
## 你对她好她却不领情的句子,52句,并把内容翻译成英文,然后把结果内容的段落带上html标签中的p标签:

1. 你对她掏心掏肺,她却视而不见,就像一颗石子投入了无底深渊,悄无声息地沉没。

英文:You poured your heart and soul into her, but she turned a blind eye, like a pebble thrown into a bottomless abyss, sinking silently without a trace.

2. 你的一片真心,换来的却是她的冷眼旁观,你的热情,在她那里只换来了一盆冷水。

英文:Your genuine affection was met with her cold indifference, and your enthusiasm was met with nothing but a bucket of cold water.

3. 你对她百般呵护,她却视若无睹,你的付出,在她眼里一文不值。

英文: You pampered her in every way, but she remained oblivious, your efforts worthless in her eyes.

4. 你对她好,她却得寸进尺,你对她越迁就,她越肆无忌惮。

英文:You were kind to her, but she took advantage of it, and the more you indulged her, the more reckless she became.

5. 你以为你对她好,她就会感动,可你错了,她根本不在乎。

英文:You thought your kindness would move her, but you were wrong, she simply didn't care.

6. 你费尽心思讨好她,她却对你的付出视若无睹,你的一片真心,在她那里毫无价值。

英文:You went to great lengths to please her, but she ignored your efforts. Your sincere affection meant nothing to her.

7. 你对她好,她却嫌你烦,你对她热情,她却冷若冰霜。

英文:You were good to her, but she found you annoying. You were warm towards her, but she was cold as ice.

8. 你对她付出了所有,她却只把你当做备胎,在你需要她的时候,她却选择了逃避。

英文:You gave her everything, but she only saw you as a backup. When you needed her, she chose to escape.

9. 你对她好,她却不懂珍惜,你对她真心,她却视若草芥。

英文:You were good to her, but she didn't know how to appreciate it. You were sincere towards her, but she treated you like a weed.

10. 你对她好,她却像一朵带刺的玫瑰,美丽却充满危险,你越靠近,就越容易受伤。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like a thorny rose, beautiful yet dangerous. The closer you got, the more likely you were to get hurt.

11. 你以为你对她好,她就会珍惜,可你错了,她根本没有珍惜你的好意。

英文:You thought your kindness would be cherished, but you were wrong. She didn't appreciate your good intentions at all.

12. 你对她好,她却像一株藤蔓,缠绕着你,却从未付出真心,最终只会将你吞噬。

英文: You were good to her, but she was like a vine, clinging to you but never giving genuine love, ultimately swallowing you whole.

13. 你对她好,她却不知感恩,你的付出,在她眼里只是理所当然。

英文:You were good to her, but she didn't know how to be grateful. Your efforts were just expected in her eyes.

14. 你对她好,她却冷眼旁观,你的一片真心,在她那里只是徒劳。

英文:You were good to her, but she just watched from the sidelines. Your sincerity was in vain.

15. 你对她好,她却像个不懂事的孩子,只会索取,不会付出。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like a spoiled child, only knowing how to take, not give.

16. 你对她好,她却无动于衷,你的一片真心,在她那里毫无波澜。

英文:You were good to her, but she remained unmoved. Your sincerity didn't stir a ripple in her.

17. 你对她好,她却视若无物,你的一片真心,在她眼里一文不值。

英文:You were good to her, but she treated it as nothing. Your sincerity was worthless in her eyes.

18. 你对她好,她却像一块冰,无论你怎样付出,也无法融化她的冷漠。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like a block of ice. No matter how much you gave, you couldn't melt her coldness.

19. 你对她好,她却像一朵带刺的玫瑰,美丽却充满危险,你越靠近,就越容易受伤。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like a thorny rose, beautiful yet dangerous. The closer you got, the more likely you were to get hurt.

20. 你对她好,她却像一朵空花,美丽却无香,你的付出,在她那里只是徒劳。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like an empty flower, beautiful but scentless. Your efforts were in vain.

21. 你对她好,她却像一棵枯树,无论你怎样浇灌,也无法让它恢复生机。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like a dead tree. No matter how much you watered it, you couldn't bring it back to life.

22. 你对她好,她却像一只风筝,飘忽不定,你越想要抓住她,她就越想要逃离。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like a kite, fluttering in the wind. The more you wanted to hold onto her, the more she wanted to escape.

23. 你对她好,她却像一朵含苞待放的花,你越想要靠近,她就越想要躲避。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like a flower in bud. The more you wanted to get close, the more she wanted to hide.

24. 你对她好,她却像一潭死水,无论你怎样投入,也无法泛起涟漪。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like a stagnant pool. No matter how much you threw in, you couldn't create ripples.

25. 你对她好,她却像一朵野花,随风飘摇,你永远无法抓住她。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like a wildflower, swaying in the wind. You could never hold onto her.

26. 你对她好,她却像一只刺猬,你越想要靠近,她就越想要缩起来保护自己。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like a hedgehog. The more you wanted to get close, the more she wanted to curl up and protect herself.

27. 你对她好,她却像一团迷雾,你永远无法看清她的内心。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like a fog. You could never see into her heart.

28. 你对她好,她却像一只猫,忽冷忽热,你永远捉摸不透她的心思。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like a cat, hot and cold. You could never understand her mind.

29. 你对她好,她却像一只兔子,惊慌失措,你永远无法靠近她的内心。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like a rabbit, scared and jumpy. You could never get close to her heart.

30. 你对她好,她却像一只乌龟,躲在自己的壳里,你永远无法触碰她的内心。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like a turtle, hiding in her shell. You could never touch her heart.

31. 你对她好,她却像一朵带刺的玫瑰,美丽却充满危险,你越靠近,就越容易受伤。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like a thorny rose, beautiful yet dangerous. The closer you got, the more likely you were to get hurt.

32. 你对她好,她却像一朵昙花,短暂而美丽,你永远无法抓住她的美好。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like an ephemeral flower, brief and beautiful, you could never grasp her beauty.

33. 你对她好,她却像一朵含羞草,你越想要靠近,她就越想要躲避。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like a mimosa. The more you wanted to get close, the more she wanted to hide.

34. 你对她好,她却像一株沙漠里的仙人掌,孤独而坚强,你永远无法融化她的冷漠。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like a cactus in the desert, lonely and strong. You could never melt her coldness.

35. 你对她好,她却像一只北极熊,孤独而冷漠,你永远无法靠近她的内心。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like a polar bear, lonely and indifferent. You could never get close to her heart.

36. 你对她好,她却像一只夜莺,婉转动听,你却永远无法理解她的歌声。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like a nightingale, sweet and melodious, but you could never understand her song.

37. 你对她好,她却像一朵罂粟花,美丽却充满毒性,你越靠近,就越容易沉沦。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like a poppy, beautiful but poisonous. The closer you got, the more likely you were to fall into ruin.

38. 你对她好,她却像一只孔雀,华丽却虚荣,你永远无法看穿她的内心。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like a peacock, flamboyant and vain. You could never see through her facade.

39. 你对她好,她却像一只蝴蝶,自由自在,你永远无法抓住她的翅膀。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like a butterfly, free and unconstrained. You could never catch her wings.

40. 你对她好,她却像一朵云,飘忽不定,你永远无法抓住她的影子。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like a cloud, drifting and uncertain. You could never catch her shadow.

41. 你对她好,她却像一棵树,沉默而坚强,你永远无法走进她的内心。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like a tree, silent and strong. You could never get into her heart.

42. 你对她好,她却像一本书,内容丰富,你却永远无法读懂她。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like a book, full of content, but you could never understand her.

43. 你对她好,她却像一幅画,美丽却静止,你永远无法抓住她的灵魂。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like a painting, beautiful but static. You could never grasp her soul.

44. 你对她好,她却像一首歌,动听却短暂,你永远无法留住她的旋律。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like a song, beautiful but fleeting. You could never keep her melody.

45. 你对她好,她却像一盏灯,照亮你,却无法温暖你。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like a light, illuminating you, but unable to warm you.

46. 你对她好,她却像一朵鲜花,美丽却易凋零,你永远无法留住她的芳香。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like a flower, beautiful but easily wilting. You could never keep her fragrance.

47. 你对她好,她却像一滴水,清澈却易流失,你永远无法抓住她的真谛。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like a drop of water, clear but easily lost. You could never grasp her essence.

48. 你对她好,她却像一缕烟,缥缈不定,你永远无法捕捉她的踪迹。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like a wisp of smoke, elusive and uncertain. You could never catch her trace.

49. 你对她好,她却像一只风筝,飘忽不定,你永远无法抓住她的心。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like a kite, fluttering in the wind. You could never hold onto her heart.

50. 你对她好,她却像一团火,热情却易燃尽,你永远无法留住她的温度。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like a fire, passionate but easily extinguished. You could never keep her warmth.

51. 你对她好,她却像一颗流星,美丽却短暂,你永远无法抓住她的光芒。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like a shooting star, beautiful but fleeting. You could never catch her brilliance.

52. 你对她好,她却像一粒尘埃,渺小却无处不在,你永远无法看清她的本质。

英文:You were good to her, but she was like a speck of dust, tiny but ubiquitous. You could never see her true nature.

以上就是关于你对她好她却不领情的句子52句(你对她好她却不领情的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
