
## 临摹状貌句子 (55句)1. **他身材魁梧,肩膀宽阔,像一座小山般矗立在那里。**

He was a towering figure, broad-shouldered, standing like a mountain.

2. **她有一张精致的瓜子脸,白皙的皮肤,像是剥了壳的鸡蛋。**

She had a delicate oval face, fair skin that was as smooth as a peeled egg.

3. **他的眼睛深邃而明亮,仿佛能看穿一切。**

His eyes were deep and bright, as if they could see through everything.

4. **她的嘴唇红润饱满,像是熟透了的樱桃。**

Her lips were full and rosy, like ripe cherries.

5. **他留着短发,露出饱满的额头,显得精神抖擞。**

He had short hair, revealing a full forehead, making him look energetic.

6. **她有一头乌黑亮丽的长发,像瀑布般倾泻下来。**

She had long, raven hair that cascaded down like a waterfall.

7. **他身材瘦削,步履轻盈,像一只灵活的猎豹。**

He was lean and agile, moving with the grace of a cheetah.

8. **她的皮肤光滑细腻,像是上好的丝绸。**

Her skin was smooth and delicate, like the finest silk.

9. **他长着一张国字脸,浓眉大眼,威严而充满力量。**

He had a square face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, exuding authority and strength.

10. **她的鼻子高挺秀气,像是雕刻出来的艺术品。**

Her nose was straight and delicate, like a sculpted work of art.

11. **他的脸上布满了皱纹,像是岁月的痕迹。**

His face was etched with wrinkles, like the marks of time.

12. **她的笑容灿烂而甜美,像阳光般温暖人心。**

Her smile was bright and sweet, as warm as sunshine.

13. **他身材矮小,但步伐坚定,像一颗不屈的种子。**

He was short in stature, but his steps were firm, like an unyielding seed.

14. **她的眼睛温柔而清澈,仿佛一潭静谧的湖水。**

Her eyes were gentle and clear, like a tranquil lake.

15. **他留着长胡须,显得稳重而睿智。**

He had a long beard, which made him look steady and wise.

16. **她的声音清脆悦耳,像是风铃般动听。**

Her voice was clear and melodious, like the sound of wind chimes.

17. **他有一张圆圆的脸,脸上总是带着微笑,显得十分亲切。**

He had a round face, always with a smile on it, making him appear very friendly.

18. **她的身材玲珑剔透,像是精雕细琢的玉器。**

Her figure was delicate and exquisite, like a finely crafted piece of jade.

19. **他留着络腮胡,显得粗犷而豪迈。**

He had a thick beard, giving him a rugged and bold appearance.

20. **她的嘴唇微微上扬,嘴角带着一抹神秘的微笑。**

Her lips were slightly upturned, a mysterious smile playing on her lips.

21. **他身材高挑,身姿挺拔,像一棵挺拔的松树。**

He was tall and upright, like a towering pine tree.

22. **她的眼神清澈明亮,充满着智慧的光芒。**

Her eyes were clear and bright, filled with the light of wisdom.

23. **他留着寸头,显得精神抖擞,充满活力。**

He had a crew cut, which made him look energetic and full of life.

24. **她的皮肤白皙透亮,像是月光下的雪莲。**

Her skin was fair and luminous, like a snow lotus bathed in moonlight.

25. **他身材健壮,肌肉发达,像一头力量十足的狮子。**

He was strong and muscular, like a powerful lion.

26. **她的手指纤细修长,像弹钢琴的演奏家。**

Her fingers were slender and long, like those of a pianist.

27. **他留着长长的头发,像瀑布般披散在肩上。**

He had long hair that cascaded down his shoulders like a waterfall.

28. **她的笑容温柔而迷人,像春日里的阳光。**

Her smile was gentle and charming, like the sunshine of spring.

29. **他身材矮胖,但行动敏捷,像一只灵活的小猴子。**

He was short and stout, but he moved with agility, like a nimble monkey.

30. **她的眼睛深邃迷人,像是浩瀚的星空。**

Her eyes were deep and captivating, like the vast expanse of the starry sky.

31. **他留着八字胡,显得沉稳而内敛。**

He had a mustache that curved downwards, giving him a steady and reserved appearance.

32. **她的鼻子小巧玲珑,像一颗精致的珍珠。**

Her nose was small and delicate, like a fine pearl.

33. **他身材瘦弱,但眼神坚定,像一只充满斗志的猎鹰。**

He was thin and weak, but his eyes were determined, like a falcon filled with fighting spirit.

34. **她的皮肤白皙细腻,像是初雪般纯净。**

Her skin was fair and delicate, as pure as fresh snow.

35. **他留着长长的头发,扎成一个马尾辫,显得英俊潇洒。**

He had long hair that was tied back in a ponytail, making him look handsome and dashing.

36. **她的声音甜美动听,像是天籁之音。**

Her voice was sweet and melodious, like the music of heaven.

37. **他身材魁梧,肌肉发达,像是从雕塑里走出来的英雄。**

He was a muscular giant, like a hero stepped out of a sculpture.

38. **她的眼睛温柔而明亮,像是春天的阳光。**

Her eyes were gentle and bright, like the sunshine of spring.

39. **他留着络腮胡,显得粗犷而豪迈。**

He had a thick beard, giving him a rugged and bold appearance.

40. **她的嘴唇红润饱满,像熟透的草莓。**

Her lips were full and rosy, like ripe strawberries.

41. **他身材矮胖,但行动敏捷,像一只灵巧的松鼠。**

He was short and stout, but he moved with agility, like a nimble squirrel.

42. **她的笑容甜美而温暖,像冬日的阳光。**

Her smile was sweet and warm, like the sunshine of winter.

43. **他留着寸头,显得精神抖擞,充满活力。**

He had a crew cut, which made him look energetic and full of life.

44. **她的皮肤白皙透亮,像是月光下的白雪。**

Her skin was fair and luminous, like white snow bathed in moonlight.

45. **他身材高挑,身姿挺拔,像一棵高耸的杉树。**

He was tall and upright, like a towering cedar tree.

46. **她的眼睛深邃而明亮,仿佛能看透一切。**

Her eyes were deep and bright, as if they could see through everything.

47. **他留着络腮胡,显得沉稳而内敛。**

He had a thick beard, giving him a steady and reserved appearance.

48. **她的鼻子高挺秀气,像是雕刻出来的艺术品。**

Her nose was straight and delicate, like a sculpted work of art.

49. **他身材矮小,但步伐坚定,像一颗不屈的种子。**

He was short in stature, but his steps were firm, like an unyielding seed.

50. **她的笑容灿烂而甜美,像阳光般温暖人心。**

Her smile was bright and sweet, as warm as sunshine.

51. **他身材健壮,肌肉发达,像一头力量十足的公牛。**

He was strong and muscular, like a powerful bull.

52. **她的手指纤细修长,像弹钢琴的演奏家。**

Her fingers were slender and long, like those of a pianist.

53. **他留着长长的头发,像瀑布般披散在肩上。**

He had long hair that cascaded down his shoulders like a waterfall.

54. **她的声音清脆悦耳,像是风铃般动听。**

Her voice was clear and melodious, like the sound of wind chimes.

55. **他有一张圆圆的脸,脸上总是带着微笑,显得十分亲切。**

He had a round face, always with a smile on it, making him appear very friendly.

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