
## 74 句慢慢放弃的深奥句子,并附英文翻译

**1. 放弃并不代表懦弱,而是明智的选择。**

Giving up doesn't mean weakness, it's a wise choice.

**2. 执着于不属于自己的东西,只会徒增烦恼。**

Clinging to things that don't belong to you only adds to your troubles.

**3. 当你无法改变现状时,学会改变自己。**

When you can't change the situation, learn to change yourself.

**4. 人生就像一场旅行,有些风景注定只能远观。**

Life is like a journey, some scenery is destined to be viewed from afar.

**5. 执着是一种负担,放下是一种解脱。**

Persistence is a burden, letting go is a liberation.

**6. 懂得放弃,才能拥有更好的。**

Knowing how to give up allows you to have something better.

**7. 放弃不等于失败,而是另一种开始。**

Giving up doesn't equal failure, it's another kind of beginning.

**8. 失去的,就让它成为过去,不必留恋。**

Let what is lost become the past, no need to dwell on it.

**9. 懂得适可而止,才能走得更远。**

Knowing when to stop allows you to go further.

**10. 放弃并非懦弱,而是明智之举。**

Giving up is not cowardice, but a wise move.

**11. 执着于过去,只会错失现在。**

Dwelling on the past will only make you miss the present.

**12. 懂得放弃,才能更好地拥有。**

Knowing how to give up allows you to possess better things.

**13. 失去的,就让它成为回忆,不必强求。**

Let what is lost become a memory, no need to force it.

**14. 执着于无用的东西,只会徒劳无功。**

Clinging to useless things only leads to futility.

**15. 当你无法控制结果时,学会放手。**

When you can't control the outcome, learn to let go.

**16. 放弃并不意味着失败,而是为了更好的未来。**

Giving up doesn't mean failure, it's for a better future.

**17. 懂得放弃,才能获得真正的自由。**

Knowing how to give up allows you to gain true freedom.

**18. 执着于过去,只会让你止步不前。**

Dwelling on the past will only hold you back.

**19. 放弃是一种智慧,也是一种勇气。**

Giving up is a form of wisdom and courage.

**20. 失去的,就让它成为过眼云烟。**

Let what is lost become a fleeting memory.

**21. 执着于没有结果的事情,只会浪费时间。**

Clinging to things with no results only wastes your time.

**22. 当你无法改变自己时,学会接受现实。**

When you can't change yourself, learn to accept reality.

**23. 放弃并不意味着放弃梦想,而是改变方向。**

Giving up doesn't mean giving up on your dreams, it's changing direction.

**24. 懂得放弃,才能更好地珍惜眼前。**

Knowing how to give up allows you to appreciate the present better.

**25. 失去的,就让它成为过去,不必回头。**

Let what is lost become the past, no need to look back.

**26. 执着于不可能的事情,只会让自己痛苦。**

Clinging to impossible things only brings you pain.

**27. 当你无法掌控局势时,学会顺其自然。**

When you can't control the situation, learn to go with the flow.

**28. 放弃并不等于失败,而是另一种选择。**

Giving up doesn't equal failure, it's another choice.

**29. 懂得放弃,才能获得真正的成长。**

Knowing how to give up allows you to truly grow.

**30. 失去的,就让它成为教训,不必后悔。**

Let what is lost become a lesson, no need to regret.

**31. 执着于不切实际的幻想,只会让自己失望。**

Clinging to unrealistic fantasies only leads to disappointment.

**32. 当你无法改变别人时,学会改变自己。**

When you can't change others, learn to change yourself.

**33. 放弃并不意味着放弃努力,而是调整方向。**

Giving up doesn't mean giving up on effort, it's adjusting direction.

**34. 懂得放弃,才能更好地面对未来。**

Knowing how to give up allows you to face the future better.

**35. 失去的,就让它成为过去,不必重提。**

Let what is lost become the past, no need to bring it up again.

**36. 执着于错误的道路,只会让你越走越远。**

Clinging to the wrong path will only lead you further astray.

**37. 当你无法预知未来时,学会活在当下。**

When you can't predict the future, learn to live in the present.

**38. 放弃并不等于放弃梦想,而是寻找新的方向。**

Giving up doesn't mean giving up on dreams, it's finding a new direction.

**39. 懂得放弃,才能获得真正的平静。**

Knowing how to give up allows you to gain true peace.

**40. 失去的,就让它成为过去,不必怀念。**

Let what is lost become the past, no need to reminisce.

**41. 执着于没有意义的事情,只会浪费生命。**

Clinging to meaningless things only wastes your life.

**42. 当你无法改变环境时,学会适应环境。**

When you can't change the environment, learn to adapt to it.

**43. 放弃并不意味着放弃原则,而是寻找更好的方法。**

Giving up doesn't mean abandoning principles, it's finding a better way.

**44. 懂得放弃,才能更好地珍惜拥有。**

Knowing how to give up allows you to cherish what you have better.

**45. 失去的,就让它成为经验,不必沉沦。**

Let what is lost become experience, no need to sink into it.

**46. 执着于错误的观念,只会让你固步自封。**

Clinging to incorrect ideas will only keep you stuck.

**47. 当你无法改变过去时,学会从过去中学习。**

When you can't change the past, learn from it.

**48. 放弃并不意味着放弃希望,而是寻找新的希望。**

Giving up doesn't mean giving up on hope, it's finding new hope.

**49. 懂得放弃,才能获得真正的成长。**

Knowing how to give up allows you to truly grow.

**50. 失去的,就让它成为过去,不必纠缠。**

Let what is lost become the past, no need to get entangled in it.

**51. 执着于得不到的东西,只会让自己痛苦。**

Clinging to something you can't have only brings you pain.

**52. 当你无法改变现状时,学会接受现状。**

When you can't change the situation, learn to accept it.

**53. 放弃并不意味着放弃梦想,而是改变实现梦想的方式。**

Giving up doesn't mean giving up on dreams, it's changing how you achieve them.

**54. 懂得放弃,才能更好地珍惜眼前所拥有的一切。**

Knowing how to give up allows you to cherish everything you have now better.

**55. 失去的,就让它成为过去,不必留恋。**

Let what is lost become the past, no need to dwell on it.

**56. 执着于无意义的追求,只会让你迷失方向。**

Clinging to meaningless pursuits will only lead you astray.

**57. 当你无法改变别人时,学会改变自己。**

When you can't change others, learn to change yourself.

**58. 放弃并不意味着放弃努力,而是寻找更有效的努力方式。**

Giving up doesn't mean giving up on effort, it's finding a more effective way to exert effort.

**59. 懂得放弃,才能更好地面对未来。**

Knowing how to give up allows you to face the future better.

**60. 失去的,就让它成为过去,不必回忆。**

Let what is lost become the past, no need to remember it.

**61. 执着于不可能的事情,只会让你徒劳无功。**

Clinging to impossible things only leads to futility.

**62. 当你无法掌控局势时,学会顺其自然。**

When you can't control the situation, learn to go with the flow.

**63. 放弃并不等于失败,而是另一种选择。**

Giving up doesn't equal failure, it's another choice.

**64. 懂得放弃,才能获得真正的成长。**

Knowing how to give up allows you to truly grow.

**65. 失去的,就让它成为教训,不必后悔。**

Let what is lost become a lesson, no need to regret.

**66. 执着于不切实际的幻想,只会让你失望。**

Clinging to unrealistic fantasies only leads to disappointment.

**67. 当你无法改变别人时,学会改变自己。**

When you can't change others, learn to change yourself.

**68. 放弃并不意味着放弃努力,而是调整方向。**

Giving up doesn't mean giving up on effort, it's adjusting direction.

**69. 懂得放弃,才能更好地面对未来。**

Knowing how to give up allows you to face the future better.

**70. 失去的,就让它成为过去,不必重提。**

Let what is lost become the past, no need to bring it up again.

**71. 执着于错误的道路,只会让你越走越远。**

Clinging to the wrong path will only lead you further astray.

**72. 当你无法预知未来时,学会活在当下。**

When you can't predict the future, learn to live in the present.

**73. 放弃并不意味着放弃梦想,而是寻找新的方向。**

Giving up doesn't mean giving up on dreams, it's finding a new direction.

**74. 懂得放弃,才能获得真正的平静。**

Knowing how to give up allows you to gain true peace.

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