
## 防护措施句子 (70 句)


1. 戴口罩可以有效减少病毒传播。

Wearing a mask can effectively reduce virus transmission.

2. 勤洗手,使用肥皂和清水,或使用酒精消毒液。

Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

3. 避免用手触摸眼睛、鼻子和嘴巴。

Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with your hands.

4. 保持社交距离,与他人保持至少一米的距离。

Maintain social distancing, keeping at least one meter away from others.

5. 咳嗽或打喷嚏时,用纸巾或手肘遮住口鼻。

Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow when you cough or sneeze.

6. 保持良好的个人卫生习惯,如洗澡、换衣服等。

Maintain good personal hygiene habits, such as showering and changing clothes.

7. 定期消毒手机、键盘等经常接触的物品。

Disinfect your phone, keyboard, and other frequently touched objects regularly.

8. 避免前往人群密集的场所。

Avoid crowded places.

9. 尽量减少外出,非必要不外出。

Minimize your outings, and avoid going out unless necessary.

10. 尽量避免与有症状的人接触。

Avoid contact with people who are showing symptoms.

11. 保持充足的睡眠和均衡的饮食,增强免疫力。

Get enough sleep and maintain a balanced diet to strengthen your immunity.

12. 保持心情舒畅,避免过度焦虑。

Stay calm and avoid excessive anxiety.

13. 出现疑似症状,及时就医。

Seek medical attention immediately if you experience any suspected symptoms.

14. 坚持接种疫苗,增强抵抗力。

Get vaccinated to enhance your resistance.

15. 关注官方发布的疫情信息,及时了解最新情况。

Pay attention to official announcements about the epidemic situation and stay updated on the latest developments.


16. 定期清洁和消毒家中的门把手、开关、台面等。

Regularly clean and disinfect doorknobs, switches, countertops, and other surfaces in your home.

17. 保持良好的通风,每天开窗通风至少两次。

Maintain good ventilation, opening windows at least twice a day for ventilation.

18. 对空气流通不畅的场所,可使用空气净化器。

For places with poor air circulation, you can use an air purifier.

19. 避免使用共享的餐具和杯子。

Avoid using shared utensils and cups.

20. 尽量减少外出用餐,选择外卖或自取。

Minimize dining out, opting for takeout or pickup.

21. 使用一次性纸巾,避免使用毛巾或手帕。

Use disposable tissues, avoiding towels or handkerchiefs.

22. 对公共场所的座椅、扶手等进行定期消毒。

Regularly disinfect seats, armrests, and other surfaces in public places.

23. 对垃圾进行分类处理,并及时清理。

Sort and dispose of garbage properly, and clean it up promptly.

24. 避免接触动物,尤其是野生动物。

Avoid contact with animals, especially wild animals.

25. 避免在空气流通不畅的场所逗留。

Avoid staying in poorly ventilated areas.

26. 定期清理冰箱,保持食物新鲜。

Clean your refrigerator regularly to keep food fresh.

27. 对餐具进行高温消毒。

Disinfect tableware at high temperatures.

28. 定期对空调进行清洗和消毒。

Regularly clean and disinfect air conditioners.

29. 定期对衣物进行清洗和消毒。

Regularly wash and disinfect clothes.

30. 使用消毒湿巾擦拭手机、键盘等经常接触的物品。

Wipe your phone, keyboard, and other frequently touched objects with disinfecting wipes.


31. 乘坐公共交通工具时,尽量避免与他人接触,保持距离。

When using public transportation, try to avoid contact with others and maintain distance.

32. 乘坐公共交通工具时,尽量选择人少的时段出行。

When using public transportation, try to travel during off-peak hours.

33. 乘坐公共交通工具时,尽量选择靠窗的位置,避免与他人近距离接触。

When using public transportation, try to choose a window seat to avoid close contact with others.

34. 乘坐出租车时,尽量选择正规的出租车公司。

When taking a taxi, try to choose a reputable taxi company.

35. 乘坐出租车时,尽量打开车窗通风。

When taking a taxi, try to open the windows for ventilation.

36. 避免乘坐拥挤的交通工具。

Avoid crowded transportation.

37. 选择步行或骑自行车出行,减少乘坐公共交通工具的机会。

Choose to walk or cycle, reducing the need for public transportation.

38. 外出时,尽量避免乘坐电梯,选择楼梯。

When going out, try to avoid taking the elevator, opting for the stairs.

39. 外出时,尽量选择人少的路线。

When going out, try to choose less crowded routes.

40. 外出时,尽量避免前往人群密集的场所。

When going out, try to avoid crowded places.


41. 保持工作场所的清洁和消毒。

Keep the workplace clean and disinfected.

42. 员工之间保持社交距离,避免聚集。

Maintain social distancing between employees and avoid gatherings.

43. 员工出现疑似症状,应及时居家隔离。

Employees with suspected symptoms should self-isolate immediately.

44. 公司应提供必要的防护物资,如口罩、消毒液等。

Companies should provide necessary protective materials, such as masks and hand sanitizer.

45. 公司应定期对员工进行疫情防控知识培训。

Companies should regularly train employees on epidemic prevention and control knowledge.

46. 员工应定期进行健康监测,并及时报告异常情况。

Employees should regularly monitor their health and report any abnormalities promptly.

47. 尽量减少不必要的会议和活动。

Minimize unnecessary meetings and events.

48. 鼓励员工在家办公。

Encourage employees to work from home.

49. 公司应制定应急预案,并定期演练。

Companies should develop emergency plans and conduct regular drills.

50. 公司应加强与政府部门的沟通协调,及时获取最新疫情信息。

Companies should strengthen communication and coordination with government departments to obtain the latest epidemic information.


51. 老年人、儿童和有基础疾病的人群,应加强防护措施。

Elderly people, children, and those with underlying health conditions should take extra precautions.

52. 老年人应尽量减少外出,避免前往人群密集的场所。

Elderly people should minimize outings and avoid crowded places.

53. 儿童应加强个人卫生习惯,避免用手触摸眼睛、鼻子和嘴巴。

Children should practice good personal hygiene habits, avoiding touching their eyes, nose, and mouth with their hands.

54. 有基础疾病的人群应定期进行体检,并及时就医。

People with underlying health conditions should undergo regular physical examinations and seek medical attention promptly.

55. 孕妇应加强营养,保持良好的身体状态。

Pregnant women should maintain good nutrition and a healthy physical condition.

56. 孕期应避免接触有毒有害物质,如酒精、香烟等。

During pregnancy, avoid contact with toxic and harmful substances, such as alcohol and cigarettes.

57. 哺乳期应注意个人卫生,避免接触有毒有害物质。

During breastfeeding, pay attention to personal hygiene and avoid contact with toxic and harmful substances.

58. 患有慢性病的人群,应严格按照医生的嘱咐服药和进行治疗。

People with chronic diseases should strictly follow the doctor's instructions for medication and treatment.

59. 患有免疫缺陷疾病的人群,应尽量避免前往人群密集的场所。

People with immune deficiency disorders should try to avoid crowded places.

60. 患有精神疾病的人群,应加强心理疏导,避免出现焦虑、抑郁等情绪。

People with mental illness should receive psychological counseling to avoid anxiety, depression, and other emotions.


61. 定期对室内进行消毒,保持室内空气流通。

Regularly disinfect indoor areas and maintain good indoor air circulation.

62. 对公共场所的公共设施进行定期消毒,如电梯按钮、扶手等。

Regularly disinfect public facilities in public places, such as elevator buttons and handrails.

63. 对公共场所的垃圾进行及时清理,并进行消毒处理。

Promptly dispose of garbage in public places and disinfect it.

64. 尽量避免接触公共场所的共享物品,如书本、杂志等。

Try to avoid touching shared items in public places, such as books and magazines.

65. 避免前往疫情风险地区。

Avoid traveling to areas with high epidemic risks.

66. 外出时,尽量选择人少的时段出行,避免与人流拥挤。

When going out, try to travel during off-peak hours to avoid crowds.

67. 外出时,尽量选择人少的路线,避免与人流拥挤。

When going out, try to choose less crowded routes to avoid crowds.

68. 外出时,尽量避免乘坐拥挤的交通工具,选择步行或骑自行车出行。

When going out, try to avoid crowded transportation, opting for walking or cycling.

69. 外出时,尽量避免前往人群密集的场所,如商场、超市等。

When going out, try to avoid crowded places, such as shopping malls and supermarkets.

70. 保持良好的心态,不要过度焦虑,相信政府和医护人员会尽力解决疫情。

Maintain a positive attitude, avoid excessive anxiety, and trust that the government and medical personnel will do their best to resolve the epidemic.

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