
## 被小人陷害隐喻的句子 (61句)

**1.** **被人暗箭伤,却不知是谁所为。**

**英文:** To be wounded by an unseen arrow, but not knowing who fired it.

To be wounded by an unseen arrow, but not knowing who fired it.

**2.** **背后插刀,毫无防备。**

**英文:** To be stabbed in the back without warning.

To be stabbed in the back without warning.

**3.** **人在江湖,身不由己。**

**英文:** In the world of people, one is not in control of one's own destiny.

In the world of people, one is not in control of one's own destiny.

**4.** **明枪易躲,暗箭难防。**

**英文:** It's easy to dodge an open attack, but hard to defend against a hidden arrow.

It's easy to dodge an open attack, but hard to defend against a hidden arrow.

**5.** **被人栽赃嫁祸,有口难辩。**

**英文:** To be falsely accused and unable to defend oneself.

To be falsely accused and unable to defend oneself.

**6.** **良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。**

**英文:** Good medicine tastes bitter but benefits the patient, and honest advice is unpleasant but helpful.

Good medicine tastes bitter but benefits the patient, and honest advice is unpleasant but helpful.

**7.** **君子坦荡荡,小人常戚戚。**

**英文:** A gentleman is open and upright, while a villain is constantly anxious.

A gentleman is open and upright, while a villain is constantly anxious.

**8.** **防人之心不可无,害人之心不可有。**

**英文:** It's wise to be cautious of others, but one should never have the intention to harm others.

It's wise to be cautious of others, but one should never have the intention to harm others.

**9.** **宁可信其有,不可信其无。**

**英文:** It's better to believe that something exists than to believe it doesn't.

It's better to believe that something exists than to believe it doesn't.

**10.** **人心隔肚皮,知人知面不知心。**

**英文:** A person's heart is hidden behind their stomach, you can know their face but not their heart.

A person's heart is hidden behind their stomach, you can know their face but not their heart.

**11.** **祸起萧墙,防不胜防。**

**英文:** Disaster can arise from within, and it's hard to guard against.

Disaster can arise from within, and it's hard to guard against.

**12.** **小人难防,防不胜防。**

**英文:** It's difficult to guard against a villain, as their actions are unpredictable.

It's difficult to guard against a villain, as their actions are unpredictable.

**13.** **人心叵测,难测其心。**

**英文:** The human heart is unpredictable, it's hard to gauge its intentions.

The human heart is unpredictable, it's hard to gauge its intentions.

**14.** **明枪易躲,暗箭难防。**

**英文:** It's easy to dodge an open attack, but hard to defend against a hidden arrow.

It's easy to dodge an open attack, but hard to defend against a hidden arrow.

**15.** **树大招风,高处不胜寒。**

**英文:** Tall trees attract wind, and those who are at the top are lonely.

Tall trees attract wind, and those who are at the top are lonely.

**16.** **防人之心不可无,害人之心不可有。**

**英文:** It's wise to be cautious of others, but one should never have the intention to harm others.

It's wise to be cautious of others, but one should never have the intention to harm others.

**17.** **害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无。**

**英文:** One should never have the intention to harm others, but it's wise to be cautious of others.

One should never have the intention to harm others, but it's wise to be cautious of others.

**18.** **人在江湖,身不由己。**

**英文:** In the world of people, one is not in control of one's own destiny.

In the world of people, one is not in control of one's own destiny.

**19.** **背后阴人,无耻之尤。**

**英文:** To harm someone behind their back is the most shameful act.

To harm someone behind their back is the most shameful act.

**20.** **人心难测,善恶难辨。**

**英文:** The human heart is unpredictable, it's hard to distinguish between good and evil.

The human heart is unpredictable, it's hard to distinguish between good and evil.

**21.** **君子爱财,取之有道;小人贪财,无恶不作。**

**英文:** A gentleman loves wealth but acquires it through righteous means, while a villain craves wealth and will do anything to obtain it.

A gentleman loves wealth but acquires it through righteous means, while a villain craves wealth and will do anything to obtain it.

**22.** **小人背后伤人,君子当面直言。**

**英文:** A villain harms others behind their backs, while a gentleman speaks directly to their face.

A villain harms others behind their backs, while a gentleman speaks directly to their face.

**23.** **君子之交淡如水,小人之交甘如蜜。**

**英文:** The friendship of gentlemen is as pure as water, while the friendship of villains is as sweet as honey.

The friendship of gentlemen is as pure as water, while the friendship of villains is as sweet as honey.

**24.** **君子爱财,取之有道,小人爱财,不择手段。**

**英文:** A gentleman loves wealth, but acquires it through righteous means, while a villain loves wealth and will use any means necessary to obtain it.

A gentleman loves wealth, but acquires it through righteous means, while a villain loves wealth and will use any means necessary to obtain it.

**25.** **明枪易躲,暗箭难防。**

**英文:** It's easy to dodge an open attack, but hard to defend against a hidden arrow.

It's easy to dodge an open attack, but hard to defend against a hidden arrow.

**26.** **防人之心不可无,害人之心不可有。**

**英文:** It's wise to be cautious of others, but one should never have the intention to harm others.

It's wise to be cautious of others, but one should never have the intention to harm others.

**27.** **宁可信其有,不可信其无。**

**英文:** It's better to believe that something exists than to believe it doesn't.

It's better to believe that something exists than to believe it doesn't.

**28.** **人心隔肚皮,知人知面不知心。**

**英文:** A person's heart is hidden behind their stomach, you can know their face but not their heart.

A person's heart is hidden behind their stomach, you can know their face but not their heart.

**29.** **祸起萧墙,防不胜防。**

**英文:** Disaster can arise from within, and it's hard to guard against.

Disaster can arise from within, and it's hard to guard against.

**30.** **小人难防,防不胜防。**

**英文:** It's difficult to guard against a villain, as their actions are unpredictable.

It's difficult to guard against a villain, as their actions are unpredictable.

**31.** **人心叵测,难测其心。**

**英文:** The human heart is unpredictable, it's hard to gauge its intentions.

The human heart is unpredictable, it's hard to gauge its intentions.

**32.** **君子坦荡荡,小人常戚戚。**

**英文:** A gentleman is open and upright, while a villain is constantly anxious.

A gentleman is open and upright, while a villain is constantly anxious.

**33.** **明枪易躲,暗箭难防。**

**英文:** It's easy to dodge an open attack, but hard to defend against a hidden arrow.

It's easy to dodge an open attack, but hard to defend against a hidden arrow.

**34.** **树大招风,高处不胜寒。**

**英文:** Tall trees attract wind, and those who are at the top are lonely.

Tall trees attract wind, and those who are at the top are lonely.

**35.** **防人之心不可无,害人之心不可有。**

**英文:** It's wise to be cautious of others, but one should never have the intention to harm others.

It's wise to be cautious of others, but one should never have the intention to harm others.

**36.** **害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无。**

**英文:** One should never have the intention to harm others, but it's wise to be cautious of others.

One should never have the intention to harm others, but it's wise to be cautious of others.

**37.** **人在江湖,身不由己。**

**英文:** In the world of people, one is not in control of one's own destiny.

In the world of people, one is not in control of one's own destiny.

**38.** **背后阴人,无耻之尤。**

**英文:** To harm someone behind their back is the most shameful act.

To harm someone behind their back is the most shameful act.

**39.** **人心难测,善恶难辨。**

**英文:** The human heart is unpredictable, it's hard to distinguish between good and evil.

The human heart is unpredictable, it's hard to distinguish between good and evil.

**40.** **君子爱财,取之有道;小人贪财,无恶不作。**

**英文:** A gentleman loves wealth but acquires it through righteous means, while a villain craves wealth and will do anything to obtain it.

A gentleman loves wealth but acquires it through righteous means, while a villain craves wealth and will do anything to obtain it.

**41.** **小人背后伤人,君子当面直言。**

**英文:** A villain harms others behind their backs, while a gentleman speaks directly to their face.

A villain harms others behind their backs, while a gentleman speaks directly to their face.

**42.** **君子之交淡如水,小人之交甘如蜜。**

**英文:** The friendship of gentlemen is as pure as water, while the friendship of villains is as sweet as honey.

The friendship of gentlemen is as pure as water, while the friendship of villains is as sweet as honey.

**43.** **君子爱财,取之有道,小人爱财,不择手段。**

**英文:** A gentleman loves wealth, but acquires it through righteous means, while a villain loves wealth and will use any means necessary to obtain it.

A gentleman loves wealth, but acquires it through righteous means, while a villain loves wealth and will use any means necessary to obtain it.

**44.** **明枪易躲,暗箭难防。**

**英文:** It's easy to dodge an open attack, but hard to defend against a hidden arrow.

It's easy to dodge an open attack, but hard to defend against a hidden arrow.

**45.** **防人之心不可无,害人之心不可有。**

**英文:** It's wise to be cautious of others, but one should never have the intention to harm others.

It's wise to be cautious of others, but one should never have the intention to harm others.

**46.** **宁可信其有,不可信其无。**

**英文:** It's better to believe that something exists than to believe it doesn't.

It's better to believe that something exists than to believe it doesn't.

**47.** **人心隔肚皮,知人知面不知心。**

**英文:** A person's heart is hidden behind their stomach, you can know their face but not their heart.

A person's heart is hidden behind their stomach, you can know their face but not their heart.

**48.** **祸起萧墙,防不胜防。**

**英文:** Disaster can arise from within, and it's hard to guard against.

Disaster can arise from within, and it's hard to guard against.

**49.** **小人难防,防不胜防。**

**英文:** It's difficult to guard against a villain, as their actions are unpredictable.

It's difficult to guard against a villain, as their actions are unpredictable.

**50.** **人心叵测,难测其心。**

**英文:** The human heart is unpredictable, it's hard to gauge its intentions.

The human heart is unpredictable, it's hard to gauge its intentions.

**51.** **君子坦荡荡,小人常戚戚。**

**英文:** A gentleman is open and upright, while a villain is constantly anxious.

A gentleman is open and upright, while a villain is constantly anxious.

**52.** **明枪易躲,暗箭难防。**

**英文:** It's easy to dodge an open attack, but hard to defend against a hidden arrow.

It's easy to dodge an open attack, but hard to defend against a hidden arrow.

**53.** **树大招风,高处不胜寒。**

**英文:** Tall trees attract wind, and those who are at the top are lonely.

Tall trees attract wind, and those who are at the top are lonely.

**54.** **防人之心不可无,害人之心不可有。**

**英文:** It's wise to be cautious of others, but one should never have the intention to harm others.

It's wise to be cautious of others, but one should never have the intention to harm others.

**55.** **害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无。**

**英文:** One should never have the intention to harm others, but it's wise to be cautious of others.

One should never have the intention to harm others, but it's wise to be cautious of others.

**56.** **人在江湖,身不由己。**

**英文:** In the world of people, one is not in control of one's own destiny.

In the world of people, one is not in control of one's own destiny.

**57.** **背后阴人,无耻之尤。**

**英文:** To harm someone behind their back is the most shameful act.

To harm someone behind their back is the most shameful act.

**58.** **人心难测,善恶难辨。**

**英文:** The human heart is unpredictable, it's hard to distinguish between good and evil.

The human heart is unpredictable, it's hard to distinguish between good and evil.

**59.** **君子爱财,取之有道;小人贪财,无恶不作。**

**英文:** A gentleman loves wealth but acquires it through righteous means, while a villain craves wealth and will do anything to obtain it.

A gentleman loves wealth but acquires it through righteous means, while a villain craves wealth and will do anything to obtain it.

**60.** **小人背后伤人,君子当面直言。**

**英文:** A villain harms others behind their backs, while a gentleman speaks directly to their face.

A villain harms others behind their backs, while a gentleman speaks directly to their face.

**61.** **君子之交淡如水,小人之交甘如蜜。**

**英文:** The friendship of gentlemen is as pure as water, while the friendship of villains is as sweet as honey.

The friendship of gentlemen is as pure as water, while the friendship of villains is as sweet as honey.

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