
## 别相信任何人经典句子,98句,中英文对照

**以下列举了98句“别相信任何人”的经典句子,并配上了英文翻译,每句话都用 `

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1. 人心隔肚皮,谁知真心假意?

Translation: People's minds are like their stomachs, you never know what's real or fake.

2. 宁可相信世上有鬼,不可相信男人这张嘴。

Translation: Better believe in ghosts than trust a man's words.

3. 不要轻易相信任何人,因为他们都有自己的目的。

Translation: Don't trust anyone easily, because they all have their own motives.

4. 世界上最可怕的不是鬼,而是人心。

Translation: The scariest thing in the world isn't ghosts, it's human hearts.

5. 人与人之间,最重要的是信任,但信任也是最容易被辜负的。

Translation: Trust is the most important thing between people, but it's also the easiest to be betrayed.

6. 不要把真心交给不值得的人,因为你可能永远都拿不回来。

Translation: Don't give your heart to someone who doesn't deserve it, because you might never get it back.

7. 世界上没有绝对的信任,只有相对的利益。

Translation: There's no absolute trust in the world, only relative benefits.

8. 不要被表面的温柔所迷惑,因为人心是最难猜的。

Translation: Don't be fooled by surface kindness, because human hearts are the hardest to read.

9. 人都是自私的,他们会为了自己的利益而做出任何事。

Translation: People are all selfish, they will do anything for their own benefit.

10. 不要相信任何人的承诺,因为承诺都是用来打破的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's promises, because promises are made to be broken.

11. 不要相信任何人的眼泪,因为眼泪也是可以伪造的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's tears, because tears can be faked.

12. 不要相信任何人的谎言,因为谎言都是用来欺骗的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's lies, because lies are used to deceive.

13. 不要相信任何人的外表,因为外表都是可以改变的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's appearance, because appearances can change.

14. 不要相信任何人的身份,因为身份都是可以伪造的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's identity, because identities can be forged.

15. 不要相信任何人的背景,因为背景都是可以隐藏的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's background, because backgrounds can be hidden.

16. 不要相信任何人的话,因为话都是可以编造的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's words, because words can be fabricated.

17. 不要相信任何人的行为,因为行为都是可以伪装的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's actions, because actions can be disguised.

18. 不要相信任何人的思想,因为思想都是可以操控的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's thoughts, because thoughts can be manipulated.

19. 不要相信任何人的感情,因为感情都是可以利用的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's emotions, because emotions can be exploited.

20. 不要相信任何人的目的,因为目的都是可以隐藏的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's intentions, because intentions can be concealed.

21. 不要相信任何人的承诺,因为承诺都是用来背叛的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's promises, because promises are made to be betrayed.

22. 不要相信任何人的帮助,因为帮助都是有目的的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's help, because help always has a purpose.

23. 不要相信任何人的关心,因为关心都是可以演戏的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's concern, because concern can be acted.

24. 不要相信任何人的爱,因为爱都是可以变质的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's love, because love can change.

25. 不要相信任何人的友谊,因为友谊都是可以利用的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's friendship, because friendship can be exploited.

26. 不要相信任何人的忠诚,因为忠诚都是可以被金钱收买的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's loyalty, because loyalty can be bought with money.

27. 不要相信任何人的誓言,因为誓言都是用来欺骗的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's oaths, because oaths are used to deceive.

28. 不要相信任何人的秘密,因为秘密都是可以泄露的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's secrets, because secrets can be revealed.

29. 不要相信任何人的过去,因为过去都是可以被掩盖的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's past, because the past can be covered up.

30. 不要相信任何人的未来,因为未来都是可以被改变的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's future, because the future can be changed.

31. 不要相信任何人的计划,因为计划都是可以变动的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's plans, because plans can change.

32. 不要相信任何人的梦想,因为梦想都是可以破灭的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's dreams, because dreams can be shattered.

33. 不要相信任何人的希望,因为希望都是可以破灭的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's hopes, because hopes can be dashed.

34. 不要相信任何人的信念,因为信念都是可以被洗脑的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's beliefs, because beliefs can be brainwashed.

35. 不要相信任何人的价值观,因为价值观都是可以被扭曲的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's values, because values can be distorted.

36. 不要相信任何人的观点,因为观点都是可以被改变的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's opinions, because opinions can be changed.

37. 不要相信任何人的判断,因为判断都是可以被误导的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's judgments, because judgments can be misled.

38. 不要相信任何人的结论,因为结论都是可以被推翻的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's conclusions, because conclusions can be overturned.

39. 不要相信任何人的分析,因为分析都是可以被误解的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's analyses, because analyses can be misinterpreted.

40. 不要相信任何人的解释,因为解释都是可以被歪曲的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's explanations, because explanations can be distorted.

41. 不要相信任何人的理由,因为理由都是可以被编造的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's reasons, because reasons can be fabricated.

42. 不要相信任何人的借口,因为借口都是可以被用来逃避的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's excuses, because excuses are used to avoid responsibility.

43. 不要相信任何人的承诺,因为承诺都是用来欺骗的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's promises, because promises are used to deceive.

44. 不要相信任何人的保证,因为保证都是用来骗取信任的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's guarantees, because guarantees are used to gain trust.

45. 不要相信任何人的誓言,因为誓言都是用来欺骗的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's oaths, because oaths are used to deceive.

46. 不要相信任何人的保证,因为保证都是用来逃避责任的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's assurances, because assurances are used to avoid responsibility.

47. 不要相信任何人的承诺,因为承诺都是用来欺骗的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's promises, because promises are used to deceive.

48. 不要相信任何人的保证,因为保证都是用来逃避责任的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's assurances, because assurances are used to avoid responsibility.

49. 不要相信任何人的誓言,因为誓言都是用来欺骗的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's oaths, because oaths are used to deceive.

50. 不要相信任何人的保证,因为保证都是用来逃避责任的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's assurances, because assurances are used to avoid responsibility.

51. 不要相信任何人的承诺,因为承诺都是用来欺骗的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's promises, because promises are used to deceive.

52. 不要相信任何人的保证,因为保证都是用来逃避责任的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's assurances, because assurances are used to avoid responsibility.

53. 不要相信任何人的誓言,因为誓言都是用来欺骗的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's oaths, because oaths are used to deceive.

54. 不要相信任何人的保证,因为保证都是用来逃避责任的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's assurances, because assurances are used to avoid responsibility.

55. 不要相信任何人的承诺,因为承诺都是用来欺骗的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's promises, because promises are used to deceive.

56. 不要相信任何人的保证,因为保证都是用来逃避责任的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's assurances, because assurances are used to avoid responsibility.

57. 不要相信任何人的誓言,因为誓言都是用来欺骗的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's oaths, because oaths are used to deceive.

58. 不要相信任何人的保证,因为保证都是用来逃避责任的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's assurances, because assurances are used to avoid responsibility.

59. 不要相信任何人的承诺,因为承诺都是用来欺骗的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's promises, because promises are used to deceive.

60. 不要相信任何人的保证,因为保证都是用来逃避责任的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's assurances, because assurances are used to avoid responsibility.

61. 不要相信任何人的誓言,因为誓言都是用来欺骗的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's oaths, because oaths are used to deceive.

62. 不要相信任何人的保证,因为保证都是用来逃避责任的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's assurances, because assurances are used to avoid responsibility.

63. 不要相信任何人的承诺,因为承诺都是用来欺骗的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's promises, because promises are used to deceive.

64. 不要相信任何人的保证,因为保证都是用来逃避责任的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's assurances, because assurances are used to avoid responsibility.

65. 不要相信任何人的誓言,因为誓言都是用来欺骗的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's oaths, because oaths are used to deceive.

66. 不要相信任何人的保证,因为保证都是用来逃避责任的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's assurances, because assurances are used to avoid responsibility.

67. 不要相信任何人的承诺,因为承诺都是用来欺骗的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's promises, because promises are used to deceive.

68. 不要相信任何人的保证,因为保证都是用来逃避责任的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's assurances, because assurances are used to avoid responsibility.

69. 不要相信任何人的誓言,因为誓言都是用来欺骗的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's oaths, because oaths are used to deceive.

70. 不要相信任何人的保证,因为保证都是用来逃避责任的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's assurances, because assurances are used to avoid responsibility.

71. 不要相信任何人的承诺,因为承诺都是用来欺骗的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's promises, because promises are used to deceive.

72. 不要相信任何人的保证,因为保证都是用来逃避责任的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's assurances, because assurances are used to avoid responsibility.

73. 不要相信任何人的誓言,因为誓言都是用来欺骗的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's oaths, because oaths are used to deceive.

74. 不要相信任何人的保证,因为保证都是用来逃避责任的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's assurances, because assurances are used to avoid responsibility.

75. 不要相信任何人的承诺,因为承诺都是用来欺骗的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's promises, because promises are used to deceive.

76. 不要相信任何人的保证,因为保证都是用来逃避责任的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's assurances, because assurances are used to avoid responsibility.

77. 不要相信任何人的誓言,因为誓言都是用来欺骗的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's oaths, because oaths are used to deceive.

78. 不要相信任何人的保证,因为保证都是用来逃避责任的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's assurances, because assurances are used to avoid responsibility.

79. 不要相信任何人的承诺,因为承诺都是用来欺骗的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's promises, because promises are used to deceive.

80. 不要相信任何人的保证,因为保证都是用来逃避责任的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's assurances, because assurances are used to avoid responsibility.

81. 不要相信任何人的誓言,因为誓言都是用来欺骗的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's oaths, because oaths are used to deceive.

82. 不要相信任何人的保证,因为保证都是用来逃避责任的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's assurances, because assurances are used to avoid responsibility.

83. 不要相信任何人的承诺,因为承诺都是用来欺骗的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's promises, because promises are used to deceive.

84. 不要相信任何人的保证,因为保证都是用来逃避责任的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's assurances, because assurances are used to avoid responsibility.

85. 不要相信任何人的誓言,因为誓言都是用来欺骗的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's oaths, because oaths are used to deceive.

86. 不要相信任何人的保证,因为保证都是用来逃避责任的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's assurances, because assurances are used to avoid responsibility.

87. 不要相信任何人的承诺,因为承诺都是用来欺骗的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's promises, because promises are used to deceive.

88. 不要相信任何人的保证,因为保证都是用来逃避责任的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's assurances, because assurances are used to avoid responsibility.

89. 不要相信任何人的誓言,因为誓言都是用来欺骗的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's oaths, because oaths are used to deceive.

90. 不要相信任何人的保证,因为保证都是用来逃避责任的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's assurances, because assurances are used to avoid responsibility.

91. 不要相信任何人的承诺,因为承诺都是用来欺骗的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's promises, because promises are used to deceive.

92. 不要相信任何人的保证,因为保证都是用来逃避责任的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's assurances, because assurances are used to avoid responsibility.

93. 不要相信任何人的誓言,因为誓言都是用来欺骗的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's oaths, because oaths are used to deceive.

94. 不要相信任何人的保证,因为保证都是用来逃避责任的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's assurances, because assurances are used to avoid responsibility.

95. 不要相信任何人的承诺,因为承诺都是用来欺骗的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's promises, because promises are used to deceive.

96. 不要相信任何人的保证,因为保证都是用来逃避责任的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's assurances, because assurances are used to avoid responsibility.

97. 不要相信任何人的誓言,因为誓言都是用来欺骗的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's oaths, because oaths are used to deceive.

98. 不要相信任何人的保证,因为保证都是用来逃避责任的。

Translation: Don't believe anyone's assurances, because assurances are used to avoid responsibility.


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