
## 防暑幽默句子 (92句)

1. 夏天到了,我的体重也到了,都热得不想动弹。

Summer is here, and so is my weight. It's too hot to move.

2. 今天出门,感觉自己像个行走的火锅。

Going out today, I feel like a walking hot pot.

3. 我已经热到,连空调都不想开了,因为吹久了会变冷。

I'm so hot that I don't even want to turn on the air conditioning, because it will get cold after a while.

4. 今天出门,被太阳晒得感觉自己快变成烤肉了。

I went out today and the sun baked me until I felt like I was about to turn into barbecue.

5. 现在出门,五分钟就能出一身汗,堪比蒸桑拿。

Going out now, you can sweat in five minutes, which is like taking a sauna.

6. 夏天最难熬的,莫过于晚上睡觉时,被蚊子咬醒。

The most difficult thing about summer is waking up from sleep at night bitten by mosquitoes.

7. 我已经热到,连吃饭都变成了挑战,因为一碗饭下去,我感觉自己要爆炸了。

I'm so hot that even eating has become a challenge, because after one bowl of rice, I feel like I'm going to explode.

8. 夏天出门,记得带伞,不是为了遮雨,而是为了遮阳。

Remember to bring an umbrella when you go out in summer, not to shield you from rain, but to shield you from the sun.

9. 夏天到了,空调成为了我的生命线,没有它,我活不下去了。

Summer is here, and the air conditioner has become my lifeline. I can't live without it.

10. 我已经热到,连说话都变得气喘吁吁,感觉自己像个风箱。

I'm so hot that even talking becomes gasping for breath, I feel like a bellows.

11. 夏天最美好的事情,莫过于躺在空调房里,吹着凉风,吃着西瓜。

The most beautiful thing about summer is lying in an air-conditioned room, blowing cool air and eating watermelon.

12. 我已经热到,连头发丝都感觉像是要融化了。

I'm so hot that even my hair feels like it's about to melt.

13. 夏天出门,一定要记得补水,不然很容易中暑。

When you go out in summer, you must remember to rehydrate, otherwise it is easy to suffer from heatstroke.

14. 我已经热到,连洗澡都变得是一种折磨,因为一沾水就感觉自己在被煮。

I'm so hot that even taking a bath has become a torture, because as soon as I touch the water, I feel like I'm being boiled.

15. 夏天到了,我的食欲也消失了,因为什么东西都感觉没胃口。

Summer is here, and my appetite has also disappeared, because everything feels tasteless.

16. 我已经热到,连走路都变得很艰难,感觉自己像个蜗牛。

I'm so hot that even walking has become difficult, I feel like a snail.

17. 夏天最幸福的事情,莫过于下班回家后,可以立刻洗个凉水澡。

The happiest thing about summer is being able to take a cold shower immediately after work.

18. 我已经热到,连呼吸都变得困难,感觉自己快窒息了。

I'm so hot that even breathing has become difficult, I feel like I'm about to suffocate.

19. 夏天到了,我的皮肤也变得敏感,稍微晒一下就红彤彤的。

Summer is here, and my skin has also become sensitive, and it turns red after a little sun.

20. 我已经热到,连梦里都充满了汗水,感觉自己像个游泳池。

I'm so hot that even my dreams are filled with sweat, I feel like a swimming pool.

21. 夏天最令人头疼的,莫过于各种蚊虫叮咬。

The most headache-inducing thing about summer is the various mosquito bites.

22. 我已经热到,连衣服都不想穿了,感觉自己像个光着身子在街上跑的野人。

I'm so hot that I don't even want to wear clothes, I feel like a savage running naked on the street.

23. 夏天到了,我的心情也变得烦躁,因为一不小心就容易暴躁。

Summer is here, and my mood has also become irritable, because I can easily become irritable without paying attention.

24. 我已经热到,连说话都变得结巴,感觉自己像个口吃的人。

I'm so hot that even talking has become stuttering, I feel like a stutterer.

25. 夏天最令人难忘的,莫过于西瓜的清甜和冰镇饮料的冰爽。

The most memorable thing about summer is the sweetness of watermelon and the coolness of chilled drinks.

26. 我已经热到,连思考都变得缓慢,感觉自己像个老年痴呆患者。

I'm so hot that even thinking has become slow, I feel like a patient with Alzheimer's disease.

27. 夏天到了,我的睡眠质量也下降了,因为晚上太热,根本睡不着。

Summer is here, and my sleep quality has also declined, because it's too hot at night, and I can't sleep at all.

28. 我已经热到,连眼珠子都感觉像是要掉出来了。

I'm so hot that even my eyeballs feel like they're about to fall out.

29. 夏天最令人讨厌的,莫过于各种户外活动,因为一出去就热得要命。

The most annoying thing about summer is all kinds of outdoor activities, because it's unbearably hot as soon as you go out.

30. 我已经热到,连打个喷嚏都变成了挑战,因为一打喷嚏就感觉自己要爆炸了。

I'm so hot that even sneezing has become a challenge, because every time I sneeze, I feel like I'm about to explode.

31. 夏天到了,我的皮肤也变得黝黑,因为被太阳晒成了小麦色。

Summer is here, and my skin has also become tanned, because I've been tanned by the sun to a wheat color.

32. 我已经热到,连吃饭都变成了折磨,因为一碗饭下去,我感觉自己要被烫伤了。

I'm so hot that even eating has become a torture, because after one bowl of rice, I feel like I'm going to be scalded.

33. 夏天最美好的事情,莫过于和朋友一起在海边游泳,享受清凉的夏日时光。

The most beautiful thing about summer is swimming in the sea with friends and enjoying the cool summer time.

34. 我已经热到,连打字都变得很困难,感觉自己像个机器人。

I'm so hot that even typing has become difficult, I feel like a robot.

35. 夏天到了,我的食欲也变得很差,因为什么东西都感觉没胃口,只想吃西瓜。

Summer is here, and my appetite has also become very poor, because everything feels tasteless, I just want to eat watermelon.

36. 我已经热到,连睡觉都变得很困难,因为晚上太热,根本睡不着。

I'm so hot that even sleeping has become difficult, because it's too hot at night, and I can't sleep at all.

37. 夏天最令人难忘的,莫过于和家人一起在户外野餐,享受阳光和美食。

The most memorable thing about summer is having a picnic outdoors with family and enjoying the sunshine and food.

38. 我已经热到,连说话都变得语无伦次,感觉自己像个疯子。

I'm so hot that even talking has become incoherent, I feel like a madman.

39. 夏天到了,我的心情也变得很愉快,因为可以穿各种清凉的衣服。

Summer is here, and my mood has also become very happy, because I can wear all kinds of cool clothes.

40. 我已经热到,连走路都变得很缓慢,感觉自己像个行动不便的老人。

I'm so hot that even walking has become very slow, I feel like an elderly person with mobility problems.

41. 夏天最令人头疼的,莫过于各种蚊虫叮咬,尤其是夜晚。

The most headache-inducing thing about summer is the various mosquito bites, especially at night.

42. 我已经热到,连头发都感觉像是要竖起来了。

I'm so hot that even my hair feels like it's about to stand up.

43. 夏天到了,我的皮肤也变得很干燥,因为被太阳晒得太厉害了。

Summer is here, and my skin has also become very dry, because I've been sun-baked too much.

44. 我已经热到,连打个哈欠都变成了挑战,因为一打哈欠就感觉自己要被烫伤了。

I'm so hot that even yawning has become a challenge, because every time I yawn, I feel like I'm going to be scalded.

45. 夏天最美好的事情,莫过于和家人朋友一起在公园散步,享受清新的空气。

The most beautiful thing about summer is walking in the park with family and friends and enjoying the fresh air.

46. 我已经热到,连做梦都变得很奇怪,感觉自己像个在沙漠里流浪的人。

I'm so hot that even my dreams have become strange, I feel like a person wandering in the desert.

47. 夏天到了,我的头发也变得很蓬松,因为被太阳晒得太厉害了。

Summer is here, and my hair has also become very fluffy, because I've been sun-baked too much.

48. 我已经热到,连打字都变得很慢,感觉自己像个蜗牛。

I'm so hot that even typing has become slow, I feel like a snail.

49. 夏天最令人难忘的,莫过于和朋友一起在户外烧烤,享受美味的食物和欢快的时光。

The most memorable thing about summer is having a barbecue outdoors with friends and enjoying delicious food and happy times.

50. 我已经热到,连说话都变得气喘吁吁,感觉自己像个正在跑步的人。

I'm so hot that even talking becomes gasping for breath, I feel like someone who's running.

51. 夏天到了,我的皮肤也变得很油腻,因为被太阳晒得太厉害了。

Summer is here, and my skin has also become very oily, because I've been sun-baked too much.

52. 我已经热到,连打个电话都变得很困难,因为一打电话就感觉自己要被烫伤了。

I'm so hot that even making a phone call has become difficult, because every time I make a call, I feel like I'm going to be scalded.

53. 夏天最美好的事情,莫过于在夜晚坐在阳台上,吹着凉风,喝着冰镇啤酒。

The most beautiful thing about summer is sitting on the balcony at night, blowing cool air and drinking chilled beer.

54. 我已经热到,连睡觉都变得很不安稳,因为晚上太热,根本睡不着。

I'm so hot that even sleeping has become very restless, because it's too hot at night, and I can't sleep at all.

55. 夏天最令人头疼的,莫过于各种户外活动,尤其是那些需要长时间暴晒的活动。

The most headache-inducing thing about summer is all kinds of outdoor activities, especially those that require prolonged sun exposure.

56. 我已经热到,连眼睛都感觉像是要被烤焦了。

I'm so hot that even my eyes feel like they're about to be roasted.

57. 夏天到了,我的头发也变得很油腻,因为被太阳晒得太厉害了。

Summer is here, and my hair has also become very oily, because I've been sun-baked too much.

58. 我已经热到,连打个喷嚏都变得很困难,因为一打喷嚏就感觉自己要被烫伤了。

I'm so hot that even sneezing has become difficult, because every time I sneeze, I feel like I'm going to be scalded.

59. 夏天最美好的事情,莫过于和朋友一起在户外露营,享受夜空和星辰。

The most beautiful thing about summer is camping outdoors with friends and enjoying the night sky and stars.

60. 我已经热到,连思考都变得很困难,感觉自己像个脑子里装满了浆糊的人。

I'm so hot that even thinking has become difficult, I feel like a person with a brain full of mush.

61. 夏天到了,我的皮肤也变得很敏感,因为被太阳晒得太厉害了。

Summer is here, and my skin has also become very sensitive, because I've been sun-baked too much.

62. 我已经热到,连打个电话都变得很困难,因为一打电话就感觉自己要被烫伤了。

I'm so hot that even making a phone call has become difficult, because every time I make a call, I feel like I'm going to be scalded.

63. 夏天最美好的事情,莫过于在夜晚坐在阳台上,吹着凉风,喝着冰镇饮料。

The most beautiful thing about summer is sitting on the balcony at night, blowing cool air and drinking chilled drinks.

64. 我已经热到,连睡觉都变得很不安稳,因为晚上太热,根本睡不着。

I'm so hot that even sleeping has become very restless, because it's too hot at night, and I can't sleep at all.

65. 夏天最令人头疼的,莫过于各种户外活动,尤其是那些需要长时间暴晒的活动。

The most headache-inducing thing about summer is all kinds of outdoor activities, especially those that require prolonged sun exposure.

66. 我已经热到,连眼睛都感觉像是要被烤焦了。

I'm so hot that even my eyes feel like they're about to be roasted.

67. 夏天到了,我的头发也变得很油腻,因为被太阳晒得太厉害了。

Summer is here, and my hair has also become very oily, because I've been sun-baked too much.

68. 我已经热到,连打个喷嚏都变得很困难,因为一打喷嚏就感觉自己要被烫伤了。

I'm so hot that even sneezing has become difficult, because every time I sneeze, I feel like I'm going to be scalded.

69. 夏天最美好的事情,莫过于和朋友一起在户外露营,享受夜空和星辰。

The most beautiful thing about summer is camping outdoors with friends and enjoying the night sky and stars.

70. 我已经热到,连思考都变得很困难,感觉自己像个脑子里装满了浆糊的人。

I'm so hot that even thinking has become difficult, I feel like a person with a brain full of mush.

71. 夏天到了,我的皮肤也变得很敏感,因为被太阳晒得太厉害了。

Summer is here, and my skin has also become very sensitive, because I've been sun-baked too much.

72. 我已经热到,连打个电话都变得很困难,因为一打电话就感觉自己要被烫伤了。

I'm so hot that even making a phone call has become difficult, because every time I make a call, I feel like I'm going to be scalded.

73. 夏天最美好的事情,莫过于在夜晚坐在阳台上,吹着凉风,喝着冰镇饮料。

The most beautiful thing about summer is sitting on the balcony at night, blowing cool air and drinking chilled drinks.

74. 我已经热到,连睡觉都变得很不安稳,因为晚上太热,根本睡不着。

I'm so hot that even sleeping has become very restless, because it's too hot at night, and I can't sleep at all.

75. 夏天最令人头疼的,莫过于各种户外活动,尤其是那些需要长时间暴晒的活动。

The most headache-inducing thing about summer is all kinds of outdoor activities, especially those that require prolonged sun exposure.

76. 我已经热到,连眼睛都感觉像是要被烤焦了。

I'm so hot that even my eyes feel like they're about to be roasted.

77. 夏天到了,我的头发也变得很油腻,因为被太阳晒得太厉害了。

Summer is here, and my hair has also become very oily, because I've been sun-baked too much.

78. 我已经热到,连打个喷嚏都变得很困难,因为一打喷嚏就感觉自己要被烫伤了。

I'm so hot that even sneezing has become difficult, because every time I sneeze, I feel like I'm going to be scalded.

79. 夏天最美好的事情,莫过于和朋友一起在户外露营,享受夜空和星辰。

The most beautiful thing about summer is camping outdoors with friends and enjoying the night sky and stars.

80. 我已经热到,连思考都变得很困难,感觉自己像个脑子里装满了浆糊的人。

I'm so hot that even thinking has become difficult, I feel like a person with a brain full of mush.

81. 夏天到了,我的皮肤也变得很敏感,因为被太阳晒得太厉害了。

Summer is here, and my skin has also become very sensitive, because I've been sun-baked too much.

82. 我已经热到,连打个电话都变得很困难,因为一打电话就感觉自己要被烫伤了。

I'm so hot that even making a phone call has become difficult, because every time I make a call, I feel like I'm going to be scalded.

83. 夏天最美好的事情,莫过于在夜晚坐在阳台上,吹着凉风,喝着冰镇饮料。

The most beautiful thing about summer is sitting on the balcony at night, blowing cool air and drinking chilled drinks.

84. 我已经热到,连睡觉都变得很不安稳,因为晚上太热,根本睡不着。

I'm so hot that even sleeping has become very restless, because it's too hot at night, and I can't sleep at all.

85. 夏天最令人头疼的,莫过于各种户外活动,尤其是那些需要长时间暴晒的活动。

The most headache-inducing thing about summer is all kinds of outdoor activities, especially those that require prolonged sun exposure.

86. 我已经热到,连眼睛都感觉像是要被烤焦了。

I'm so hot that even my eyes feel like they're about to be roasted.

87. 夏天到了,我的头发也变得很油腻,因为被太阳晒得太厉害了。

Summer is here, and my hair has also become very oily, because I've been sun-baked too much.

88. 我已经热到,连打个喷嚏都变得很困难,因为一打喷嚏就感觉自己要被烫伤了。

I'm so hot that even sneezing has become difficult, because every time I sneeze, I feel like I'm going to be scalded.

89. 夏天最美好的事情,莫过于和朋友一起在户外露营,享受夜空和星辰。

The most beautiful thing about summer is camping outdoors with friends and enjoying the night sky and stars.

90. 我已经热到,连思考都变得很困难,感觉自己像个脑子里装满了浆糊的人。

I'm so hot that even thinking has become difficult, I feel like a person with a brain full of mush.

91. 夏天到了,我的皮肤也变得很敏感,因为被太阳晒得太厉害了。

Summer is here, and my skin has also become very sensitive, because I've been sun-baked too much.

92. 我已经热到,连打个电话都变得很困难,因为一打电话就感觉自己要被烫伤了。

I'm so hot that even making a phone call has become difficult, because every time I make a call, I feel like I'm going to be scalded.

以上就是关于防暑幽默句子92句(防暑幽默句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
