
## 雨前雨中雨后 82 句


1. 天色阴沉,乌云密布,空气中弥漫着潮湿的气息,仿佛预示着一场暴雨即将到来。

The sky was gloomy, thick with clouds, and the air was heavy with moisture, as if foreshadowing an impending downpour.

2. 风儿轻柔地吹过树梢,树叶沙沙作响,仿佛在低声诉说着即将到来的雨季。

The wind blew gently through the treetops, rustling the leaves, as if whispering about the approaching rainy season.

3. 太阳躲在云层后面,光线变得暗淡,远处的山峰也变得模糊不清。

The sun hid behind the clouds, dimming the light, and the distant mountains became hazy and indistinct.

4. 路上的行人加快了脚步,撑起了雨伞,准备迎接即将到来的雨水。

Pedestrians on the road quickened their pace, holding up their umbrellas, preparing to greet the approaching rain.

5. 小鸟飞回巢穴,躲避即将到来的暴风雨,只有几只不知名的鸟儿还在枝头鸣叫。

Birds flew back to their nests, seeking shelter from the impending storm, only a few unidentified birds still chirping on the branches.

6. 远处的天空出现了一道闪电,照亮了整个天空,紧接着一声雷声响起,震耳欲聋。

A flash of lightning appeared in the distant sky, illuminating the whole sky, followed by a deafening clap of thunder.

7. 闷热的天气让人感到压抑,仿佛空气中都充满了暴风雨前的静谧。

The sultry weather felt oppressive, as if the air was filled with the quietude before the storm.

8. 蜻蜓低飞,在空中盘旋,似乎预感到了即将到来的风雨。

Dragonflies flew low, circling in the air, as if sensing the approaching rain.

9. 树枝上的叶子开始轻轻颤抖,似乎在紧张地等待着雨水的降临。

The leaves on the branches began to tremble slightly, as if nervously waiting for the rain to fall.

10. 空气中弥漫着泥土的味道,仿佛预示着雨水的降临。

The air was filled with the smell of earth, as if foreshadowing the arrival of rain.

11. 远处的山峰被一层薄薄的云雾笼罩,变得更加神秘。

The distant mountains were shrouded in a thin layer of mist, becoming more mysterious.

12. 路边的花草开始低垂着头,似乎在躲避即将到来的风雨。

The flowers and plants along the roadside began to droop their heads, as if trying to avoid the approaching rain.

13. 人们纷纷走进商店,躲避即将到来的雨水。

People hurried into stores, seeking shelter from the impending rain.

14. 天空越来越暗,乌云越来越厚,仿佛整个世界都被笼罩在一片黑暗之中。

The sky grew darker, the clouds thicker, as if the whole world was enveloped in darkness.

15. 空气中弥漫着一种紧张的气氛,仿佛暴风雨即将到来。

There was a tense atmosphere in the air, as if a storm was about to break.

16. 远处的雷声越来越响,越来越近,仿佛预示着暴风雨即将来临。

The distant thunder grew louder and closer, as if foreshadowing the impending storm.

17. 风儿开始变得狂躁,吹得树枝摇晃,树叶飘落。

The wind began to become agitated, shaking the branches and blowing leaves to the ground.

18. 人们纷纷从户外回到室内,躲避即将到来的暴风雨。

People rushed indoors from outdoors, seeking shelter from the approaching storm.

19. 天空开始变得灰暗,仿佛世界末日即将到来。

The sky began to turn gray, as if the end of the world was about to come.

20. 远处的天空出现了一道道闪电,照亮了整个天空,仿佛预示着暴风雨即将来临。

A series of lightning flashes appeared in the distant sky, illuminating the entire sky, as if foreshadowing the impending storm.


21. 雨水从天空中倾泻而下,仿佛天河决堤。

The rain poured down from the sky, as if a celestial river had burst its banks.

22. 雨水打在窗户上,发出滴答滴答的声音,仿佛一首美妙的雨中曲。

The rain beat against the windowpane, making a rhythmic tapping sound, like a beautiful piece of music in the rain.

23. 雨水冲刷着街道,留下了一道道水痕,仿佛城市被洗礼了一番。

The rain washed over the streets, leaving behind streaks of water, as if the city had been cleansed.

24. 雨水落在树叶上,发出沙沙的声音,仿佛树叶在低声吟唱着雨中的歌谣。

The rain fell on the leaves, making a rustling sound, as if the leaves were whispering a rain song in low voices.

25. 雨水打在屋顶上,发出清脆的响声,仿佛一曲美妙的雨中交响曲。

The rain beat against the roof, making a crisp sound, like a beautiful symphony of rain.

26. 雨水汇聚成一条条小溪,在街道上流淌,仿佛城市变成了一个巨大的水池。

The rain collected into small streams, flowing through the streets, as if the city had become a huge pool.

27. 雨水打在人们的身上,带来一阵阵凉意,让人感到无比的舒适。

The rain fell on people, bringing a sense of coolness, making them feel incredibly comfortable.

28. 雨水冲刷着路边的花草,让它们更加娇艳,更加充满活力。

The rain washed over the flowers and plants by the roadside, making them more vibrant and full of life.

29. 雨水打在行人的雨伞上,发出清脆的响声,仿佛一首美妙的雨中协奏曲。

The rain beat against the umbrellas of pedestrians, making a crisp sound, like a beautiful concerto in the rain.

30. 雨水落在河面上,激起一朵朵水花,仿佛在演奏着一曲美妙的雨中交响曲。

The rain fell on the river surface, stirring up splashes of water, as if playing a beautiful symphony of rain.

31. 雨水打在车窗上,发出清晰的响声,仿佛一首美妙的雨中独奏曲。

The rain beat against the car window, making a clear sound, like a beautiful solo piece in the rain.

32. 雨水打在人们的脸上,带来一阵阵凉意,让人感到无比的清爽。

The rain fell on people's faces, bringing a sense of coolness, making them feel incredibly refreshed.

33. 雨水冲刷着城市,洗去了尘埃,让城市更加清新,更加美丽。

The rain washed over the city, washing away the dust, making the city more fresh and beautiful.

34. 雨水打在屋檐上,形成一道道水帘,仿佛一幅美妙的雨中风景画。

The rain beat against the eaves, forming curtains of water, like a beautiful landscape painting in the rain.

35. 雨水落在田野里,滋润着土地,让庄稼更加茁壮成长。

The rain fell on the fields, nourishing the land, making the crops grow more robust.

36. 雨水打在人们的衣服上,留下了一道道水痕,仿佛一首美妙的雨中诗歌。

The rain fell on people's clothes, leaving behind streaks of water, like a beautiful poem of rain.

37. 雨水落在山坡上,形成一道道瀑布,仿佛一首美妙的雨中交响乐。

The rain fell on the hillside, forming waterfalls, like a beautiful symphony of rain.

38. 雨水打在树木上,仿佛在为它们洗尘,让它们更加枝繁叶茂。

The rain beat against the trees, as if washing the dust off them, making them more leafy and lush.

39. 雨水落在湖面上,激起一圈圈涟漪,仿佛一首美妙的雨中圆舞曲。

The rain fell on the lake surface, stirring up ripples, like a beautiful waltz of rain.

40. 雨水打在屋瓦上,发出清脆的响声,仿佛一首美妙的雨中小夜曲。

The rain beat against the roof tiles, making a crisp sound, like a beautiful serenade of rain.

41. 雨水落在河岸边,激起一朵朵浪花,仿佛一首美妙的雨中狂想曲。

The rain fell on the riverbank, stirring up waves, like a beautiful rhapsody of rain.

42. 雨水打在石头上,发出清脆的响声,仿佛一首美妙的雨中民谣。

The rain beat against the stones, making a crisp sound, like a beautiful folk song of rain.

43. 雨水落在田野里,滋润着土地,让庄稼更加充满生机。

The rain fell on the fields, nourishing the land, making the crops more full of life.

44. 雨水打在人们的脸上,带来一阵阵凉意,让人感到无比的清新。

The rain fell on people's faces, bringing a sense of coolness, making them feel incredibly fresh.

45. 雨水落在树枝上,发出沙沙的声音,仿佛树叶在低声吟唱着雨中的赞歌。

The rain fell on the branches, making a rustling sound, as if the leaves were whispering a hymn of praise in the rain.


46. 雨过天晴,天空出现了一道彩虹,仿佛上帝留下的美丽礼物。

After the rain, the sky cleared, revealing a rainbow, as if a beautiful gift left by God.

47. 空气清新,阳光明媚,仿佛整个世界都焕然一新。

The air was fresh, the sun was bright, as if the whole world had been reborn.

48. 鸟儿在枝头欢快地歌唱,仿佛在庆祝雨过天晴。

Birds sang merrily in the branches, as if celebrating the clearing of the sky after the rain.

49. 地面上积满了水洼,反射着阳光,仿佛一颗颗晶莹剔透的珍珠。

The ground was covered with puddles, reflecting the sunlight, like countless sparkling pearls.

50. 花草树木在雨水的滋润下,更加娇艳,更加充满活力。

Flowers, plants, and trees, nourished by the rain, were more vibrant and full of life.

51. 远处的天空出现了一片片云彩,仿佛一幅美丽的画卷。

Clouds appeared in the distant sky, like a beautiful painting.

52. 路边的花坛里,盛开着各种各样的鲜花,仿佛在庆祝雨过天晴。

In the flower beds by the roadside, various kinds of flowers bloomed, as if celebrating the clearing of the sky after the rain.

53. 空气中弥漫着泥土的香味,让人感到无比的清新。

The air was filled with the scent of earth, making people feel incredibly fresh.

54. 雨后初晴,天空格外晴朗,让人感到心旷神怡。

After the rain, the sky was exceptionally clear, making people feel refreshed and invigorated.

55. 远处的山峰在阳光的照耀下,显得格外雄伟。

The distant mountains, bathed in sunlight, appeared exceptionally majestic.

56. 雨水滋润了大地,让田野更加绿意盎然。

The rain nourished the earth, making the fields even greener.

57. 雨过天晴,天空仿佛被洗刷了一般,格外晴朗。

After the rain, the sky seemed to have been washed, exceptionally clear.

58. 人们纷纷走出家门,享受雨过天晴的美好时光。

People rushed out of their homes, enjoying the beautiful time after the rain.

59. 远处的天空出现了一片片云彩,仿佛一幅美丽的风景画。

Clouds appeared in the distant sky, like a beautiful landscape painting.

60. 雨后初晴,空气格外清新,让人感到神清气爽。

After the rain, the air was exceptionally fresh, making people feel refreshed and invigorated.

61. 路边的树木在阳光的照耀下,显得格外翠绿。

The trees by the roadside, bathed in sunlight, appeared exceptionally green.

62. 雨水滋润了大地,让田野更加生机勃勃。

The rain nourished the earth, making the fields more vibrant and full of life.

63. 雨过天晴,天空仿佛被洗刷了一般,格外蔚蓝。

After the rain, the sky seemed to have been washed, exceptionally blue.

64. 人们纷纷走出家门,感受雨后初晴的清爽空气。

People rushed out of their homes, feeling the fresh air after the rain.

65. 远处的天空出现了一片片云彩,仿佛一幅美丽的油画。

Clouds appeared in the distant sky, like a beautiful oil painting.

66. 雨后初晴,空气格外清新,让人感到心旷神怡。

After the rain, the air was exceptionally fresh, making people feel refreshed and invigorated.

67. 路边的花坛里,盛开着各种各样的鲜花,仿佛在庆祝雨过天晴。

In the flower beds by the roadside, various kinds of flowers bloomed, as if celebrating the clearing of the sky after the rain.

68. 雨水滋润了大地,让田野更加绿意盎然。

The rain nourished the earth, making the fields even greener.

69. 雨过天晴,天空仿佛被洗刷了一般,格外晴朗。

After the rain, the sky seemed to have been washed, exceptionally clear.

70. 人们纷纷走出家门,享受雨过天晴的美好时光。

People rushed out of their homes, enjoying the beautiful time after the rain.

71. 远处的天空出现了一片片云彩,仿佛一幅美丽的风景画。

Clouds appeared in the distant sky, like a beautiful landscape painting.

72. 雨后初晴,空气格外清新,让人感到神清气爽。

After the rain, the air was exceptionally fresh, making people feel refreshed and invigorated.

73. 路边的树木在阳光的照耀下,显得格外翠绿。

The trees by the roadside, bathed in sunlight, appeared exceptionally green.

74. 雨水滋润了大地,让田野更加生机勃勃。

The rain nourished the earth, making the fields more vibrant and full of life.

75. 雨过天晴,天空仿佛被洗刷了一般,格外蔚蓝。

After the rain, the sky seemed to have been washed, exceptionally blue.

76. 人们纷纷走出家门,感受雨后初晴的清爽空气。

People rushed out of their homes, feeling the fresh air after the rain.

77. 远处的天空出现了一片片云彩,仿佛一幅美丽的油画。

Clouds appeared in the distant sky, like a beautiful oil painting.

78. 雨后初晴,空气格外清新,让人感到心旷神怡。

After the rain, the air was exceptionally fresh, making people feel refreshed and invigorated.

79. 路边的花坛里,盛开着各种各样的鲜花,仿佛在庆祝雨过天晴。

In the flower beds by the roadside, various kinds of flowers bloomed, as if celebrating the clearing of the sky after the rain.

80. 雨水滋润了大地,让田野更加绿意盎然。

The rain nourished the earth, making the fields even greener.

81. 雨过天晴,天空仿佛被洗刷了一般,格外晴朗。

After the rain, the sky seemed to have been washed, exceptionally clear.

82. 人们纷纷走出家门,享受雨过天晴的美好时光。

People rushed out of their homes, enjoying the beautiful time after the rain.

以上就是关于雨前雨中雨后的句子82句(雨前雨中雨后的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
