
## 风雪悍刀行 74句


1. 寒风凛冽,雪落无声,天地间一片苍茫。

The cold wind howled, snow fell silently, the world was vast and desolate.

2. 苍山之巅,一座孤零零的破庙,掩映在漫天飞雪之中。

On the peak of the Cang Mountain, a solitary dilapidated temple stood shrouded in the swirling snow.

3. 庙门虚掩,屋内昏暗,只有一道微弱的烛光,摇摇欲坠。

The temple door was ajar, the interior was dim, illuminated only by a flickering candle.

4. 烛光下,一个身穿破旧衣衫的少年,正紧闭双眼,盘膝而坐。

In the flickering candlelight, a young man clad in tattered clothes sat cross-legged, his eyes closed.

5. 少年的脸上,带着一丝痛苦,额头上布满了豆大的汗珠。

The young man's face was etched with pain, his forehead beaded with sweat.

6. 他名叫萧寒,是江湖中人称的“雪域孤狼”。

His name was Xiao Han, known in the martial arts world as the"Lone Wolf of the Snowy Region".

7. 他从小便无父无母,独自一人在雪山深处长大。

He had been an orphan since childhood, raised alone in the depths of the snowy mountains.

8. 他练就了一身绝世武功,却始终无法摆脱孤独的命运。

He had mastered extraordinary martial arts skills, yet he could never escape his lonely fate.

9. 就在这时,一阵急促的脚步声,打破了庙内的寂静。

Just then, the sound of hurried footsteps shattered the silence of the temple.

10. 萧寒猛地睁开双眼,警惕地望向门口。

Xiao Han suddenly opened his eyes and looked vigilantly towards the entrance.

11. 一个身穿红衣的女子,急匆匆地冲进了庙门。

A woman in a red dress rushed into the temple.

12. 女子的脸上,带着一丝惊慌,手中紧握着一把长剑。

The woman's face was filled with panic, and she held a long sword tightly in her hand.

13. 萧寒站起身来,冷冷地看着她:“你是谁?”

Xiao Han stood up and looked at her coldly,"Who are you?"

14. 女子喘着粗气,说道:“我是天山派弟子,名叫苏梦雪。”

The woman gasped for breath,"I am a disciple of the Heavenly Mountain Sect, my name is Su Mengxue."

15. “我被人追杀,求你收留。”

"I am being hunted, please give me shelter."

16. 萧寒眉头紧锁,他并不喜欢与人打交道。

Xiao Han frowned, he didn't like dealing with people.

17. 但看到苏梦雪那楚楚可怜的样子,他还是点了点头:“进来吧。”

But seeing Su Mengxue's pitiable appearance, he nodded,"Come in."

18. 苏梦雪感激地向萧寒道谢,便走进了庙内。

Su Mengxue gratefully thanked Xiao Han and entered the temple.

19. 萧寒看着苏梦雪,心中却泛起一丝不安。

Xiao Han looked at Su Mengxue, but a sense of unease arose in his heart.

20. 他感觉到,这个女子身上,隐藏着许多秘密。

He felt that the woman held many secrets.


21. 夜色深沉,寒风呼啸,雪越下越大。

The night was deep, the wind howled, and the snow fell heavier.

22. 萧寒坐在火炉旁,闭目养神。

Xiao Han sat by the fireplace, his eyes closed, meditating.

23. 苏梦雪则坐在床边,看着窗外漫天飞雪,心事重重。

Su Mengxue sat by the bed, staring at the swirling snow outside the window, her mind troubled.

24. 萧寒突然睁开双眼,问道:“你究竟是谁?”

Xiao Han suddenly opened his eyes and asked,"Who are you really?"

25. 苏梦雪吓了一跳,连忙说道:“我,我真的是天山派弟子。”

Su Mengxue was startled and quickly replied,"I, I am truly a disciple of the Heavenly Mountain Sect."

26. 萧寒冷笑一声:“你骗不了我。”

Xiao Han snorted,"You can't fool me."

27. 苏梦雪沉默不语,她知道,自己无法隐瞒下去。

Su Mengxue remained silent, she knew she couldn't hide it any longer.

28. 她深吸一口气,说道:“我来自一个叫做‘天魔宫’的地方。”

She took a deep breath and said,"I come from a place called the 'Heavenly Demon Palace'."

29. 萧寒眉头一皱,天魔宫,江湖中人人谈之色变的魔教。

Xiao Han's brows furrowed, the Heavenly Demon Palace, the demonic cult that everyone in the martial arts world feared.

30. 他问道:“你为何会来到这里?”

He asked,"Why did you come here?"

31. 苏梦雪解释道:“我被师父派来,寻找一件叫做‘雪影神剑’的宝物。”

Su Mengxue explained,"My master sent me to find a treasure called the 'Snow Shadow Divine Sword'."

32. 萧寒心中一动,他听说过这把神剑,传说它拥有无与伦比的威力。

Xiao Han's heart stirred, he had heard of this divine sword, it was said to possess unparalleled power.

33. 他问道:“你知道雪影神剑在哪里吗?”

He asked,"Do you know where the Snow Shadow Divine Sword is?"

34. 苏梦雪摇头说道:“我师父只告诉我,它就在这附近。”

Su Mengxue shook her head and said,"My master only told me that it was somewhere nearby."

35. 萧寒心中暗想,这雪影神剑,究竟会落在谁的手中呢?

Xiao Han thought to himself, who would eventually possess this Snow Shadow Divine Sword?

36. 就在这时,外面传来一阵马蹄声,越来越近。

Just then, the sound of horses' hooves came from outside, getting closer.

37. 萧寒脸色一沉,他知道,追杀苏梦雪的人来了。

Xiao Han's face darkened, he knew that the people chasing Su Mengxue had arrived.

38. 他站起身来,握紧了手中的长刀。

He stood up and gripped the long knife in his hand.

39. 苏梦雪也站起身来,眼神坚定地看着萧寒:“我们一起面对吧。”

Su Mengxue also stood up, her eyes firm as she looked at Xiao Han,"Let's face them together."


40. 庙门被猛地撞开,一群黑衣人冲了进来。

The temple door was slammed open, and a group of men in black stormed in.

41. 他们手持长剑,杀气腾腾。

They were armed with long swords, their killing intent palpable.

42. 萧寒和苏梦雪背靠背站立,准备迎战。

Xiao Han and Su Mengxue stood back-to-back, ready to fight.

43. 为首的黑衣人冷冷地说道:“苏梦雪,你以为躲在这里就能逃脱吗?”

The leader of the men in black said coldly,"Su Mengxue, do you think you can escape by hiding here?"

44. 苏梦雪冷冷地回道:“你们休想伤害我。”

Su Mengxue replied coldly,"You won't hurt me."

45. 战斗一触即发,萧寒和苏梦雪并肩作战,刀光剑影,杀声震天。

The battle began immediately, Xiao Han and Su Mengxue fought side by side, their swords and knives clashing, their shouts shaking the heavens.

46. 萧寒的刀法凌厉无比,招招狠辣,将黑衣人逼得连连后退。

Xiao Han's swordsmanship was sharp and ruthless, forcing the men in black to retreat repeatedly.

47. 苏梦雪的剑法轻灵飘逸,如行云流水一般,将黑衣人缠得团团转。

Su Mengxue's swordsmanship was light and graceful, flowing like clouds and water, entangling the men in black.

48. 两人配合默契,将黑衣人杀得节节败退。

The two of them worked in perfect harmony, driving the men in black back steadily.

49. 黑衣人见势不妙,纷纷向后退去,想要逃走。

Seeing the situation was unfavorable, the men in black retreated, trying to escape.

50. 萧寒和苏梦雪紧追不舍,最终将所有黑衣人全部击杀。

Xiao Han and Su Mengxue pursued relentlessly, eventually killing all the men in black.


51. 战斗结束后,萧寒和苏梦雪都筋疲力尽,倒在地上喘着粗气。

After the battle, both Xiao Han and Su Mengxue were exhausted, lying on the ground, gasping for breath.

52. 苏梦雪看着萧寒,感激地说道:“谢谢你救了我。”

Su Mengxue looked at Xiao Han and said gratefully,"Thank you for saving me."

53. 萧寒摇了摇头,说道:“不用谢,我只是不想看到你被人伤害。”

Xiao Han shook his head,"You don't need to thank me, I just didn't want to see you get hurt."

54. 苏梦雪沉默了一会,说道:“你为什么不问我,我为什么要来这里?”

Su Mengxue was silent for a moment, then said,"Why didn't you ask me why I came here?"

55. 萧寒说道:“我不想知道,因为我知道,你一定有你的理由。”

Xiao Han said,"I don't want to know, because I know you must have your reasons."

56. 苏梦雪轻轻一笑,说道:“你真是个奇怪的人。”

Su Mengxue smiled softly,"You are a strange person."

57. 萧寒问道:“你接下来打算怎么办?”

Xiao Han asked,"What are you going to do next?"

58. 苏梦雪说道:“我要找到雪影神剑。”

Su Mengxue said,"I'm going to find the Snow Shadow Divine Sword."

59. 萧寒问道:“你找到了之后,会做什么?”

Xiao Han asked,"What will you do after you find it?"

60. 苏梦雪没有回答,她只是看着远处的雪山,眼神中充满了坚定。

Su Mengxue didn't answer, she just stared at the distant snowy mountains, her eyes filled with determination.

61. 萧寒知道,苏梦雪的内心,隐藏着巨大的秘密。

Xiao Han knew that Su Mengxue's heart held a great secret.

62. 他也决定,要帮助苏梦雪找到雪影神剑。

He also decided to help Su Mengxue find the Snow Shadow Divine Sword.

63. 因为,他觉得,苏梦雪的命运,与自己息息相关。

Because he felt that Su Mengxue's fate was intertwined with his own.


64. 他们继续深入雪山,寻找着雪影神剑的下落。

They continued to delve deeper into the snowy mountains, searching for the whereabouts of the Snow Shadow Divine Sword.

65. 一路上,他们遇到了各种各样的危险,但他们都互相扶持,战胜了所有的困难。

Along the way, they encountered all sorts of dangers, but they supported each other and overcame all difficulties.

66. 他们之间的感情,也在这共同经历中慢慢升温。

Their feelings for each other gradually warmed during their shared experiences.

67. 他们来到了一座古老的冰宫,传闻雪影神剑就藏在这里。

They arrived at an ancient ice palace, where legend had it the Snow Shadow Divine Sword was hidden.

68. 他们闯入了冰宫,却被一个神秘的人拦住了。

They broke into the ice palace, only to be stopped by a mysterious person.

69. 这人自称是“冰雪之神”,拥有强大的力量。

The person claimed to be the"God of Ice and Snow", possessing immense power.

70. 萧寒和苏梦雪联手对抗冰雪之神,一场惊天动地的战斗开始了。

Xiao Han and Su Mengxue joined forces against the God of Ice and Snow, a earth-shattering battle began.

71. 战斗十分激烈,双方都使出了浑身解数。

The battle was intense, both sides used all their skills.

72. 最终,萧寒和苏梦雪凭借着超凡的武功和默契的配合,战胜了冰雪之神。

In the end, Xiao Han and Su Mengxue, with their extraordinary martial arts skills and perfect coordination, defeated the God of Ice and Snow.

73. 他们找到了雪影神剑,并将其带出了冰宫。

They found the Snow Shadow Divine Sword and brought it out of the ice palace.

74. 他们终于完成了任务,也找到了彼此的爱情。

They finally completed their mission and found love with each other.

以上就是关于风雪悍刀行句子74句(风雪悍刀行句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
