
## 到达彼岸佛句子 (59句)


1. 慈悲喜舍,渡己渡人。
2. 佛法无边,心怀慈悲。
3. 修行之路,漫漫长路。
4. 静心明志,放下执着。
5. 觉悟人生,解脱烦恼。
6. 众生皆苦,佛陀渡世。
7. 心存善念,光明磊落。
8. 一念放下,万般自在。
9. 菩提树下,悟道成佛。
10. 观自在菩萨,行深般若波罗蜜多。
11. 佛说一切法,为度一切众生。
12. 慈悲为本,智慧为舟。
13. 念念不忘,心心相印。
14. 自度度人,福慧双修。
15. 真理无言,心领神会。
16. 菩提本无树,明镜亦非台。
17. 佛法如灯,照亮前程。
18. 众生皆有佛性,佛性本具。
19. 般若波罗蜜多,无我无相。
20. 大慈大悲,普度众生。
21. 心若莲花,不染尘埃。
22. 远离烦恼,心生喜悦。
23. 修行积德,功德无量。
24. 净心静念,放下执着。
25. 福慧双修,圆满人生。
26. 心怀感恩,慈悲为怀。
27. 菩提本非树,明镜亦非台。
28. 佛陀指路,行者自渡。
29. 解脱轮回,证得涅槃。
30. 观自在菩萨,行深般若波罗蜜多。
31. 众生皆苦,佛陀渡世。
32. 一念放下,万般自在。
33. 修行之路,漫漫长路。
34. 静心明志,放下执着。
35. 觉悟人生,解脱烦恼。
36. 佛法无边,心怀慈悲。
37. 佛陀示现,度化众生。
38. 般若波罗蜜多,无我无相。
39. 自度度人,福慧双修。
40. 佛法如灯,照亮前程。
41. 念念不忘,心心相印。
42. 心存善念,光明磊落。
43. 真理无言,心领神会。
44. 众生皆有佛性,佛性本具。
45. 慈悲喜舍,渡己渡人。
46. 菩提树下,悟道成佛。
47. 心若莲花,不染尘埃。
48. 佛说一切法,为度一切众生。
49. 佛陀指路,行者自渡。
50. 解脱轮回,证得涅槃。
51. 远离烦恼,心生喜悦。
52. 净心静念,放下执着。
53. 福慧双修,圆满人生。
54. 心怀感恩,慈悲为怀。
55. 修行积德,功德无量。
56. 大慈大悲,普度众生。
57. 慈悲为本,智慧为舟。
58. 菩提本非树,明镜亦非台。
59. 一切有为法,如梦幻泡影。


1. Compassion, joy, generosity, and equanimity, to save oneself and others.

2. Buddha Dharma is boundless, with a heart of compassion.

3. The path of cultivation is a long and arduous journey.

4. Calm the mind and enlighten the will, let go of attachments.

5. Awaken to life and liberate yourself from suffering.

6. All sentient beings suffer, the Buddha came to save the world.

7. Have good intentions, be honest and upright.

8. Let go of a single thought, and all things are free.

9. Under the Bodhi tree, enlightenment and becoming a Buddha.

10. Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva, deeply practices the Prajna Paramita.

11. The Buddha speaks all Dharma to save all beings.

12. Compassion as the foundation, wisdom as the boat.

13. Remember always, heart to heart, mind to mind.

14. Save oneself and others, cultivate both merit and wisdom.

15. Truth is silent, understood by the heart.

16. The Bodhi tree is originally not a tree, the bright mirror is not a platform either.

17. Buddha Dharma is like a lamp, illuminating the future.

18. All beings have Buddha nature, it is inherently present.

19. Prajna Paramita, no self, no form.

20. Great compassion, great love, saving all beings.

21. If the heart is like a lotus, it is untainted by dust.

22. Stay away from suffering, and happiness arises in the heart.

23. Cultivate and accumulate virtue, endless merit.

24. Purify the heart and still the mind, let go of attachments.

25. Cultivate both merit and wisdom, achieve a perfect life.

26. Be grateful, have compassion in your heart.

27. The Bodhi tree is originally not a tree, the bright mirror is not a platform either.

28. The Buddha points the way, the traveler saves himself.

29. Escape the cycle of birth and death, achieve Nirvana.

30. Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva, deeply practices the Prajna Paramita.

31. All sentient beings suffer, the Buddha came to save the world.

32. Let go of a single thought, and all things are free.

33. The path of cultivation is a long and arduous journey.

34. Calm the mind and enlighten the will, let go of attachments.

35. Awaken to life and liberate yourself from suffering.

36. Buddha Dharma is boundless, with a heart of compassion.

37. The Buddha manifests himself, to save all beings.

38. Prajna Paramita, no self, no form.

39. Save oneself and others, cultivate both merit and wisdom.

40. Buddha Dharma is like a lamp, illuminating the future.

41. Remember always, heart to heart, mind to mind.

42. Have good intentions, be honest and upright.

43. Truth is silent, understood by the heart.

44. All beings have Buddha nature, it is inherently present.

45. Compassion, joy, generosity, and equanimity, to save oneself and others.

46. Under the Bodhi tree, enlightenment and becoming a Buddha.

47. If the heart is like a lotus, it is untainted by dust.

48. The Buddha speaks all Dharma to save all beings.

49. The Buddha points the way, the traveler saves himself.

50. Escape the cycle of birth and death, achieve Nirvana.

51. Stay away from suffering, and happiness arises in the heart.

52. Purify the heart and still the mind, let go of attachments.

53. Cultivate both merit and wisdom, achieve a perfect life.

54. Be grateful, have compassion in your heart.

55. Cultivate and accumulate virtue, endless merit.

56. Great compassion, great love, saving all beings.

57. Compassion as the foundation, wisdom as the boat.

58. The Bodhi tree is originally not a tree, the bright mirror is not a platform either.

59. All conditioned things are like dreams, illusions, bubbles, and shadows.

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