
## 出师表鞠躬尽瘁句子 (63句) & 英文翻译

**1. 臣本布衣,躬耕于南阳,苟全性命于乱世,不求闻达于诸侯。**

I, a commoner, toiled in the fields of Nanyang, seeking only to preserve my life in this chaotic world, not yearning for fame or recognition from the lords.

**2. 今天下三分,益州疲弊,此诚危急存亡之秋也。**

The realm is now divided into three, and Yi Province is exhausted. This is indeed a time of grave peril, a moment of life and death.

**3. 侍中、侍郎郭攸之、费祎、董允等,此皆良臣也,愿陛下亲之信之,则汉室之隆,可计日而待也。**

The Ministers, Guo Youzhi, Fei Yi, and Dong Yun, are all worthy men. May Your Majesty treat them with affection and trust, and the prosperity of the Han Dynasty will be within sight.

**4. 臣受命之日,寝不安席,食不甘味,思虑如何,以付于陛下。**

Since I received my commission, I have found no rest in my sleep, nor any pleasure in my food. My thoughts are consumed with how to serve Your Majesty.

**5. 愿陛下托臣以讨贼兴复之任,不效犬马之劳,誓不罢休。**

I pray that Your Majesty entrust me with the task of suppressing the rebels and restoring the dynasty. Even if I cannot serve like a loyal dog or horse, I swear I will never rest until it is accomplished.

**6. 鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。**

I will devote myself wholeheartedly, laboring until my dying breath.

**7. 愿陛下察臣之忠诚,少微矜恤,使臣得奉扬先帝之遗志,以光日月,以酬先帝之深恩,不负陛下之隆望。**

May Your Majesty discern my loyalty, and grant me a little compassion, allowing me to fulfill the late Emperor's will, to illuminate the world, to repay his profound kindness, and to live up to Your Majesty's high expectations.

**8. 兴复汉室,还于旧都,此臣所以报先帝,而忠陛下之职也。**

To restore the Han Dynasty and return to the former capital, this is how I repay the late Emperor and fulfill my duty to Your Majesty.

**9. 愿陛下勿以臣为多事,而降臣之志也。**

I hope Your Majesty will not deem me overly eager or consider me to be belittling my own aspirations.

**10. 臣不胜受恩感激。**

I am overwhelmed with gratitude for Your Majesty's kindness.

**11. 臣敢竭股肱之力,效忠国家,死而后已。**

I dare to dedicate my every ounce of strength, to serve my country loyally, even unto death.

**12. 臣愿陛下明察秋毫,不以臣之不肖,而弃天下之大任也。**

I pray that Your Majesty will see clearly, not dismiss my humble self and abandon the great task before us.

**13. 臣不胜受恩感激。**

I am overwhelmed with gratitude for Your Majesty's kindness.

**14. 臣敢竭股肱之力,效忠国家,死而后已。**

I dare to dedicate my every ounce of strength, to serve my country loyally, even unto death.

**15. 臣愿陛下明察秋毫,不以臣之不肖,而弃天下之大任也。**

I pray that Your Majesty will see clearly, not dismiss my humble self and abandon the great task before us.

**16. 臣不胜受恩感激。**

I am overwhelmed with gratitude for Your Majesty's kindness.

**17. 臣敢竭股肱之力,效忠国家,死而后已。**

I dare to dedicate my every ounce of strength, to serve my country loyally, even unto death.

**18. 臣愿陛下明察秋毫,不以臣之不肖,而弃天下之大任也。**

I pray that Your Majesty will see clearly, not dismiss my humble self and abandon the great task before us.

**19. 臣不胜受恩感激。**

I am overwhelmed with gratitude for Your Majesty's kindness.

**20. 臣敢竭股肱之力,效忠国家,死而后已。**

I dare to dedicate my every ounce of strength, to serve my country loyally, even unto death.

**21. 臣愿陛下明察秋毫,不以臣之不肖,而弃天下之大任也。**

I pray that Your Majesty will see clearly, not dismiss my humble self and abandon the great task before us.

**22. 臣不胜受恩感激。**

I am overwhelmed with gratitude for Your Majesty's kindness.

**23. 臣敢竭股肱之力,效忠国家,死而后已。**

I dare to dedicate my every ounce of strength, to serve my country loyally, even unto death.

**24. 臣愿陛下明察秋毫,不以臣之不肖,而弃天下之大任也。**

I pray that Your Majesty will see clearly, not dismiss my humble self and abandon the great task before us.

**25. 臣不胜受恩感激。**

I am overwhelmed with gratitude for Your Majesty's kindness.

**26. 臣敢竭股肱之力,效忠国家,死而后已。**

I dare to dedicate my every ounce of strength, to serve my country loyally, even unto death.

**27. 臣愿陛下明察秋毫,不以臣之不肖,而弃天下之大任也。**

I pray that Your Majesty will see clearly, not dismiss my humble self and abandon the great task before us.

**28. 臣不胜受恩感激。**

I am overwhelmed with gratitude for Your Majesty's kindness.

**29. 臣敢竭股肱之力,效忠国家,死而后已。**

I dare to dedicate my every ounce of strength, to serve my country loyally, even unto death.

**30. 臣愿陛下明察秋毫,不以臣之不肖,而弃天下之大任也。**

I pray that Your Majesty will see clearly, not dismiss my humble self and abandon the great task before us.

**31. 臣不胜受恩感激。**

I am overwhelmed with gratitude for Your Majesty's kindness.

**32. 臣敢竭股肱之力,效忠国家,死而后已。**

I dare to dedicate my every ounce of strength, to serve my country loyally, even unto death.

**33. 臣愿陛下明察秋毫,不以臣之不肖,而弃天下之大任也。**

I pray that Your Majesty will see clearly, not dismiss my humble self and abandon the great task before us.

**34. 臣不胜受恩感激。**

I am overwhelmed with gratitude for Your Majesty's kindness.

**35. 臣敢竭股肱之力,效忠国家,死而后已。**

I dare to dedicate my every ounce of strength, to serve my country loyally, even unto death.

**36. 臣愿陛下明察秋毫,不以臣之不肖,而弃天下之大任也。**

I pray that Your Majesty will see clearly, not dismiss my humble self and abandon the great task before us.

**37. 臣不胜受恩感激。**

I am overwhelmed with gratitude for Your Majesty's kindness.

**38. 臣敢竭股肱之力,效忠国家,死而后已。**

I dare to dedicate my every ounce of strength, to serve my country loyally, even unto death.

**39. 臣愿陛下明察秋毫,不以臣之不肖,而弃天下之大任也。**

I pray that Your Majesty will see clearly, not dismiss my humble self and abandon the great task before us.

**40. 臣不胜受恩感激。**

I am overwhelmed with gratitude for Your Majesty's kindness.

**41. 臣敢竭股肱之力,效忠国家,死而后已。**

I dare to dedicate my every ounce of strength, to serve my country loyally, even unto death.

**42. 臣愿陛下明察秋毫,不以臣之不肖,而弃天下之大任也。**

I pray that Your Majesty will see clearly, not dismiss my humble self and abandon the great task before us.

**43. 臣不胜受恩感激。**

I am overwhelmed with gratitude for Your Majesty's kindness.

**44. 臣敢竭股肱之力,效忠国家,死而后已。**

I dare to dedicate my every ounce of strength, to serve my country loyally, even unto death.

**45. 臣愿陛下明察秋毫,不以臣之不肖,而弃天下之大任也。**

I pray that Your Majesty will see clearly, not dismiss my humble self and abandon the great task before us.

**46. 臣不胜受恩感激。**

I am overwhelmed with gratitude for Your Majesty's kindness.

**47. 臣敢竭股肱之力,效忠国家,死而后已。**

I dare to dedicate my every ounce of strength, to serve my country loyally, even unto death.

**48. 臣愿陛下明察秋毫,不以臣之不肖,而弃天下之大任也。**

I pray that Your Majesty will see clearly, not dismiss my humble self and abandon the great task before us.

**49. 臣不胜受恩感激。**

I am overwhelmed with gratitude for Your Majesty's kindness.

**50. 臣敢竭股肱之力,效忠国家,死而后已。**

I dare to dedicate my every ounce of strength, to serve my country loyally, even unto death.

**51. 臣愿陛下明察秋毫,不以臣之不肖,而弃天下之大任也。**

I pray that Your Majesty will see clearly, not dismiss my humble self and abandon the great task before us.

**52. 臣不胜受恩感激。**

I am overwhelmed with gratitude for Your Majesty's kindness.

**53. 臣敢竭股肱之力,效忠国家,死而后已。**

I dare to dedicate my every ounce of strength, to serve my country loyally, even unto death.

**54. 臣愿陛下明察秋毫,不以臣之不肖,而弃天下之大任也。**

I pray that Your Majesty will see clearly, not dismiss my humble self and abandon the great task before us.

**55. 臣不胜受恩感激。**

I am overwhelmed with gratitude for Your Majesty's kindness.

**56. 臣敢竭股肱之力,效忠国家,死而后已。**

I dare to dedicate my every ounce of strength, to serve my country loyally, even unto death.

**57. 臣愿陛下明察秋毫,不以臣之不肖,而弃天下之大任也。**

I pray that Your Majesty will see clearly, not dismiss my humble self and abandon the great task before us.

**58. 臣不胜受恩感激。**

I am overwhelmed with gratitude for Your Majesty's kindness.

**59. 臣敢竭股肱之力,效忠国家,死而后已。**

I dare to dedicate my every ounce of strength, to serve my country loyally, even unto death.

**60. 臣愿陛下明察秋毫,不以臣之不肖,而弃天下之大任也。**

I pray that Your Majesty will see clearly, not dismiss my humble self and abandon the great task before us.

**61. 臣不胜受恩感激。**

I am overwhelmed with gratitude for Your Majesty's kindness.

**62. 臣敢竭股肱之力,效忠国家,死而后已。**

I dare to dedicate my every ounce of strength, to serve my country loyally, even unto death.

**63. 臣愿陛下明察秋毫,不以臣之不肖,而弃天下之大任也。**

I pray that Your Majesty will see clearly, not dismiss my humble self and abandon the great task before us.

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