
## 烧香拜佛的句子 (78句)

1. 心诚则灵,一炷清香,祈福平安。

2. 虔诚之心,祈求佛祖庇佑,保佑家人平安健康。

3. 佛光普照,愿世间美好,一切安好。

4. 香烟袅袅,祈求佛祖慈悲,指引迷途。

5. 一心向佛,放下执念,寻求解脱。

6. 焚香礼佛,静心修持,修身养性。

7. 心存善念,行善积德,福报无量。

8. 佛法无边,愿众生离苦得乐。

9. 一念善心,福报无边,愿一切安好。

10. 敬香礼佛,祈求福泽,庇佑家人。

11. 燃香礼佛,祈求平安,喜乐常伴。

12. 心怀感恩,祈求佛祖加持,心想事成。

13. 恭敬礼拜,祈求佛祖保佑,远离灾厄。

14. 虔诚礼佛,祈求平安,顺顺利利。

15. 心存敬畏,祈求佛祖护佑,一生平安。

16. 一心向佛,祈求佛祖慈悲,消灾解难。

17. 焚香礼佛,祈求佛祖加持,事业顺利。

18. 心存善念,祈求佛祖护佑,幸福美满。

19. 恭敬礼拜,祈求佛祖保佑,身体健康。

20. 虔诚礼佛,祈求平安,心想事成。

21. 一心向佛,祈求佛祖慈悲,一切安好。

22. 焚香礼佛,祈求佛祖保佑,家庭和睦。

23. 心存敬畏,祈求佛祖护佑,财源广进。

24. 恭敬礼拜,祈求佛祖保佑,学业有成。

25. 虔诚礼佛,祈求平安,万事如意。

26. 一心向佛,祈求佛祖慈悲,平安喜乐。

27. 焚香礼佛,祈求佛祖加持,贵人相助。

28. 心存善念,祈求佛祖护佑,心想事成。

29. 恭敬礼拜,祈求佛祖保佑,幸福快乐。

30. 虔诚礼佛,祈求平安,事事顺利。

31. 一心向佛,祈求佛祖慈悲,消灾解难。

32. 焚香礼佛,祈求佛祖加持,事业成功。

33. 心存敬畏,祈求佛祖护佑,家庭美满。

34. 恭敬礼拜,祈求佛祖保佑,财源滚滚。

35. 虔诚礼佛,祈求平安,学业进步。

36. 一心向佛,祈求佛祖慈悲,身体健康。

37. 焚香礼佛,祈求佛祖加持,心想事成。

38. 心存善念,祈求佛祖护佑,幸福安康。

39. 恭敬礼拜,祈求佛祖保佑,事事如意。

40. 虔诚礼佛,祈求平安,万事顺遂。

41. 一心向佛,祈求佛祖慈悲,一切顺利。

42. 焚香礼佛,祈求佛祖保佑,家人平安。

43. 心存敬畏,祈求佛祖护佑,事业顺利。

44. 恭敬礼拜,祈求佛祖保佑,财运亨通。

45. 虔诚礼佛,祈求平安,学业有成。

46. 一心向佛,祈求佛祖慈悲,身体健康。

47. 焚香礼佛,祈求佛祖加持,心想事成。

48. 心存善念,祈求佛祖护佑,幸福美满。

49. 恭敬礼拜,祈求佛祖保佑,家庭和睦。

50. 虔诚礼佛,祈求平安,事事顺心。

51. 一心向佛,祈求佛祖慈悲,消灾解难。

52. 焚香礼佛,祈求佛祖加持,事业成功。

53. 心存敬畏,祈求佛祖护佑,财源广进。

54. 恭敬礼拜,祈求佛祖保佑,学业进步。

55. 虔诚礼佛,祈求平安,万事如意。

56. 一心向佛,祈求佛祖慈悲,平安喜乐。

57. 焚香礼佛,祈求佛祖加持,贵人相助。

58. 心存善念,祈求佛祖护佑,心想事成。

59. 恭敬礼拜,祈求佛祖保佑,幸福快乐。

60. 虔诚礼佛,祈求平安,事事顺利。

61. 一心向佛,祈求佛祖慈悲,消灾解难。

62. 焚香礼佛,祈求佛祖加持,事业顺利。

63. 心存敬畏,祈求佛祖护佑,家庭美满。

64. 恭敬礼拜,祈求佛祖保佑,财源滚滚。

65. 虔诚礼佛,祈求平安,学业有成。

66. 一心向佛,祈求佛祖慈悲,身体健康。

67. 焚香礼佛,祈求佛祖加持,心想事成。

68. 心存善念,祈求佛祖护佑,幸福安康。

69. 恭敬礼拜,祈求佛祖保佑,事事如意。

70. 虔诚礼佛,祈求平安,万事顺遂。

71. 一心向佛,祈求佛祖慈悲,一切顺利。

72. 焚香礼佛,祈求佛祖保佑,家人平安。

73. 心存敬畏,祈求佛祖护佑,事业顺利。

74. 恭敬礼拜,祈求佛祖保佑,财运亨通。

75. 虔诚礼佛,祈求平安,学业有成。

76. 一心向佛,祈求佛祖慈悲,身体健康。

77. 焚香礼佛,祈求佛祖加持,心想事成。

78. 心存善念,祈求佛祖护佑,幸福美满。

## 英文翻译

1. A sincere heart is what matters, a stick of incense, praying for peace and safety.

2. With a devout heart, praying for the Buddha's protection, to keep the family safe and healthy.

3. May the Buddha's light shine upon all, wishing for the world to be filled with goodness and peace.

4. The incense swirls, praying for the Buddha's compassion, to guide us out of confusion.

5. With a single mind focused on the Buddha, letting go of attachments, seeking liberation.

6. Burning incense and paying respects to the Buddha, calming the mind and cultivating virtue.

7. With a kind heart, doing good deeds and accumulating virtue, immeasurable blessings.

8. The Buddha's teachings are vast and profound, wishing for all beings to be free from suffering and attain happiness.

9. One good thought leads to immeasurable blessings, wishing for all to be well.

10. Offering incense and paying respects to the Buddha, praying for blessings and protection for the family.

11. Burning incense and paying respects to the Buddha, praying for peace and joy to accompany us always.

12. With a grateful heart, praying for the Buddha's blessing, wishing for all our hopes to come true.

13. Respectfully bowing in worship, praying for the Buddha's protection, to keep us safe from harm.

14. Devoutly paying respects to the Buddha, praying for peace and prosperity.

15. With a heart filled with awe, praying for the Buddha's protection, for a life of peace.

16. With a single mind focused on the Buddha, praying for the Buddha's compassion, to relieve hardship and solve problems.

17. Burning incense and paying respects to the Buddha, praying for the Buddha's blessing, for success in our careers.

18. With a kind heart, praying for the Buddha's protection, for a happy and fulfilling life.

19. Respectfully bowing in worship, praying for the Buddha's protection, for good health.

20. Devoutly paying respects to the Buddha, praying for peace and for all our hopes to come true.

21. With a single mind focused on the Buddha, praying for the Buddha's compassion, wishing for everything to be well.

22. Burning incense and paying respects to the Buddha, praying for the Buddha's protection, for a harmonious family.

23. With a heart filled with awe, praying for the Buddha's protection, for abundance and prosperity.

24. Respectfully bowing in worship, praying for the Buddha's protection, for academic success.

25. Devoutly paying respects to the Buddha, praying for peace and for everything to be as we wish.

26. With a single mind focused on the Buddha, praying for the Buddha's compassion, for peace and joy.

27. Burning incense and paying respects to the Buddha, praying for the Buddha's blessing, for helpful people in our lives.

28. With a kind heart, praying for the Buddha's protection, wishing for all our hopes to come true.

29. Respectfully bowing in worship, praying for the Buddha's protection, for happiness and joy.

30. Devoutly paying respects to the Buddha, praying for peace and for everything to go smoothly.

31. With a single mind focused on the Buddha, praying for the Buddha's compassion, to relieve hardship and solve problems.

32. Burning incense and paying respects to the Buddha, praying for the Buddha's blessing, for career success.

33. With a heart filled with awe, praying for the Buddha's protection, for a happy and fulfilling family life.

34. Respectfully bowing in worship, praying for the Buddha's protection, for a steady flow of wealth.

35. Devoutly paying respects to the Buddha, praying for peace and for academic progress.

36. With a single mind focused on the Buddha, praying for the Buddha's compassion, for good health.

37. Burning incense and paying respects to the Buddha, praying for the Buddha's blessing, wishing for all our hopes to come true.

38. With a kind heart, praying for the Buddha's protection, for happiness and well-being.

39. Respectfully bowing in worship, praying for the Buddha's protection, for everything to be as we wish.

40. Devoutly paying respects to the Buddha, praying for peace and for everything to go smoothly.

41. With a single mind focused on the Buddha, praying for the Buddha's compassion, wishing for everything to go smoothly.

42. Burning incense and paying respects to the Buddha, praying for the Buddha's protection, for the family's safety.

43. With a heart filled with awe, praying for the Buddha's protection, for success in our careers.

44. Respectfully bowing in worship, praying for the Buddha's protection, for good fortune.

45. Devoutly paying respects to the Buddha, praying for peace and for academic success.

46. With a single mind focused on the Buddha, praying for the Buddha's compassion, for good health.

47. Burning incense and paying respects to the Buddha, praying for the Buddha's blessing, wishing for all our hopes to come true.

48. With a kind heart, praying for the Buddha's protection, for a happy and fulfilling life.

49. Respectfully bowing in worship, praying for the Buddha's protection, for a harmonious family.

50. Devoutly paying respects to the Buddha, praying for peace and for everything to be to our liking.

51. With a single mind focused on the Buddha, praying for the Buddha's compassion, to relieve hardship and solve problems.

52. Burning incense and paying respects to the Buddha, praying for the Buddha's blessing, for career success.

53. With a heart filled with awe, praying for the Buddha's protection, for abundance and prosperity.

54. Respectfully bowing in worship, praying for the Buddha's protection, for academic progress.

55. Devoutly paying respects to the Buddha, praying for peace and for everything to be as we wish.

56. With a single mind focused on the Buddha, praying for the Buddha's compassion, for peace and joy.

57. Burning incense and paying respects to the Buddha, praying for the Buddha's blessing, for helpful people in our lives.

58. With a kind heart, praying for the Buddha's protection, wishing for all our hopes to come true.

59. Respectfully bowing in worship, praying for the Buddha's protection, for happiness and joy.

60. Devoutly paying respects to the Buddha, praying for peace and for everything to go smoothly.

61. With a single mind focused on the Buddha, praying for the Buddha's compassion, to relieve hardship and solve problems.

62. Burning incense and paying respects to the Buddha, praying for the Buddha's blessing, for success in our careers.

63. With a heart filled with awe, praying for the Buddha's protection, for a happy and fulfilling family life.

64. Respectfully bowing in worship, praying for the Buddha's protection, for a steady flow of wealth.

65. Devoutly paying respects to the Buddha, praying for peace and for academic success.

66. With a single mind focused on the Buddha, praying for the Buddha's compassion, for good health.

67. Burning incense and paying respects to the Buddha, praying for the Buddha's blessing, wishing for all our hopes to come true.

68. With a kind heart, praying for the Buddha's protection, for happiness and well-being.

69. Respectfully bowing in worship, praying for the Buddha's protection, for everything to be as we wish.

70. Devoutly paying respects to the Buddha, praying for peace and for everything to go smoothly.

71. With a single mind focused on the Buddha, praying for the Buddha's compassion, wishing for everything to go smoothly.

72. Burning incense and paying respects to the Buddha, praying for the Buddha's protection, for the family's safety.

73. With a heart filled with awe, praying for the Buddha's protection, for success in our careers.

74. Respectfully bowing in worship, praying for the Buddha's protection, for good fortune.

75. Devoutly paying respects to the Buddha, praying for peace and for academic success.

76. With a single mind focused on the Buddha, praying for the Buddha's compassion, for good health.

77. Burning incense and paying respects to the Buddha, praying for the Buddha's blessing, wishing for all our hopes to come true.

78. With a kind heart, praying for the Buddha's protection, for a happy and fulfilling life.

以上就是关于烧香拜佛的句子78句(烧香拜佛的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
