
## 临近年关句子 100句**1. 岁末将至,敬颂冬安。**

The year is drawing to a close, wishing you a peaceful winter.

**2. 辞旧迎新,万事胜意。**

Farewell to the old, welcome to the new, may everything be successful.

**3. 寒冬已至,温暖常存。**

Winter has arrived, but warmth remains.

**4. 红梅傲雪,新年吉祥。**

Red plum blossoms bravely in the snow, wishing you good luck in the New Year.

**5. 一元复始,万象更新。**

The beginning of a new year, everything is renewed.

**6. 年关将近,思念如潮。**

The New Year is approaching, and my thoughts are like a tide.

**7. 喜气洋洋,新年快乐。**

Full of joy, Happy New Year.

**8. 岁岁平安,年年有余。**

Peace every year, abundance every year.

**9. 万事如意,阖家欢乐。**

May all your wishes come true, may your family be happy.

**10. 辞旧迎新,新年新气象。**

Farewell to the old, welcome to the new, a new atmosphere for the New Year.

**11. 冬日暖阳,温暖人心。**

The warm winter sun warms the heart.

**12. 瑞雪兆丰年,新年好运。**

Auspicious snow heralds a bountiful harvest, good luck in the New Year.

**13. 年味渐浓,喜气盈门。**

The New Year atmosphere is getting stronger, and happiness fills the door.

**14. 新春将至,祝福送达。**

The Spring Festival is approaching, sending you blessings.

**15. 回首往事,展望未来。**

Looking back on the past, looking forward to the future.

**16. 新年新气象,万事皆可期。**

New year, new atmosphere, everything is possible.

**17. 愿新的一年,平安喜乐。**

May the new year be full of peace and joy.

**18. 新年新希望,加油努力。**

New year, new hopes, keep trying hard.

**19. 年关将至,阖家团圆。**

The New Year is approaching, may your family be reunited.

**20. 新年新起点,再创辉煌。**

New year, new starting point, create new glories.

**21. 新年伊始,万事顺利。**

At the beginning of the new year, may everything go smoothly.

**22. 年终盘点,收获满满。**

Year-end inventory, full of harvest.

**23. 寒冬腊月,温暖如春。**

The twelfth lunar month, warm as spring.

**24. 新年新气象,幸福常相伴。**

New year, new atmosphere, happiness always accompanies you.

**25. 新年到,祝你一切顺利。**

New Year's Day, wish you all the best.

**26. 新的一年,开启新的篇章。**

The new year, opening a new chapter.

**27. 年关将近,忙碌不停。**

The New Year is approaching, and we are busy all the time.

**28. 新年钟声,敲响幸福。**

The New Year bell rings, ringing happiness.

**29. 辞旧迎新,梦想起航。**

Farewell to the old, welcome to the new, dreams set sail.

**30. 新年新气象,万事如意。**

New year, new atmosphere, may everything be as you wish.

**31. 新年新希望,美好未来。**

New year, new hopes, beautiful future.

**32. 新的一年,祝你健康快乐。**

In the new year, I wish you health and happiness.

**33. 年关将至,温馨满溢。**

The New Year is approaching, warmth overflows.

**34. 新年新祝福,愿你幸福安康。**

New year, new blessings, wishing you happiness and well-being.

**35. 辞旧迎新,喜迎新年。**

Farewell to the old, welcome to the new, joyfully welcoming the New Year.

**36. 新年伊始,万事顺心。**

At the beginning of the new year, may everything be to your liking.

**37. 新春佳节,阖家团圆。**

Spring Festival, may your family be reunited.

**38. 新年新目标,努力奋斗。**

New year, new goals, work hard and strive.

**39. 年终岁末,感恩有你。**

At the end of the year, I am grateful for you.

**40. 辞旧迎新,梦想起飞。**

Farewell to the old, welcome to the new, dreams take flight.

**41. 新年新气象,生活更美好。**

New year, new atmosphere, life is better.

**42. 新的一年,愿你事事顺利。**

In the new year, I wish you all the best.

**43. 年关将至,祝你一切安好。**

The New Year is approaching, wishing you all the best.

**44. 新的一年,祝你心想事成。**

In the new year, I wish you all your wishes come true.

**45. 新年新起点,精彩无限。**

New year, new starting point, endless possibilities.

**46. 年关将近,喜迎新年。**

The New Year is approaching, joyfully welcoming the New Year.

**47. 新的一年,愿你收获满满。**

In the new year, I wish you a bountiful harvest.

**48. 新年新希望,梦想成真。**

New year, new hopes, dreams come true.

**49. 辞旧迎新,迎接挑战。**

Farewell to the old, welcome to the new, embrace challenges.

**50. 新年新气象,开拓未来。**

New year, new atmosphere, opening up the future.

**51. 新的一年,愿你平安幸福。**

In the new year, I wish you peace and happiness.

**52. 年关将至,团圆相聚。**

The New Year is approaching, family reunion.

**53. 新年新开始,努力向前。**

New year, new beginning, strive forward.

**54. 新年新祝福,愿你健康平安。**

New year, new blessings, wishing you health and safety.

**55. 辞旧迎新,展望未来。**

Farewell to the old, welcome to the new, looking forward to the future.

**56. 新年新目标,成就梦想。**

New year, new goals, achieve dreams.

**57. 年关将至,祝福送达。**

The New Year is approaching, sending you blessings.

**58. 新的一年,愿你一切顺利。**

In the new year, I wish you all the best.

**59. 新年新气象,幸福常伴。**

New year, new atmosphere, happiness always accompanies you.

**60. 新年新起点,精彩无限。**

New year, new starting point, endless possibilities.

**61. 年关将至,喜迎新年。**

The New Year is approaching, joyfully welcoming the New Year.

**62. 新的一年,愿你心想事成。**

In the new year, I wish you all your wishes come true.

**63. 新年新祝福,愿你平安幸福。**

New year, new blessings, wishing you peace and happiness.

**64. 辞旧迎新,展望未来。**

Farewell to the old, welcome to the new, looking forward to the future.

**65. 新年新目标,努力奋斗。**

New year, new goals, work hard and strive.

**66. 年关将至,团圆相聚。**

The New Year is approaching, family reunion.

**67. 新的一年,愿你收获满满。**

In the new year, I wish you a bountiful harvest.

**68. 新年新希望,梦想成真。**

New year, new hopes, dreams come true.

**69. 辞旧迎新,迎接挑战。**

Farewell to the old, welcome to the new, embrace challenges.

**70. 新年新气象,开拓未来。**

New year, new atmosphere, opening up the future.

**71. 新的一年,愿你平安幸福。**

In the new year, I wish you peace and happiness.

**72. 年关将至,祝福送达。**

The New Year is approaching, sending you blessings.

**73. 新的一年,愿你一切顺利。**

In the new year, I wish you all the best.

**74. 新年新气象,幸福常伴。**

New year, new atmosphere, happiness always accompanies you.

**75. 新年新起点,精彩无限。**

New year, new starting point, endless possibilities.

**76. 年关将至,喜迎新年。**

The New Year is approaching, joyfully welcoming the New Year.

**77. 新的一年,愿你心想事成。**

In the new year, I wish you all your wishes come true.

**78. 新年新祝福,愿你平安幸福。**

New year, new blessings, wishing you peace and happiness.

**79. 辞旧迎新,展望未来。**

Farewell to the old, welcome to the new, looking forward to the future.

**80. 新年新目标,努力奋斗。**

New year, new goals, work hard and strive.

**81. 年关将至,团圆相聚。**

The New Year is approaching, family reunion.

**82. 新的一年,愿你收获满满。**

In the new year, I wish you a bountiful harvest.

**83. 新年新希望,梦想成真。**

New year, new hopes, dreams come true.

**84. 辞旧迎新,迎接挑战。**

Farewell to the old, welcome to the new, embrace challenges.

**85. 新年新气象,开拓未来。**

New year, new atmosphere, opening up the future.

**86. 新的一年,愿你平安幸福。**

In the new year, I wish you peace and happiness.

**87. 年关将至,祝福送达。**

The New Year is approaching, sending you blessings.

**88. 新的一年,愿你一切顺利。**

In the new year, I wish you all the best.

**89. 新年新气象,幸福常伴。**

New year, new atmosphere, happiness always accompanies you.

**90. 新年新起点,精彩无限。**

New year, new starting point, endless possibilities.

**91. 年关将至,喜迎新年。**

The New Year is approaching, joyfully welcoming the New Year.

**92. 新的一年,愿你心想事成。**

In the new year, I wish you all your wishes come true.

**93. 新年新祝福,愿你平安幸福。**

New year, new blessings, wishing you peace and happiness.

**94. 辞旧迎新,展望未来。**

Farewell to the old, welcome to the new, looking forward to the future.

**95. 新年新目标,努力奋斗。**

New year, new goals, work hard and strive.

**96. 年关将至,团圆相聚。**

The New Year is approaching, family reunion.

**97. 新的一年,愿你收获满满。**

In the new year, I wish you a bountiful harvest.

**98. 新年新希望,梦想成真。**

New year, new hopes, dreams come true.

**99. 辞旧迎新,迎接挑战。**

Farewell to the old, welcome to the new, embrace challenges.

**100. 新年新气象,开拓未来。**

New year, new atmosphere, opening up the future.

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