 卢沟桥,是一座永远铭刻在历史长河中的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge forever etched in the river of history.

**18. 卢沟桥,是一座连接着历史与未来的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge connecting history and the future.

**19. 卢沟桥,是一座承载着中华民族梦想的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge carrying the dreams of the Chinese nation.

**20. 卢沟桥,是一座见证了中华民族伟大复兴的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge that has witnessed the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

**21. 卢沟桥,是一座承载着历史厚重与文化底蕴的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge laden with history and cultural heritage.

**22. 卢沟桥,是一座连接着过去、现在和未来的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge connecting the past, present, and future.

**23. 卢沟桥,是一座见证了中华民族精神的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge that has witnessed the spirit of the Chinese nation.

**24. 卢沟桥,是一座承载着中华民族希望的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge carrying the hopes of the Chinese nation.

**25. 卢沟桥,是一座连接着中华民族与世界的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge connecting the Chinese nation and the world.

**26. 站在卢沟桥上,俯瞰永定河,感受着历史的厚重。**

Standing on the Lugou Bridge, overlooking the Yongding River, feeling the weight of history.

**27. 卢沟桥上,石狮威武,桥栏沧桑,诉说着历史的变迁。**

On the Lugou Bridge, the stone lions are majestic, the bridge railings are weathered, telling the changes of history.

**28. 卢沟桥,以其独特的魅力,吸引着来自世界各地的游客。**

The Lugou Bridge, with its unique charm, attracts visitors from all over the world.

**29. 卢沟桥,是一座值得人们驻足观赏的历史名胜。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a historical landmark worth visiting and admiring.

**30. 卢沟桥,是中华民族文化的重要组成部分。**

The Lugou Bridge, is an important part of Chinese culture.

**31. 卢沟桥,是中华民族精神的象征。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a symbol of the spirit of the Chinese nation.

**32. 卢沟桥,是一座充满历史气息的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge full of historical atmosphere.

**33. 卢沟桥,是一座见证了中华民族辉煌历史的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge that has witnessed the glorious history of the Chinese nation.

**34. 卢沟桥,是一座充满着历史故事的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge full of historical stories.

**35. 卢沟桥,是一座承载着中华民族精神的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge carrying the spirit of the Chinese nation.

**36. 卢沟桥,是一座连接着过去、现在和未来的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge connecting the past, present, and future.

**37. 卢沟桥,是一座见证了中华民族坚韧不拔的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge that has witnessed the tenacity of the Chinese nation.

**38. 卢沟桥,是一座充满着文化底蕴的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge full of cultural heritage.

**39. 卢沟桥,是一座承载着中华民族梦想的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge carrying the dreams of the Chinese nation.

**40. 卢沟桥,是一座见证了中华民族伟大复兴的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge that has witnessed the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

**41. 卢沟桥,是一座连接着中华民族与世界的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge connecting the Chinese nation and the world.

**42. 卢沟桥,是一座承载着历史记忆的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge carrying historical memory.

**43. 卢沟桥,是一座充满着历史故事的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge full of historical stories.

**44. 卢沟桥,是一座见证了中华民族抗战精神的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge that has witnessed the spirit of the Chinese nation's resistance.

**45. 卢沟桥,是一座承载着中华民族伟大精神的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge carrying the great spirit of the Chinese nation.

**46. 卢沟桥,是一座连接着古今的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge connecting the past and the present.

**47. 卢沟桥,是一座见证了中华民族历史的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge that has witnessed the history of the Chinese nation.

**48. 卢沟桥,是一座承载着中华民族文化的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge carrying Chinese culture.

**49. 卢沟桥,是一座充满着历史气息的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge full of historical atmosphere.

**50. 卢沟桥,是一座承载着历史记忆的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge carrying historical memory.

**51. 卢沟桥,是一座充满着历史故事的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge full of historical stories.

**52. 卢沟桥,是一座见证了中华民族坚韧不拔的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge that has witnessed the tenacity of the Chinese nation.

**53. 卢沟桥,是一座承载着中华民族希望的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge carrying the hopes of the Chinese nation.

**54. 卢沟桥,是一座连接着过去、现在和未来的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge connecting the past, present, and future.

**55. 卢沟桥,是一座见证了中华民族伟大复兴的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge that has witnessed the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

**56. 卢沟桥,是一座承载着中华民族梦想的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge carrying the dreams of the Chinese nation.

**57. 卢沟桥,是一座见证了中华民族精神的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge that has witnessed the spirit of the Chinese nation.

**58. 卢沟桥,是一座连接着中华民族与世界的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge connecting the Chinese nation and the world.

**59. 卢沟桥,是一座充满着历史故事的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge full of historical stories.

**60. 卢沟桥,是一座承载着历史记忆的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge carrying historical memory.

**61. 卢沟桥,是一座见证了中华民族抗战精神的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge that has witnessed the spirit of the Chinese nation's resistance.

**62. 卢沟桥,是一座承载着中华民族伟大精神的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge carrying the great spirit of the Chinese nation.

**63. 卢沟桥,是一座连接着古今的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge connecting the past and the present.

**64. 卢沟桥,是一座见证了中华民族历史的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge that has witnessed the history of the Chinese nation.

**65. 卢沟桥,是一座承载着中华民族文化的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge carrying Chinese culture.

**66. 卢沟桥,是一座充满着历史气息的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge full of historical atmosphere.

**67. 卢沟桥,是一座承载着历史记忆的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge carrying historical memory.

**68. 卢沟桥,是一座永远铭刻在历史长河中的桥梁。**

The Lugou Bridge, is a bridge forever etched in the river of history.

以上就是关于卢沟桥开头的句子68句(卢沟桥开头的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
