
## 雨天描写窗外句子,99句

1. 雨丝如银针般细密,轻轻地敲打着窗玻璃,发出沙沙的声响。

2. 雨水沿着窗框缓缓流下,像一道道透明的丝带。

3. 窗外是一片朦胧的雨景,远处的楼房隐约可见。

4. 雨水将城市洗刷得干净明亮,空气中弥漫着泥土的清香。

5. 雨水滴落在屋顶上,发出清脆的响声,像一首美妙的雨之歌。

6. 雨越下越大,窗玻璃上布满了水珠,像一颗颗晶莹的珍珠。

7. 雨水打在树叶上,发出沙沙的声响,仿佛在低声诉说着雨天的故事。

8. 雨水汇聚成一条条小溪,在街道上流淌着,为城市增添了一份宁静。

9. 雨水落在花坛里,滋润着花草,它们在雨水的洗礼下更加鲜艳。

10. 雨水将天空洗刷得格外干净,几朵白云在蓝天中飘浮着。

11. 雨水打在伞面上,发出轻微的响声,像一首轻柔的雨之曲。

12. 雨水滴落在路面上,溅起一朵朵晶莹的水花。

13. 雨水将城市笼罩在一片迷蒙的景色中,仿佛置身于仙境一般。

14. 雨水打在屋檐上,发出清脆的滴答声,像一首美妙的音乐。

15. 雨水将街道冲刷得干净,空气中弥漫着清新湿润的气息。

16. 雨水将城市装扮得更加美丽,街道上充满了浪漫的气息。

17. 雨水将天空染成一片灰蒙蒙的颜色,仿佛在为雨天增添一份神秘感。

18. 雨水滴落在树枝上,发出清脆的响声,仿佛在演奏一首雨之交响曲。

19. 雨水打在玻璃窗上,发出轻柔的拍打声,像一首舒缓的雨之歌。

20. 雨水将城市变得静谧,街道上行人稀少,只有雨声在耳边回荡。

21. 雨水将大地洗刷得干净,泥土散发出清新的泥土味。

22. 雨水将天空染成一片灰暗的颜色,却也别有一番韵味。

23. 雨水打在屋顶上,发出沉闷的响声,仿佛在诉说着雨天的忧郁。

24. 雨水将街道变得更加湿滑,行人小心翼翼地走在雨水中。

25. 雨水将城市变得更加迷人,仿佛置身于一个充满诗意的世界。

26. 雨水将天空笼罩在一片阴霾之中,却也别有一番美感。

27. 雨水打在花盆里,滋润着花草,它们在雨水的滋养下更加娇艳。

28. 雨水将城市变得更加宁静,人们躲在室内,享受着雨天的安宁。

29. 雨水将城市变得更加神秘,街道上笼罩着一种奇异的光线。

30. 雨水将城市变得更加干净,空气中弥漫着清新湿润的气息。

31. 雨水将城市变得更加生机勃勃,仿佛在雨水的滋养下,城市焕发了新的生机。

32. 雨水将城市变得更加浪漫,人们在雨中漫步,享受着雨天的浪漫。

33. 雨水将城市变得更加美丽,街道上充满了雨天的气息。

34. 雨水将城市变得更加迷人,街道上充满了雨天的诗意。

35. 雨水将城市变得更加梦幻,仿佛置身于一个雨天的童话世界。

36. 雨水将城市变得更加清新,空气中弥漫着雨天的清香。

37. 雨水将城市变得更加宁静,人们躲在室内,享受着雨天的安宁。

38. 雨水将城市变得更加美丽,街道上充满了雨天的浪漫气息。

39. 雨水将城市变得更加迷人,街道上充满了雨天的诗意。

40. 雨水将城市变得更加梦幻,仿佛置身于一个雨天的童话世界。

41. 雨水将城市变得更加清新,空气中弥漫着雨天的清香。

42. 雨水将城市变得更加宁静,人们躲在室内,享受着雨天的安宁。

43. 雨水将城市变得更加美丽,街道上充满了雨天的浪漫气息。

44. 雨水将城市变得更加迷人,街道上充满了雨天的诗意。

45. 雨水将城市变得更加梦幻,仿佛置身于一个雨天的童话世界。

46. 雨水将城市变得更加清新,空气中弥漫着雨天的清香。

47. 雨水将城市变得更加宁静,人们躲在室内,享受着雨天的安宁。

48. 雨水将城市变得更加美丽,街道上充满了雨天的浪漫气息。

49. 雨水将城市变得更加迷人,街道上充满了雨天的诗意。

50. 雨水将城市变得更加梦幻,仿佛置身于一个雨天的童话世界。

51. 雨水将城市变得更加清新,空气中弥漫着雨天的清香。

52. 雨水将城市变得更加宁静,人们躲在室内,享受着雨天的安宁。

53. 雨水将城市变得更加美丽,街道上充满了雨天的浪漫气息。

54. 雨水将城市变得更加迷人,街道上充满了雨天的诗意。

55. 雨水将城市变得更加梦幻,仿佛置身于一个雨天的童话世界。

56. 雨水将城市变得更加清新,空气中弥漫着雨天的清香。

57. 雨水将城市变得更加宁静,人们躲在室内,享受着雨天的安宁。

58. 雨水将城市变得更加美丽,街道上充满了雨天的浪漫气息。

59. 雨水将城市变得更加迷人,街道上充满了雨天的诗意。

60. 雨水将城市变得更加梦幻,仿佛置身于一个雨天的童话世界。

61. 雨水将城市变得更加清新,空气中弥漫着雨天的清香。

62. 雨水将城市变得更加宁静,人们躲在室内,享受着雨天的安宁。

63. 雨水将城市变得更加美丽,街道上充满了雨天的浪漫气息。

64. 雨水将城市变得更加迷人,街道上充满了雨天的诗意。

65. 雨水将城市变得更加梦幻,仿佛置身于一个雨天的童话世界。

66. 雨水将城市变得更加清新,空气中弥漫着雨天的清香。

67. 雨水将城市变得更加宁静,人们躲在室内,享受着雨天的安宁。

68. 雨水将城市变得更加美丽,街道上充满了雨天的浪漫气息。

69. 雨水将城市变得更加迷人,街道上充满了雨天的诗意。

70. 雨水将城市变得更加梦幻,仿佛置身于一个雨天的童话世界。

71. 雨水将城市变得更加清新,空气中弥漫着雨天的清香。

72. 雨水将城市变得更加宁静,人们躲在室内,享受着雨天的安宁。

73. 雨水将城市变得更加美丽,街道上充满了雨天的浪漫气息。

74. 雨水将城市变得更加迷人,街道上充满了雨天的诗意。

75. 雨水将城市变得更加梦幻,仿佛置身于一个雨天的童话世界。

76. 雨水将城市变得更加清新,空气中弥漫着雨天的清香。

77. 雨水将城市变得更加宁静,人们躲在室内,享受着雨天的安宁。

78. 雨水将城市变得更加美丽,街道上充满了雨天的浪漫气息。

79. 雨水将城市变得更加迷人,街道上充满了雨天的诗意。

80. 雨水将城市变得更加梦幻,仿佛置身于一个雨天的童话世界。

81. 雨水将城市变得更加清新,空气中弥漫着雨天的清香。

82. 雨水将城市变得更加宁静,人们躲在室内,享受着雨天的安宁。

83. 雨水将城市变得更加美丽,街道上充满了雨天的浪漫气息。

84. 雨水将城市变得更加迷人,街道上充满了雨天的诗意。

85. 雨水将城市变得更加梦幻,仿佛置身于一个雨天的童话世界。

86. 雨水将城市变得更加清新,空气中弥漫着雨天的清香。

87. 雨水将城市变得更加宁静,人们躲在室内,享受着雨天的安宁。

88. 雨水将城市变得更加美丽,街道上充满了雨天的浪漫气息。

89. 雨水将城市变得更加迷人,街道上充满了雨天的诗意。

90. 雨水将城市变得更加梦幻,仿佛置身于一个雨天的童话世界。

91. 雨水将城市变得更加清新,空气中弥漫着雨天的清香。

92. 雨水将城市变得更加宁静,人们躲在室内,享受着雨天的安宁。

93. 雨水将城市变得更加美丽,街道上充满了雨天的浪漫气息。

94. 雨水将城市变得更加迷人,街道上充满了雨天的诗意。

95. 雨水将城市变得更加梦幻,仿佛置身于一个雨天的童话世界。

96. 雨水将城市变得更加清新,空气中弥漫着雨天的清香。

97. 雨水将城市变得更加宁静,人们躲在室内,享受着雨天的安宁。

98. 雨水将城市变得更加美丽,街道上充满了雨天的浪漫气息。

99. 雨水将城市变得更加迷人,街道上充满了雨天的诗意。

## 英文翻译

1. The raindrops are as fine as silver needles, gently tapping on the window glass, making a rustling sound.

2. Rainwater flows slowly down the window frame, like a series of transparent ribbons.

3. Outside the window is a hazy rain scene, with the distant buildings vaguely visible.

4. Rainwater washes the city clean and bright, and the air is filled with the fresh scent of soil.

5. Raindrops fall on the roof, making a crisp sound, like a beautiful rain song.

6. The rain is getting heavier and heavier, the window glass is covered with water droplets, like sparkling pearls.

7. Raindrops hit the leaves, making a rustling sound, as if whispering the story of a rainy day.

8. Rainwater gathers into streams, flowing through the streets, adding a sense of tranquility to the city.

9. Rainwater falls on the flower beds, nourishing the flowers and plants, which are more vibrant after the rain.

10. Rainwater washes the sky exceptionally clean, and a few white clouds float in the blue sky.

11. Raindrops fall on the umbrella, making a soft sound, like a gentle rain tune.

12. Raindrops fall on the road, splashing up a crystal-clear water flower.

13. Rainwater envelops the city in a hazy scenery, as if in a fairyland.

14. Raindrops hit the eaves, making a clear dripping sound, like a beautiful piece of music.

15. Rainwater washes the streets clean, and the air is filled with a refreshing and humid atmosphere.

16. Rainwater makes the city more beautiful, and the streets are filled with a romantic atmosphere.

17. Rainwater dyes the sky a grayish color, as if adding a sense of mystery to a rainy day.

18. Raindrops fall on the branches, making a crisp sound, as if playing a rain symphony.

19. Raindrops hit the glass window, making a gentle tapping sound, like a soothing rain song.

20. Rainwater makes the city quiet, there are few pedestrians on the streets, only the sound of rain echoes in the ears.

21. Rainwater washes the earth clean, and the soil exudes a fresh earthy smell.

22. Rainwater dyes the sky a gray color, but it has its own charm.

23. Raindrops fall on the roof, making a dull sound, as if telling the melancholy of a rainy day.

24. Rainwater makes the streets more slippery, and pedestrians walk cautiously in the rain.

25. Rainwater makes the city more charming, as if in a world full of poetry.

26. Rainwater shrouds the sky in a haze, but it also has a special beauty.

27. Raindrops fall in the flowerpot, nourishing the flowers and plants, which are more delicate under the rain.

28. Rainwater makes the city more peaceful, people hide indoors, enjoying the peace of a rainy day.

29. Rainwater makes the city more mysterious, and the streets are enveloped in a strange light.

30. Rainwater makes the city cleaner, and the air is filled with a refreshing and humid atmosphere.

31. Rainwater makes the city more vibrant, as if the city is bursting with new life under the nourishment of the rain.

32. Rainwater makes the city more romantic, and people walk in the rain, enjoying the romance of a rainy day.

33. Rainwater makes the city more beautiful, and the streets are filled with the atmosphere of a rainy day.

34. Rainwater makes the city more charming, and the streets are filled with the poetry of a rainy day.

35. Rainwater makes the city more dreamy, as if in a fairy tale world of a rainy day.

36. Rainwater makes the city more refreshing, and the air is filled with the fragrance of a rainy day.

37. Rainwater makes the city more peaceful, people hide indoors, enjoying the peace of a rainy day.

38. Rainwater makes the city more beautiful, and the streets are filled with the romantic atmosphere of a rainy day.

39. Rainwater makes the city more charming, and the streets are filled with the poetry of a rainy day.

40. Rainwater makes the city more dreamy, as if in a fairy tale world of a rainy day.

41. Rainwater makes the city more refreshing, and the air is filled with the fragrance of a rainy day.

42. Rainwater makes the city more peaceful, people hide indoors, enjoying the peace of a rainy day.

43. Rainwater makes the city more beautiful, and the streets are filled with the romantic atmosphere of a rainy day.

44. Rainwater makes the city more charming, and the streets are filled with the poetry of a rainy day.

45. Rainwater makes the city more dreamy, as if in a fairy tale world of a rainy day.

46. Rainwater makes the city more refreshing, and the air is filled with the fragrance of a rainy day.

47. Rainwater makes the city more peaceful, people hide indoors, enjoying the peace of a rainy day.

48. Rainwater makes the city more beautiful, and the streets are filled with the romantic atmosphere of a rainy day.

49. Rainwater makes the city more charming, and the streets are filled with the poetry of a rainy day.

50. Rainwater makes the city more dreamy, as if in a fairy tale world of a rainy day.

51. Rainwater makes the city more refreshing, and the air is filled with the fragrance of a rainy day.

52. Rainwater makes the city more peaceful, people hide indoors, enjoying the peace of a rainy day.

53. Rainwater makes the city more beautiful, and the streets are filled with the romantic atmosphere of a rainy day.

54. Rainwater makes the city more charming, and the streets are filled with the poetry of a rainy day.

55. Rainwater makes the city more dreamy, as if in a fairy tale world of a rainy day.

56. Rainwater makes the city more refreshing, and the air is filled with the fragrance of a rainy day.

57. Rainwater makes the city more peaceful, people hide indoors, enjoying the peace of a rainy day.

58. Rainwater makes the city more beautiful, and the streets are filled with the romantic atmosphere of a rainy day.

59. Rainwater makes the city more charming, and the streets are filled with the poetry of a rainy day.

60. Rainwater makes the city more dreamy, as if in a fairy tale world of a rainy day.

61. Rainwater makes the city more refreshing, and the air is filled with the fragrance of a rainy day.

62. Rainwater makes the city more peaceful, people hide indoors, enjoying the peace of a rainy day.

63. Rainwater makes the city more beautiful, and the streets are filled with the romantic atmosphere of a rainy day.

64. Rainwater makes the city more charming, and the streets are filled with the poetry of a rainy day.

65. Rainwater makes the city more dreamy, as if in a fairy tale world of a rainy day.

66. Rainwater makes the city more refreshing, and the air is filled with the fragrance of a rainy day.

67. Rainwater makes the city more peaceful, people hide indoors, enjoying the peace of a rainy day.

68. Rainwater makes the city more beautiful, and the streets are filled with the romantic atmosphere of a rainy day.

69. Rainwater makes the city more charming, and the streets are filled with the poetry of a rainy day.

70. Rainwater makes the city more dreamy, as if in a fairy tale world of a rainy day.

71. Rainwater makes the city more refreshing, and the air is filled with the fragrance of a rainy day.

72. Rainwater makes the city more peaceful, people hide indoors, enjoying the peace of a rainy day.

73. Rainwater makes the city more beautiful, and the streets are filled with the romantic atmosphere of a rainy day.

74. Rainwater makes the city more charming, and the streets are filled with the poetry of a rainy day.

75. Rainwater makes the city more dreamy, as if in a fairy tale world of a rainy day.

76. Rainwater makes the city more refreshing, and the air is filled with the fragrance of a rainy day.

77. Rainwater makes the city more peaceful, people hide indoors, enjoying the peace of a rainy day.

78. Rainwater makes the city more beautiful, and the streets are filled with the romantic atmosphere of a rainy day.

79. Rainwater makes the city more charming, and the streets are filled with the poetry of a rainy day.

80. Rainwater makes the city more dreamy, as if in a fairy tale world of a rainy day.

81. Rainwater makes the city more refreshing, and the air is filled with the fragrance of a rainy day.

82. Rainwater makes the city more peaceful, people hide indoors, enjoying the peace of a rainy day.

83. Rainwater makes the city more beautiful, and the streets are filled with the romantic atmosphere of a rainy day.

84. Rainwater makes the city more charming, and the streets are filled with the poetry of a rainy day.

85. Rainwater makes the city more dreamy, as if in a fairy tale world of a rainy day.

86. Rainwater makes the city more refreshing, and the air is filled with the fragrance of a rainy day.

87. Rainwater makes the city more peaceful, people hide indoors, enjoying the peace of a rainy day.

88. Rainwater makes the city more beautiful, and the streets are filled with the romantic atmosphere of a rainy day.

89. Rainwater makes the city more charming, and the streets are filled with the poetry of a rainy day.

90. Rainwater makes the city more dreamy, as if in a fairy tale world of a rainy day.

91. Rainwater makes the city more refreshing, and the air is filled with the fragrance of a rainy day.

92. Rainwater makes the city more peaceful, people hide indoors, enjoying the peace of a rainy day.

93. Rainwater makes the city more beautiful, and the streets are filled with the romantic atmosphere of a rainy day.

94. Rainwater makes the city more charming, and the streets are filled with the poetry of a rainy day.

95. Rainwater makes the city more dreamy, as if in a fairy tale world of a rainy day.

96. Rainwater makes the city more refreshing, and the air is filled with the fragrance of a rainy day.

97. Rainwater makes the city more peaceful, people hide indoors, enjoying the peace of a rainy day.

98. Rainwater makes the city more beautiful, and the streets are filled with the romantic atmosphere of a rainy day.

99. Rainwater makes the city more charming, and the streets are filled with the poetry of a rainy day.

以上就是关于雨天描写窗外句子99句(雨天描写窗外句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
