
## 52 句 变相敛财句子 和 英文翻译

1. **表面上是慈善捐款,实际上是洗钱手段。**

It's a facade of charitable donations, but in reality, it's a money laundering scheme.

2. **借公益之名,行敛财之实。**

Using the name of public welfare to actually raise funds.

3. **以低价出售,再以高价回收,赚取差价。**

Selling at a low price and then buying back at a high price to make a profit on the difference.

4. **以培训为名,收取高额费用,实际内容却毫无价值。**

Charging exorbitant fees for training, but the actual content is worthless.

5. **以投资为名,诱骗他人资金,最后卷款潜逃。**

Using investment as a guise, luring people into investing, and then running away with the money.

6. **以内部消息为诱饵,吸引投资者,最终却是一场骗局。**

Using inside information as bait to attract investors, but ultimately it's a scam.

7. **以慈善为名,进行虚假宣传,骗取捐款。**

Using charity as a name, engaging in false advertising to defraud donations.

8. **以项目合作的名义,获取项目资金,最后却不了了之。**

Obtaining project funds under the guise of project cooperation, but ultimately it ends up in a dead end.

9. **以虚假数据,夸大盈利,吸引投资。**

Using false data to exaggerate profits and attract investment.

10. **以低价促销为诱饵,吸引顾客,然后提高价格。**

Using low-price promotions as bait to attract customers, then raising prices.

11. **以会员制为名,收取高额会费,实际提供的服务却很有限。**

Using membership as a guise, charging high membership fees, but the actual services provided are very limited.

12. **以代理销售为名,赚取高额佣金,实际产品质量却很差。**

Using agency sales as a guise, earning high commissions, but the actual product quality is poor.

13. **以保健品为名,夸大功效,诱骗老年人购买。**

Using health products as a guise, exaggerating their effectiveness, and luring elderly people into buying them.

14. **以旅游团为名,收取高额费用,实际却安排低价团。**

Using tour groups as a guise, charging high fees, but actually arranging low-cost tours.

15. **以装修为名,收取高额费用,实际却偷工减料。**

Using renovation as a guise, charging high fees, but actually cutting corners.

16. **以艺术品投资为名,收取高额佣金,实际却是一场骗局。**

Using art investment as a guise, charging high commissions, but actually it's a scam.

17. **以收藏品为名,抬高价格,诱骗他人购买。**

Using collectibles as a guise, inflating prices to lure people into buying them.

18. **以网络平台为名,收取高额广告费用,实际效果却很差。**

Using online platforms as a guise, charging high advertising fees, but the actual results are poor.

19. **以慈善捐助为名,敛取巨额财富,实际却用于个人消费。**

Using charitable donations as a guise, amassing huge wealth, but actually using it for personal consumption.

20. **以公益事业为名,进行商业运作,赚取利润。**

Using public welfare as a guise, engaging in commercial operations to make profits.

21. **以“内部消息”为诱饵,吸引投资者,最终却是一场空。**

Using"inside information" as bait to attract investors, but ultimately it's an empty promise.

22. **以低价“秒杀”为名,吸引顾客,实际上却是“饥饿营销”。**

Using low-price"flash sales" as a guise to attract customers, but in reality it's"hunger marketing."

23. **以“限时抢购”为名,制造紧张气氛,诱导顾客消费。**

Using"limited-time purchases" as a guise to create a sense of urgency, inducing customers to consume.

24. **以“免费体验”为名,吸引顾客,最终却要收取高额费用。**

Using"free trials" as a guise to attract customers, but ultimately they charge exorbitant fees.

25. **以“限量版”为名,抬高价格,实际上却是库存商品。**

Using"limited edition" as a guise to inflate prices, but in reality they are inventory goods.

26. **以“特价促销”为名,吸引顾客,实际上却是“以次充好”。**

Using"special price promotions" as a guise to attract customers, but in reality they are"inferior products passed off as superior."

27. **以“VIP专属”为名,收取高额会费,实际上提供的服务却很一般。**

Using"VIP exclusive" as a guise, charging high membership fees, but the actual services provided are mediocre.

28. **以“明星代言”为名,提高产品价格,实际上却是虚假宣传。**

Using"celebrity endorsements" as a guise, raising product prices, but in reality it's false advertising.

29. **以“环保”为名,抬高产品价格,实际上却是“绿色营销”。**

Using"environmental protection" as a guise, raising product prices, but in reality it's"green marketing."

30. **以“健康”为名,销售高价保健品,实际上却是“虚假宣传”。**

Using"health" as a guise, selling high-priced health products, but in reality it's"false advertising."

31. **以“优惠套餐”为名,诱导顾客消费,实际上却是“捆绑销售”。**

Using"discount packages" as a guise to induce customer consumption, but in reality it's"tied selling."

32. **以“积分返利”为名,吸引顾客,实际上却是“羊毛出在羊身上”。**

Using"points return" as a guise to attract customers, but in reality it's"the sheep is shorn for its wool."

33. **以“抽奖活动”为名,吸引顾客,实际上却是“虚假抽奖”。**

Using"lottery events" as a guise to attract customers, but in reality it's"false lottery."

34. **以“优惠券”为名,吸引顾客,实际上却是“消费陷阱”。**

Using"coupons" as a guise to attract customers, but in reality it's a"consumer trap."

35. **以“限时折扣”为名,制造紧张气氛,诱导顾客消费。**

Using"limited-time discounts" as a guise to create a sense of urgency, inducing customers to consume.

36. **以“免费赠送”为名,吸引顾客,实际上却是“附加条件”。**

Using"free gifts" as a guise to attract customers, but in reality there are"attached conditions."

37. **以“新品上市”为名,抬高价格,实际上却是“老产品翻新”。**

Using"new product launch" as a guise, raising prices, but in reality it's"renovated old products."

38. **以“进口产品”为名,抬高价格,实际上却是“国产产品”。**

Using"imported products" as a guise, raising prices, but in reality they are"domestic products."

39. **以“手工制作”为名,抬高价格,实际上却是“机器生产”。**

Using"handmade" as a guise, raising prices, but in reality they are"machine-made."

40. **以“天然材料”为名,抬高价格,实际上却是“人工合成”。**

Using"natural materials" as a guise, raising prices, but in reality they are"synthetic."

41. **以“纯天然”为名,销售高价保健品,实际上却是“虚假宣传”。**

Using"all-natural" as a guise, selling high-priced health products, but in reality it's"false advertising."

42. **以“有机种植”为名,抬高农产品价格,实际上却是“普通种植”。**

Using"organic farming" as a guise, raising agricultural product prices, but in reality it's"ordinary farming."

43. **以“无添加”为名,销售高价食品,实际上却是“添加了其他成分”。**

Using"no additives" as a guise, selling high-priced food, but in reality they"contain other ingredients."

44. **以“健康饮食”为名,销售高价餐食,实际上却是“高热量、高脂肪”。**

Using"healthy diet" as a guise, selling high-priced meals, but in reality they are"high-calorie, high-fat."

45. **以“环保材料”为名,销售高价家具,实际上却是“普通材料”。**

Using"environmentally friendly materials" as a guise, selling high-priced furniture, but in reality they are"ordinary materials."

46. **以“节能环保”为名,销售高价家电,实际上却是“耗能大户”。**

Using"energy-saving and environmentally friendly" as a guise, selling high-priced appliances, but in reality they are"heavy energy consumers."

47. **以“高科技”为名,销售高价产品,实际上却是“技术落后”。**

Using"high technology" as a guise, selling high-priced products, but in reality they are"technologically backward."

48. **以“限量供应”为名,抬高价格,实际上却是“库存过剩”。**

Using"limited supply" as a guise, raising prices, but in reality they have"excess inventory."

49. **以“限时优惠”为名,制造紧张气氛,诱导顾客消费。**

Using"limited-time discounts" as a guise to create a sense of urgency, inducing customers to consume.

50. **以“独家秘方”为名,销售高价产品,实际上却是“普通配方”。**

Using"exclusive formula" as a guise, selling high-priced products, but in reality they are"ordinary formulas."

51. **以“独家授权”为名,销售高价产品,实际上却是“假冒伪劣”。**

Using"exclusive authorization" as a guise, selling high-priced products, but in reality they are"counterfeit and shoddy."

52. **以“权威认证”为名,提高产品价格,实际上却是“自编认证”。**

Using"authoritative certification" as a guise, raising product prices, but in reality they are"self-made certifications."

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