
## 90句仪器运输句子及英文翻译**1. 仪器需要安全可靠地运输至目的地。**

The instrument needs to be transported safely and reliably to its destination.

**2. 运输过程中应避免剧烈震动,以免损坏仪器。**

Violent vibrations should be avoided during transportation to prevent damage to the instrument.

**3. 运输前应仔细检查仪器包装,确保其完整无损。**

The instrument packaging should be carefully inspected before transportation to ensure its integrity.

**4. 运输过程中应采取必要的防潮措施,防止仪器受潮。**

Necessary moisture-proof measures should be taken during transportation to prevent the instrument from getting damp.

**5. 运输过程中应避免高温环境,防止仪器过热。**

High-temperature environments should be avoided during transportation to prevent the instrument from overheating.

**6. 运输过程中应避免阳光直射,防止仪器因阳光照射而损坏。**

Direct sunlight should be avoided during transportation to prevent the instrument from being damaged by sunlight.

**7. 运输过程中应避免剧烈碰撞,防止仪器发生撞击损坏。**

Violent collisions should be avoided during transportation to prevent the instrument from being damaged by impact.

**8. 运输途中应定期检查仪器状态,确保其处于正常状态。**

The instrument's condition should be checked regularly during transportation to ensure its normal state.

**9. 运输结束后应及时将仪器妥善保管,防止其受到二次损坏。**

The instrument should be properly stored immediately after transportation to prevent secondary damage.

**10. 仪器运输过程中应注意安全,避免发生意外事故。**

Safety should be prioritized during instrument transportation to prevent accidents.

**11. 运输过程中应尽量选择专业的运输公司,确保仪器安全可靠。**

Professional transportation companies should be chosen whenever possible to ensure the instrument's safety and reliability.

**12. 运输前应根据仪器的特性制定相应的运输方案,确保安全有效。**

A transportation plan should be formulated based on the instrument's characteristics before transportation, ensuring safety and effectiveness.

**13. 运输过程中应做好记录,方便后续追溯。**

Records should be kept during transportation for future traceability.

**14. 运输过程中应注意环保问题,避免污染环境。**

Environmental issues should be considered during transportation to avoid pollution.

**15. 运输前应进行仪器校准,确保其精度不受影响。**

The instrument should be calibrated before transportation to ensure its accuracy is not affected.

**16. 运输过程中应选择合适的运输工具,确保仪器安全稳固。**

Appropriate transportation tools should be chosen to ensure the instrument's safety and stability during transportation.

**17. 运输过程中应根据仪器的尺寸和重量选择合适的包装材料,确保其安全防震。**

Suitable packaging materials should be chosen based on the instrument's size and weight to ensure its safety and shockproof protection.

**18. 运输过程中应选择合适的运输路线,避免经过拥堵路段或危险路段。**

Suitable transportation routes should be chosen to avoid congested or dangerous sections.

**19. 运输过程中应选择合适的运输时间,避免高峰期或恶劣天气。**

Suitable transportation times should be chosen to avoid peak hours or bad weather.

**20. 运输过程中应选择合适的运输人员,确保其具有相关经验和专业技能。**

Suitable transportation personnel should be chosen to ensure they have relevant experience and professional skills.

**21. 运输过程中应做好防盗措施,避免仪器被盗。**

Anti-theft measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being stolen.

**22. 运输过程中应做好防损措施,避免仪器发生损坏。**

Damage prevention measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being damaged.

**23. 运输过程中应做好防雨措施,避免仪器受雨水浸蚀。**

Rain protection measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being exposed to rainwater.

**24. 运输过程中应做好防尘措施,避免仪器被灰尘污染。**

Dust prevention measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being contaminated by dust.

**25. 运输过程中应做好防静电措施,避免仪器发生静电损坏。**

Anti-static measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being damaged by static electricity.

**26. 运输过程中应做好防腐措施,避免仪器发生腐蚀。**

Anti-corrosion measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being corroded.

**27. 运输过程中应做好防霉措施,避免仪器发生霉变。**

Anti-mold measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being mildewed.

**28. 运输过程中应做好防虫措施,避免仪器被虫蛀。**

Anti-insect measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being infested by insects.

**29. 运输过程中应做好防鼠措施,避免仪器被老鼠啃咬。**

Anti-rodent measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being gnawed by rats.

**30. 运输过程中应做好防鸟措施,避免仪器被鸟类啄食。**

Anti-bird measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being pecked by birds.

**31. 运输过程中应做好防风措施,避免仪器被风吹倒。**

Anti-wind measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being blown over by the wind.

**32. 运输过程中应做好防雪措施,避免仪器被雪覆盖。**

Anti-snow measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being covered by snow.

**33. 运输过程中应做好防冰措施,避免仪器被冰冻。**

Anti-ice measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being frozen.

**34. 运输过程中应做好防火措施,避免仪器发生火灾。**

Fire prevention measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from catching fire.

**35. 运输过程中应做好防爆措施,避免仪器发生爆炸。**

Explosion prevention measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from exploding.

**36. 运输过程中应做好防毒措施,避免仪器发生中毒。**

Poison prevention measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being poisoned.

**37. 运输过程中应做好防辐射措施,避免仪器受到辐射影响。**

Radiation prevention measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being affected by radiation.

**38. 运输过程中应做好防电措施,避免仪器发生触电事故。**

Electrical safety measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being electrocuted.

**39. 运输过程中应做好防磁措施,避免仪器受到磁场影响。**

Anti-magnetic measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being affected by magnetic fields.

**40. 运输过程中应做好防震措施,避免仪器发生震动损坏。**

Shockproof measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being damaged by vibrations.

**41. 运输过程中应做好防水措施,避免仪器被水浸泡。**

Waterproof measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being soaked in water.

**42. 运输过程中应做好防湿措施,避免仪器受潮。**

Moisture-proof measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from becoming damp.

**43. 运输过程中应做好防晒措施,避免仪器受到阳光照射。**

Sunscreen measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being exposed to sunlight.

**44. 运输过程中应做好防尘措施,避免仪器被灰尘污染。**

Dust-proof measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being contaminated by dust.

**45. 运输过程中应做好防污措施,避免仪器被污垢污染。**

Anti-fouling measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being contaminated by dirt.

**46. 运输过程中应做好防锈措施,避免仪器发生锈蚀。**

Anti-rust measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from rusting.

**47. 运输过程中应做好防腐措施,避免仪器发生腐烂。**

Anti-decay measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from rotting.

**48. 运输过程中应做好防霉措施,避免仪器发生霉变。**

Anti-mold measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being mildewed.

**49. 运输过程中应做好防虫措施,避免仪器被虫蛀。**

Anti-insect measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being infested by insects.

**50. 运输过程中应做好防鼠措施,避免仪器被老鼠啃咬。**

Anti-rodent measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being gnawed by rats.

**51. 运输过程中应做好防鸟措施,避免仪器被鸟类啄食。**

Anti-bird measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being pecked by birds.

**52. 运输过程中应做好防风措施,避免仪器被风吹倒。**

Anti-wind measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being blown over by the wind.

**53. 运输过程中应做好防雪措施,避免仪器被雪覆盖。**

Anti-snow measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being covered by snow.

**54. 运输过程中应做好防冰措施,避免仪器被冰冻。**

Anti-ice measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being frozen.

**55. 运输过程中应做好防火措施,避免仪器发生火灾。**

Fire prevention measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from catching fire.

**56. 运输过程中应做好防爆措施,避免仪器发生爆炸。**

Explosion prevention measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from exploding.

**57. 运输过程中应做好防毒措施,避免仪器发生中毒。**

Poison prevention measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being poisoned.

**58. 运输过程中应做好防辐射措施,避免仪器受到辐射影响。**

Radiation prevention measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being affected by radiation.

**59. 运输过程中应做好防电措施,避免仪器发生触电事故。**

Electrical safety measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being electrocuted.

**60. 运输过程中应做好防磁措施,避免仪器受到磁场影响。**

Anti-magnetic measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being affected by magnetic fields.

**61. 运输过程中应做好防震措施,避免仪器发生震动损坏。**

Shockproof measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being damaged by vibrations.

**62. 运输过程中应做好防水措施,避免仪器被水浸泡。**

Waterproof measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being soaked in water.

**63. 运输过程中应做好防湿措施,避免仪器受潮。**

Moisture-proof measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from becoming damp.

**64. 运输过程中应做好防晒措施,避免仪器受到阳光照射。**

Sunscreen measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being exposed to sunlight.

**65. 运输过程中应做好防尘措施,避免仪器被灰尘污染。**

Dust-proof measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being contaminated by dust.

**66. 运输过程中应做好防污措施,避免仪器被污垢污染。**

Anti-fouling measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being contaminated by dirt.

**67. 运输过程中应做好防锈措施,避免仪器发生锈蚀。**

Anti-rust measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from rusting.

**68. 运输过程中应做好防腐措施,避免仪器发生腐烂。**

Anti-decay measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from rotting.

**69. 运输过程中应做好防霉措施,避免仪器发生霉变。**

Anti-mold measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being mildewed.

**70. 运输过程中应做好防虫措施,避免仪器被虫蛀。**

Anti-insect measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being infested by insects.

**71. 运输过程中应做好防鼠措施,避免仪器被老鼠啃咬。**

Anti-rodent measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being gnawed by rats.

**72. 运输过程中应做好防鸟措施,避免仪器被鸟类啄食。**

Anti-bird measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being pecked by birds.

**73. 运输过程中应做好防风措施,避免仪器被风吹倒。**

Anti-wind measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being blown over by the wind.

**74. 运输过程中应做好防雪措施,避免仪器被雪覆盖。**

Anti-snow measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being covered by snow.

**75. 运输过程中应做好防冰措施,避免仪器被冰冻。**

Anti-ice measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being frozen.

**76. 运输过程中应做好防火措施,避免仪器发生火灾。**

Fire prevention measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from catching fire.

**77. 运输过程中应做好防爆措施,避免仪器发生爆炸。**

Explosion prevention measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from exploding.

**78. 运输过程中应做好防毒措施,避免仪器发生中毒。**

Poison prevention measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being poisoned.

**79. 运输过程中应做好防辐射措施,避免仪器受到辐射影响。**

Radiation prevention measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being affected by radiation.

**80. 运输过程中应做好防电措施,避免仪器发生触电事故。**

Electrical safety measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being electrocuted.

**81. 运输过程中应做好防磁措施,避免仪器受到磁场影响。**

Anti-magnetic measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being affected by magnetic fields.

**82. 运输过程中应做好防震措施,避免仪器发生震动损坏。**

Shockproof measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being damaged by vibrations.

**83. 运输过程中应做好防水措施,避免仪器被水浸泡。**

Waterproof measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being soaked in water.

**84. 运输过程中应做好防湿措施,避免仪器受潮。**

Moisture-proof measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from becoming damp.

**85. 运输过程中应做好防晒措施,避免仪器受到阳光照射。**

Sunscreen measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being exposed to sunlight.

**86. 运输过程中应做好防尘措施,避免仪器被灰尘污染。**

Dust-proof measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being contaminated by dust.

**87. 运输过程中应做好防污措施,避免仪器被污垢污染。**

Anti-fouling measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being contaminated by dirt.

**88. 运输过程中应做好防锈措施,避免仪器发生锈蚀。**

Anti-rust measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from rusting.

**89. 运输过程中应做好防腐措施,避免仪器发生腐烂。**

Anti-decay measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from rotting.

**90. 运输过程中应做好防霉措施,避免仪器发生霉变。**

Anti-mold measures should be implemented during transportation to prevent the instrument from being mildewed.

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