
## 飞屋环游记 (Up) 句子与英文翻译

**1. Carl: “这世界总是要你长大,但有时长大就意味着忘了某些事。”**

Carl:"The world always wants you to grow up, but sometimes growing up means forgetting things."

**2. Russell: “我可不想长大,长大意味着不能再玩耍了。”**

Russell:"I don't want to grow up, growing up means you can't play anymore."

**3. Carl: “你想要什么?”**

Carl:"What do you want?"

**4. Russell: “我想要成为一个探险家!”**

Russell:"I want to be an explorer!"

**5. Carl: “你为什么想成为一个探险家?”**

Carl:"Why do you want to be an explorer?"

**6. Russell: “因为探险家会去很多地方,看到很多神奇的事。”**

Russell:"Because explorers go to many places and see many amazing things."

**7. Carl: “你一定要去看一看。”**

Carl:"You must go and see for yourself."

**8. Russell: “你曾经也是一个探险家吗?”**

Russell:"Were you an explorer once?"

**9. Carl: “我曾经想过要成为一个探险家,但是生活总是有很多事要处理。”**

Carl:"I once thought about being an explorer, but life always has a lot to deal with."

**10. Russell: “别担心,你也可以成为一个探险家,现在就出发吧。”**

Russell:"Don't worry, you can be an explorer too, let's go now."

**11. Carl: “我已经太老了,不适合冒险了。”**

Carl:"I'm too old for adventures."

**12. Russell: “你永远不会太老,只要你还有梦想,你就永远不会太老。”**

Russell:"You're never too old, as long as you have dreams, you're never too old."

**13. Carl: “你让我想起了我自己小时候。”**

Carl:"You remind me of myself when I was young."

**14. Russell: “你是说你曾经也像我一样,充满着好奇和冒险精神吗?”**

Russell:"Do you mean you used to be full of curiosity and adventurous spirit like me?"

**15. Carl: “是的,我曾经也是。”**

Carl:"Yes, I used to be."

**16. Russell: “那我们一起出发吧!”**

Russell:"Then let's go together!"

**17. Carl: “我曾经跟我的爱人约定,要带她去南美洲的瀑布。”**

Carl:"I once promised my sweetheart to take her to the waterfall in South America."

**18. Russell: “你们要去冒险吗?”**

Russell:"Were you going on an adventure?"

**19. Carl: “是的,那是一个美好的梦想。”**

Carl:"Yes, it was a beautiful dream."

**20. Russell: “现在她已经走了,你还要去吗?”**

Russell:"Now that she's gone, are you still going?"

**21. Carl: “是的,我要去实现我们的梦想,我要带她去天堂瀑布。”**

Carl:"Yes, I'm going to fulfill our dream, I'm going to take her to Paradise Falls."

**22. Russell: “天堂瀑布,那一定很美。”**

Russell:"Paradise Falls, that must be beautiful."

**23. Carl: “是的,那里景色优美,空气清新,是人间天堂。”**

Carl:"Yes, it has beautiful scenery, fresh air, it's a paradise on earth."

**24. Russell: “我要跟你一起去。”**

Russell:"I'm going with you."

**25. Carl: “不行,你不能去,那里很危险。”**

Carl:"No, you can't go, it's dangerous."

**26. Russell: “我不怕危险,我要和你一起去冒险。”**

Russell:"I'm not afraid of danger, I want to go on an adventure with you."

**27. Carl: “我不能让你去,你还是个孩子。”**

Carl:"I can't let you go, you're still a child."

**28. Russell: “我比你想象的更勇敢,我可以照顾好自己。”**

Russell:"I'm braver than you think, I can take care of myself."

**29. Carl: “好吧,你跟着我,但我不能保证你的安全。”**

Carl:"Alright, you follow me, but I can't guarantee your safety."

**30. Russell: “没关系,我愿意冒险。”**

Russell:"It's okay, I'm willing to take risks."

**31. Carl: “我们要出发了。”**

Carl:"We're leaving."

**32. Russell: “我们要去哪里?”**

Russell:"Where are we going?"

**33. Carl: “我们要去南美洲的瀑布。”**

Carl:"We're going to the waterfall in South America."

**34. Russell: “哇,好期待啊!”**

Russell:"Wow, I can't wait!"

**35. Carl: “你准备好了吗?”**

Carl:"Are you ready?"

**36. Russell: “准备好了!我们出发吧!”**

Russell:"Ready! Let's go!"

**37. Carl: “飞起来!”**


**38. Russell: “哇,我们飞起来了!”**

Russell:"Wow, we're flying!"

**39. Carl: “快看,那是什么?”**

Carl:"Look, what's that?"

**40. Russell: “是彩虹!”**

Russell:"It's a rainbow!"

**41. Carl: “这真是太美了。”**

Carl:"It's so beautiful."

**42. Russell: “我们要飞到彩虹的尽头吗?”**

Russell:"Are we going to fly to the end of the rainbow?"

**43. Carl: “我们去不了彩虹的尽头,但我们可以飞到更远的地方。”**

Carl:"We can't go to the end of the rainbow, but we can fly to a farther place."

**44. Russell: “我们去天堂瀑布吧!”**

Russell:"Let's go to Paradise Falls!"

**45. Carl: “好,我们去天堂瀑布。”**

Carl:"Okay, let's go to Paradise Falls."

**46. Carl: “我们要去的地方很远,需要很多时间。”**

Carl:"The place we're going is far away, it will take a lot of time."

**47. Russell: “没关系,我们可以边走边玩。”**

Russell:"It's okay, we can play along the way."

**48. Carl: “你玩什么?”**

Carl:"What do you play?"

**49. Russell: “我们玩捉迷藏吧!”**

Russell:"Let's play hide-and-seek!"

**50. Carl: “我太老了,不适合玩捉迷藏。”**

Carl:"I'm too old for hide-and-seek."

**51. Russell: “好吧,那我们玩其他游戏吧。”**

Russell:"Okay, then let's play other games."

**52. Carl: “我们现在在哪里?”**

Carl:"Where are we now?"

**53. Russell: “我们飞过了太平洋,现在在南美洲。”**

Russell:"We've flown over the Pacific Ocean, now we're in South America."

**54. Carl: “我们快到了。”**

Carl:"We're almost there."

**55. Russell: “天堂瀑布,我来了!”**

Russell:"Paradise Falls, here I come!"

**56. Carl: “这里就是天堂瀑布。”**

Carl:"This is Paradise Falls."

**57. Russell: “哇,好美啊!”**

Russell:"Wow, it's so beautiful!"

**58. Carl: “这就是我和她曾经约定要去的地方。”**

Carl:"This is where she and I promised to go."

**59. Russell: “你很爱她吗?”**

Russell:"You loved her very much?"

**60. Carl: “是的,她是我生命中最重要的人。”**

Carl:"Yes, she is the most important person in my life."

**61. Russell: “她一定很高兴看到你来了。”**

Russell:"She must be happy to see you here."

**62. Carl: “我也不知道,但我希望她能看到。”**

Carl:"I don't know, but I hope she can see."

**63. Russell: “你带她去天堂瀑布了吗?”**

Russell:"Did you take her to Paradise Falls?"

**64. Carl: “没有,我们没有机会去。”**

Carl:"No, we didn't have the chance."

**65. Russell: “没关系,现在你来了,你实现了你的梦想。”**

Russell:"It's okay, now you're here, you've fulfilled your dream."

**66. Carl: “谢谢你,我的朋友。”**

Carl:"Thank you, my friend."

**67. Russell: “我们一起完成了这个冒险,我们永远是朋友。”**

Russell:"We've completed this adventure together, we'll always be friends."

**68. Carl: “你是一个很棒的探险家,你一定会实现你的梦想。”**

Carl:"You are a great explorer, you will definitely achieve your dreams."

**69. Russell: “谢谢你,卡尔。”**

Russell:"Thank you, Carl."

**70. Carl: “我们走吧,我们该回家了。”**

Carl:"Let's go, we should go home."

**71. Russell: “回家?可是我们还有很多地方没有去呢。”**

Russell:"Go home? But there are so many places we haven't been to."

**72. Carl: “我们已经冒险了很长时间,该回家了。”**

Carl:"We've been on an adventure for a long time, it's time to go home."

**73. Russell: “好吧,不过我们还会再来的,对吧?”**

Russell:"Okay, but we'll come back again, right?"

**74. Carl: “是的,我们还会再来的。”**

Carl:"Yes, we'll come back again."

**75. Carl: “再见,天堂瀑布。”**

Carl:"Goodbye, Paradise Falls."

**76. Russell: “再见,天堂瀑布!”**

Russell:"Goodbye, Paradise Falls!"

**77. Carl: “我们回家了。”**

Carl:"We're home."

**78. Russell: “我们回家了,可是我还是想成为一个探险家。”**

Russell:"We're home, but I still want to be an explorer."

以上就是关于飞屋环游记句子78句(飞屋环游记句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
