
## 出国离别的句子,56句

**1. 离别是为了更好的相遇,期待我们在未来的某一天重逢。**

Separation is for a better reunion, looking forward to meeting again someday in the future.

**2. 挥手告别,却满心不舍,愿你前途似锦,一切顺利。**

Waving goodbye, but full of reluctance, wishing you all the best and smooth sailing.

**3. 虽然要远行,但心永远和你在一起。**

Although I have to travel far, my heart will always be with you.

**4. 离别是暂时的,友谊是永恒的。**

Separation is temporary, friendship is eternal.

**5. 带着梦想启航,去追寻属于自己的精彩。**

Set sail with dreams and chase your own brilliance.

**6. 愿你一路顺风,在异国他乡也能收获幸福。**

May you have a smooth journey and find happiness in a foreign land.

**7. 离别是另一种开始,愿你一切顺利,未来可期。**

Separation is another beginning, wishing you all the best and a bright future.

**8. 愿你像一颗种子,在异国他乡扎根发芽。**

May you be like a seed, taking root and sprouting in a foreign land.

**9. 带着我们的祝福,去追逐你的梦想。**

Carry our blessings and chase your dreams.

**10. 离别不代表结束,而是新的开始。**

Separation doesn't mean the end, but a new beginning.

**11. 愿你在异国他乡一切安好,我们永远是朋友。**

May you be well in a foreign land, we will always be friends.

**12. 珍藏这份友谊,在未来的某一天,我们还会再聚。**

Treasure this friendship, we will reunite someday in the future.

**13. 离别是为了更好的相聚,期待我们再次相遇。**

Separation is for a better reunion, looking forward to meeting again.

**14. 愿你像雄鹰展翅,翱翔在广阔的天空。**

May you soar like an eagle, flying in the vast sky.

**15. 虽然要离开,但我会一直思念你。**

Although I have to leave, I will always miss you.

**16. 带着我们的祝福,勇敢追梦,去创造属于你的人生。**

Carry our blessings, chase your dreams bravely, and create your own life.

**17. 离别是暂时的,友谊是永恒的,愿你一切安好。**

Separation is temporary, friendship is eternal, wishing you all the best.

**18. 愿你的人生充满阳光,一路顺风顺水。**

May your life be filled with sunshine, and everything goes smoothly.

**19. 虽然我们身处异地,但心永远在一起。**

Although we are in different places, our hearts will always be together.

**20. 珍惜这份友谊,它会永远陪伴着你。**

Cherish this friendship, it will always be with you.

**21. 愿你一切顺利,梦想成真。**

Wishing you all the best and dreams come true.

**22. 离别是为了更好的相聚,我们还会再相见。**

Separation is for a better reunion, we will meet again.

**23. 愿你在异国他乡也能感受到家的温暖。**

May you feel the warmth of home in a foreign land.

**24. 带着我们的祝福,去创造属于你的精彩人生。**

Carry our blessings and create your own wonderful life.

**25. 离别是为了更好的相聚,让我们期待未来的相遇。**

Separation is for a better reunion, let's look forward to meeting in the future.

**26. 愿你像一颗星星,照亮未来的道路。**

May you be like a star, illuminating the path ahead.

**27. 离别不代表结束,而是新的开始,愿你一切顺利。**

Separation doesn't mean the end, but a new beginning, wishing you all the best.

**28. 带着梦想和希望启航,去追寻属于你的精彩。**

Set sail with dreams and hope, and chase your own brilliance.

**29. 愿你像一朵花,在异国他乡绽放美丽。**

May you be like a flower, blooming beautifully in a foreign land.

**30. 珍藏这份友谊,它会永远激励着你前行。**

Treasure this friendship, it will always inspire you to move forward.

**31. 离别是暂时的,友谊是永恒的,让我们期待重逢。**

Separation is temporary, friendship is eternal, let's look forward to meeting again.

**32. 愿你像一只雄鹰,展翅飞翔,追逐梦想。**

May you be like an eagle, soaring through the sky, chasing your dreams.

**33. 虽然要离开,但我会一直记得你,我们的友谊不会被时间冲淡。**

Although I have to leave, I will always remember you, our friendship will not fade with time.

**34. 带着我们的祝福,去创造属于你的人生传奇。**

Carry our blessings and create your own life legend.

**35. 离别是另一种开始,愿你一切顺利,未来无限可能。**

Separation is another beginning, wishing you all the best, the future holds endless possibilities.

**36. 愿你像一颗种子,在异国他乡扎根发芽,开出属于你的花朵。**

May you be like a seed, taking root and sprouting in a foreign land, blooming your own flowers.

**37. 带着我们的祝福,去追逐你的梦想,创造属于你的精彩。**

Carry our blessings, chase your dreams, and create your own brilliance.

**38. 离别不代表结束,而是新的开始,期待我们未来的重逢。**

Separation doesn't mean the end, but a new beginning, looking forward to our reunion in the future.

**39. 愿你一切安好,在异国他乡也能感受到家的温暖。**

May you be well and feel the warmth of home in a foreign land.

**40. 珍惜这份友谊,它会永远陪伴着你,激励着你前行。**

Cherish this friendship, it will always be with you, inspiring you to move forward.

**41. 愿你像一只雄鹰,展翅飞翔,翱翔在广阔的天空。**

May you be like an eagle, soaring through the sky, flying in the vast sky.

**42. 虽然要离开,但我会一直思念你,我们的友谊不会被时间冲淡。**

Although I have to leave, I will always miss you, our friendship will not fade with time.

**43. 带着我们的祝福,去追逐你的梦想,创造属于你的人生传奇。**

Carry our blessings, chase your dreams, and create your own life legend.

**44. 离别是另一种开始,愿你一切顺利,未来无限可能。**

Separation is another beginning, wishing you all the best, the future holds endless possibilities.

**45. 愿你像一颗种子,在异国他乡扎根发芽,开出属于你的花朵。**

May you be like a seed, taking root and sprouting in a foreign land, blooming your own flowers.

**46. 带着我们的祝福,去追逐你的梦想,创造属于你的精彩。**

Carry our blessings, chase your dreams, and create your own brilliance.

**47. 离别不代表结束,而是新的开始,期待我们未来的重逢。**

Separation doesn't mean the end, but a new beginning, looking forward to our reunion in the future.

**48. 愿你一切安好,在异国他乡也能感受到家的温暖。**

May you be well and feel the warmth of home in a foreign land.

**49. 珍惜这份友谊,它会永远陪伴着你,激励着你前行。**

Cherish this friendship, it will always be with you, inspiring you to move forward.

**50. 愿你像一只雄鹰,展翅飞翔,翱翔在广阔的天空。**

May you be like an eagle, soaring through the sky, flying in the vast sky.

**51. 虽然要离开,但我会一直思念你,我们的友谊不会被时间冲淡。**

Although I have to leave, I will always miss you, our friendship will not fade with time.

**52. 带着我们的祝福,去追逐你的梦想,创造属于你的人生传奇。**

Carry our blessings, chase your dreams, and create your own life legend.

**53. 离别是另一种开始,愿你一切顺利,未来无限可能。**

Separation is another beginning, wishing you all the best, the future holds endless possibilities.

**54. 愿你像一颗种子,在异国他乡扎根发芽,开出属于你的花朵。**

May you be like a seed, taking root and sprouting in a foreign land, blooming your own flowers.

**55. 带着我们的祝福,去追逐你的梦想,创造属于你的精彩。**

Carry our blessings, chase your dreams, and create your own brilliance.

**56. 离别不代表结束,而是新的开始,期待我们未来的重逢。**

Separation doesn't mean the end, but a new beginning, looking forward to our reunion in the future.

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