
## 被淋雨的伤心句子 (81 句)

1. 雨水打湿了我的脸颊,也打湿了我的心。

1. Rain washed away my tears, and washed away my heart.

2. 雨一直下个不停,就像我的眼泪一样,止不住。

2. The rain kept falling, just like my tears, unable to stop.

3. 雨水冲刷着我的身体,却冲刷不掉我心中的悲伤。

3. The rain washed over my body, but couldn't wash away the sadness in my heart.

4. 我站在雨中,任凭雨水拍打我的脸颊,却无法触及我内心的冰冷。

4. I stood in the rain, letting it beat against my face, but it couldn't reach the coldness in my heart.

5. 雨水模糊了我的视线,让我看不清前方的路,也看不清未来的希望。

5. The rain blurred my vision, making it hard to see the road ahead, and the hope for the future.

6. 雨水滴落在我的头发上,冰冷的触感让我清醒,也让我更难过。

6. Raindrops fell on my hair, the cold touch made me sober, and even more sad.

7. 我撑着伞走在雨中,却无法遮挡住心里的雨。

7. I walked in the rain with an umbrella, but couldn't shield the rain in my heart.

8. 雨水冲刷着城市的街道,也冲刷着我的回忆。

8. The rain washed the city streets, and my memories.

9. 雨水打在窗玻璃上,发出清脆的声音,却无法抚平我心中的伤痛。

9. Raindrops hit the window pane, making a crisp sound, but it couldn't soothe the pain in my heart.

10. 雨水淋湿了我的衣服,也淋湿了我的梦想。

10. The rain soaked my clothes, and my dreams.

11. 雨水打在脸上,冰冷的感觉让我清醒,也让我更悲伤。

11. The rain hit my face, the cold sensation made me sober, and even more sad.

12. 我站在雨中,任凭雨水冲刷着我的脸庞,却无法洗去我的泪水。

12. I stood in the rain, letting it wash over my face, but couldn't wash away my tears.

13. 雨水模糊了我的眼睛,让我看不清这个世界,也看不清自己。

13. The rain blurred my eyes, making it hard to see the world, and myself.

14. 雨水滴落在我的头上,如同我的泪水,不断地滑落。

14. Raindrops fell on my head, like my tears, continuously falling.

15. 雨水淋湿了我的鞋子,也淋湿了我的心,冰冷的触感让我瑟瑟发抖。

15. The rain soaked my shoes, and my heart, the cold touch made me shiver.

16. 雨水打在屋顶上,发出沉闷的声音,如同我的心声,充满了悲伤。

16. The rain beat against the roof, making a dull sound, like my heart, filled with sadness.

17. 雨水冲刷着街道,也冲刷着我的希望,让我感到无助。

17. The rain washed the streets, and my hopes, leaving me feeling helpless.

18. 雨水滴落在我的手上,冰冷的触感让我想起你的温柔,更让我心痛。

18. Raindrops fell on my hand, the cold touch reminded me of your tenderness, making my heart ache even more.

19. 雨水打湿了我的衣服,也打湿了我的回忆,让我感到寒冷和孤独。

19. The rain soaked my clothes, and my memories, making me feel cold and lonely.

20. 雨水冲刷着我的身体,也冲刷着我的灵魂,让我感到空虚和迷茫。

20. The rain washed over my body, and my soul, leaving me feeling empty and lost.

21. 雨水打在窗台上,发出清脆的响声,却无法掩盖我内心的哀伤。

21. Raindrops hit the windowsill, making a crisp sound, but couldn't conceal the sadness in my heart.

22. 雨水淋湿了我的头发,也淋湿了我的梦,让我感到无力和绝望。

22. The rain soaked my hair, and my dreams, leaving me feeling powerless and hopeless.

23. 雨水冲刷着我的悲伤,却无法冲刷掉我心中的思念。

23. The rain washed away my sadness, but couldn't wash away the longing in my heart.

24. 雨水打在我的脸上,如同你的吻,让我感到温暖和甜蜜,却又让人心酸。

24. Raindrops hit my face, like your kiss, making me feel warm and sweet, but also bittersweet.

25. 雨水淋湿了我的衣服,也淋湿了我的心,让我感到寒冷和失落。

25. The rain soaked my clothes, and my heart, making me feel cold and lost.

26. 雨水打在树叶上,发出沙沙的声音,如同我的心声,充满了悲伤和无奈。

26. Raindrops hit the leaves, making a rustling sound, like my heart, filled with sadness and helplessness.

27. 雨水冲刷着城市,也冲刷着我的思念,让我感到孤独和寂寞。

27. The rain washed the city, and my longing, leaving me feeling lonely and isolated.

28. 雨水滴落在我的脸上,如同你的泪水,让我感到心碎和无力。

28. Raindrops fell on my face, like your tears, breaking my heart and leaving me powerless.

29. 雨水打在窗户上,发出清脆的声音,却无法掩盖我内心的痛苦和悲伤。

29. Raindrops hit the window, making a crisp sound, but couldn't conceal the pain and sadness in my heart.

30. 雨水淋湿了我的身体,也淋湿了我的希望,让我感到寒冷和绝望。

30. The rain soaked my body, and my hopes, leaving me feeling cold and hopeless.

31. 雨水冲刷着我的泪水,却无法冲刷掉我心中的伤痛。

31. The rain washed away my tears, but couldn't wash away the pain in my heart.

32. 雨水打在我的肩上,如同你的拥抱,让我感到温暖和安全,却又让人心酸。

32. Raindrops hit my shoulder, like your embrace, making me feel warm and safe, but also bittersweet.

33. 雨水淋湿了我的衣服,也淋湿了我的心,让我感到寒冷和孤独。

33. The rain soaked my clothes, and my heart, making me feel cold and lonely.

34. 雨水打在屋檐上,发出清脆的声音,却无法掩盖我内心的悲伤和失落。

34. Raindrops hit the eaves, making a crisp sound, but couldn't conceal the sadness and loss in my heart.

35. 雨水冲刷着街道,也冲刷着我的回忆,让我感到心酸和无奈。

35. The rain washed the streets, and my memories, leaving me feeling bittersweet and helpless.

36. 雨水滴落在我的头上,如同你的祝福,让我感到温暖和希望,却又让人心酸。

36. Raindrops fell on my head, like your blessings, making me feel warm and hopeful, but also bittersweet.

37. 雨水淋湿了我的衣服,也淋湿了我的心,让我感到寒冷和孤寂。

37. The rain soaked my clothes, and my heart, making me feel cold and solitary.

38. 雨水打在我的脸上,如同你的眼泪,让我感到心碎和无力。

38. Raindrops hit my face, like your tears, breaking my heart and leaving me powerless.

39. 雨水冲刷着我的悲伤,却无法冲刷掉我心中的思念。

39. The rain washed away my sadness, but couldn't wash away the longing in my heart.

40. 雨水打在窗玻璃上,发出清脆的声音,却无法抚平我心中的伤痛。

40. Raindrops hit the window pane, making a crisp sound, but couldn't soothe the pain in my heart.

41. 雨水淋湿了我的鞋子,也淋湿了我的心,冰冷的触感让我瑟瑟发抖。

41. The rain soaked my shoes, and my heart, the cold touch made me shiver.

42. 雨水打在屋顶上,发出沉闷的声音,如同我的心声,充满了悲伤。

42. The rain beat against the roof, making a dull sound, like my heart, filled with sadness.

43. 雨水冲刷着街道,也冲刷着我的希望,让我感到无助。

43. The rain washed the streets, and my hopes, leaving me feeling helpless.

44. 雨水滴落在我的手上,冰冷的触感让我想起你的温柔,更让我心痛。

44. Raindrops fell on my hand, the cold touch reminded me of your tenderness, making my heart ache even more.

45. 雨水打湿了我的衣服,也打湿了我的回忆,让我感到寒冷和孤独。

45. The rain soaked my clothes, and my memories, making me feel cold and lonely.

46. 雨水冲刷着我的身体,也冲刷着我的灵魂,让我感到空虚和迷茫。

46. The rain washed over my body, and my soul, leaving me feeling empty and lost.

47. 雨水打在窗台上,发出清脆的响声,却无法掩盖我内心的哀伤。

47. Raindrops hit the windowsill, making a crisp sound, but couldn't conceal the sadness in my heart.

48. 雨水淋湿了我的头发,也淋湿了我的梦,让我感到无力和绝望。

48. The rain soaked my hair, and my dreams, leaving me feeling powerless and hopeless.

49. 雨水冲刷着我的悲伤,却无法冲刷掉我心中的思念。

49. The rain washed away my sadness, but couldn't wash away the longing in my heart.

50. 雨水打在我的脸上,如同你的吻,让我感到温暖和甜蜜,却又让人心酸。

50. Raindrops hit my face, like your kiss, making me feel warm and sweet, but also bittersweet.

51. 雨水淋湿了我的衣服,也淋湿了我的心,让我感到寒冷和失落。

51. The rain soaked my clothes, and my heart, making me feel cold and lost.

52. 雨水打在树叶上,发出沙沙的声音,如同我的心声,充满了悲伤和无奈。

52. Raindrops hit the leaves, making a rustling sound, like my heart, filled with sadness and helplessness.

53. 雨水冲刷着城市,也冲刷着我的思念,让我感到孤独和寂寞。

53. The rain washed the city, and my longing, leaving me feeling lonely and isolated.

54. 雨水滴落在我的脸上,如同你的泪水,让我感到心碎和无力。

54. Raindrops fell on my face, like your tears, breaking my heart and leaving me powerless.

55. 雨水打在窗户上,发出清脆的声音,却无法掩盖我内心的痛苦和悲伤。

55. Raindrops hit the window, making a crisp sound, but couldn't conceal the pain and sadness in my heart.

56. 雨水淋湿了我的身体,也淋湿了我的希望,让我感到寒冷和绝望。

56. The rain soaked my body, and my hopes, leaving me feeling cold and hopeless.

57. 雨水冲刷着我的泪水,却无法冲刷掉我心中的伤痛。

57. The rain washed away my tears, but couldn't wash away the pain in my heart.

58. 雨水打在我的肩上,如同你的拥抱,让我感到温暖和安全,却又让人心酸。

58. Raindrops hit my shoulder, like your embrace, making me feel warm and safe, but also bittersweet.

59. 雨水淋湿了我的衣服,也淋湿了我的心,让我感到寒冷和孤独。

59. The rain soaked my clothes, and my heart, making me feel cold and lonely.

60. 雨水打在屋檐上,发出清脆的声音,却无法掩盖我内心的悲伤和失落。

60. Raindrops hit the eaves, making a crisp sound, but couldn't conceal the sadness and loss in my heart.

61. 雨水冲刷着街道,也冲刷着我的回忆,让我感到心酸和无奈。

61. The rain washed the streets, and my memories, leaving me feeling bittersweet and helpless.

62. 雨水滴落在我的头上,如同你的祝福,让我感到温暖和希望,却又让人心酸。

62. Raindrops fell on my head, like your blessings, making me feel warm and hopeful, but also bittersweet.

63. 雨水淋湿了我的衣服,也淋湿了我的心,让我感到寒冷和孤寂。

63. The rain soaked my clothes, and my heart, making me feel cold and solitary.

64. 雨水打在我的脸上,如同你的眼泪,让我感到心碎和无力。

64. Raindrops hit my face, like your tears, breaking my heart and leaving me powerless.

65. 雨水冲刷着我的悲伤,却无法冲刷掉我心中的思念。

65. The rain washed away my sadness, but couldn't wash away the longing in my heart.

66. 雨水打在窗玻璃上,发出清脆的声音,却无法抚平我心中的伤痛。

66. Raindrops hit the window pane, making a crisp sound, but couldn't soothe the pain in my heart.

67. 雨水淋湿了我的鞋子,也淋湿了我的心,冰冷的触感让我瑟瑟发抖。

67. The rain soaked my shoes, and my heart, the cold touch made me shiver.

68. 雨水打在屋顶上,发出沉闷的声音,如同我的心声,充满了悲伤。

68. The rain beat against the roof, making a dull sound, like my heart, filled with sadness.

69. 雨水冲刷着街道,也冲刷着我的希望,让我感到无助。

69. The rain washed the streets, and my hopes, leaving me feeling helpless.

70. 雨水滴落在我的手上,冰冷的触感让我想起你的温柔,更让我心痛。

70. Raindrops fell on my hand, the cold touch reminded me of your tenderness, making my heart ache even more.

71. 雨水打湿了我的衣服,也打湿了我的回忆,让我感到寒冷和孤独。

71. The rain soaked my clothes, and my memories, making me feel cold and lonely.

72. 雨水冲刷着我的身体,也冲刷着我的灵魂,让我感到空虚和迷茫。

72. The rain washed over my body, and my soul, leaving me feeling empty and lost.

73. 雨水打在窗台上,发出清脆的响声,却无法掩盖我内心的哀伤。

73. Raindrops hit the windowsill, making a crisp sound, but couldn't conceal the sadness in my heart.

74. 雨水淋湿了我的头发,也淋湿了我的梦,让我感到无力和绝望。

74. The rain soaked my hair, and my dreams, leaving me feeling powerless and hopeless.

75. 雨水冲刷着我的悲伤,却无法冲刷掉我心中的思念。

75. The rain washed away my sadness, but couldn't wash away the longing in my heart.

76. 雨水打在我的脸上,如同你的吻,让我感到温暖和甜蜜,却又让人心酸。

76. Raindrops hit my face, like your kiss, making me feel warm and sweet, but also bittersweet.

77. 雨水淋湿了我的衣服,也淋湿了我的心,让我感到寒冷和失落。

77. The rain soaked my clothes, and my heart, making me feel cold and lost.

78. 雨水打在树叶上,发出沙沙的声音,如同我的心声,充满了悲伤和无奈。

78. Raindrops hit the leaves, making a rustling sound, like my heart, filled with sadness and helplessness.

79. 雨水冲刷着城市,也冲刷着我的思念,让我感到孤独和寂寞。

79. The rain washed the city, and my longing, leaving me feeling lonely and isolated.

80. 雨水滴落在我的脸上,如同你的泪水,让我感到心碎和无力。

80. Raindrops fell on my face, like your tears, breaking my heart and leaving me powerless.

81. 雨水打在窗户上,发出清脆的声音,却无法掩盖我内心的痛苦和悲伤。

81. Raindrops hit the window, making a crisp sound, but couldn't conceal the pain and sadness in my heart.

以上就是关于被淋雨的句子伤心句子81句(被淋雨的句子伤心句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
