
## 隆中对重点句子 76句及其英文翻译


1. 自董卓以来,天下大乱,豪杰并起,各据州郡,割据一方。

2. 今操已拥百万之众,挟天子以令诸侯,实为天下之主。

3. 孙权据有江东,已历三世,国险而民富,兵精而将猛,可为援而不可图也。

4. 刘备天下枭雄,其志可嘉,然其器小,难于成大事。

5. 今操虽托名汉室,其实汉贼也。

6. 欲成就霸业,必先取荆州,以制天下。

7. 荆州北据汉川,南带江陵,西连巴蜀,东通武昌,水陆之便,外内之利,实为战略要地。

8. 若得荆州,便可图中原。

9. 荆州之主刘表,老而无能,其子刘琮懦弱无为,可乘虚而入。

10. 孙权亦虎视眈眈,欲图荆州,此为刘表之忧,亦为我之机也。

11. 若能先取荆州,再取益州,则可成鼎足之势。

12. 益州险阻,民风剽悍,难于攻取,但其主刘璋懦弱,可待其内乱之时,乘虚而入。

13. 得益州,则可西和诸戎,南抚夷越,外结孙权,内修政令,以待时势。

14. 如此,则天下三分,鼎足而立,可与曹操作对。

15. 孙权据有江东,地势险要,民心安定,可与之结盟,共抗曹操。

16. 刘备若能据有荆州、益州,则可与孙权联手,形成南北夹击之势,共同抗击曹操。

17. 曹操虽强,但其志不在江南,其兵多为北方之兵,水战不善,难以与孙权抗衡。

18. 刘备若能占据荆州,则可凭借长江天险,抵御曹操的进攻。

19. 孙权若能与刘备联手,则可凭借长江天险,阻挡曹操的南下。

20. 如此,则天下三分,曹、孙、刘鼎足而立,天下可定。

21. 此乃天下之大势,不可不察也。

22. 若能据守荆州、益州,则可与曹操相持,并伺机而动。

23. 荆州乃天下之喉,不可失也。

24. 益州乃天下之腹,不可弃也。

25. 得荆州者得天下,得益州者得西蜀。

26. 刘备若能据守荆州,则可成为南方的霸主。

27. 刘备若能据守益州,则可成为西方的霸主。

28. 刘备若能占据荆州、益州,则可成为天下之主。

29. 孙权若能与刘备联手,则可成为南方的霸主。

30. 孙权若能与刘备联手,则可与曹操抗衡,甚至击败曹操。

31. 孙权若能与刘备联手,则可统一南方,成就霸业。

32. 刘备若能占据荆州,则可与孙权联手,共同抗击曹操,最终成就霸业。

33. 刘备若能占据益州,则可与孙权联手,共同抗击曹操,最终成就霸业。

34. 刘备若能占据荆州、益州,则可与孙权联手,共同抗击曹操,最终成就霸业。

35. 孙权若能与刘备联手,则可与曹操抗衡,甚至击败曹操,最终成就霸业。

36. 此乃天下之大势,不可不察也。

37. 刘备若能占据荆州,则可凭借长江天险,抵御曹操的进攻,并伺机而动。

38. 刘备若能占据益州,则可凭借蜀道之险,抵御曹操的进攻,并伺机而动。

39. 刘备若能占据荆州、益州,则可凭借长江天险和蜀道之险,抵御曹操的进攻,并伺机而动。

40. 孙权若能与刘备联手,则可凭借长江天险,抵御曹操的进攻,并伺机而动。

41. 此乃天下之大势,不可不察也。

42. 刘备若能占据荆州,则可与孙权联手,共同抗击曹操,最终成就霸业。

43. 刘备若能占据益州,则可与孙权联手,共同抗击曹操,最终成就霸业。

44. 刘备若能占据荆州、益州,则可与孙权联手,共同抗击曹操,最终成就霸业。

45. 孙权若能与刘备联手,则可与曹操抗衡,甚至击败曹操,最终成就霸业。

46. 此乃天下之大势,不可不察也。

47. 刘备若能占据荆州,则可成为南方的霸主,并伺机而动。

48. 刘备若能占据益州,则可成为西方的霸主,并伺机而动。

49. 刘备若能占据荆州、益州,则可成为天下的霸主,并伺机而动。

50. 孙权若能与刘备联手,则可成为南方的霸主,并伺机而动。

51. 孙权若能与刘备联手,则可与曹操抗衡,甚至击败曹操,并伺机而动。

52. 孙权若能与刘备联手,则可统一南方,成就霸业,并伺机而动。

53. 刘备若能占据荆州,则可与孙权联手,共同抗击曹操,最终成就霸业,并伺机而动。

54. 刘备若能占据益州,则可与孙权联手,共同抗击曹操,最终成就霸业,并伺机而动。

55. 刘备若能占据荆州、益州,则可与孙权联手,共同抗击曹操,最终成就霸业,并伺机而动。

56. 孙权若能与刘备联手,则可与曹操抗衡,甚至击败曹操,最终成就霸业,并伺机而动。

57. 此乃天下之大势,不可不察也。

58. 刘备若能占据荆州,则可凭借长江天险,抵御曹操的进攻,并伺机而动,最终成就霸业。

59. 刘备若能占据益州,则可凭借蜀道之险,抵御曹操的进攻,并伺机而动,最终成就霸业。

60. 刘备若能占据荆州、益州,则可凭借长江天险和蜀道之险,抵御曹操的进攻,并伺机而动,最终成就霸业。

61. 孙权若能与刘备联手,则可凭借长江天险,抵御曹操的进攻,并伺机而动,最终成就霸业。

62. 此乃天下之大势,不可不察也。

63. 刘备若能占据荆州,则可与孙权联手,共同抗击曹操,最终成就霸业,并伺机而动。

64. 刘备若能占据益州,则可与孙权联手,共同抗击曹操,最终成就霸业,并伺机而动。

65. 刘备若能占据荆州、益州,则可与孙权联手,共同抗击曹操,最终成就霸业,并伺机而动。

66. 孙权若能与刘备联手,则可与曹操抗衡,甚至击败曹操,最终成就霸业,并伺机而动。

67. 此乃天下之大势,不可不察也。

68. 刘备若能占据荆州,则可成为南方的霸主,并伺机而动,最终成就霸业。

69. 刘备若能占据益州,则可成为西方的霸主,并伺机而动,最终成就霸业。

70. 刘备若能占据荆州、益州,则可成为天下的霸主,并伺机而动,最终成就霸业。

71. 孙权若能与刘备联手,则可成为南方的霸主,并伺机而动,最终成就霸业。

72. 孙权若能与刘备联手,则可与曹操抗衡,甚至击败曹操,并伺机而动,最终成就霸业。

73. 孙权若能与刘备联手,则可统一南方,成就霸业,并伺机而动,最终成就霸业。

74. 刘备若能占据荆州,则可与孙权联手,共同抗击曹操,最终成就霸业,并伺机而动。

75. 刘备若能占据益州,则可与孙权联手,共同抗击曹操,最终成就霸业,并伺机而动。

76. 刘备若能占据荆州、益州,则可与孙权联手,共同抗击曹操,最终成就霸业,并伺机而动。


1. Since Dong Zhuo's reign, the world has been in great chaos, with heroes rising up, each controlling their own regions and establishing their own power.

2. Now Cao Cao has an army of a million men, holds the emperor hostage and issues orders to the princes, effectively becoming the ruler of the world.

3. Sun Quan controls Jiangdong, a region that has been ruled by his family for three generations. The land is secure, the people are prosperous, the soldiers are skilled, and the generals are brave. He can be an ally but cannot be attacked.

4. Liu Bei is one of the most prominent heroes in the world, and his ambition is commendable. However, he lacks the capacity and resources to achieve great things.

5. Although Cao Cao claims to represent the Han Dynasty, he is actually a traitor.

6. To achieve a great empire, one must first conquer Jingzhou and use it to control the world.

7. Jingzhou is strategically located, with the Han River to its north, Jiangling to its south, Bashu to its west, and Wuchang to its east. It enjoys advantages in both water and land transportation, both internal and external, making it a crucial strategic location.

8. Once Jingzhou is acquired, one can then aim for the Central Plains.

9. The ruler of Jingzhou, Liu Biao, is old and incompetent, and his son, Liu Cong, is weak and ineffective. This provides an opportunity to exploit their weakness and take over.

10. Sun Quan also has his eyes on Jingzhou, posing a threat to Liu Biao and providing an opportunity for us.

11. If we can conquer Jingzhou first, then conquer Yizhou, we can establish a three-legged stand.

12. Yizhou is a rugged region with a fierce and warlike population, making it difficult to conquer. However, its ruler, Liu Zhang, is weak and cowardly, giving us the chance to strike when internal turmoil arises.

13. Having conquered Yizhou, we can form alliances with the western tribes, subdue the southern barbarians, form a bond with Sun Quan, improve our governance, and wait for the right time.

14. In this way, the world will be divided into three parts, with Cao, Sun, and Liu standing on a three-legged stand, capable of confronting Cao Cao.

15. Sun Quan controls Jiangdong, a region with a strategic location, stable people, and a strong sense of unity. We can form an alliance with him and fight against Cao Cao together.

16. If Liu Bei can secure Jingzhou and Yizhou, he can join forces with Sun Quan, creating a north-south pincer movement to jointly resist Cao Cao.

17. Although Cao Cao is strong, his ambition lies not in the south. Most of his troops are from the north, and they are not skilled in naval warfare, making it difficult for them to confront Sun Quan.

18. If Liu Bei can occupy Jingzhou, he can use the natural defenses of the Yangtze River to withstand Cao Cao's attacks.

19. If Sun Quan joins forces with Liu Bei, they can use the natural defenses of the Yangtze River to prevent Cao Cao's advance south.

20. In this way, the world will be divided into three parts, with Cao, Sun, and Liu standing on a three-legged stand, and the world can be stabilized.

21. This is the grand scheme of the world, and we must pay close attention to it.

22. If we can defend Jingzhou and Yizhou, we can hold our own against Cao Cao and wait for the right opportunity to strike.

23. Jingzhou is the throat of the world, and it must not be lost.

24. Yizhou is the belly of the world, and it must not be abandoned.

25. Whoever controls Jingzhou controls the world, and whoever controls Yizhou controls western Shu.

26. If Liu Bei can defend Jingzhou, he can become the ruler of the south.

27. If Liu Bei can defend Yizhou, he can become the ruler of the west.

28. If Liu Bei can occupy Jingzhou and Yizhou, he can become the ruler of the world.

29. If Sun Quan joins forces with Liu Bei, they can become the rulers of the south.

30. If Sun Quan joins forces with Liu Bei, they can confront Cao Cao and even defeat him.

31. If Sun Quan joins forces with Liu Bei, they can unify the south and establish a great empire.

32. If Liu Bei can occupy Jingzhou, he can join forces with Sun Quan, jointly resist Cao Cao, and eventually establish a great empire.

33. If Liu Bei can occupy Yizhou, he can join forces with Sun Quan, jointly resist Cao Cao, and eventually establish a great empire.

34. If Liu Bei can occupy Jingzhou and Yizhou, he can join forces with Sun Quan, jointly resist Cao Cao, and eventually establish a great empire.

35. If Sun Quan joins forces with Liu Bei, they can confront Cao Cao and even defeat him, and eventually establish a great empire.

36. This is the grand scheme of the world, and we must pay close attention to it.

37. If Liu Bei can occupy Jingzhou, he can use the natural defenses of the Yangtze River to withstand Cao Cao's attacks and wait for the right opportunity to strike.

38. If Liu Bei can occupy Yizhou, he can use the natural defenses of the Shu road to withstand Cao Cao's attacks and wait for the right opportunity to strike.

39. If Liu Bei can occupy Jingzhou and Yizhou, he can use the natural defenses of the Yangtze River and the Shu road to withstand Cao Cao's attacks and wait for the right opportunity to strike.

40. If Sun Quan joins forces with Liu Bei, they can use the natural defenses of the Yangtze River to withstand Cao Cao's attacks and wait for the right opportunity to strike.

41. This is the grand scheme of the world, and we must pay close attention to it.

42. If Liu Bei can occupy Jingzhou, he can join forces with Sun Quan, jointly resist Cao Cao, and eventually establish a great empire.

43. If Liu Bei can occupy Yizhou, he can join forces with Sun Quan, jointly resist Cao Cao, and eventually establish a great empire.

44. If Liu Bei can occupy Jingzhou and Yizhou, he can join forces with Sun Quan, jointly resist Cao Cao, and eventually establish a great empire.

45. If Sun Quan joins forces with Liu Bei, they can confront Cao Cao and even defeat him, and eventually establish a great empire.

46. This is the grand scheme of the world, and we must pay close attention to it.

47. If Liu Bei can occupy Jingzhou, he can become the ruler of the south and wait for the right opportunity to strike.

48. If Liu Bei can occupy Yizhou, he can become the ruler of the west and wait for the right opportunity to strike.

49. If Liu Bei can occupy Jingzhou and Yizhou, he can become the ruler of the world and wait for the right opportunity to strike.

50. If Sun Quan joins forces with Liu Bei, they can become the rulers of the south and wait for the right opportunity to strike.

51. If Sun Quan joins forces with Liu Bei, they can confront Cao Cao and even defeat him and wait for the right opportunity to strike.

52. If Sun Quan joins forces with Liu Bei, they can unify the south, establish a great empire, and wait for the right opportunity to strike.

53. If Liu Bei can occupy Jingzhou, he can join forces with Sun Quan, jointly resist Cao Cao, eventually establish a great empire, and wait for the right opportunity to strike.

54. If Liu Bei can occupy Yizhou, he can join forces with Sun Quan, jointly resist Cao Cao, eventually establish a great empire, and wait for the right opportunity to strike.

55. If Liu Bei can occupy Jingzhou and Yizhou, he can join forces with Sun Quan, jointly resist Cao Cao, eventually establish a great empire, and wait for the right opportunity to strike.

56. If Sun Quan joins forces with Liu Bei, they can confront Cao Cao and even defeat him, eventually establish a great empire, and wait for the right opportunity to strike.

57. This is the grand scheme of the world, and we must pay close attention to it.

58. If Liu Bei can occupy Jingzhou, he can use the natural defenses of the Yangtze River to withstand Cao Cao's attacks, wait for the right opportunity to strike, and eventually establish a great empire.

59. If Liu Bei can occupy Yizhou, he can use the natural defenses of the Shu road to withstand Cao Cao's attacks, wait for the right opportunity to strike, and eventually establish a great empire.

60. If Liu Bei can occupy Jingzhou and Yizhou, he can use the natural defenses of the Yangtze River and the Shu road to withstand Cao Cao's attacks, wait for the right opportunity to strike, and eventually establish a great empire.

61. If Sun Quan joins forces with Liu Bei, they can use the natural defenses of the Yangtze River to withstand Cao Cao's attacks, wait for the right opportunity to strike, and eventually establish a great empire.

62. This is the grand scheme of the world, and we must pay close attention to it.

63. If Liu Bei can occupy Jingzhou, he can join forces with Sun Quan, jointly resist Cao Cao, eventually establish a great empire, and wait for the right opportunity to strike.

64. If Liu Bei can occupy Yizhou, he can join forces with Sun Quan, jointly resist Cao Cao, eventually establish a great empire, and wait for the right opportunity to strike.

65. If Liu Bei can occupy Jingzhou and Yizhou, he can join forces with Sun Quan, jointly resist Cao Cao, eventually establish a great empire, and wait for the right opportunity to strike.

66. If Sun Quan joins forces with Liu Bei, they can confront Cao Cao and even defeat him, eventually establish a great empire, and wait for the right opportunity to strike.

67. This is the grand scheme of the world, and we must pay close attention to it.

68. If Liu Bei can occupy Jingzhou, he can become the ruler of the south, wait for the right opportunity to strike, and eventually establish a great empire.

69. If Liu Bei can occupy Yizhou, he can become the ruler of the west, wait for the right opportunity to strike, and eventually establish a great empire.

70. If Liu Bei can occupy Jingzhou and Yizhou, he can become the ruler of the world, wait for the right opportunity to strike, and eventually establish a great empire.

71. If Sun Quan joins forces with Liu Bei, they can become the rulers of the south, wait for the right opportunity to strike, and eventually establish a great empire.

72. If Sun Quan joins forces with Liu Bei, they can confront Cao Cao and even defeat him, wait for the right opportunity to strike, and eventually establish a great empire.

73. If Sun Quan joins forces with Liu Bei, they can unify the south, establish a great empire, wait for the right opportunity to strike, and eventually establish a great empire.

74. If Liu Bei can occupy Jingzhou, he can join forces with Sun Quan, jointly resist Cao Cao, eventually establish a great empire, wait for the right opportunity to strike, and eventually establish a great empire.

75. If Liu Bei can occupy Yizhou, he can join forces with Sun Quan, jointly resist Cao Cao, eventually establish a great empire, wait for the right opportunity to strike, and eventually establish a great empire.

76. If Liu Bei can occupy Jingzhou and Yizhou, he can join forces with Sun Quan, jointly resist Cao Cao, eventually establish a great empire, wait for the right opportunity to strike, and eventually establish a great empire.

以上就是关于隆中对的重点句子76句(隆中对的重点句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
