
## 刻字对联句子(67句)及其英文翻译


1. **淡泊明志,宁静致远。**

Embrace simplicity, illuminate your ambition; seek tranquility, achieve far-reaching goals.

2. **无欲则刚,有志者事竟成。**

Without desire, one is strong; those with ambition will ultimately succeed.

3. **海纳百川,有容乃大。**

Like the sea, embrace all rivers, be vast in your tolerance.

4. **心宽体胖,不以物喜,不以己悲。**

A broad mind brings good health, be neither elated by gains nor disheartened by losses.

5. **天行健,君子以自强不息。**

Heaven's movement is vigorous and constant, a gentleman strives for self-improvement and perseverance.

6. **厚德载物,仁者无敌。**

Deep virtue carries all things, benevolence conquers all.

7. **知足常乐,乐在其中。**

Find contentment in what you have, find joy in the present moment.

8. **不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。**

Without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles; without accumulating small streams, one cannot form a vast river and sea.

9. **路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。**

The road ahead is long and arduous, I will diligently seek it both high and low.

10. **雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越。**

Though the road ahead is like iron, we now stride forward and start anew.

11. **人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月。**

When life brings joy, seize the moment and revel in it, do not let the golden goblet stand empty beneath the moon.

12. **一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。**

Every inch of time is worth an inch of gold, yet gold cannot buy back time.

13. **宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。**

A sharp sword is forged through sharpening, the plum blossom's fragrance originates from the cold winter.

14. **艰难困苦,玉汝于成。**

Hardship and adversity temper you and shape your character.

15. **莫道桑榆晚,为霞尚满天。**

Do not say that the sunset is late, the sky is still full of evening glow.

16. **山穷水尽疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。**

When the mountains and waters seem to end, a path reveals itself with willows and blossoms in another village.

17. **风物长宜放眼量,莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切。**

It's best to broaden your perspective and view things in a long-term manner, don't let your youth slip away idly, leaving only sorrow in old age.

18. **绳锯木断,水滴石穿。**

A rope can cut through wood with continuous sawing, water drops can wear away stone.

19. **锲而不舍,金石可镂。**

Persistence and perseverance can carve through even the hardest of metals.

20. **静以修身,俭以养德。**

Quietude cultivates the self, frugality nourishes virtue.


21. **情深意长,白头偕老。**

Deep love, long affection, grow old together till the end.

22. **琴瑟和谐,百年好合。**

Music and harmony in marriage, a happy union for a hundred years.

23. **心心相印,相濡以沫。**

Hearts connected, sharing life's joys and sorrows.

24. **举案齐眉,相敬如宾。**

Mutual respect and affection, treating each other like guests.

25. **恩爱夫妻,白首同心。**

Loving couple, united in heart till their hair turns white.

26. **比翼双飞,永结同心。**

Flying together with wings, forever bound by a common heart.

27. **情投意合,天作之合。**

Their hearts meet in harmony, a match made in heaven.

28. **郎才女貌,佳偶天成。**

A handsome man and a beautiful woman, a perfect match made by fate.

29. **情比金坚,地久天长。**

Love stronger than gold, lasting forever.

30. **花好月圆,百年好合。**

Full bloom and a full moon, a happy union for a hundred years.


31. **肝胆相照,情谊深厚。**

Hearts open and honest, deep friendship.

32. **患难之交,情同手足。**

Friends in times of hardship, as close as siblings.

33. **高山流水,知音相逢。**

Like the melody of mountains and flowing water, true friends meet.

34. **同舟共济,患难与共。**

Sailing together in the same boat, sharing hardship and joy.

35. **志同道合,相知相惜。**

Shared ambitions, mutual understanding and appreciation.

36. **推心置腹,坦诚相待。**

Open and honest, treating each other with sincerity.

37. **情深义重,肝胆相照。**

Deep affection and loyalty, open and honest like siblings.

38. **莫逆之交,相知相惜。**

Intimate friends, mutual understanding and appreciation.

39. **金兰之交,情谊深厚。**

Friends bound by golden threads, deep friendship.

40. **情同手足,生死相依。**

As close as siblings, bound by life and death.


41. **家和万事兴,和顺致祥。**

A harmonious family brings prosperity, peace and good fortune.

42. **万事皆由心,心和事事顺。**

Everything comes from the heart, a peaceful heart brings smooth sailing.

43. **父慈子孝,兄友弟恭。**

A father's love, a child's respect, brothers and sisters in harmony.

44. **家和万事兴,家败人离散。**

A harmonious family brings prosperity, discord leads to separation.

45. **和睦家庭,幸福美满。**

A harmonious family, filled with happiness and joy.

46. **家是最小国,国是千万家。**

A home is the smallest country, the country is made up of millions of homes.

47. **爱满人间,幸福之家。**

Love fills the world, a happy home.

48. **家和万事兴,家是避风港。**

A harmonious family brings prosperity, a home is a safe haven.

49. **家庭美满,幸福美满。**

A happy family, a life full of joy and contentment.

50. **家和万事兴,家是永远的家。**

A harmonious family brings prosperity, home is always home.


51. **开拓进取,勇攀高峰。**

Pioneering and enterprising, striving for new heights.

52. **精益求精,追求卓越。**

Strive for excellence, pursue perfection.

53. **实干兴邦,勤劳致富。**

Hard work brings prosperity to the nation, diligence leads to wealth.

54. **天道酬勤,业精于勤。**

Heaven rewards diligence, mastery comes from hard work.

55. **百尺竿头,更进一步。**

Even standing at a hundred feet high, strive to reach even higher.

56. **励精图治,发愤图强。**

Strive for good governance, strive for strength.

57. **志存高远,脚踏实地。**

Set your sights high, work diligently with your feet on the ground.

58. **自强不息,厚德载物。**

Strive for self-improvement, deep virtue carries all things.

59. **雄心壮志,大展宏图。**

Great ambition, vast plans and aspirations.

60. **业精于勤,功成于乐。**

Mastery comes from hard work, success comes from enjoying what you do.


61. **春风送暖,万象更新。**

Warm spring breeze, a new beginning for all things.

62. **年年有余,岁岁平安。**

Abundance every year, peace and safety year after year.

63. **合家欢乐,喜气洋洋。**

Joy for the whole family, overflowing with happiness.

64. **吉祥如意,万事亨通。**

Good fortune and blessings, success in everything.

65. **阖家团圆,幸福美满。**

The whole family reunited, happiness and joy abound.

66. **财源广进,福寿安康。**

Abundant wealth, health and longevity.

67. **新春快乐,万事如意。**

Happy New Year, may all your wishes come true.

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