
## 日久见人心说说短句子(93句)

**1. 时间是最好的试金石,它会让真情流露,也会让假意暴露。**

Time is the best touchstone, it will let true feelings emerge, and it will also expose hypocrisy.

**2. 人心隔肚皮,时间久了,自然就看透了。**

People's hearts are hidden behind their bellies, and over time, they will naturally become clear.

**3. 真金不怕火炼,真心不怕时间考验。**

True gold is not afraid of fire, and true heart is not afraid of the test of time.

**4. 日久见人心,真情永不变。**

Time reveals true character, true love never changes.

**5. 时间会证明一切,也会揭示人心。**

Time will prove everything, and it will also reveal people's hearts.

**6. 走过一段路,才能看清人心。**

You have to walk a certain distance to see people's hearts clearly.

**7. 真心不怕考验,假意经不起时间。**

True heart is not afraid of the test, false feelings cannot withstand time.

**8. 时间是最好的过滤器,过滤掉虚假,留下真情。**

Time is the best filter, filtering out falsehood and leaving behind true love.

**9. 时间会验证人心,也会改变人心。**

Time will verify people's hearts, and it will also change people's hearts.

**10. 与人相处,时间越久,越能看清人心。**

The longer you interact with people, the more you can see their hearts.

**11. 时间是最好的老师,教会我们看透人心。**

Time is the best teacher, teaching us to see through people's hearts.

**12. 时间会让真心人越走越近,也会让假意人越走越远。**

Time will bring true-hearted people closer together, and it will also drive false-hearted people further apart.

**13. 不要轻易相信承诺,时间会告诉你真相。**

Don't easily believe promises, time will tell you the truth.

**14. 时间是最好的证明,也是最好的揭露。**

Time is the best proof, and it is also the best revelation.

**15. 与人相处,时间久了,人心自然就明了了。**

When you interact with people, over time, their hearts will naturally become clear.

**16. 时间会让真情更浓,也会让假意更淡。**

Time will make true love stronger, and it will also make hypocrisy fainter.

**17. 时间是最好的考验,它会让真情经得起考验,也会让假意败露无遗。**

Time is the best test, it will allow true love to stand the test, and it will also expose hypocrisy completely.

**18. 时间是最好的朋友,它会让你看清朋友,也会让你看清敌人。**

Time is the best friend, it will let you see through friends, and it will also let you see through enemies.

**19. 真金不怕火炼,人心不怕时间考验。**

True gold is not afraid of fire, people's hearts are not afraid of the test of time.

**20. 时间是最好的礼物,它会让你得到真正的朋友,也会让你失去虚假的伙伴。**

Time is the best gift, it will give you true friends, and it will also make you lose false companions.

**21. 与人相处,时间长了,自然就会知道人心。**

When you interact with people, over time, you will naturally know their hearts.

**22. 不要被表面的现象所迷惑,时间会让你看清真相。**

Don't be fooled by appearances, time will let you see the truth.

**23. 真诚的人经得起时间的考验,虚假的人经不起时间的考验。**

Sincere people can withstand the test of time, hypocritical people cannot withstand the test of time.

**24. 时间会让真情更深,也会让假意更浅。**

Time will make true love deeper, and it will also make hypocrisy shallower.

**25. 不要轻易相信承诺,时间会告诉你答案。**

Don't easily believe promises, time will tell you the answer.

**26. 与人相处,时间长了,就会明白人心。**

When you interact with people, over time, you will understand their hearts.

**27. 时间是最好的见证者,它会见证真情,也会见证假意。**

Time is the best witness, it will witness true love, and it will also witness hypocrisy.

**28. 真心永远不会改变,假意终将被揭穿。**

True love will never change, hypocrisy will eventually be exposed.

**29. 时间是最好的良药,它会治愈心伤,也会让人心变得更强大。**

Time is the best medicine, it will heal heartache, and it will also make people's hearts stronger.

**30. 与人相处,时间久了,人心自然就明了。**

When you interact with people, over time, their hearts will naturally become clear.

**31. 时间是最好的筛选器,它会筛选掉虚假,留下真情。**

Time is the best filter, it will filter out falsehood and leave behind true love.

**32. 真情经得起时间的考验,假意经不起时间的考验。**

True love can withstand the test of time, hypocrisy cannot withstand the test of time.

**33. 时间会证明一切,也会揭示人心。**

Time will prove everything, and it will also reveal people's hearts.

**34. 与人相处,时间越久,越能看清人心。**

The longer you interact with people, the more you can see their hearts.

**35. 时间是最好的老师,它会教会我们看透人心。**

Time is the best teacher, it will teach us to see through people's hearts.

**36. 真金不怕火炼,真心不怕时间考验。**

True gold is not afraid of fire, true heart is not afraid of the test of time.

**37. 时间会让你看清朋友,也会让你看清敌人。**

Time will let you see through friends, and it will also let you see through enemies.

**38. 真诚的人经得起时间的考验,虚假的人经不起时间的考验。**

Sincere people can withstand the test of time, hypocritical people cannot withstand the test of time.

**39. 时间是最好的礼物,它会让你得到真正的朋友,也会让你失去虚假的伙伴。**

Time is the best gift, it will give you true friends, and it will also make you lose false companions.

**40. 与人相处,时间长了,就会明白人心。**

When you interact with people, over time, you will understand their hearts.

**41. 时间是最好的见证者,它会见证真情,也会见证假意。**

Time is the best witness, it will witness true love, and it will also witness hypocrisy.

**42. 真心永远不会改变,假意终将被揭穿。**

True love will never change, hypocrisy will eventually be exposed.

**43. 时间是最好的良药,它会治愈心伤,也会让人心变得更强大。**

Time is the best medicine, it will heal heartache, and it will also make people's hearts stronger.

**44. 不要轻易相信承诺,时间会告诉你答案。**

Don't easily believe promises, time will tell you the answer.

**45. 与人相处,时间久了,人心自然就明了。**

When you interact with people, over time, their hearts will naturally become clear.

**46. 时间是最好的筛选器,它会筛选掉虚假,留下真情。**

Time is the best filter, it will filter out falsehood and leave behind true love.

**47. 真情经得起时间的考验,假意经不起时间的考验。**

True love can withstand the test of time, hypocrisy cannot withstand the test of time.

**48. 时间会证明一切,也会揭示人心。**

Time will prove everything, and it will also reveal people's hearts.

**49. 与人相处,时间越久,越能看清人心。**

The longer you interact with people, the more you can see their hearts.

**50. 时间是最好的老师,它会教会我们看透人心。**

Time is the best teacher, it will teach us to see through people's hearts.

**51. 真金不怕火炼,真心不怕时间考验。**

True gold is not afraid of fire, true heart is not afraid of the test of time.

**52. 时间会让你看清朋友,也会让你看清敌人。**

Time will let you see through friends, and it will also let you see through enemies.

**53. 真诚的人经得起时间的考验,虚假的人经不起时间的考验。**

Sincere people can withstand the test of time, hypocritical people cannot withstand the test of time.

**54. 时间是最好的礼物,它会让你得到真正的朋友,也会让你失去虚假的伙伴。**

Time is the best gift, it will give you true friends, and it will also make you lose false companions.

**55. 与人相处,时间长了,就会明白人心。**

When you interact with people, over time, you will understand their hearts.

**56. 时间是最好的见证者,它会见证真情,也会见证假意。**

Time is the best witness, it will witness true love, and it will also witness hypocrisy.

**57. 真心永远不会改变,假意终将被揭穿。**

True love will never change, hypocrisy will eventually be exposed.

**58. 时间是最好的良药,它会治愈心伤,也会让人心变得更强大。**

Time is the best medicine, it will heal heartache, and it will also make people's hearts stronger.

**59. 不要轻易相信承诺,时间会告诉你答案。**

Don't easily believe promises, time will tell you the answer.

**60. 与人相处,时间久了,人心自然就明了。**

When you interact with people, over time, their hearts will naturally become clear.

**61. 时间是最好的筛选器,它会筛选掉虚假,留下真情。**

Time is the best filter, it will filter out falsehood and leave behind true love.

**62. 真情经得起时间的考验,假意经不起时间的考验。**

True love can withstand the test of time, hypocrisy cannot withstand the test of time.

**63. 时间会证明一切,也会揭示人心。**

Time will prove everything, and it will also reveal people's hearts.

**64. 与人相处,时间越久,越能看清人心。**

The longer you interact with people, the more you can see their hearts.

**65. 时间是最好的老师,它会教会我们看透人心。**

Time is the best teacher, it will teach us to see through people's hearts.

**66. 真金不怕火炼,真心不怕时间考验。**

True gold is not afraid of fire, true heart is not afraid of the test of time.

**67. 时间会让你看清朋友,也会让你看清敌人。**

Time will let you see through friends, and it will also let you see through enemies.

**68. 真诚的人经得起时间的考验,虚假的人经不起时间的考验。**

Sincere people can withstand the test of time, hypocritical people cannot withstand the test of time.

**69. 时间是最好的礼物,它会让你得到真正的朋友,也会让你失去虚假的伙伴。**

Time is the best gift, it will give you true friends, and it will also make you lose false companions.

**70. 与人相处,时间长了,就会明白人心。**

When you interact with people, over time, you will understand their hearts.

**71. 时间是最好的见证者,它会见证真情,也会见证假意。**

Time is the best witness, it will witness true love, and it will also witness hypocrisy.

**72. 真心永远不会改变,假意终将被揭穿。**

True love will never change, hypocrisy will eventually be exposed.

**73. 时间是最好的良药,它会治愈心伤,也会让人心变得更强大。**

Time is the best medicine, it will heal heartache, and it will also make people's hearts stronger.

**74. 不要轻易相信承诺,时间会告诉你答案。**

Don't easily believe promises, time will tell you the answer.

**75. 与人相处,时间久了,人心自然就明了。**

When you interact with people, over time, their hearts will naturally become clear.

**76. 时间是最好的筛选器,它会筛选掉虚假,留下真情。**

Time is the best filter, it will filter out falsehood and leave behind true love.

**77. 真情经得起时间的考验,假意经不起时间的考验。**

True love can withstand the test of time, hypocrisy cannot withstand the test of time.

**78. 时间会证明一切,也会揭示人心。**

Time will prove everything, and it will also reveal people's hearts.

**79. 与人相处,时间越久,越能看清人心。**

The longer you interact with people, the more you can see their hearts.

**80. 时间是最好的老师,它会教会我们看透人心。**

Time is the best teacher, it will teach us to see through people's hearts.

**81. 真金不怕火炼,真心不怕时间考验。**

True gold is not afraid of fire, true heart is not afraid of the test of time.

**82. 时间会让你看清朋友,也会让你看清敌人。**

Time will let you see through friends, and it will also let you see through enemies.

**83. 真诚的人经得起时间的考验,虚假的人经不起时间的考验。**

Sincere people can withstand the test of time, hypocritical people cannot withstand the test of time.

**84. 时间是最好的礼物,它会让你得到真正的朋友,也会让你失去虚假的伙伴。**

Time is the best gift, it will give you true friends, and it will also make you lose false companions.

**85. 与人相处,时间长了,就会明白人心。**

When you interact with people, over time, you will understand their hearts.

**86. 时间是最好的见证者,它会见证真情,也会见证假意。**

Time is the best witness, it will witness true love, and it will also witness hypocrisy.

**87. 真心永远不会改变,假意终将被揭穿。**

True love will never change, hypocrisy will eventually be exposed.

**88. 时间是最好的良药,它会治愈心伤,也会让人心变得更强大。**

Time is the best medicine, it will heal heartache, and it will also make people's hearts stronger.

**89. 不要轻易相信承诺,时间会告诉你答案。**

Don't easily believe promises, time will tell you the answer.

**90. 与人相处,时间久了,人心自然就明了。**

When you interact with people, over time, their hearts will naturally become clear.

**91. 时间是最好的筛选器,它会筛选掉虚假,留下真情。**

Time is the best filter, it will filter out falsehood and leave behind true love.

**92. 真情经得起时间的考验,假意经不起时间的考验。**

True love can withstand the test of time, hypocrisy cannot withstand the test of time.

**93. 时间会证明一切,也会揭示人心。**

Time will prove everything, and it will also reveal people's hearts.

以上就是关于日久见人心说说短句子93句(日久见人心说说短句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
