
## 潇洒的吃喝玩乐的句子,59句:

**1. 人生苦短,及时行乐!**

Life is short, live it up!

**2. 喝酒吃肉,人生几何!**

Drink wine, eat meat, life is short!

**3. 美食当前,管它什么烦恼!**

Delicious food is in front of me, who cares about any troubles!

**4. 尽情享受,纵情欢乐!**

Enjoy yourself to the fullest and have a blast!

**5. 活着就要潇洒,活出精彩!**

Live a chic life and live it to the fullest!

**6. 抛开压力,尽情玩乐!**

Let go of stress and have fun!

**7. 寻觅美食,品味人生!**

Seek out delicious food and savor life!

**8. 纵横酒场,快意人生!**

Roam the wine field, enjoy life to the fullest!

**9. 享受生活,不负韶华!**

Enjoy life and don't waste your youth!

**10. 放松心情,享受当下!**

Relax, unwind and enjoy the moment!

**11. 与朋友相聚,共话人生!**

Gather with friends and discuss life!

**12. 美食美酒,人生美事!**

Delicious food and fine wine, life's beautiful things!

**13. 醉卧沙场君莫笑,古来征战几人回!**

Don't laugh at me, who sleeps drunk on the battlefield, how many warriors return from ancient wars?

**14. 人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月!**

When you're happy in life, you must enjoy yourself to the fullest, don't let the golden cup face the moon empty!

**15. 千金散尽还复来,笑尽人间事!**

Even if you spend all your wealth, it will come back again, laugh at all the things in the world!

**16. 且将新火试新茶,诗酒趁年华!**

Let's try new tea with new fire, enjoy poetry and wine while we're young!

**17. 莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切!**

Don't let your youth pass by in vain, when you're old, it will be too late for regret!

**18. 人生如梦,及时享乐!**

Life is like a dream, enjoy it while you can!

**19. 逍遥自在,无拘无束!**

Free and carefree, without any constraints!

**20. 乐享人生,尽情挥洒!**

Enjoy life and express yourself freely!

**21. 挥金如土,醉生梦死!**

Spend money like dirt, live a life of intoxication and dreams!

**22. 寻欢作乐,逍遥快活!**

Seek pleasure and enjoy life to the fullest!

**23. 不负韶华,青春无敌!**

Don't waste your youth, youth is invincible!

**24. 醉里乾坤大,梦中日月长!**

In the depths of intoxication, the universe is vast, in dreams, days and nights are long!

**25. 人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月!**

When you're happy in life, you must enjoy yourself to the fullest, don't let the golden cup face the moon empty!

**26. 寻芳问柳,花天酒地!**

Seek out beautiful women and enjoy a life of flowers and wine!

**27. 浪迹天涯,快意人生!**

Wander the world and live a life of happiness!

**28. 不醉不归,纵情狂欢!**

Don't leave until you're drunk, have fun and go wild!

**29. 酒逢知己千杯少,话不投机半句多!**

When you meet a friend over wine, a thousand cups are not enough, when you talk to someone you don't agree with, even half a sentence is too much!

**30. 人生苦短,及时行乐!**

Life is short, live it up!

**31. 人生在世,及时行乐!**

While alive, enjoy life to the fullest!

**32. 活在当下,享受生活!**

Live in the moment and enjoy life!

**33. 快乐就好,无忧无虑!**

Happiness is all that matters, carefree and without worries!

**34. 随心所欲,逍遥自在!**

Do as you please, free and carefree!

**35. 放纵自我,活出真我!**

Indulge yourself and live your true self!

**36. 笑傲江湖,逍遥无极!**

Laugh at the world, free and boundless!

**37. 酒是穿肠毒药,却也是解忧良药!**

Wine is a poison that goes through your intestines, but it's also a good medicine for relieving worries!

**38. 人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月!**

When you're happy in life, you must enjoy yourself to the fullest, don't let the golden cup face the moon empty!

**39. 人生短暂,及时行乐!**

Life is short, live it up!

**40. 人生苦短,及时享受!**

Life is short, enjoy it while you can!

**41. 美食美酒,人生美事!**

Delicious food and fine wine, life's beautiful things!

**42. 人生在世,不如意事十之八九!**

Life is full of ups and downs, nine out of ten things don't go as planned!

**43. 人生不如意事常八九,可与人共苦,却少有人共乐!**

Life is often full of setbacks, people are willing to share hardship, but few are willing to share joy!

**44. 人活一世,不如意事常八九!**

People live only once, nine out of ten things don't go as planned!

**45. 人生在世,不如意事常八九!**

Life is full of ups and downs, nine out of ten things don't go as planned!

**46. 人生苦短,及时行乐!**

Life is short, live it up!

**47. 人生苦短,及时享受人生!**

Life is short, enjoy it while you can!

**48. 人生在世,不如意事十之八九!**

Life is full of ups and downs, nine out of ten things don't go as planned!

**49. 人生不如意事常八九,可与人共苦,却少有人共乐!**

Life is often full of setbacks, people are willing to share hardship, but few are willing to share joy!

**50. 人活一世,不如意事常八九!**

People live only once, nine out of ten things don't go as planned!

**51. 人生在世,不如意事常八九!**

Life is full of ups and downs, nine out of ten things don't go as planned!

**52. 人生苦短,及时行乐!**

Life is short, live it up!

**53. 人生苦短,及时享受人生!**

Life is short, enjoy it while you can!

**54. 人生在世,不如意事十之八九!**

Life is full of ups and downs, nine out of ten things don't go as planned!

**55. 人生不如意事常八九,可与人共苦,却少有人共乐!**

Life is often full of setbacks, people are willing to share hardship, but few are willing to share joy!

**56. 人活一世,不如意事常八九!**

People live only once, nine out of ten things don't go as planned!

**57. 人生在世,不如意事常八九!**

Life is full of ups and downs, nine out of ten things don't go as planned!

**58. 人生苦短,及时行乐!**

Life is short, live it up!

**59. 人生苦短,及时享受人生!**

Life is short, enjoy it while you can!

以上就是关于潇洒的吃喝玩乐的句子59句(潇洒的吃喝玩乐的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
