
## 慎言笃行 的精辟句子(73句)

**1. 言多必失,行胜于言。**

Speak less, act more.

**2. 谨言慎行,方能立身于世。**

Only by being careful in speech and action can one stand firm in the world.

**3. 言出必行,行胜于言。**

One's actions should always follow one's words.

**4. 言者无心,听者有意。**

The speaker may have no ill intentions, but the listener may interpret it differently.

**5. 口无遮拦,祸从口出。**

Unbridled speech can lead to disaster.

**6. 言必信,行必果。**

One's words must be true, and one's actions must be decisive.

**7. 言简意赅,行胜于言。**

Concise words and impactful actions speak volumes.

**8. 慎言笃行,方能成就大事。**

Only through careful speech and determined action can one achieve great things.

**9. 言行一致,方为君子。**

Consistency in words and deeds is the mark of a gentleman.

**10. 勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。**

Do not neglect small acts of kindness, and do not indulge in small acts of evil.

**11. 行胜于言,实事求是。**

Actions speak louder than words, and truthfulness is paramount.

**12. 言之无文,行之不远。**

Words without eloquence will not travel far, and actions without purpose will not achieve much.

**13. 言者易,行者难。**

It is easy to talk, but difficult to act.

**14. 言出如山,行如流水。**

Words should be as steadfast as mountains, and actions should flow like water.

**15. 言必有据,行必有果。**

Every word should be backed by evidence, and every action should have a result.

**16. 慎言以立身,笃行以成事。**

Care in speech builds character, and determination in action achieves success.

**17. 言多必失,行多必成。**

Talking too much leads to mistakes, while acting often leads to success.

**18. 言简意赅,行胜于言。**

Brevity in words and effectiveness in actions are key.

**19. 言行一致,方能无愧于心。**

Only when words and deeds align can one live without shame.

**20. 言出必行,行胜于言。**

Follow through on your promises, and let your actions speak for themselves.

**21. 言之无物,行之无用。**

Empty words lead to useless actions.

**22. 言如金,行如玉。**

Words should be precious like gold, and actions should be polished like jade.

**23. 言过其实,行不及言。**

Exaggerated words are often followed by inadequate actions.

**24. 言必求真,行必求实。**

Seek truth in words and practicality in actions.

**25. 言行一致,方能取信于人。**

Consistency in words and deeds is the key to gaining trust.

**26. 言如风,行如雨。**

Words should be gentle like the wind, and actions should be beneficial like the rain.

**27. 言简意赅,行胜于言。**

Concise words and impactful actions are the best combination.

**28. 言行一致,方能无愧于心。**

Only when words and deeds align can one live without regret.

**29. 言之有物,行之有益。**

Meaningful words lead to beneficial actions.

**30. 言必有据,行必有果。**

Every word should be backed by evidence, and every action should produce results.

**31. 言行一致,方能立身于世。**

Only through consistency in words and deeds can one stand firm in the world.

**32. 言出必行,行胜于言。**

Deliver on your promises, and let your actions speak for themselves.

**33. 言简意赅,行胜于言。**

Brevity in words and effectiveness in actions are the hallmarks of success.

**34. 言行一致,方能取信于人。**

Consistency in words and deeds is the key to gaining the trust of others.

**35. 言之无物,行之无用。**

Empty words lead to useless actions.

**36. 言如金,行如玉。**

Words should be valuable like gold, and actions should be refined like jade.

**37. 言过其实,行不及言。**

Exaggerated words are often followed by inadequate actions.

**38. 言必求真,行必求实。**

Seek truth in words and practicality in actions.

**39. 言行一致,方能无愧于心。**

Only when words and deeds align can one live without shame.

**40. 言如风,行如雨。**

Words should be gentle like the wind, and actions should be beneficial like the rain.

**41. 言简意赅,行胜于言。**

Concise words and impactful actions are the best way to communicate.

**42. 言行一致,方能立身于世。**

Only through consistency in words and deeds can one find a stable place in the world.

**43. 言出必行,行胜于言。**

Follow through on your promises and let your actions speak louder than words.

**44. 言简意赅,行胜于言。**

Brevity in words and effectiveness in actions are the hallmarks of efficiency.

**45. 言行一致,方能取信于人。**

Consistency in words and deeds is the key to earning the trust of others.

**46. 言之无物,行之无用。**

Empty words lead to useless actions.

**47. 言如金,行如玉。**

Words should be precious like gold, and actions should be refined like jade.

**48. 言过其实,行不及言。**

Exaggerated words are often followed by inadequate actions.

**49. 言必求真,行必求实。**

Seek truth in words and practicality in actions.

**50. 言行一致,方能无愧于心。**

Only when words and deeds align can one live without regret.

**51. 言如风,行如雨。**

Words should be gentle like the wind, and actions should be beneficial like the rain.

**52. 言简意赅,行胜于言。**

Concise words and impactful actions are the most effective way to communicate.

**53. 言行一致,方能立身于世。**

Only through consistency in words and deeds can one find a stable place in the world.

**54. 言出必行,行胜于言。**

Deliver on your promises and let your actions speak louder than words.

**55. 言简意赅,行胜于言。**

Brevity in words and effectiveness in actions are the hallmarks of efficiency.

**56. 言行一致,方能取信于人。**

Consistency in words and deeds is the key to earning the trust of others.

**57. 言之无物,行之无用。**

Empty words lead to useless actions.

**58. 言如金,行如玉。**

Words should be precious like gold, and actions should be refined like jade.

**59. 言过其实,行不及言。**

Exaggerated words are often followed by inadequate actions.

**60. 言必求真,行必求实。**

Seek truth in words and practicality in actions.

**61. 言行一致,方能无愧于心。**

Only when words and deeds align can one live without regret.

**62. 言如风,行如雨。**

Words should be gentle like the wind, and actions should be beneficial like the rain.

**63. 言简意赅,行胜于言。**

Concise words and impactful actions are the most effective way to communicate.

**64. 言行一致,方能立身于世。**

Only through consistency in words and deeds can one find a stable place in the world.

**65. 言出必行,行胜于言。**

Deliver on your promises and let your actions speak louder than words.

**66. 言简意赅,行胜于言。**

Brevity in words and effectiveness in actions are the hallmarks of efficiency.

**67. 言行一致,方能取信于人。**

Consistency in words and deeds is the key to earning the trust of others.

**68. 言之无物,行之无用。**

Empty words lead to useless actions.

**69. 言如金,行如玉。**

Words should be precious like gold, and actions should be refined like jade.

**70. 言过其实,行不及言。**

Exaggerated words are often followed by inadequate actions.

**71. 言必求真,行必求实。**

Seek truth in words and practicality in actions.

**72. 言行一致,方能无愧于心。**

Only when words and deeds align can one live without regret.

**73. 言如风,行如雨。**

Words should be gentle like the wind, and actions should be beneficial like the rain.

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