
## 你高兴我就高兴 (You are happy, I am happy)

1. 你高兴,我就高兴。 (You are happy, I am happy.)

2. 看着你开心,我也开心。 (Seeing you happy, makes me happy too.)

3. 你快乐,我才会快乐。 (I can only be happy when you are happy.)

4. 你的笑容,是我最大的快乐。 (Your smile is my greatest happiness.)

5. 你开心,比什么都重要。 (Your happiness is more important than anything else.)

6. 我愿意为你付出一切,只求你快乐。 (I am willing to give up everything for you, just to see you happy.)

7. 你快乐,就是我最大的幸福。 (Your happiness is my greatest happiness.)

8. 我希望你能一直快乐下去。 (I hope you will always be happy.)

9. 我愿意为了你的快乐,付出一切。 (I am willing to do anything for your happiness.)

10. 只要你开心,我就满足了。 (As long as you are happy, I am satisfied.)

11. 你开心,我才会开心。 (I will only be happy when you are happy.)

12. 你是世界上最美丽的人,你的快乐,就是我的快乐。 (You are the most beautiful person in the world, your happiness is my happiness.)

13. 你的快乐,就是我最大的动力。 (Your happiness is my greatest motivation.)

14. 你的快乐,是我最大的心愿。 (Your happiness is my biggest wish.)

15. 你快乐,我才会更快乐。 (I will be even happier when you are happy.)

16. 你是世界上最珍贵的人,你的快乐,就是我最大的财富。 (You are the most precious person in the world, your happiness is my greatest wealth.)

17. 我愿意为你的快乐,付出所有。 (I am willing to give up everything for your happiness.)

18. 只要你快乐,我什么都愿意做。 (I will do anything as long as you are happy.)

19. 你开心,我就开心,这是我的原则。 (Your happiness makes me happy, that's my principle.)

20. 你快乐,我才会安心。 (I will only be at ease when you are happy.)

21. 你是阳光,照亮我的心,你的快乐,就是我幸福的源泉。 (You are the sunshine, illuminating my heart, your happiness is the source of my happiness.)

22. 你开心,我的世界才会充满光明。 (Your happiness will light up my world.)

23. 你是我生命中的全部,你的快乐,就是我的目标。 (You are everything in my life, your happiness is my goal.)

24. 你开心,我就感到满足。 (Your happiness makes me feel fulfilled.)

25. 我愿意为你的快乐,付出任何代价。 (I am willing to pay any price for your happiness.)

26. 你开心,我就觉得世界很美好。 (When you are happy, I feel like the world is a beautiful place.)

27. 我永远都会支持你的梦想,只要你快乐。 (I will always support your dreams, as long as you are happy.)

28. 你的快乐,是我前进的动力。 (Your happiness is the driving force behind my progress.)

29. 我愿意为你的快乐,放弃一切。 (I am willing to give up everything for your happiness.)

30. 你开心,我就感到幸福。 (I feel happy when you are happy.)

31. 你开心,就是我对你的承诺。 (Your happiness is my promise to you.)

32. 你是世界上最美的人,你的快乐,就是我最大的成就。 (You are the most beautiful person in the world, your happiness is my greatest achievement.)

33. 你开心,我就感到轻松。 (I feel relaxed when you are happy.)

34. 你开心,我就觉得人生充满了希望。 (I feel like life is full of hope when you are happy.)

35. 我愿意为你的快乐,付出我的所有。 (I am willing to give you everything for your happiness.)

36. 你开心,我就感到心安。 (I feel at peace when you are happy.)

37. 你开心,我的世界就充满阳光。 (My world is full of sunshine when you are happy.)

38. 你是世界上最宝贵的人,你的快乐,就是我最大的财富。 (You are the most valuable person in the world, your happiness is my greatest wealth.)

39. 你开心,我就感到满足和幸福。 (I feel fulfilled and happy when you are happy.)

40. 你开心,我就觉得我的付出是值得的。 (I feel like my efforts are worthwhile when you are happy.)

41. 你开心,我的世界就会变得更美好。 (My world will become a better place when you are happy.)

42. 你的快乐,就是我最大的心愿。 (Your happiness is my greatest wish.)

43. 你开心,我才会安心。 (I can only feel at ease when you are happy.)

44. 你的快乐,是我人生最大的意义。 (Your happiness is the greatest meaning in my life.)

45. 我愿意付出一切,只求你快乐。 (I am willing to give up everything, just to see you happy.)

46. 你开心,我的世界就会充满色彩。 (My world will be full of colors when you are happy.)

47. 你是世界上最值得爱的人,你的快乐,是我最大的幸福。 (You are the most lovable person in the world, your happiness is my greatest happiness.)

48. 你开心,我就感到温暖。 (I feel warm when you are happy.)

49. 你的快乐,就是我前进的动力。 (Your happiness is the driving force behind my progress.)

50. 你开心,我的世界就充满了希望。 (My world is full of hope when you are happy.)

51. 你是世界上最美的风景,你的快乐,就是我最大的享受。 (You are the most beautiful scenery in the world, your happiness is my greatest enjoyment.)

52. 你开心,我就觉得我的人生很有意义。 (I feel like my life has meaning when you are happy.)

53. 你开心,我的世界就充满了幸福。 (My world is full of happiness when you are happy.)

54. 你开心,我就感到满足和充实。 (I feel fulfilled and complete when you are happy.)

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