
## 代号鸢孙策句子 (83句)**1. 江山如画,美人如玉,何须多言,一醉方休。**

The world is a beautiful painting, and the beauty is like jade. There's no need for words, just let's get drunk together.

**2. 孤战沙场,不负家国,这江山,唯有我孙策才能守护!**

I will fight on the battlefield, not betraying my country. This empire, only I, Sun Ce, can protect it!

**3. 兄长,请放心,我会带着你的遗愿,开创属于我的时代!**

Brother, rest assured. I will carry out your wishes and create an era of my own.

**4. 你为何要如此执着于我,难道你不知道,我早已注定孤独吗?**

Why are you so persistent in your feelings for me? Don't you know that I am destined to be alone?

**5. 想要得到我的认可?那就拿出你的实力,让我刮目相看!**

Want my recognition? Then show me your strength and make me take a second look at you.

**6. 杀伐决断,这是我孙策的风格!**

Decisiveness and ruthlessness are my style, Sun Ce's style!

**7. 你以为你是谁?竟敢如此放肆?**

Who do you think you are? Dare you be so audacious?

**8. 我要这天下,谁敢与我争!**

I want this world, and who dares to challenge me!

**9. 只要有我在,你就不用害怕,我会永远守护着你。**

As long as I'm here, you have nothing to fear. I will always protect you.

**10. 我孙策,生来就是为了征服!**

I, Sun Ce, was born to conquer!

**11. 你以为你的计谋能骗过我吗?太天真了!**

You think your schemes can deceive me? You're too naive!

**12. 这天下,终将属于我!**

This world will ultimately belong to me!

**13. 我已经厌倦了这无聊的争斗,给我一个痛快的理由吧。**

I'm tired of this meaningless fight. Give me a good reason to end it.

**14. 我孙策,从不会认输!**

I, Sun Ce, will never give up!

**15. 我相信你,也相信我的选择,你不会让我失望的。**

I trust you, and I trust my choice. You won't let me down.

**16. 你以为你算什么东西?也敢来挑战我?**

Who do you think you are? You dare challenge me?

**17. 我会用自己的双手,将这江山打下来!**

I will conquer this empire with my own hands!

**18. 我是孙策,是这天下的主宰!**

I am Sun Ce, the ruler of this world!

**19. 我会永远记住你的名字,永远不会忘记你。**

I will always remember your name, and I will never forget you.

**20. 你以为你逃得掉吗?我一定会找到你!**

Do you think you can escape? I will find you!

**21. 我知道你很强大,但我不会畏惧你。**

I know you're powerful, but I won't fear you.

**22. 你以为我会怜悯你吗?错了!**

You think I will have mercy on you? You're wrong!

**23. 我孙策,绝不会向任何人低头!**

I, Sun Ce, will never bow to anyone!

**24. 你会为你的无知付出代价!**

You will pay for your ignorance!

**25. 我已经等不及要看到你败在我面前了。**

I can't wait to see you defeated before me.

**26. 这天下,只有我孙策,才能创造一个美好的未来!**

Only I, Sun Ce, can create a brighter future for this world!

**27. 你以为你的眼泪能感动我吗?太天真了!**

You think your tears can move me? You're too naive!

**28. 你以为我会留情吗?你错了!**

You think I will show mercy? You're wrong!

**29. 没有人能够阻止我,我注定要成为这天下的王者!**

No one can stop me. I am destined to become the king of this world!

**30. 我孙策,生来就与众不同!**

I, Sun Ce, was born to be different!

**31. 你以为你逃得掉吗?我已经找到你了!**

Do you think you can escape? I've found you!

**32. 我不会让你失望的,我会证明我的价值!**

I won't let you down. I will prove my worth!

**33. 我已经厌倦了这无休止的战争,我渴望和平。**

I'm tired of this endless war. I yearn for peace.

**34. 我孙策,绝不会背叛我的信念!**

I, Sun Ce, will never betray my beliefs!

**35. 我会用我的生命,守护这江山!**

I will defend this empire with my life!

**36. 你以为你很了解我吗?你错了!**

You think you know me? You're wrong!

**37. 我孙策,绝不会放弃我的梦想!**

I, Sun Ce, will never give up my dream!

**38. 我已经等不及要看到你跪在我面前了。**

I can't wait to see you kneel before me.

**39. 我孙策,只相信自己的力量!**

I, Sun Ce, only believe in my own strength!

**40. 我会让你明白,谁才是这天下的主宰!**

I will show you who the true ruler of this world is!

**41. 你以为你能战胜我吗?你太天真了!**

You think you can defeat me? You're too naive!

**42. 我孙策,生来就注定要与命运抗争!**

I, Sun Ce, was born to fight destiny!

**43. 我会用我的生命,守护这江山,守护我的爱人!**

I will defend this empire with my life, and I will protect my loved ones!

**44. 你以为你的计谋能骗过我吗?我早就看穿了你的把戏!**

You think your schemes can deceive me? I've seen through your tricks!

**45. 我孙策,绝不会向命运低头!**

I, Sun Ce, will never bow to fate!

**46. 你以为你的眼泪能让我动摇吗?我孙策,绝不会被任何情感左右!**

Do you think your tears can shake me? I, Sun Ce, will never be swayed by any emotion!

**47. 我会用我的鲜血,染红这片土地,创造一个属于我的时代!**

I will dye this land with my blood and create an era of my own!

**48. 我孙策,绝不会被任何人所束缚!**

I, Sun Ce, will never be bound by anyone!

**49. 你以为你的谎言能蒙蔽我吗?我孙策,绝不会被任何人欺骗!**

You think your lies can deceive me? I, Sun Ce, will never be tricked by anyone!

**50. 我孙策,只相信自己的实力,也只相信自己的判断!**

I, Sun Ce, only believe in my own strength, and I only believe in my own judgment!

**51. 你以为你能逃脱我的追捕吗?我孙策,绝不会放弃任何目标!**

Do you think you can escape my pursuit? I, Sun Ce, will never give up on any goal!

**52. 我孙策,绝不会背叛我的朋友!**

I, Sun Ce, will never betray my friends!

**53. 我已经厌倦了这无休止的战斗,我渴望和平,渴望安定!**

I'm tired of this endless fighting. I yearn for peace and stability!

**54. 我孙策,绝不会让我的兄弟们失望!**

I, Sun Ce, will never let my brothers down!

**55. 我会用我的生命,守护我的兄弟,守护我的爱人!**

I will defend my brothers with my life, and I will protect my loved ones!

**56. 你以为你的计谋能骗过我吗?我孙策,绝不会被任何人欺骗!**

You think your schemes can deceive me? I, Sun Ce, will never be tricked by anyone!

**57. 我孙策,生来就注定要成为这天下的王者!**

I, Sun Ce, was born to be the king of this world!

**58. 我会用我的双手,创造一个属于我的时代!**

I will create an era of my own with my own hands!

**59. 我孙策,绝不会让任何人伤害我的朋友!**

I, Sun Ce, will never let anyone hurt my friends!

**60. 我会用我的生命,守护这片土地,守护我的家园!**

I will defend this land with my life, and I will protect my home!

**61. 你以为你的力量能战胜我吗?我孙策,绝不会被任何人打败!**

Do you think your strength can defeat me? I, Sun Ce, will never be defeated by anyone!

**62. 我孙策,绝不会放弃我的梦想,绝不会放弃我的信念!**

I, Sun Ce, will never give up my dreams, and I will never give up my beliefs!

**63. 我已经等不及要看到你跪在我的面前了,向我臣服!**

I can't wait to see you kneel before me and submit to me!

**64. 我孙策,只相信自己的力量,也只相信自己的判断!**

I, Sun Ce, only believe in my own strength, and I only believe in my own judgment!

**65. 你以为你的计谋能骗过我吗?我孙策,绝不会被任何人欺骗!**

You think your schemes can deceive me? I, Sun Ce, will never be tricked by anyone!

**66. 我孙策,绝不会背叛我的兄弟!**

I, Sun Ce, will never betray my brothers!

**67. 我会用我的鲜血,染红这片土地,创造一个属于我的时代!**

I will dye this land with my blood and create an era of my own!

**68. 我孙策,绝不会向命运低头!**

I, Sun Ce, will never bow to fate!

**69. 你以为你的眼泪能感动我吗?我孙策,绝不会被任何情感左右!**

Do you think your tears can move me? I, Sun Ce, will never be swayed by any emotion!

**70. 我会用我的生命,守护我的兄弟,守护我的爱人,守护这片土地!**

I will defend my brothers with my life, I will protect my loved ones, and I will defend this land!

**71. 你以为你的谎言能蒙蔽我吗?我孙策,绝不会被任何人欺骗!**

You think your lies can deceive me? I, Sun Ce, will never be tricked by anyone!

**72. 我孙策,生来就注定要成为这天下的王者!**

I, Sun Ce, was born to be the king of this world!

**73. 我会用我的双手,创造一个属于我的时代!**

I will create an era of my own with my own hands!

**74. 我孙策,绝不会让任何人伤害我的朋友!**

I, Sun Ce, will never let anyone hurt my friends!

**75. 我会用我的生命,守护这片土地,守护我的家园!**

I will defend this land with my life, and I will protect my home!

**76. 你以为你的力量能战胜我吗?我孙策,绝不会被任何人打败!**

Do you think your strength can defeat me? I, Sun Ce, will never be defeated by anyone!

**77. 我孙策,绝不会放弃我的梦想,绝不会放弃我的信念!**

I, Sun Ce, will never give up my dreams, and I will never give up my beliefs!

**78. 我已经等不及要看到你跪在我的面前了,向我臣服!**

I can't wait to see you kneel before me and submit to me!

**79. 我孙策,只相信自己的力量,也只相信自己的判断!**

I, Sun Ce, only believe in my own strength, and I only believe in my own judgment!

**80. 你以为你的计谋能骗过我吗?我孙策,绝不会被任何人欺骗!**

You think your schemes can deceive me? I, Sun Ce, will never be tricked by anyone!

**81. 我孙策,绝不会背叛我的兄弟!**

I, Sun Ce, will never betray my brothers!

**82. 我会用我的鲜血,染红这片土地,创造一个属于我的时代!**

I will dye this land with my blood and create an era of my own!

**83. 我孙策,绝不会向命运低头!**

I, Sun Ce, will never bow to fate!

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