
## 已知物是人非的句子,53句,并把内容翻译成英文

**1. 物是人非事事休,欲语泪先流。**

Everything is different, and nothing is the same. I want to speak, but tears come first.

**2. 故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州。孤帆远影碧空尽,唯见长江天际流。**

The old friend departs from the Yellow Crane Tower, bidding farewell to the smoke and flowers of March, and travels down to Yangzhou. The lone sail fades into the blue sky, leaving only the endless flow of the Yangtze River.

**3. 昔人已乘黄鹤去,此地空余黄鹤楼。**

The old man has gone on a yellow crane, leaving only the Yellow Crane Tower in this place.

**4. 昔我往矣,杨柳依依;今我来思,雨雪霏霏。**

When I left, willows swayed gently; Now I return, rain and snow are falling.

**5. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。**

Though oceans may separate us, true friends are as close as neighbors.

**6. 一别经年,物是人非。**

It has been years since we last met, and everything is different now.

**7. 时光飞逝,人事变迁。**

Time flies, and people and events change.

**8. 往事如烟,过眼云烟。**

The past is like smoke, fleeting and gone.

**9. 回首往事,感慨万千。**

Looking back on the past, I am filled with emotions.

**10. 岁月不饶人,青春易逝。**

Time waits for no one, and youth is fleeting.

**11. 人面不知何处去,桃花依旧笑春风。**

The faces of people are gone, but the peach blossoms still laugh in the spring breeze.

**12. 故国神游,多情应笑我,早生华发。**

My spirit wanders to my old country, and those who are sentimental will laugh at my premature gray hair.

**13. 一朝春去红颜老,花落人亡两不知。**

Spring departs one day, and beauty fades; flowers fall and people die, unaware of each other.

**14. 旧时王谢堂前燕,飞入寻常百姓家。**

The swallows that once nested in the grand halls of the Wang and Xie families now fly into ordinary people's homes.

**15. 昔日繁华已成空,唯有青山绿水长。**

The past glory is now empty, only the green mountains and waters remain.

**16. 沧海桑田,物是人非。**

Time changes everything, and the world is transformed.

**17. 光阴似箭,日月如梭。**

Time flies like an arrow, and days and months pass like a shuttle.

**18. 人生如梦,转眼成空。**

Life is like a dream, fleeting and gone.

**19. 时光流逝,不复返。**

Time passes and never returns.

**20. 昔日情怀,今已成追忆。**

My past feelings are now only memories.

**21. 昔日故友,今已天涯。**

My former friends are now scattered far and wide.

**22. 昔日欢笑,今已成过往。**

Our past laughter is now just a memory.

**23. 昔日梦想,今已成泡影。**

My past dreams have become illusions.

**24. 昔日誓言,今已成空话。**

My past promises are now empty words.

**25. 昔日豪言,今已成笑谈。**

My past boastful words are now a joke.

**26. 昔日风华,今已成往事。**

My past brilliance is now a thing of the past.

**27. 昔日辉煌,今已成落寞。**

My past glory is now faded and desolate.

**28. 昔日繁华,今已成萧条。**

The former prosperity is now desolate and barren.

**29. 昔日繁华梦,今已成镜花水月。**

The former prosperous dream has now become a mirage.

**30. 昔日繁花似锦,今已成枯枝败叶。**

The former flourishing flowers are now withered and fallen leaves.

**31. 昔日繁花似锦,今已成满目疮痍。**

The former flourishing flowers are now full of scars and wounds.

**32. 昔日满目希望,今已成绝望的深渊。**

The former hope is now a deep abyss of despair.

**33. 昔日满腔热情,今已成冷冰冰的现实。**

The former passion is now cold and hard reality.

**34. 昔日满怀梦想,今已成空虚的追求。**

The former dreams are now empty pursuits.

**35. 昔日满怀憧憬,今已成残酷的现实。**

The former aspirations are now a cruel reality.

**36. 昔日充满活力,今已成暮气沉沉。**

The former vitality is now dull and depressing.

**37. 昔日充满激情,今已成波澜不惊。**

The former passion is now calm and unremarkable.

**38. 昔日充满活力,今已成老态龙钟。**

The former vitality is now aged and decrepit.

**39. 昔日充满活力,今已成暮年将至。**

The former vitality is now nearing the end of life.

**40. 昔日充满活力,今已成风烛残年。**

The former vitality is now in the twilight of life.

**41. 昔日充满活力,今已成人生的落幕。**

The former vitality is now the curtain call of life.

**42. 昔日充满活力,今已成人生的终章。**

The former vitality is now the final chapter of life.

**43. 昔日充满活力,今已成生命的终点。**

The former vitality is now the end of life.

**44. 昔日充满活力,今已成人生的最后一页。**

The former vitality is now the last page of life.

**45. 昔日充满活力,今已成生命的长河中的一滴水。**

The former vitality is now a drop of water in the long river of life.

**46. 昔日充满活力,今已成历史的尘埃。**

The former vitality is now dust in history.

**47. 昔日充满活力,今已成过眼云烟。**

The former vitality is now a passing cloud.

**48. 昔日充满活力,今已成时间的长河中的一粒沙。**

The former vitality is now a grain of sand in the river of time.

**49. 昔日充满活力,今已成时间的长河中的一片落叶。**

The former vitality is now a fallen leaf in the river of time.

**50. 昔日充满活力,今已成时间的长河中的一丝涟漪。**

The former vitality is now a ripple in the river of time.

**51. 昔日充满活力,今已成时间的长河中的一点波光。**

The former vitality is now a glimmer in the river of time.

**52. 昔日充满活力,今已成时间的长河中的一片云彩。**

The former vitality is now a cloud in the river of time.

**53. 昔日充满活力,今已成时间的长河中的一段故事。**

The former vitality is now a story in the river of time.

以上就是关于早已物是人非的句子53句(早已物是人非的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
