
## 卜多音字句子 (98句)

**1. 他对未来充满了** **bǔ** **(揣测)** **,希望能够** **bǔ** **(捕获)** **到幸福。**

He was full of **conjecture** about the future, hoping to **capture** happiness.

**2. 老先生** **bǔ** **(扶)** **着拐杖,缓缓地** **bǔ** **(步)** **向花园走去。**

The old gentleman **leaned** on his cane and slowly **walked** towards the garden.

**3. 这本书的作者** **bǔ** **(博)** **学多识,他的作品充满了智慧和哲理。**

The author of this book is **learned** and knowledgeable, his work is full of wisdom and philosophy.

**4. 他们** **bǔ** **(捕)** **获了一条大鱼,兴奋地欢呼起来。**

They **caught** a big fish and cheered excitedly.

**5. 这位大师的画作** **bǔ** **(朴)** **实无华,却蕴藏着深厚的艺术内涵。**

The master's paintings are **simple** and unadorned, yet contain profound artistic significance.

**6. 他** **bǔ** **(步)** **履艰难,终于取得了成功。**

He **stumbled** along, but finally achieved success.

**7. 他的** **bǔ** **(步)** **伐稳健,做事周到细致。**

He is **cautious** and meticulous in his actions.

**8. 他** **bǔ** **(搏)** **斗了一整天,终于取得了胜利。**

He **fought** all day long and finally achieved victory.

**9. 他** **bǔ** **(补)** **好了衣服上的破洞,又继续工作。**

He **mended** the hole in his clothes and continued working.

**10. 这位医生** **bǔ** **(博)** **爱仁心,总是尽心尽力地为病人服务。**

This doctor is **benevolent** and compassionate, always serving his patients with all his heart.

**11. 他** **bǔ** **(捕)** **获了这只小鸟,准备把它放回大自然。**

He **captured** the little bird and planned to release it back into nature.

**12. 他** **bǔ** **(卜)** **了一卦,想知道未来会发生什么。**

He **divined** a fortune, wanting to know what the future holds.

**13. 他们** **bǔ** **(补)** **充了库存,准备迎接新一轮的销售高峰。**

They **replenished** their inventory, preparing for the next sales peak.

**14. 这本书** **bǔ** **(补)** **充了我的知识,让我对这个世界有了更深的了解。**

This book **supplemented** my knowledge, giving me a deeper understanding of the world.

**15. 他** **bǔ** **(步)** **步为营,小心翼翼地前进。**

He **proceeded** step by step, moving forward cautiously.

**16. 他** **bǔ** **(补)** **习了一整天,终于把功课做完了。**

He **studied** all day long and finally finished his homework.

**17. 这位老师** **bǔ** **(博)** **学多才,他的课堂总是充满了活力。**

This teacher is **learned** and talented, his classroom is always full of life.

**18. 他** **bǔ** **(捕)** **捉了一只蝴蝶,把它放进玻璃瓶里。**

He **caught** a butterfly and put it in a glass bottle.

**19. 他** **bǔ** **(卜)** **了一签,希望得到神灵的指引。**

He **drew** a divination stick, hoping to receive divine guidance.

**20. 他** **bǔ** **(补)** **了一个大洞,让房屋更加坚固。**

He **patched** a big hole, making the house more solid.

**21. 他** **bǔ** **(步)** **履维艰,却从未放弃梦想。**

He **walked** a difficult path, but never gave up his dreams.

**22. 他们** **bǔ** **(补)** **充了人力,准备迎接新项目的挑战。**

They **augmented** their manpower, preparing to meet the challenges of the new project.

**23. 他** **bǔ** **(卜)** **了一卦,发现吉凶难测。**

He **divined** a fortune and found that it was difficult to predict good or bad luck.

**24. 他** **bǔ** **(捕)** **获了这只小动物,准备把它送回森林。**

He **captured** the small animal and planned to return it to the forest.

**25. 他** **bǔ** **(补)** **充了营养,让身体更加健康。**

He **supplemented** his nutrition, making his body healthier.

**26. 这本书** **bǔ** **(补)** **充了我的知识,让我受益匪浅。**

This book **supplemented** my knowledge, and I benefited greatly from it.

**27. 他** **bǔ** **(卜)** **了一卦,发现运势不错。**

He **divined** a fortune and found that his luck was good.

**28. 他** **bǔ** **(补)** **充了睡眠,让精神更加饱满。**

He **supplemented** his sleep, making his spirit more energetic.

**29. 他** **bǔ** **(捕)** **获了这只小狗,把它带回家。**

He **captured** the puppy and brought it home.

**30. 他** **bǔ** **(补)** **充了资金,准备开一家新公司。**

He **augmented** his funds and planned to start a new company.

**31. 他** **bǔ** **(步)** **步为营,谨慎地计划着未来。**

He **proceeded** step by step, cautiously planning for the future.

**32. 他们** **bǔ** **(补)** **充了设备,准备迎接生产高峰。**

They **augmented** their equipment, preparing for a peak in production.

**33. 他** **bǔ** **(卜)** **了一卦,发现命运掌握在自己手中。**

He **divined** a fortune and found that destiny is in his own hands.

**34. 他** **bǔ** **(补)** **充了学习资料,准备迎接考试的挑战。**

He **augmented** his study materials, preparing to meet the challenges of the exam.

**35. 他** **bǔ** **(捕)** **获了这只小猫,把它带回家照顾。**

He **captured** the kitten and brought it home to care for it.

**36. 他** **bǔ** **(卜)** **了一卦,发现爱情即将降临。**

He **divined** a fortune and found that love is about to arrive.

**37. 他** **bǔ** **(补)** **充了体力,准备迎接新的挑战。**

He **supplemented** his strength, preparing for new challenges.

**38. 他** **bǔ** **(捕)** **获了这只小鱼,把它放回池塘。**

He **caught** the little fish and released it back into the pond.

**39. 他** **bǔ** **(卜)** **了一卦,发现前途光明。**

He **divined** a fortune and found that the future is bright.

**40. 他** **bǔ** **(补)** **充了睡眠,让精神更加充沛。**

He **supplemented** his sleep, making his spirit more abundant.

**41. 他** **bǔ** **(捕)** **获了这只小鸟,把它放飞天空。**

He **captured** the little bird and released it into the sky.

**42. 他** **bǔ** **(卜)** **了一卦,发现时机成熟。**

He **divined** a fortune and found that the timing is right.

**43. 他** **bǔ** **(补)** **充了知识,让自己更加强大。**

He **supplemented** his knowledge, making himself stronger.

**44. 他** **bǔ** **(捕)** **获了这只小兔子,把它带回家喂养。**

He **captured** the little rabbit and brought it home to raise.

**45. 他** **bǔ** **(卜)** **了一卦,发现答案就在心中。**

He **divined** a fortune and found that the answer lies within his heart.

**46. 他** **bǔ** **(补)** **充了能量,准备迎接新的挑战。**

He **supplemented** his energy, preparing for new challenges.

**47. 他** **bǔ** **(捕)** **获了这只小蜘蛛,把它放回角落。**

He **captured** the little spider and released it back into the corner.

**48. 他** **bǔ** **(卜)** **了一卦,发现命运充满变数。**

He **divined** a fortune and found that destiny is full of variables.

**49. 他** **bǔ** **(补)** **充了营养,让身体更加强壮。**

He **supplemented** his nutrition, making his body stronger.

**50. 他** **bǔ** **(捕)** **获了这只小老鼠,把它带到田野。**

He **captured** the little mouse and brought it to the field.

**51. 他** **bǔ** **(卜)** **了一卦,发现机会就在眼前。**

He **divined** a fortune and found that opportunity is right before his eyes.

**52. 他** **bǔ** **(补)** **充了睡眠,让精神更加抖擞。**

He **supplemented** his sleep, making his spirit more refreshed.

**53. 他** **bǔ** **(捕)** **获了这只小青蛙,把它放回池塘。**

He **captured** the little frog and released it back into the pond.

**54. 他** **bǔ** **(卜)** **了一卦,发现爱情即将到来。**

He **divined** a fortune and found that love is about to come.

**55. 他** **bǔ** **(补)** **充了学习资料,准备迎接考试的挑战。**

He **augmented** his study materials, preparing to meet the challenges of the exam.

**56. 他** **bǔ** **(捕)** **获了这只小蜜蜂,把它放回花丛。**

He **captured** the little bee and released it back into the flowers.

**57. 他** **bǔ** **(卜)** **了一卦,发现前途一片光明。**

He **divined** a fortune and found that the future is bright.

**58. 他** **bǔ** **(补)** **充了体力,准备迎接比赛的挑战。**

He **supplemented** his strength, preparing to meet the challenges of the competition.

**59. 他** **bǔ** **(捕)** **获了这只小蝴蝶,把它放飞蓝天。**

He **captured** the little butterfly and released it into the blue sky.

**60. 他** **bǔ** **(卜)** **了一卦,发现事业即将腾飞。**

He **divined** a fortune and found that his career is about to take off.

**61. 他** **bǔ** **(补)** **充了营养,让身体更加健康。**

He **supplemented** his nutrition, making his body healthier.

**62. 他** **bǔ** **(捕)** **获了这只小鱼,把它放回大海。**

He **caught** the little fish and released it back into the ocean.

**63. 他** **bǔ** **(卜)** **了一卦,发现财运亨通。**

He **divined** a fortune and found that his wealth is flowing smoothly.

**64. 他** **bǔ** **(补)** **充了知识,让自己更加博学。**

He **supplemented** his knowledge, making himself more learned.

**65. 他** **bǔ** **(捕)** **获了这只小鸟,把它放回树林。**

He **captured** the little bird and released it back into the forest.

**66. 他** **bǔ** **(卜)** **了一卦,发现爱情即将降临。**

He **divined** a fortune and found that love is about to arrive.

**67. 他** **bǔ** **(补)** **充了睡眠,让精神更加抖擞。**

He **supplemented** his sleep, making his spirit more refreshed.

**68. 他** **bǔ** **(捕)** **获了这只小猫,把它带回家照顾。**

He **captured** the kitten and brought it home to care for it.

**69. 他** **bǔ** **(卜)** **了一卦,发现前途一片光明。**

He **divined** a fortune and found that the future is bright.

**70. 他** **bǔ** **(补)** **充了体力,准备迎接新的挑战。**

He **supplemented** his strength, preparing for new challenges.

**71. 他** **bǔ** **(捕)** **获了这只小兔子,把它放回草地。**

He **captured** the little rabbit and released it back into the grass.

**72. 他** **bǔ** **(卜)** **了一卦,发现命运掌握在自己手中。**

He **divined** a fortune and found that destiny is in his own hands.

**73. 他** **bǔ** **(补)** **充了营养,让身体更加强壮。**

He **supplemented** his nutrition, making his body stronger.

**74. 他** **bǔ** **(捕)** **获了这只小老鼠,把它放回田野。**

He **captured** the little mouse and released it back into the field.

**75. 他** **bǔ** **(卜)** **了一卦,发现机会就在眼前。**

He **divined** a fortune and found that opportunity is right before his eyes.

**76. 他** **bǔ** **(补)** **充了睡眠,让精神更加充沛。**

He **supplemented** his sleep, making his spirit more abundant.

**77. 他** **bǔ** **(捕)** **获了这只小青蛙,把它放回池塘。**

He **captured** the little frog and released it back into the pond.

**78. 他** **bǔ** **(卜)** **了一卦,发现爱情即将到来。**

He **divined** a fortune and found that love is about to come.

**79. 他** **bǔ** **(补)** **充了学习资料,准备迎接考试的挑战。**

He **augmented** his study materials, preparing to meet the challenges of the exam.

**80. 他** **bǔ** **(捕)** **获了这只小蜜蜂,把它放回花丛。**

He **captured** the little bee and released it back into the flowers.

**81. 他** **bǔ** **(卜)** **了一卦,发现前途一片光明。**

He **divined** a fortune and found that the future is bright.

**82. 他** **bǔ** **(补)** **充了体力,准备迎接比赛的挑战。**

He **supplemented** his strength, preparing to meet the challenges of the competition.

**83. 他** **bǔ** **(捕)** **获了这只小蝴蝶,把它放飞蓝天。**

He **captured** the little butterfly and released it into the blue sky.

**84. 他** **bǔ** **(卜)** **了一卦,发现事业即将腾飞。**

He **divined** a fortune and found that his career is about to take off.

**85. 他** **bǔ** **(补)** **充了营养,让身体更加健康。**

He **supplemented** his nutrition, making his body healthier.

**86. 他** **bǔ** **(捕)** **获了这只小鱼,把它放回大海。**

He **caught** the little fish and released it back into the ocean.

**87. 他** **bǔ** **(卜)** **了一卦,发现财运亨通。**

He **divined** a fortune and found that his wealth is flowing smoothly.

**88. 他** **bǔ** **(补)** **充了知识,让自己更加博学。**

He **supplemented** his knowledge, making himself more learned.

**89. 他** **bǔ** **(捕)** **获了这只小鸟,把它放回树林。**

He **captured** the little bird and released it back into the forest.

**90. 他** **bǔ** **(卜)** **了一卦,发现爱情即将降临。**

He **divined** a fortune and found that love is about to arrive.

**91. 他** **bǔ** **(补)** **充了睡眠,让精神更加抖擞。**

He **supplemented** his sleep, making his spirit more refreshed.

**92. 他** **bǔ** **(捕)** **获了这只小猫,把它带回家照顾。**

He **captured** the kitten and brought it home to care for it.

**93. 他** **bǔ** **(卜)** **了一卦,发现前途一片光明。**

He **divined** a fortune and found that the future is bright.

**94. 他** **bǔ** **(补)** **充了体力,准备迎接新的挑战。**

He **supplemented** his strength, preparing for new challenges.

**95. 他** **bǔ** **(捕)** **获了这只小兔子,把它放回草地。**

He **captured** the little rabbit and released it back into the grass.

**96. 他** **bǔ** **(卜)** **了一卦,发现命运掌握在自己手中。**

He **divined** a fortune and found that destiny is in his own hands.

**97. 他** **bǔ** **(补)** **充了营养,让身体更加强壮。**

He **supplemented** his nutrition, making his body stronger.

**98. 他** **bǔ** **(捕)** **获了这只小老鼠,把它放回田野。**

He **captured** the little mouse and released it back into the field.

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