
## 儿童雷人句子 (53 句)

1. 妈妈,你为什么总叫我“宝贝”?难道我不是你的孩子吗?

1. Mommy, why do you always call me"baby"? Am I not your child?

2. 老师,我长大了要当宇航员,去月球上种土豆!

2. Teacher, when I grow up, I want to be an astronaut and plant potatoes on the moon!

3. 我最喜欢吃鸡腿,因为鸡腿像我的胳膊,可以拿来打人!

3. My favorite food is chicken legs because they are like my arms and I can use them to hit people!

4. 爸爸,我以后要嫁给超人,这样他就不用担心被坏人打败了!

4. Dad, when I grow up, I will marry Superman so he doesn't have to worry about getting beaten by villains!

5. 我长大以后要开一家玩具店,把所有的玩具都买下来,这样我就不用分享了!

5. When I grow up, I'm going to open a toy store and buy all the toys so I don't have to share!

6. 我想吃彩虹,因为它一定很甜!

6. I want to eat a rainbow, it must be very sweet!

7. 妈妈,你为什么每天都化妆?难道你不想让我看到你真实的样子吗?

7. Mommy, why do you wear makeup every day? Don't you want me to see your true face?

8. 爸爸,你为什么老是说“我爱你”?难道你不会说别的词了吗?

8. Dad, why do you always say"I love you"? Don't you know any other words?

9. 我要吃掉月亮,这样晚上就不会那么黑了!

9. I want to eat the moon, then it won't be so dark at night!

10. 老师,我为什么不能在课堂上玩手机?手机比书本有趣多了!

10. Teacher, why can't I play on my phone in class? Phones are much more interesting than books!

11. 我想把我的玩具熊送给老师,因为老师每天都很辛苦!

11. I want to give my teddy bear to my teacher, because she works so hard every day!

12. 爸爸,我以后要当警察,把所有坏人都抓起来,然后关进我的玩具箱里!

12. Dad, when I grow up, I'm going to be a policeman and catch all the bad guys, then lock them in my toy box!

13. 妈妈,你为什么老是叫我去睡觉?难道你不喜欢我陪你聊天吗?

13. Mommy, why do you always tell me to go to sleep? Don't you like me to chat with you?

14. 我最喜欢的颜色是黑色,因为黑色可以把所有的颜色都吸收掉!

14. My favorite color is black, because it can absorb all the colors!

15. 老师,我为什么不能在课堂上吃东西?难道我的肚子不是我的吗?

15. Teacher, why can't I eat in class? Isn't my stomach mine?

16. 我要娶一个公主,这样我就可以每天都住城堡里了!

16. I want to marry a princess, so I can live in a castle every day!

17. 爸爸,我以后要当科学家,发明一种可以让人瞬间长大的药,这样我就可以不用等了!

17. Dad, when I grow up, I'm going to be a scientist and invent a medicine that can make people grow up instantly, so I don't have to wait!

18. 妈妈,我为什么不能玩手机?难道手机不是用来玩的吗?

18. Mommy, why can't I play with my phone? Isn't that what phones are for?

19. 我想把我的玩具都送给贫困地区的孩子,这样他们就不会孤单了!

19. I want to give all my toys to children in poor areas, so they won't be lonely!

20. 老师,我为什么不能迟到?难道迟到不是一种美德吗?

20. Teacher, why can't I be late? Isn't being late a virtue?

21. 我最喜欢吃冰淇淋,因为冰淇淋可以让我瞬间变成一个大胖子!

21. I love eating ice cream, because it can instantly turn me into a big fat guy!

22. 我要当一个厨师,做世界上最好吃的菜,让所有人都爱上我的菜!

22. I want to be a chef and cook the most delicious dishes in the world, so everyone will fall in love with my food!

23. 爸爸,你为什么老是说“明天”?难道你不想让我今天就长大吗?

23. Dad, why do you always say"tomorrow"? Don't you want me to grow up today?

24. 我想吃掉太阳,这样我就可以一直都很温暖了!

24. I want to eat the sun, so I can always be warm!

25. 妈妈,你为什么老是说“不行”?难道你不想让我尝试新事物吗?

25. Mommy, why do you always say"no"? Don't you want me to try new things?

26. 我要当一个画家,画出世界上最美的画,然后卖给别人,赚很多钱!

26. I want to be a painter and paint the most beautiful paintings in the world, then sell them to others and earn a lot of money!

27. 老师,我为什么不能在课堂上唱歌?难道唱歌不是一种艺术吗?

27. Teacher, why can't I sing in class? Isn't singing an art?

28. 我要当一个宇航员,去太空旅行,然后把外星人带回来,让他们跟我一起玩!

28. I want to be an astronaut and travel to space, then bring back aliens and let them play with me!

29. 爸爸,你为什么老是说“不行”?难道你不想让我做一些有趣的事情吗?

29. Dad, why do you always say"no"? Don't you want me to do some interesting things?

30. 我想把我的所有衣服都送给流浪汉,这样他们就不用穿破衣服了!

30. I want to give all my clothes to homeless people, so they don't have to wear torn clothes!

31. 妈妈,你为什么老是叫我“小不点”?难道你不想让我长大吗?

31. Mommy, why do you always call me"little one"? Don't you want me to grow up?

32. 我要当一个作家,写出世界上最有趣的故事,让所有人都喜欢看!

32. I want to be a writer and write the most interesting stories in the world, so everyone will love to read them!

33. 老师,我为什么不能在课堂上睡觉?难道睡觉不是一种休息吗?

33. Teacher, why can't I sleep in class? Isn't sleeping a kind of rest?

34. 我要当一个医生,治好所有人的病,然后让他们都健康快乐!

34. I want to be a doctor and cure everyone's illnesses, so they can all be healthy and happy!

35. 爸爸,你为什么老是说“别闹了”?难道你不想让我玩得开心吗?

35. Dad, why do you always say"stop messing around"? Don't you want me to have fun?

36. 我想吃掉所有的糖果,这样我就不用再吃别的零食了!

36. I want to eat all the candy, so I don't have to eat other snacks!

37. 妈妈,你为什么老是叫我“乖”?难道你不希望我变得勇敢吗?

37. Mommy, why do you always call me"good"? Don't you want me to be brave?

38. 我要当一个老师,教所有的小朋友学知识,然后让他们都变得很聪明!

38. I want to be a teacher and teach all the children knowledge, so they can all become very smart!

39. 爸爸,你为什么老是说“不能”?难道你不想让我尝试新事物吗?

39. Dad, why do you always say"no"? Don't you want me to try new things?

40. 我想把我的所有玩具都送给动物,这样他们就不会孤单了!

40. I want to give all my toys to animals, so they won't be lonely!

41. 老师,我为什么不能在课堂上玩游戏?难道玩游戏不是一种娱乐吗?

41. Teacher, why can't I play games in class? Isn't playing games a kind of entertainment?

42. 我要当一个音乐家,弹奏出世界上最美妙的音乐,让所有人都陶醉其中!

42. I want to be a musician and play the most beautiful music in the world, so everyone will be mesmerized by it!

43. 爸爸,你为什么老是说“不要”?难道你不想让我做一些有意义的事情吗?

43. Dad, why do you always say"don't"? Don't you want me to do something meaningful?

44. 我想把我的所有积木都送给医院的孩子,这样他们就不会无聊了!

44. I want to give all my building blocks to children in the hospital, so they won't be bored!

45. 妈妈,你为什么老是叫我“宝贝”?难道你不希望我变得独立吗?

45. Mommy, why do you always call me"baby"? Don't you want me to become independent?

46. 我要当一个设计师,设计出世界上最漂亮的衣服,然后让所有人都穿我的衣服!

46. I want to be a designer and design the most beautiful clothes in the world, so everyone will wear my clothes!

47. 老师,我为什么不能在课堂上吃糖果?难道吃糖果不是一件快乐的事情吗?

47. Teacher, why can't I eat candy in class? Isn't eating candy a happy thing?

48. 我要当一个运动员,参加奥运会,然后获得金牌,让全世界的人都认识我!

48. I want to be an athlete, participate in the Olympics, and win a gold medal, so everyone in the world will know me!

49. 爸爸,你为什么老是说“不可以”?难道你不想让我体验生活吗?

49. Dad, why do you always say"you can't"? Don't you want me to experience life?

50. 我想把我的所有玩具都送给动物园的动物,这样他们就会有很多玩具可以玩了!

50. I want to give all my toys to animals in the zoo, so they will have lots of toys to play with!

51. 妈妈,你为什么老是叫我“乖乖”?难道你不希望我变得勇敢吗?

51. Mommy, why do you always call me"good"? Don't you want me to be brave?

52. 我要当一个工程师,建造出世界上最高的大厦,然后住到最高层,俯瞰整个城市!

52. I want to be an engineer and build the tallest building in the world, then live on the top floor and overlook the whole city!

53. 爸爸,你为什么老是说“不”?难道你不想让我尝试新事物吗?

53. Dad, why do you always say"no"? Don't you want me to try new things?

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