
## 匡扶正气句子 (51句)

**1. 正气凛然,浩然正气!**

Upright and righteous, with a righteous spirit!

**2. 浩然正气,荡涤污垢!**

The righteous spirit washes away filth!

**3. 以正气御邪恶,以浩然驱黑暗!**

Use righteousness to ward off evil, and the righteous spirit to drive away darkness!

**4. 正气压倒邪气,浩然扫除阴霾!**

Righteousness overpowers evil, and the righteous spirit sweeps away gloom!

**5. 弘扬正气,抵制邪恶!**

Promote righteousness and resist evil!

**6. 秉持正气,坚守正义!**

Uphold righteousness and adhere to justice!

**7. 维护正义,匡扶正气!**

Uphold justice and promote righteousness!

**8. 浩然正气,光照人间!**

The righteous spirit shines on the world!

**9. 邪不胜正,正义必胜!**

Evil cannot conquer righteousness, justice will prevail!

**10. 正气如虹,照亮前程!**

Righteousness is like a rainbow, illuminating the future!

**11. 正气凛然,无所畏惧!**

Upright and righteous, fearless!

**12. 正气浩然,势不可挡!**

The righteous spirit is unstoppable!

**13. 正气长存,邪气消散!**

Righteousness will last forever, evil will dissipate!

**14. 正气凛然,不畏强权!**

Upright and righteous, not afraid of power!

**15. 正气如山,不可撼动!**

Righteousness is like a mountain, unshakable!

**16. 正气浩然,心怀正义!**

The righteous spirit is boundless, with a heart for justice!

**17. 正气凛然,维护公义!**

Upright and righteous, upholding justice!

**18. 正气浩然,人间正道!**

The righteous spirit is boundless, the right path of humanity!

**19. 正气如火,燃烧邪恶!**

Righteousness is like fire, burning evil!

**20. 正气如水,涤荡污浊!**

Righteousness is like water, cleansing filth!

**21. 正气如风,吹散阴霾!**

Righteousness is like wind, dispelling gloom!

**22. 正气如光,照亮世界!**

Righteousness is like light, illuminating the world!

**23. 正气如雷,震慑宵小!**

Righteousness is like thunder, deterring the wicked!

**24. 正气如剑,斩除邪恶!**

Righteousness is like a sword, cutting down evil!

**25. 正气如盾,守护正义!**

Righteousness is like a shield, protecting justice!

**26. 正气如歌,唱响人间!**

Righteousness is like a song, echoing through the world!

**27. 正气如画,描绘美好!**

Righteousness is like a painting, depicting beauty!

**28. 正气如酒,醇香四溢!**

Righteousness is like wine, with a rich aroma!

**29. 正气如茶,清香淡雅!**

Righteousness is like tea, with a light and elegant fragrance!

**30. 正气如春,万物复苏!**

Righteousness is like spring, bringing everything back to life!

**31. 正气如夏,生机勃勃!**

Righteousness is like summer, full of vitality!

**32. 正气如秋,硕果累累!**

Righteousness is like autumn, with a bountiful harvest!

**33. 正气如冬,冰清玉洁!**

Righteousness is like winter, pure and clean!

**34. 正气如天,浩瀚无垠!**

Righteousness is like the sky, vast and boundless!

**35. 正气如地,厚德载物!**

Righteousness is like the earth, carrying all things with virtue!

**36. 正气如山,巍峨耸立!**

Righteousness is like a mountain, towering and majestic!

**37. 正气如水,奔流不息!**

Righteousness is like water, flowing endlessly!

**38. 正气如火,熊熊燃烧!**

Righteousness is like fire, burning brightly!

**39. 正气如风,无处不在!**

Righteousness is like wind, everywhere!

**40. 正气如光,照亮人心!**

Righteousness is like light, illuminating the heart!

**41. 正气如雷,震耳欲聋!**

Righteousness is like thunder, deafening!

**42. 正气如剑,锋利无比!**

Righteousness is like a sword, extremely sharp!

**43. 正气如盾,坚不可摧!**

Righteousness is like a shield, unbreakable!

**44. 正气如歌,美妙动听!**

Righteousness is like a song, beautiful and moving!

**45. 正气如画,精美绝伦!**

Righteousness is like a painting, exquisite and unparalleled!

**46. 正气如酒,甘醇醉人!**

Righteousness is like wine, sweet and intoxicating!

**47. 正气如茶,清香怡人!**

Righteousness is like tea, fragrant and refreshing!

**48. 正气如春,生机盎然!**

Righteousness is like spring, full of life!

**49. 正气如夏,热情奔放!**

Righteousness is like summer, passionate and unrestrained!

**50. 正气如秋,丰收喜悦!**

Righteousness is like autumn, full of joy and harvest!

**51. 正气如冬,洁白无瑕!**

Righteousness is like winter, pure and flawless!

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