
## 小青蛙说句子 (97 Sentences)

1. 呱呱,今天天气真好!

1. Quack quack, what a beautiful day!

2. 我要跳到荷叶上晒太阳。

2. I'm going to jump onto the lily pad and sunbathe.

3. 看看,那边的蜻蜓好漂亮啊!

3. Look, that dragonfly over there is so beautiful!

4. 我要把它捉住,当我的午餐。

4. I'm going to catch it and have it for lunch.

5. 哈哈,我抓到啦!

5. Ha ha, I got it!

6. 今天我吃得好饱,好开心啊!

6. I'm so full and happy today!

7. 晚上我要和我的朋友们一起唱歌。

7. I'm going to sing with my friends tonight.

8. 我们的歌声会把整个池塘都填满。

8. Our singing will fill the whole pond.

9. 晚安,我的朋友们,明天见!

9. Good night, my friends, see you tomorrow!

10. 早上好,太阳公公!

10. Good morning, Mr. Sun!

11. 今天我要去哪里玩呢?

11. Where should I go play today?

12. 我想跳到那边的石头上看看。

12. I want to jump on that rock over there and take a look.

13. 哇,那里有一条小鱼!

13. Wow, there's a little fish there!

14. 它好快啊,我追不上它。

14. It's so fast, I can't catch it.

15. 不用担心,还有很多小鱼可以捉。

15. Don't worry, there are many other little fish to catch.

16. 我要练习我的跳跃技巧。

16. I'm going to practice my jumping skills.

17. 这样才能跳得更高更远!

17. So I can jump higher and farther!

18. 跳跃,跳跃,我爱跳跃!

18. Jump, jump, I love to jump!

19. 看,我跳到荷叶上了!

19. Look, I jumped onto the lily pad!

20. 我喜欢这里,这里很舒服。

20. I like it here, it's comfortable.

21. 我要闭上眼睛,晒晒太阳。

21. I'm going to close my eyes and sunbathe.

22. 好舒服啊,真想一直睡下去。

22. So comfortable, I wish I could sleep forever.

23. 但是,我还要去寻找食物呢!

23. But I have to find food!

24. 今天我要吃什么呢?

24. What should I eat today?

25. 我闻到了一阵香气,是哪里来的呢?

25. I smell a scent, where is it coming from?

26. 是一只肥肥的毛毛虫!

26. It's a fat caterpillar!

27. 我要把它吃掉!

27. I'm going to eat it!

28. 哈哈,真好吃!

28. Ha ha, it's delicious!

29. 我吃饱了,要休息一下。

29. I'm full, I need to rest.

30. 我要找个舒服的地方躺下。

30. I'm going to find a comfortable place to lie down.

31. 这里阳光充足,空气清新,真舒服!

31. The sun is shining here, the air is fresh, it's so comfortable!

32. 我要闭上眼睛,睡个午觉。

32. I'm going to close my eyes and take a nap.

33. 呼呼,真舒服,真想一直睡下去。

33. Zzz, so comfortable, I wish I could sleep forever.

34. 但是,我还要去玩呢!

34. But I have to go play!

35. 我要跳到水里,去游泳。

35. I'm going to jump into the water and go swimming.

36. 水好凉爽,好舒服啊!

36. The water is so cool and comfortable!

37. 我要潜到水里,看看有没有什么好玩的。

37. I'm going to dive into the water and see if there's anything fun.

38. 哇,那里有一只小虾!

38. Wow, there's a little shrimp there!

39. 我要把它抓起来,当我的点心。

39. I'm going to catch it and have it as a snack.

40. 哈哈,我抓到啦!

40. Ha ha, I got it!

41. 今天真开心啊!

41. What a happy day!

42. 我要回到我的荷叶上,休息一下。

42. I'm going back to my lily pad and take a break.

43. 这里真安静,真舒服。

43. It's so quiet and comfortable here.

44. 我要闭上眼睛,听听周围的声音。

44. I'm going to close my eyes and listen to the sounds around me.

45. 远处传来鸟叫声,真美妙!

45. The birds are singing in the distance, it's beautiful!

46. 水面上的波纹,轻轻地摇晃着荷叶。

46. The ripples on the water surface gently sway the lily pad.

47. 我要享受这美好的一刻。

47. I'm going to enjoy this beautiful moment.

48. 我喜欢这里,这里是我的家。

48. I like it here, this is my home.

49. 我要保护我的家,让它永远美丽。

49. I'm going to protect my home and make it beautiful forever.

50. 晚上,我要和我的朋友们一起玩耍。

50. At night, I'm going to play with my friends.

51. 我们会一起在池塘里唱歌跳舞。

51. We'll sing and dance together in the pond.

52. 我们的歌声会把整个夜晚都充满欢乐。

52. Our singing will fill the whole night with joy.

53. 晚安,我的朋友们,明天见!

53. Good night, my friends, see you tomorrow!

54. 早上好,太阳公公!

54. Good morning, Mr. Sun!

55. 今天我要去哪里玩呢?

55. Where should I go play today?

56. 我想跳到那边的石头上看看。

56. I want to jump on that rock over there and take a look.

57. 哇,那里有一只小蜗牛!

57. Wow, there's a little snail there!

58. 我要把它捉住,看看它会做什么。

58. I'm going to catch it and see what it does.

59. 哈哈,它爬得好慢啊!

59. Ha ha, it crawls so slowly!

60. 我要把它放回它原来的地方,不要打扰它。

60. I'm going to put it back where it was, don't bother it.

61. 我要继续我的旅程,去寻找新的冒险。

61. I'm going to continue my journey and look for new adventures.

62. 我要跳到那边的荷叶上看看。

62. I'm going to jump onto that lily pad over there and take a look.

63. 那里有一只小蜜蜂,它正在采蜜。

63. There's a little bee there, it's collecting nectar.

64. 我要静静地观察它,不要打扰它。

64. I'm going to quietly observe it, don't bother it.

65. 小蜜蜂,你真勤劳!

65. Little bee, you're so hardworking!

66. 我要学习你的勤劳,努力地生活。

66. I'm going to learn from your diligence and live hard.

67. 我要跳到水里,去游泳。

67. I'm going to jump into the water and go swimming.

68. 水好凉爽,好舒服啊!

68. The water is so cool and comfortable!

69. 我要潜到水里,看看有没有什么好玩的。

69. I'm going to dive into the water and see if there's anything fun.

70. 哇,那里有一群小鱼!

70. Wow, there's a group of little fish there!

71. 我要和它们一起玩耍。

71. I'm going to play with them.

72. 我们会一起在水里追逐嬉戏。

72. We'll chase and play together in the water.

73. 这真是太有趣了!

73. This is so much fun!

74. 我要回到我的荷叶上,休息一下。

74. I'm going back to my lily pad and take a break.

75. 这里真安静,真舒服。

75. It's so quiet and comfortable here.

76. 我要闭上眼睛,听听周围的声音。

76. I'm going to close my eyes and listen to the sounds around me.

77. 远处传来青蛙的叫声,真美妙!

77. The sound of frogs in the distance is beautiful!

78. 我也要加入它们的合唱,一起歌唱。

78. I'm going to join their choir and sing together.

79. 我们的歌声会把整个夜晚都充满欢乐。

79. Our singing will fill the whole night with joy.

80. 晚安,我的朋友们,明天见!

80. Good night, my friends, see you tomorrow!

81. 早上好,太阳公公!

81. Good morning, Mr. Sun!

82. 今天我要去哪里玩呢?

82. Where should I go play today?

83. 我想跳到那边的树枝上看看。

83. I want to jump on that branch over there and take a look.

84. 哇,那里有一只小鸟!

84. Wow, there's a little bird there!

85. 我要静静地观察它,不要打扰它。

85. I'm going to quietly observe it, don't bother it.

86. 小鸟,你真漂亮!

86. Little bird, you're so beautiful!

87. 我要学习你的美丽,让自己变得更自信。

87. I'm going to learn from your beauty and become more confident.

88. 我要跳到水里,去游泳。

88. I'm going to jump into the water and go swimming.

89. 水好凉爽,好舒服啊!

89. The water is so cool and comfortable!

90. 我要潜到水里,看看有没有什么好玩的。

90. I'm going to dive into the water and see if there's anything fun.

91. 哇,那里有一块漂亮的石头!

91. Wow, there's a beautiful stone there!

92. 我要把它捡起来,当我的宝贝。

92. I'm going to pick it up and have it as my treasure.

93. 我要回到我的荷叶上,休息一下。

93. I'm going back to my lily pad and take a break.

94. 这里真安静,真舒服。

94. It's so quiet and comfortable here.

95. 我要闭上眼睛,听听周围的声音。

95. I'm going to close my eyes and listen to the sounds around me.

96. 远处传来风吹过树叶的声音,真美妙!

96. The sound of the wind blowing through the leaves in the distance is beautiful!

97. 我要享受这美好的一刻,感谢生活的美好。

97. I'm going to enjoy this beautiful moment, thank life for its beauty.

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