
## 信错人看错人的句子 (85句)

1. 错把真心托付,换来的是满身伤痕。

1. To entrust your true heart to the wrong person only results in wounds all over.

2. 识人不清,便如饮鸩止渴。

2. Not knowing people well is like drinking poison to quench your thirst.

3. 看错了人,便如走进了迷宫,越走越远,越走越迷茫。

3. Mistaking people is like entering a maze, getting further and further away, and becoming more and more lost.

4. 一腔热血,换来的是冰冷的现实。

4. A heart full of passion, only to be met with cold reality.

5. 爱错人,不如不爱。

5. It's better to not love than to love the wrong person.

6. 情深缘浅,终究敌不过命运的安排。

6. Deep love and shallow fate, ultimately cannot overcome the arrangement of destiny.

7. 有些人,你以为他值得你去付出,其实他只是在利用你。

7. Some people, you think they are worthy of your devotion, but in fact they are just using you.

8. 人心隔肚皮,谁知道谁的心思。

8. People's hearts are hidden deep inside, who knows what they are thinking.

9. 不要轻易相信任何人,因为人心是最难猜的。

9. Don't easily trust anyone, because human hearts are the hardest to guess.

10. 与其信错人,不如不信人。

10. It's better not to trust anyone than to trust the wrong person.

11. 真心换真心,假意换假意。

11. Genuine heart for genuine heart, false intention for false intention.

12. 不要把你的弱点暴露给任何人,因为你永远不知道谁会利用你。

12. Don't expose your weaknesses to anyone, because you never know who will take advantage of you.

13. 世上最可怕的事情,莫过于看错人。

13. The most frightening thing in the world is mistaking people.

14. 不要把你的真心交付给不值得的人。

14. Don't entrust your true heart to someone who is not worthy.

15. 有些人,你越对他好,他越不珍惜你。

15. Some people, the better you treat them, the less they cherish you.

16. 不要把所有的希望都寄托在一个人身上,因为你可能会失望。

16. Don't put all your hopes on one person, because you might be disappointed.

17. 不要轻易相信别人的承诺,因为承诺都是说出来容易做起来难。

17. Don't easily believe other people's promises, because promises are easy to say but hard to do.

18. 不要轻易相信别人的眼泪,因为眼泪可能是伪装的。

18. Don't easily believe other people's tears, because tears can be a disguise.

19. 不要把你的秘密告诉任何人,因为你永远不知道谁会背叛你。

19. Don't tell your secrets to anyone, because you never know who will betray you.

20. 不要轻易相信别人的甜言蜜语,因为甜言蜜语可能是陷阱。

20. Don't easily believe other people's sweet words, because sweet words can be a trap.

21. 不要轻易相信别人的表象,因为表象可能是虚假的。

21. Don't easily believe other people's appearances, because appearances can be false.

22. 不要轻易相信别人的过去,因为过去可能是不真实的。

22. Don't easily believe other people's past, because the past may not be true.

23. 不要轻易相信别人的未来,因为未来可能是不确定的。

23. Don't easily believe other people's future, because the future may be uncertain.

24. 不要轻易相信别人的建议,因为建议可能是错误的。

24. Don't easily believe other people's advice, because the advice may be wrong.

25. 不要轻易相信别人的判断,因为判断可能是片面的。

25. Don't easily believe other people's judgments, because judgments can be biased.

26. 不要轻易相信别人的能力,因为能力可能是虚假的。

26. Don't easily believe other people's abilities, because abilities can be false.

27. 不要轻易相信别人的身份,因为身份可能是伪造的。

27. Don't easily believe other people's identities, because identities can be forged.

28. 不要轻易相信别人的背景,因为背景可能是虚构的。

28. Don't easily believe other people's backgrounds, because backgrounds can be fictional.

29. 不要轻易相信别人的关系,因为关系可能是假的。

29. Don't easily believe other people's relationships, because relationships can be fake.

30. 不要轻易相信别人的目标,因为目标可能是不可实现的。

30. Don't easily believe other people's goals, because goals may be unattainable.

31. 不要轻易相信别人的价值观,因为价值观可能是不同的。

31. Don't easily believe other people's values, because values may be different.

32. 不要轻易相信别人的想法,因为想法可能是错误的。

32. Don't easily believe other people's thoughts, because thoughts can be wrong.

33. 不要轻易相信别人的行为,因为行为可能是伪装的。

33. Don't easily believe other people's actions, because actions can be a disguise.

34. 不要轻易相信别人的性格,因为性格可能是多面的。

34. Don't easily believe other people's personalities, because personalities can be multifaceted.

35. 不要轻易相信别人的爱好,因为爱好可能是虚假的。

35. Don't easily believe other people's hobbies, because hobbies can be fake.

36. 不要轻易相信别人的习惯,因为习惯可能是改变的。

36. Don't easily believe other people's habits, because habits can change.

37. 不要轻易相信别人的能力,因为能力可能是有限的。

37. Don't easily believe other people's abilities, because abilities can be limited.

38. 不要轻易相信别人的潜力,因为潜力可能是无法实现的。

38. Don't easily believe other people's potential, because potential may be unrealized.

39. 不要轻易相信别人的天赋,因为天赋可能是天生的。

39. Don't easily believe other people's talents, because talents can be innate.

40. 不要轻易相信别人的努力,因为努力可能是虚假的。

40. Don't easily believe other people's efforts, because efforts can be false.

41. 不要轻易相信别人的成果,因为成果可能是偶然的。

41. Don't easily believe other people's achievements, because achievements can be accidental.

42. 不要轻易相信别人的经验,因为经验可能是过时的。

42. Don't easily believe other people's experience, because experience can be outdated.

43. 不要轻易相信别人的教训,因为教训可能是错误的。

43. Don't easily believe other people's lessons, because lessons can be wrong.

44. 不要轻易相信别人的观点,因为观点可能是偏执的。

44. Don't easily believe other people's opinions, because opinions can be biased.

45. 不要轻易相信别人的信仰,因为信仰可能是不同的。

45. Don't easily believe other people's beliefs, because beliefs can be different.

46. 不要轻易相信别人的梦想,因为梦想可能是虚幻的。

46. Don't easily believe other people's dreams, because dreams can be illusory.

47. 不要轻易相信别人的承诺,因为承诺可能是空洞的。

47. Don't easily believe other people's promises, because promises can be empty.

48. 不要轻易相信别人的帮助,因为帮助可能是索取的。

48. Don't easily believe other people's help, because help can be a form of taking.

49. 不要轻易相信别人的同情,因为同情可能是伪装的。

49. Don't easily believe other people's sympathy, because sympathy can be a disguise.

50. 不要轻易相信别人的理解,因为理解可能是片面的。

50. Don't easily believe other people's understanding, because understanding can be one-sided.

51. 不要轻易相信别人的赞美,因为赞美可能是虚假的。

51. Don't easily believe other people's praise, because praise can be false.

52. 不要轻易相信别人的批评,因为批评可能是嫉妒的。

52. Don't easily believe other people's criticism, because criticism can be out of jealousy.

53. 不要轻易相信别人的建议,因为建议可能是自私的。

53. Don't easily believe other people's advice, because advice can be selfish.

54. 不要轻易相信别人的忠告,因为忠告可能是错误的。

54. Don't easily believe other people's advice, because advice can be wrong.

55. 不要轻易相信别人的安慰,因为安慰可能是敷衍的。

55. Don't easily believe other people's comfort, because comfort can be perfunctory.

56. 不要轻易相信别人的鼓励,因为鼓励可能是虚假的。

56. Don't easily believe other people's encouragement, because encouragement can be false.

57. 不要轻易相信别人的支持,因为支持可能是暂时的。

57. Don't easily believe other people's support, because support can be temporary.

58. 不要轻易相信别人的爱,因为爱可能是虚假的。

58. Don't easily believe other people's love, because love can be false.

59. 不要轻易相信别人的承诺,因为承诺可能是无法兑现的。

59. Don't easily believe other people's promises, because promises may be unredeemable.

60. 不要轻易相信别人的帮助,因为帮助可能是带有条件的。

60. Don't easily believe other people's help, because help can be conditional.

61. 不要轻易相信别人的同情,因为同情可能是虚伪的。

61. Don't easily believe other people's sympathy, because sympathy can be hypocritical.

62. 不要轻易相信别人的理解,因为理解可能是片面的。

62. Don't easily believe other people's understanding, because understanding can be one-sided.

63. 不要轻易相信别人的赞美,因为赞美可能是敷衍的。

63. Don't easily believe other people's praise, because praise can be perfunctory.

64. 不要轻易相信别人的批评,因为批评可能是恶意中伤的。

64. Don't easily believe other people's criticism, because criticism can be malicious slander.

65. 不要轻易相信别人的建议,因为建议可能是为了自己的利益的。

65. Don't easily believe other people's advice, because advice can be for their own benefit.

66. 不要轻易相信别人的忠告,因为忠告可能是为了自己的目的的。

66. Don't easily believe other people's advice, because advice can be for their own purposes.

67. 不要轻易相信别人的安慰,因为安慰可能是为了安慰自己的。

67. Don't easily believe other people's comfort, because comfort can be for their own comfort.

68. 不要轻易相信别人的鼓励,因为鼓励可能是为了给自己增加筹码的。

68. Don't easily believe other people's encouragement, because encouragement can be to increase their own leverage.

69. 不要轻易相信别人的支持,因为支持可能是为了自己的利益的。

69. Don't easily believe other people's support, because support can be for their own benefit.

70. 不要轻易相信别人的爱,因为爱可能是为了自己的需求的。

70. Don't easily believe other people's love, because love can be for their own needs.

71. 不要轻易相信别人的承诺,因为承诺可能是为了哄骗你的。

71. Don't easily believe other people's promises, because promises can be to deceive you.

72. 不要轻易相信别人的帮助,因为帮助可能是为了控制你的。

72. Don't easily believe other people's help, because help can be to control you.

73. 不要轻易相信别人的同情,因为同情可能是为了利用你的。

73. Don't easily believe other people's sympathy, because sympathy can be to exploit you.

74. 不要轻易相信别人的理解,因为理解可能是为了欺骗你的。

74. Don't easily believe other people's understanding, because understanding can be to deceive you.

75. 不要轻易相信别人的赞美,因为赞美可能是为了讨好你的。

75. Don't easily believe other people's praise, because praise can be to flatter you.

76. 不要轻易相信别人的批评,因为批评可能是为了贬低你的。

76. Don't easily believe other people's criticism, because criticism can be to belittle you.

77. 不要轻易相信别人的建议,因为建议可能是为了让你走弯路的。

77. Don't easily believe other people's advice, because advice can be to lead you astray.

78. 不要轻易相信别人的忠告,因为忠告可能是为了让你后悔的。

78. Don't easily believe other people's advice, because advice can be to make you regret it.

79. 不要轻易相信别人的安慰,因为安慰可能是为了让你麻痺的。

79. Don't easily believe other people's comfort, because comfort can be to numb you.

80. 不要轻易相信别人的鼓励,因为鼓励可能是为了让你盲目的。

80. Don't easily believe other people's encouragement, because encouragement can be to make you blind.

81. 不要轻易相信别人的支持,因为支持可能是为了让你依赖的。

81. Don't easily believe other people's support, because support can be to make you dependent.

82. 不要轻易相信别人的爱,因为爱可能是为了让你痛苦的。

82. Don't easily believe other people's love, because love can be to make you suffer.

83. 不要轻易相信别人的承诺,因为承诺可能是为了让你失望的。

83. Don't easily believe other people's promises, because promises can be to disappoint you.

84. 不要轻易相信别人的帮助,因为帮助可能是为了让你失去自由的。

84. Don't easily believe other people's help, because help can be to make you lose your freedom.

85. 不要轻易相信别人的同情,因为同情可能是为了让你屈服的。

85. Don't easily believe other people's sympathy, because sympathy can be to make you submit.

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