
## 雨霖铃重点句子及英文翻译

**1. 寒蝉凄切,对长亭晚,骤雨初歇。**

The cold cicada cries, a mournful sound, as I face the long pavilion at dusk, the sudden rain just ceased.

**2. 都门帐饮无绪,留恋处,兰舟催发。**

I have no spirit for the farewell feast at the city gate, lingering here, the orchid boat urges me to leave.

**3. 执手相看泪眼,竟无语凝噎。**

Holding hands, we look into each other's tearful eyes, speechless and choked with emotion.

**4. 念去去,千里烟波,暮霭沉沉楚天阔。**

I think of the journey ahead, a thousand miles of misty waves, the dusk's haze hangs heavy over the vast expanse of the Chu sky.

**5. 问君能有几多愁?恰似一江春水向东流。**

How much sorrow can a man hold? It's like a river of spring water, flowing endlessly eastwards.

**6. 多情自古伤离别,更那堪冷落清秋节。**

From time immemorial, the sentimental have been wounded by parting, how much more so in this desolate, autumnal season.

**7. 今宵酒醒何处?杨柳岸,晓风残月。**

Where will I wake up tonight after the wine has worn off? On the willow bank, where the morning breeze whispers and the pale moon lingers.

**8. 此去经年,应是良辰好景虚设。**

When I'm gone, years will pass, and these beautiful times and scenery will be mere empty decorations.

**9. 便纵有千种风情,更与何人说?**

Even if I had a thousand ways to express my feelings, who would I share them with?

**10. 楼台相望,恨在心头难灭。**

Gazing at the distant towers, the hatred in my heart is impossible to extinguish.

**11. 此情无计可消除,才下眉头,却上心头。**

There's no way to erase this feeling, it leaves my brow only to enter my heart again.

**12. 夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。**

The sun sets in the west, a heartbroken person is lost in the vast distance.

**13. 离愁别绪,满腹心事,难以言说。**

The sorrow of parting, the lingering emotions, fill my heart with unspoken thoughts.

**14. 天涯海角,何处是归宿?**

At the ends of the earth, where is my true home?

**15. 人生如梦,转眼成空。**

Life is like a dream, fleeting and ephemeral.

**16. 世间情事,皆是虚幻。**

All earthly affairs, all love and desire, are illusions.

**17. 回首往事,心中无限感慨。**

Looking back on the past, my heart is filled with endless emotions.

**18. 孤影自怜,无处诉衷肠。**

Alone, I pity myself, with nowhere to pour out my heart.

**19. 望断天涯路,不见归期。**

I gaze down the road to the ends of the earth, but see no sign of my return.

**20. 寒风凛冽,吹散了往日的温暖。**

The cold wind howls, blowing away the warmth of yesterday.

**21. 夜雨潇潇,诉说着离别的悲伤。**

The rain falls in torrents, telling a tale of sorrowful parting.

**22. 孤灯伴我,夜夜思念。**

The solitary lamp keeps me company, as I think of you every night.

**23. 梦里依稀,是你温柔的笑颜。**

In my dreams, I see your gentle smile, as clear as day.

**24. 醒来之时,空留落寞。**

When I awake, only emptiness remains.

**25. 心事重重,难以释怀。**

My heart is laden with worries, I can't let them go.

**26. 思念如潮,涌上心头。**

Longing for you surges through my heart, like an unstoppable tide.

**27. 无言的思念,化作夜空中的星星。**

My silent longing becomes the stars in the night sky.

**28. 相思之苦,难以言喻。**

The pain of longing for you is beyond words.

**29. 望穿秋水,不见你归期。**

I strain my eyes, looking out across the autumn waters, but see no sign of your return.

**30. 孤寂的夜里,思念如影随形。**

In the lonely night, my thoughts of you follow me like a shadow.

**31. 春风拂过,带走了往日的欢乐。**

The spring breeze blows, carrying away the joy of our past together.

**32. 花开花落,季节轮回,唯有思念永恒。**

Flowers bloom and wither, seasons turn, but my longing for you remains constant.

**33. 远隔千里,心心相印。**

Though separated by a thousand miles, our hearts beat as one.

**34. 相思无期,只愿你平安。**

I don't know when we'll meet again, but I only wish for your safety.

**35. 缘分天注定,今生无缘。**

Fate is predetermined by heaven, and we are not meant to be together in this life.

**36. 情深缘浅,只留遗憾。**

Our love was deep, but our connection was shallow, leaving only regret.

**37. 梦醒时分,心痛如刀割。**

When I wake from my dreams, my heart aches as if cut by a knife.

**38. 孤灯下,思念如泣如诉。**

Under the solitary lamp, my thoughts of you are a lament, a sorrowful song.

**39. 泪眼婆娑,思念成河。**

My eyes are blurred with tears, my longing for you has become a river.

**40. 往事如烟,消散不见。**

Past events are like smoke, fading and gone.

**41. 回首往事,心酸不已。**

Looking back on the past, my heart is filled with sorrow.

**42. 时间如流水,无情地流逝。**

Time is like a river, flowing relentlessly onward.

**43. 人生苦短,珍惜当下。**

Life is short, cherish the present moment.

**44. 缘分已尽,只能放手。**

Our fate has run its course, all I can do is let go.

**45. 挥挥手,告别往事。**

I wave goodbye, bidding farewell to the past.

**46. 未来的路,我独自走。**

I will walk the path ahead, alone.

**47. 心酸的回忆,化作心中一缕尘埃。**

The painful memories turn into a speck of dust in my heart.

**48. 旧梦难寻,只能留在心中。**

Old dreams are hard to find, I can only keep them in my heart.

**49. 人生路上,总有离别。**

On the journey of life, there will always be partings.

**50. 学会释怀,才能拥抱未来。**

Learning to let go is the key to embracing the future.

**51. 珍惜拥有,别等到失去才后悔。**

Cherish what you have, don't wait until it's gone to regret.

**52. 生命中,总有些东西值得留恋。**

There are always things in life worth remembering.

**53. 思念的滋味,酸甜苦辣。**

The taste of longing is bittersweet.

**54. 挥别过去,展望未来。**

Let go of the past, and look towards the future.

**55. 希望,永远在前方。**

Hope, forever lies ahead.

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