
## 亲戚绝情句子,65句**

1. 血缘关系,抵不过人心冷漠。


Blood ties cannot withstand the coldness of the heart.


2. 昔日情谊,如今形同陌路。


Past friendships now feel like being strangers.


3. 亲情淡薄,如同风中残烛。


Family affection is fading, like a candle in the wind.


4. 患难见真情,荣华显人心。


True love is seen in times of adversity, while the heart is revealed in times of prosperity.


5. 世态炎凉,亲情也难逃。


The world is a cold place, even family affection can't escape.


6. 人情冷暖,世事无常。


Human relationships are fickle, and life is unpredictable.


7. 昔日亲密,如今形同路人。


Once close, now just strangers passing by.


8. 血浓于水,却敌不过人心险恶。


Blood is thicker than water, but it can't stand up to the evil of human hearts.


9. 亲情如水,可遇不可求。


Family affection is like water, it's hard to find but easy to lose.


10. 如今的亲情,更多的是利益关系。


Family affection nowadays is more about mutual interests.


11. 曾经的亲密,如今只剩下疏离。


The once close relationship is now just distant.


12. 亲情,在利益面前不堪一击。


Family affection is fragile in the face of profit.


13. 血缘关系,并不能代表一切。


Blood ties don't mean everything.


14. 亲情如镜,照出人心。


Family affection is like a mirror, reflecting the heart.


15. 人情淡薄,世事难料。


Human relationships are superficial, and life is unpredictable.


16. 亲情,在现实面前不堪一击。


Family affection is fragile in the face of reality.


17. 曾经的亲密,如今只剩下回忆。


The once close relationship is now just memories.


18. 亲情如花,需要用心呵护。


Family affection is like a flower, it needs to be nurtured with care.


19. 人心叵测,亲情也难保。


Human hearts are unpredictable, even family affection can't be guaranteed.


20. 世态炎凉,人心难测。


The world is a cold place, human hearts are hard to understand.


21. 亲情如海,却也深不可测。


Family affection is like the sea, vast and unfathomable.


22. 亲情,在利益面前显得苍白无力。


Family affection seems pale and powerless in the face of profit.


23. 血浓于水,却敌不过时间的流逝。


Blood is thicker than water, but it can't stand the passage of time.


24. 亲情如梦,醒来后发现只是一场空。


Family affection is like a dream, waking up to find it was all empty.


25. 曾经的亲密,如今只剩下冰冷的沉默。


The once close relationship is now just a cold silence.


26. 亲情,在现实面前不堪一击。


Family affection is fragile in the face of reality.


27. 血缘关系,并不能代表一切。


Blood ties don't mean everything.


28. 亲情如花,需要用心呵护。


Family affection is like a flower, it needs to be nurtured with care.


29. 人心叵测,亲情也难保。


Human hearts are unpredictable, even family affection can't be guaranteed.


30. 世态炎凉,人心难测。


The world is a cold place, human hearts are hard to understand.


31. 亲情如海,却也深不可测。


Family affection is like the sea, vast and unfathomable.


32. 亲情,在利益面前显得苍白无力。


Family affection seems pale and powerless in the face of profit.


33. 血浓于水,却敌不过时间的流逝。


Blood is thicker than water, but it can't stand the passage of time.


34. 亲情如梦,醒来后发现只是一场空。


Family affection is like a dream, waking up to find it was all empty.


35. 曾经的亲密,如今只剩下冰冷的沉默。


The once close relationship is now just a cold silence.


36. 亲情,在现实面前不堪一击。


Family affection is fragile in the face of reality.


37. 血缘关系,并不能代表一切。


Blood ties don't mean everything.


38. 亲情如花,需要用心呵护。


Family affection is like a flower, it needs to be nurtured with care.


39. 人心叵测,亲情也难保。


Human hearts are unpredictable, even family affection can't be guaranteed.


40. 世态炎凉,人心难测。


The world is a cold place, human hearts are hard to understand.


41. 亲情如海,却也深不可测。


Family affection is like the sea, vast and unfathomable.


42. 亲情,在利益面前显得苍白无力。


Family affection seems pale and powerless in the face of profit.


43. 血浓于水,却敌不过时间的流逝。


Blood is thicker than water, but it can't stand the passage of time.


44. 亲情如梦,醒来后发现只是一场空。


Family affection is like a dream, waking up to find it was all empty.


45. 曾经的亲密,如今只剩下冰冷的沉默。


The once close relationship is now just a cold silence.


46. 亲情,在现实面前不堪一击。


Family affection is fragile in the face of reality.


47. 血缘关系,并不能代表一切。


Blood ties don't mean everything.


48. 亲情如花,需要用心呵护。


Family affection is like a flower, it needs to be nurtured with care.


49. 人心叵测,亲情也难保。


Human hearts are unpredictable, even family affection can't be guaranteed.


50. 世态炎凉,人心难测。


The world is a cold place, human hearts are hard to understand.


51. 亲情如海,却也深不可测。


Family affection is like the sea, vast and unfathomable.


52. 亲情,在利益面前显得苍白无力。


Family affection seems pale and powerless in the face of profit.


53. 血浓于水,却敌不过时间的流逝。


Blood is thicker than water, but it can't stand the passage of time.


54. 亲情如梦,醒来后发现只是一场空。


Family affection is like a dream, waking up to find it was all empty.


55. 曾经的亲密,如今只剩下冰冷的沉默。


The once close relationship is now just a cold silence.


56. 亲情,在现实面前不堪一击。


Family affection is fragile in the face of reality.


57. 血缘关系,并不能代表一切。


Blood ties don't mean everything.


58. 亲情如花,需要用心呵护。


Family affection is like a flower, it needs to be nurtured with care.


59. 人心叵测,亲情也难保。


Human hearts are unpredictable, even family affection can't be guaranteed.


60. 世态炎凉,人心难测。


The world is a cold place, human hearts are hard to understand.


61. 亲情如海,却也深不可测。


Family affection is like the sea, vast and unfathomable.


62. 亲情,在利益面前显得苍白无力。


Family affection seems pale and powerless in the face of profit.


63. 血浓于水,却敌不过时间的流逝。


Blood is thicker than water, but it can't stand the passage of time.


64. 亲情如梦,醒来后发现只是一场空。


Family affection is like a dream, waking up to find it was all empty.


65. 曾经的亲密,如今只剩下冰冷的沉默。


The once close relationship is now just a cold silence.

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