
## 为了儿女受尽苦累,95句中文&英文对照**1. 为了儿女,再苦再累也值得。**

For my children, even the hardest work and fatigue are worthwhile.

**2. 儿女是父母的牵挂,为了他们,再苦再累也心甘情愿。**

Children are the worries of their parents, and for them, we are willing to endure any hardship and fatigue.

**3. 父母为了儿女,付出再多也无怨无悔。**

Parents have no regrets, no matter how much they sacrifice for their children.

**4. 为了儿女的幸福,父母甘愿吃苦受累。**

For the happiness of their children, parents are willing to endure hardship and fatigue.

**5. 儿女是父母的希望,为了他们的未来,父母不惜一切代价。**

Children are the hope of their parents, and for their future, parents will stop at nothing.

**6. 为了儿女,父母可以放弃一切,包括自己的梦想。**

For their children, parents can give up everything, including their own dreams.

**7. 父母的爱是无私的,为了儿女,他们可以承受任何苦难。**

Parental love is selfless, and for their children, they can endure any suffering.

**8. 为了儿女,父母甘愿忍受孤独和寂寞。**

For their children, parents are willing to endure loneliness and solitude.

**9. 为了儿女,父母可以放弃自己的休息时间,甚至健康。**

For their children, parents can give up their leisure time, even their health.

**10. 为了儿女的成长,父母倾注了全部心血。**

For the growth of their children, parents have poured their heart and soul into them.

**11. 父母的爱是无私的,他们为了儿女,可以付出所有。**

Parental love is selfless; they are willing to give everything for their children.

**12. 为了儿女,父母可以克服任何困难。**

For their children, parents can overcome any difficulty.

**13. 父母对儿女的爱是永恒的,他们会一直守护着孩子。**

Parental love for their children is eternal; they will always protect their children.

**14. 为了儿女,父母会一直努力,直到生命的最后一刻。**

For their children, parents will keep striving until their last breath.

**15. 父母的爱是世界上最伟大的力量,它可以战胜一切困难。**

Parental love is the greatest force in the world; it can overcome any obstacle.

**16. 为了儿女的健康,父母操碎了心。**

For their children's health, parents have worn themselves out with worry.

**17. 为了儿女的教育,父母省吃俭用。**

For their children's education, parents are frugal.

**18. 为了儿女的快乐,父母无怨无悔地付出。**

For their children's happiness, parents give without complaint.

**19. 为了儿女的未来,父母不惜一切代价。**

For their children's future, parents will stop at nothing.

**20. 父母的爱是无私的,他们永远不会要求回报。**

Parental love is selfless; they never ask for anything in return.

**21. 为了儿女,父母可以忍受任何痛苦。**

For their children, parents can endure any pain.

**22. 为了儿女的幸福,父母可以放弃自己的幸福。**

For their children's happiness, parents can give up their own happiness.

**23. 父母为了儿女,付出了所有的青春和精力。**

For their children, parents have given their youth and energy.

**24. 为了儿女,父母可以承受任何压力。**

For their children, parents can withstand any pressure.

**25. 父母的爱是无条件的,他们永远不会放弃自己的孩子。**

Parental love is unconditional; they will never abandon their children.

**26. 为了儿女,父母可以付出任何代价。**

For their children, parents can pay any price.

**27. 父母的爱是无私的,他们永远不会计较得失。**

Parental love is selfless; they never count the cost.

**28. 为了儿女,父母可以忍受任何委屈。**

For their children, parents can tolerate any injustice.

**29. 为了儿女的未来,父母可以放弃自己的梦想。**

For their children's future, parents can give up their own dreams.

**30. 为了儿女的幸福,父母可以承受任何风险。**

For their children's happiness, parents can take any risk.

**31. 为了儿女,父母可以付出一切,包括生命。**

For their children, parents can give everything, including their lives.

**32. 父母为了儿女,可以忍受任何磨难。**

For their children, parents can endure any hardship.

**33. 为了儿女,父母可以付出所有时间和精力。**

For their children, parents can give all their time and energy.

**34. 为了儿女,父母可以承受任何压力和负担。**

For their children, parents can withstand any pressure and burden.

**35. 父母的爱是无私的,他们永远不会计较付出多少。**

Parental love is selfless; they never count how much they give.

**36. 为了儿女的成长,父母可以付出任何努力。**

For their children's growth, parents can put in any effort.

**37. 为了儿女的成功,父母可以付出一切代价。**

For their children's success, parents can pay any price.

**38. 父母为了儿女,可以承受任何挫折和失败。**

For their children, parents can endure any setback and failure.

**39. 为了儿女,父母可以放弃自己的所有。**

For their children, parents can give up everything they have.

**40. 父母的爱是无私的,他们永远不会后悔自己的付出。**

Parental love is selfless; they never regret their sacrifice.

**41. 为了儿女,父母可以承受任何损失。**

For their children, parents can withstand any loss.

**42. 为了儿女的未来,父母可以付出任何代价,包括自己的生命。**

For their children's future, parents can pay any price, including their own lives.

**43. 为了儿女的健康和安全,父母可以付出所有时间和精力。**

For their children's health and safety, parents can give all their time and energy.

**44. 为了儿女的幸福,父母可以承受任何磨难和苦难。**

For their children's happiness, parents can endure any hardship and suffering.

**45. 父母为了儿女,可以放弃自己的所有,包括自己的梦想。**

For their children, parents can give up everything they have, including their own dreams.

**46. 为了儿女的成功,父母可以付出一切努力和代价。**

For their children's success, parents can put in any effort and pay any price.

**47. 父母为了儿女,可以忍受任何挫折和打击。**

For their children, parents can endure any setback and blow.

**48. 为了儿女的未来,父母可以付出一切,包括自己的生命和健康。**

For their children's future, parents can give everything, including their lives and health.

**49. 父母为了儿女,可以忍受任何孤独和寂寞。**

For their children, parents can endure any loneliness and solitude.

**50. 为了儿女的成长,父母可以付出所有时间和精力,甚至自己的生命。**

For their children's growth, parents can give all their time and energy, even their lives.

**51. 为了儿女,父母可以放弃一切,包括自己的事业和梦想。**

For their children, parents can give up everything, including their career and dreams.

**52. 父母为了儿女,可以承受任何压力和负担,包括经济上的压力。**

For their children, parents can withstand any pressure and burden, including financial pressure.

**53. 为了儿女的幸福,父母可以放弃自己的所有,包括自己的幸福。**

For their children's happiness, parents can give up everything they have, including their own happiness.

**54. 父母为了儿女,可以忍受任何委屈和痛苦,包括来自孩子的委屈。**

For their children, parents can tolerate any injustice and pain, including that from their children.

**55. 为了儿女的未来,父母可以付出所有努力和代价,包括自己的健康和生命。**

For their children's future, parents can put in any effort and pay any price, including their health and lives.

**56. 为了儿女的成长,父母可以付出所有时间和精力,甚至自己的青春和梦想。**

For their children's growth, parents can give all their time and energy, even their youth and dreams.

**57. 为了儿女的成功,父母可以付出一切努力和代价,包括自己的时间、精力和金钱。**

For their children's success, parents can put in any effort and pay any price, including their time, energy, and money.

**58. 父母为了儿女,可以忍受任何挫折和打击,包括来自社会的挫折和打击。**

For their children, parents can endure any setback and blow, including those from society.

**59. 为了儿女的未来,父母可以付出一切,包括自己的名誉和地位。**

For their children's future, parents can give everything, including their reputation and status.

**60. 父母为了儿女,可以忍受任何孤独和寂寞,包括来自亲朋好友的孤独和寂寞。**

For their children, parents can endure any loneliness and solitude, including that from family and friends.

**61. 为了儿女的成长,父母可以付出所有时间和精力,甚至自己的所有财产。**

For their children's growth, parents can give all their time and energy, even all their possessions.

**62. 为了儿女的成功,父母可以付出一切努力和代价,包括自己的身体和精神上的代价。**

For their children's success, parents can put in any effort and pay any price, including the cost to their bodies and minds.

**63. 父母为了儿女,可以忍受任何挫折和打击,包括来自孩子的挫折和打击。**

For their children, parents can endure any setback and blow, including those from their children.

**64. 为了儿女的未来,父母可以付出一切,包括自己的尊严和自尊。**

For their children's future, parents can give everything, including their dignity and self-respect.

**65. 父母为了儿女,可以忍受任何孤独和寂寞,包括来自社会的孤独和寂寞。**

For their children, parents can endure any loneliness and solitude, including that from society.

**66. 为了儿女的成长,父母可以付出所有时间和精力,甚至自己的全部生命。**

For their children's growth, parents can give all their time and energy, even their entire lives.

**67. 为了儿女的成功,父母可以付出一切努力和代价,包括自己的时间、精力、金钱和健康。**

For their children's success, parents can put in any effort and pay any price, including their time, energy, money, and health.

**68. 父母为了儿女,可以忍受任何挫折和打击,包括来自自己的挫折和打击。**

For their children, parents can endure any setback and blow, including those from themselves.

**69. 为了儿女的未来,父母可以付出一切,包括自己的所有财产和财富。**

For their children's future, parents can give everything, including all their property and wealth.

**70. 父母为了儿女,可以忍受任何孤独和寂寞,包括来自家庭的孤独和寂寞。**

For their children, parents can endure any loneliness and solitude, including that from their families.

**71. 为了儿女的成长,父母可以付出所有时间和精力,甚至自己的所有梦想。**

For their children's growth, parents can give all their time and energy, even all their dreams.

**72. 为了儿女的成功,父母可以付出一切努力和代价,包括自己的时间、精力、金钱、健康和青春。**

For their children's success, parents can put in any effort and pay any price, including their time, energy, money, health, and youth.

**73. 父母为了儿女,可以忍受任何挫折和打击,包括来自社会的挫折和打击,来自家庭的挫折和打击,来自孩子的挫折和打击。**

For their children, parents can endure any setback and blow, including those from society, their families, and their children.

**74. 为了儿女的未来,父母可以付出一切,包括自己的名誉、地位、财产、财富和健康。**

For their children's future, parents can give everything, including their reputation, status, property, wealth, and health.

**75. 父母为了儿女,可以忍受任何孤独和寂寞,包括来自亲朋好友的孤独和寂寞,来自社会的孤独和寂寞,来自家庭的孤独和寂寞。**

For their children, parents can endure any loneliness and solitude, including that from family and friends, society, and their families.

**76. 为了儿女的成长,父母可以付出所有时间和精力,甚至自己的所有梦想和希望。**

For their children's growth, parents can give all their time and energy, even all their dreams and hopes.

**77. 为了儿女的成功,父母可以付出一切努力和代价,包括自己的时间、精力、金钱、健康、青春和梦想。**

For their children's success, parents can put in any effort and pay any price, including their time, energy, money, health, youth, and dreams.

**78. 父母为了儿女,可以忍受任何挫折和打击,包括来自社会的挫折和打击,来自家庭的挫折和打击,来自孩子的挫折和打击,来自自己的挫折和打击。**

For their children, parents can endure any setback and blow, including those from society, their families, their children, and themselves.

**79. 为了儿女的未来,父母可以付出一切,包括自己的名誉、地位、财产、财富、健康和梦想。**

For their children's future, parents can give everything, including their reputation, status, property, wealth, health, and dreams.

**80. 父母为了儿女,可以忍受任何孤独和寂寞,包括来自亲朋好友的孤独和寂寞,来自社会的孤独和寂寞,来自家庭的孤独和寂寞,来自自己的孤独和寂寞。**

For their children, parents can endure any loneliness and solitude, including that from family and friends, society, their families, and themselves.

**81. 为了儿女的成长,父母可以付出所有时间和精力,甚至自己的所有梦想、希望和未来。**

For their children's growth, parents can give all their time and energy, even all their dreams, hopes, and futures.

**82. 为了儿女的成功,父母可以付出一切努力和代价,包括自己的时间、精力、金钱、健康、青春、梦想和未来。**

For their children's success, parents can put in any effort and pay any price, including their time, energy, money, health, youth, dreams, and futures.

**83. 父母为了儿女,可以忍受任何挫折和打击,包括来自社会的挫折和打击,来自家庭的挫折和打击,来自孩子的挫折和打击,来自自己的挫折和打击,来自命运的挫折和打击。**

For their children, parents can endure any setback and blow, including those from society, their families, their children, themselves, and fate.

**84. 为了儿女的未来,父母可以付出一切,包括自己的名誉、地位、财产、财富、健康、梦想和未来。**

For their children's future, parents can give everything, including their reputation, status, property, wealth, health, dreams, and futures.

**85. 父母为了儿女,可以忍受任何孤独和寂寞,包括来自亲朋好友的孤独和寂寞,来自社会的孤独和寂寞,来自家庭的孤独和寂寞,来自自己的孤独和寂寞,来自命运的孤独和寂寞。**

For their children, parents can endure any loneliness and solitude, including that from family and friends, society, their families, themselves, and fate.

**86. 为了儿女的成长,父母可以付出所有时间和精力,甚至自己的所有梦想、希望、未来和生命。**

For their children's growth, parents can give all their time and energy, even all their dreams, hopes, futures, and lives.

**87. 为了儿女的成功,父母可以付出一切努力和代价,包括自己的时间、精力、金钱、健康、青春、梦想、未来和生命。**

For their children's success, parents can put in any effort and pay any price, including their time, energy, money, health, youth, dreams, futures, and lives.

**88. 父母为了儿女,可以忍受任何挫折和打击,包括来自社会的挫折和打击,来自家庭的挫折和打击,来自孩子的挫折和打击,来自自己的挫折和打击,来自命运的挫折和打击,来自生活的挫折和打击。**

For their children, parents can endure any setback and blow, including those from society, their families, their children, themselves, fate, and life.

**89. 为了儿女的未来,父母可以付出一切,包括自己的名誉、地位、财产、财富、健康、梦想、未来和生命。**

For their children's future, parents can give everything, including their reputation, status, property, wealth, health, dreams, futures, and lives.

**90. 父母为了儿女,可以忍受任何孤独和寂寞,包括来自亲朋好友的孤独和寂寞,来自社会的孤独和寂寞,来自家庭的孤独和寂寞,来自自己的孤独和寂寞,来自命运的孤独和寂寞,来自生活的孤独和寂寞。**

For their children, parents can endure any loneliness and solitude, including that from family and friends, society, their families, themselves, fate, and life.

**91. 为了儿女的成长,父母可以付出所有时间和精力,甚至自己的所有梦想、希望、未来、生命和所有。**

For their children's growth, parents can give all their time and energy, even all their dreams, hopes, futures, lives, and everything.

**92. 为了儿女的成功,父母可以付出一切努力和代价,包括自己的时间、精力、金钱、健康、青春、梦想、未来、生命和所有。**

For their children's success, parents can put in any effort and pay any price, including their time, energy, money, health, youth, dreams, futures, lives, and everything.

**93. 父母为了儿女,可以忍受任何挫折和打击,包括来自社会的挫折和打击,来自家庭的挫折和打击,来自孩子的挫折和打击,来自自己的挫折和打击,来自命运的挫折和打击,来自生活的挫折和打击,来自人生的挫折和打击。**

For their children, parents can endure any setback and blow, including those from society, their families, their children, themselves, fate, life, and the trials of life.

**94. 为了儿女的未来,父母可以付出一切,包括自己的名誉、地位、财产、财富、健康、梦想、未来、生命和所有。**

For their children's future, parents can give everything, including their reputation, status, property, wealth, health, dreams, futures, lives, and everything.

**95. 父母为了儿女,可以忍受任何孤独和寂寞,包括来自亲朋好友的孤独和寂寞,来自社会的孤独和寂寞,来自家庭的孤独和寂寞,来自自己的孤独和寂寞,来自命运的孤独和寂寞,来自生活的孤独和寂寞,来自人生的孤独和寂寞。**

For their children, parents can endure any loneliness and solitude, including that from family and friends, society, their families, themselves, fate, life, and the trials of life.

以上就是关于为了儿女受尽苦累句子95句(为了儿女受尽苦累句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
